Increase PostgreSQL query performance using indices - sql

I have a Rails app on a Postgres database which relies heavily on queries like this:
SELECT DISTINCT client_id FROM orders WHERE>100
I need, essentially, the ids of all the clients who have orders which meet a certain condition. I only need the id, so I figured this is way faster than using joins.
Would I benefit from adding an index to the column "total"? I don't mind insert speed, I just need the query to run extremely fast.

I would expect the following multicolumn index to be fastest:
CREATE INDEX orders_foo_idx ON orders (total DESC, client_id);
PostgreSQL 9.2 could benefit even more. With it's "index-only tuples" feature, it could serve the query without hitting the table under favorable circumstances: no writes since the last VACUUM.
DESC or ASC hardly matters in this case. A B-tree index can be searched in both directions almost equally efficient.

Absolutely. With no index on the total column, this query will require a table scan. With an index on the total column, it will require an index seek and key lookup. This will provide your query with huge performance gains as the size of the table grows.

> I only need the id, so I figured this is way faster than using joins.
True, though I'm not sure why you would consider using joins in the first place in this case.
As cmotley said, you're going to require an index on the total column for this query. However, optimal performance is going to depend on exactly which queries you're running. For example, for this query, with this table structure, the fastest you're going to get is to create an index like so:
CREATE INDEX IX_OrderTotals ON orders (total, client_id)
By including the client_id in the index, you create something called a covered index on the client_id column, so the database engine won't have to look up the row behind the scenes in order to fetch your data.


SQL : Can WHERE clause increase a SELECT DISTINCT query's speed?

So here's the specific situation: I have primary unique indexed keys set to each entry in the database, but each row has a secondID referring to an attribute of the entry, and as such, the secondIDs are not unique. There is also another attribute of these rows, let's call it isTitle, which is NULL by default, but each group of entries with the same secondID have at least one entry with 1 isTitle value.
Considering the conditions above, would a WHERE clause increase the processing speed of the query or not? See the following:
SELECT DISTINCT secondID FROM table WHERE isTitle = 1;
The first query without the WHERE clause is faster, but could someone explain me why? Algorithmically the process should be faster with having only one 'if' in the cycle, no?
In general, to benchmark performances of queries, you usually use queries that gives you the execution plan the query they receive in input (Every small step that the engine is performing to solve your request).
You are not mentioning your database engine (e.g. PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MySQL), but for example in PostgreSQL the query is the following:
Going back to your question, since the isTitle is not indexed, I think the first action the engine will do is a full scan of the table to check that attribute and then perform the SELECT hence, in my opinion, the first query:
will be faster.
If you want to optimize it, you can create an index on isTitle column. In such scenario, the query with the WHERE clause will become faster.
This is a very hard question to answer, particularly without specifying the database. Here are three important considerations:
Will the database engine use the index on secondID for select distinct? Any decent database optimizer should, but that doesn't mean that all do.
How wide is the table relative to the index? That is, is scanning the index really that much faster than scanning the table?
What is the ratio of isTitle = 1 to all rows with the same value of secondId?
For the first query, there are essentially two ways to process the query:
Scan the index, taking each unique value as it comes.
Scan the table, sort or hash the table, and choose the unique values.
If it is not obvious, (1) is much faster than (2), except perhaps in trivial cases where there are a small number of rows.
For the second query, the only real option is:
Scan the table, filter out the non-matching values, sort or hash the table, and choose the unique values.
The key issues here are how much data needs to be scanned and how much is filtered out. It is even possible -- if you had, say, zillions of rows per secondaryId, no additional columns, and small number of values -- that this might be comparable or slightly faster than (1) above. There is a little overhead for scanning an index and sorting a small amount of data is often quite fast.
And, this method is almost certainly faster than (2).
As mentioned in the comments, you should test the queries on your system with your data (use a reasonable amount of data!). Or, update the table statistics and learn to read execution plans.

How do i optimize this query?

I have a very specific query. I tried lots of ways but i couldn't reach the performance i want.
(item_start < 20000 AND item_end > 30000)
i created and index on user_id, item_start, item_end
this didn't work and i dropped all indexes and create new indexes
user_id, (item_start, item_end)
also this didn't work.
(user_id, item_start and item_end are int)
edit: database is MySQL 5.1.44, engine is InnoDB
UPDATE: per your comment below, you need all the columns in the query (hence your SELECT *). If that's the case, you have a few options to maximize query performance:
create (or change) your clustered index to be on item_user_id, item_start, item_end. This will ensure that as few rows as possible are examined for each query. Per my original answer below, this approach may speed up this particular query but may slow down others, so you'll need to be careful.
if it's not practical to change your clustered index, you can create a non-clustered index on item_user_id, item_start, item_end and any other columns your query needs. This will slow down inserts somewhat, and will double the storage required for your table, but will speed up this particular query.
There are always other ways to increase performance (e.g. by reducing the size of each row) but the primary way is to decrease the number of rows which must be accessed and to increase the % of rows which are accessed sequentially rather than randomly. The indexing suggestions above do both.
Without knowing the exact schema or query plan, the main performance problem with this query is that SELECT * forces a lookup back to your clustered index for every row. If there are large numbers of matching rows for a particular user ID and if your clustered index's first column is not item_user_id, then this will likley be a very inefficient operation because your disk will be trying to fetch lots of randomly distributed rows from teh clustered inedx.
In other words, even thouggh filtering the rows you want is fast (because of your index), actually fetching the data is slower. .
If, however, your clustered index is ordered by item_user_id, item_start, item_end then that should speed things up. Note that this is not a panacea, since if you have other queries which depend on different ordering, or if you're inserting rows in a differnet order, you could end up slowing down other queries.
A less impactful solution would be to create a covering index which contains only the columns you want (also ordered by item_user_id, item_start, item_end, and then add the other cols you need). THen change your query to only pull back the cols you need, instead of using SELECT *.
If you could post more info about the DBMS brand and version, and the schema of your table, and we can help with more details.
Do you need to SELECT *?
If not, you can create a index on user_id, item_start, item_end with the fields you need in the SELECT-part as included columns. This all assuming you're using Microsoft SQL Server 2005+

Will I save any time on a INDEX that SELECTs only once?

On DBD::SQLite of SQLite3
If I am going to query a SELECT only once.
Should I CREATE a INDEX first and then query the SELECT
just query the SELECT without an INDEX,
which is faster ?
If need to be specified, the col. to be index on is a INTEGER of undef or 1, just these 2 possibilities.
Building an index takes longer than just doing a table scan. So, if your single query — which you're only running once — is just a table scan, adding an index will be slower.
However, if your single query is not just a table scan, adding the index may be faster. For example, without an index, the database may perform a join as many table scans, once for each joined row. Then the index would probably be faster.
I'd say to benchmark it, but that sounds silly for a one-off query that you're only ever going to run once.
If you consider setting and index on a column that only has two possible values it's not worth the effort as index will give very little improvement. Indexes are useful on a columns that has a high degree of uniqueness and are frequently queried for a certain value or range. On the other hard indexes make inserting and updating slower so in this case you should skip it.

Indexing table with duplicates MySQL/SQL Server with millions of records

I need help in indexing in MySQL.
I have a table in MySQL with following rows:
ID Store_ID Feature_ID Order_ID Viewed_Date Deal_ID IsTrial
The ID is auto generated. Store_ID goes from 1 - 8. Feature_ID from 1 - let's say 100. Viewed Date is Date and time on which the data is inserted. IsTrial is either 0 or 1. You can ignore Order_ID and Deal_ID from this discussion.
There are millions of data in the table and we have a reporting backend that needs to view the number of views in a certain period or overall where trial is 0 for a particular store id and for a particular feature.
The query takes the form of:
select count(viewed_date)
from theTable
where viewed_date between '2009-12-01' and '2010-12-31'
and store_id = '2'
and feature_id = '12'
and Istrial = 0
In SQL Server you can have a filtered index to use for Istrial. Is there anything similar to this in MySQL? Also, Store_ID and Feature_ID have a lot of duplicate data. I created an index using Store_ID and Feature_ID. Although this seems to have decreased the search period, I need better improvement than this. Right now I have more than 4 million rows. To search for a particular query like the one above, it looks at 3.5 million rows in order to give me the count of 500k rows.
PS. I forgot to add view_date filter in the query. Now I have done this.
Well you could expand your index to consist of Store_ID, Feature_ID and IsTrial. You won't get any better than this, performancewise.
My first idea would be an index on (feature_id, store_id, istrial), since feature_id seems to be the column with the highest Shannon entropy. But without knowing the statistics on feature_id i'm not sure. Maybe you should better create two indexes, (store_id, feature_id, istrial) being the other and let the optimizer sort it out. Using all three columns also has the advantage of the database being able to answer your query from the index alone, which should improve performance, too.
But if neither of your columns is selective enough to sufficiently improve index performance, you might have to resort to denormalization by using INSERT/UPDATE triggers to fill a second table (feature_id, store_id, istrial, view_count). This would slow down inserts and updates, of course...
You might want to think about splitting that table horizontally. You could run a nightly job that puts each store_id in a separate table. Or take a look at feature_id, yeah, it's a lot of tables but if you don't need real-time data. It's the route I would take.
If you need to optimize this query specifically in MySQL, why not add istrial to the end of the existing index on Store_ID and Feature_ID. This will completely index away the WHERE clause and will be able to grab the COUNT from the cardinality summary of the index if the table is MyISAM. All of your existing queries that leverage the current index will be unchanged as well.
edit: also, I'm unsure of why you're doing COUNT(viewed_date) instead of COUNT(*)? Is viewed_date ever NULL? If not, you can just use the COUNT(*) which will eliminate the need to go to the .MYD file if you take it in conjunction with my other suggestion.
The best way I found in tackling this problem is to skip DTA's recommendation and do it on my own in the following way:
Use Profiler to find the costliest queries in terms of CPU usage (probably blocking queries) and apply indexes to tables based on those queries. If the query execution plan can be changed to decrease the Read, Writes and overall execution time, then first do that. If not, in which case the query is what it is, then apply clustered/non-clustered index combination to best suit. This depends on the nature of the existing table indexes, the bytes total of columns participating in index, etc.
Run queries in the SSMS to find the most frequently executing queries and do the same as above.
Create a defragmentation schedule in order to either Reorganize or Rebuild indexes depending on how much fragmented they are.
I am pretty sure others can suggest good ideas. Doing these gave me good results. I hope someone can use this help. I think DTA does not really make things faster in terms of indexing because you really need to go through what all indexes it is going to create. This is more true for a database that gets hit a lot.

Indexing nulls for fast searching on DB2

It's my understanding that nulls are not indexable in DB2, so assuming we have a huge table (Sales) with a date column (sold_on) which is normally a date, but is occasionally (10% of the time) null.
Furthermore, let's assume that it's a legacy application that we can't change, so those nulls are staying there and mean something (let's say sales that were returned).
We can make the following query fast by putting an index on the sold_on and total columns
Select * from Sales
Sales.sold_on between date1 and date2
and = 9.99
But an index won't make this query any faster:
Select * from Sales
Sales.sold_on is null
and = 9.99
Because the indexing is done on the value.
Can I index nulls? Maybe by changing the index type? Indexing the indicator column?
From where did you get the impression that DB2 doesn't index NULLs? I can't find anything in documentation or articles supporting the claim. And I just performed a query in a large table using a IS NULL restriction involving an indexed column containing a small fraction of NULLs; in this case, DB2 certainly used the index (verified by an EXPLAIN, and by observing that the database responded instantly instead of spending time to perform a table scan).
So: I claim that DB2 has no problem with NULLs in non-primary key indexes.
But as others have written: Your data may be composed in a way where DB2 thinks that using an index will not be quicker. Or the database's statistics aren't up-to-date for the involved table(s).
I'm no DB2 expert, but if 10% of your values are null, I don't think an index on that column alone will ever help your query. 10% is too many to bother using an index for -- it'll just do a table scan. If you were talking about 2-3%, I think it would actually use your index.
Think about how many records are on a page/block -- say 20. The reason to use an index is to avoid fetching pages you don't need. The odds that a given page will contain 0 records that are null is (90%)^20, or 12%. Those aren't good odds -- you're going to need 88% of your pages to be fetched anyway, using the index isn't very helpful.
If, however, your select clause only included a few columns (and not *) -- say just salesid, you could probably get it to use an index on (sold_on,salesid), as the read of the data page wouldn't be needed -- all the data would be in the index.
The rule of thumb is that an index is useful for values up on to 15% of the records. ... so an index might be useful here.
If DB2 won't index nulls, then I would suggest adding a boolean field, IsSold, and set it to true whenever the sold_on date gets set (this could be done in a trigger).
That's not the nicest solution, but it might be what you need.
Troels is correct; even rows with a SOLD_ON value of NULL will benefit from an index on that column. If you're doing ranged searches on SOLD_ON, you may benefit even more by creating a clustered index that begins with SOLD_ON. In this particular example, it may not require much additional overhead to maintain the clustering order based on SOLD_ON, since newer rows added will most likely have a newer SOLD_ON date.