Will I save any time on a INDEX that SELECTs only once? - sql

On DBD::SQLite of SQLite3
If I am going to query a SELECT only once.
Should I CREATE a INDEX first and then query the SELECT
just query the SELECT without an INDEX,
which is faster ?
If need to be specified, the col. to be index on is a INTEGER of undef or 1, just these 2 possibilities.

Building an index takes longer than just doing a table scan. So, if your single query — which you're only running once — is just a table scan, adding an index will be slower.
However, if your single query is not just a table scan, adding the index may be faster. For example, without an index, the database may perform a join as many table scans, once for each joined row. Then the index would probably be faster.
I'd say to benchmark it, but that sounds silly for a one-off query that you're only ever going to run once.

If you consider setting and index on a column that only has two possible values it's not worth the effort as index will give very little improvement. Indexes are useful on a columns that has a high degree of uniqueness and are frequently queried for a certain value or range. On the other hard indexes make inserting and updating slower so in this case you should skip it.


When isn't it appropriate to use a SQL Index

I was asked a question today on when wouldn't I want to create a SQL Index on a table.
The only thing I can think of is when you don't need one (i.e. a small table). That answer doesn't feel right. Is there a thresh-hold on when I should use an index and when I shouldn't?
When not to create an index on the table, there are lots of things to consider.
First, is that there are a lot of possible indexes you could create. For example, you could create an index containing not only every column in the table, but every permutation of the columns (since column ordering in indexes does matter). This could be a huge number of indexes as your column count gets higher.
Every index comes with a number of things that decrease performance in different ways. For example, they may take memory/disk space from what is available. Probably worse than this though, is the fact that indexes need to be updated when the table underneath it is updated. This means that every insert/update/delete in a table, can trigger an index update. As you have more indexes, that's more indexes to update, which can kill performance on your CUD operations, and can kill your server performance if you are doing these often.
Because of this performance impact, you want to avoid 'useless' indexes. Indexes that are used for every query are typically good, but an index used only once a day for a <1s query is probably useless. It's all a tradeoff in attempting to determine which indexes are useful enough to use and whose performance benefits are greater than the performance hits.
You could answer it with the conter question: When do you need an index?
You need an index, if you want to search for entries, to get your results faster. For example if the column is used in a where clause. Of course you could try index everything, but indexing will cause you to use extra memory/hard disk. So you only index columns you use to find your rows.
What rows MySQL for example is reading while trying to find your rows, you can analyze with the EXPLAIN command.
Does this help?
A rule of thumb is, to drop all indices except the unique index on the primary key, on small tables (less than about 100'000 rows).
Also, it is not appropriate to use an index, if the column is not for search purpose (e.g. the salary of employees).

Indexing and performance Implications of moving small table into big table

I have a table with approximately 2.5 million rows that I am thinking about moving into a much larger table, 35 million rows, with a boolean flag set on the original 2.5 million.
If I wanted to run lots of queries against the 2.5 million records in the new larger table, would adding an index be useful / not cause a full table scan on every query? I know that traditionally indexes aren't helpful in booleans, but since only 7% of the records will be true, I thought it might not require a table scan on every query.
Perhaps look at using a partial index.
From docs
A partial index is an index built over a subset of a table; the subset
is defined by a conditional expression (called the predicate of the
partial index). The index contains entries for only those table rows
that satisfy the predicate.
A major motivation for partial indexes is to avoid indexing common
values. Since a query searching for a common value (one that accounts
for more than a few percent of all the table rows) will not use the
index anyway, there is no point in keeping those rows in the index at
all. This reduces the size of the index, which will speed up queries
that do use the index. It will also speed up many table update
operations because the index does not need to be updated in all cases.
Example 11-1 shows a possible application of this idea.
I would be looking at partitioning, if you have a substantial proportion of the table that you want to access efficiently.
If you do "insert into big select * from small", then all of the rows that came from the small table are likely to be physically close to each other. After analyzing the table, PostgreSQL will know this, and so will probably choose to use the index on the boolean.
But, if there a lot of churn in the rows then eventually the "true" rows and the "false" rows will become all jumbled up, making use of the index less and less effective, and PostgreSQL will stop using it.
By using partitioning/inheritance, you can keep the rows physically separate (to make sequential scanning on just the small set faster) while making them look like a single set of data when you want to.
Depending on the nature of the queries you run, you might also benefit from adding other columns to the index, keeping the boolean column as the first column.

Performance of SQL query with condition vs. without where clause

Which SQL-query will be executed with less time — query with WHERE-clause or without, when:
WHERE-clause deals with indexed field (e.g. primary key field)
WHERE-clause deals with non-indexed field
I suppose when we're working with indexed fields, thus query with WHERE will be faster. Am I right?
As has been mentioned there is no fixed answer to this. It all depends on the particular context. But just for the sake of an answer. Take this simple query:
SELECT first_name FROM people WHERE last_name = 'Smith';
To process this query without an index, every column, last_name must be checked for every row in the table (full table scan).
With an index, you could just follow a B-tree data structure until 'Smith' was found.
With a non index the worst case looks linear (n), whereas with a B-tree it would be log n, hence computationally less expensive.
Not sure what you mean by 'query with WHERE-clause or without', but you're correct that most of the time a query with a WHERE clause on an indexed field with outperform a query whose WHERE clause on a non-indexed field.
One instance where the performance will be the same (ie indexing doesn't matter) is when you run a range based query in your where clause (ie WHERE col1 > x ). This forces a scan of the table, and thus will be the same speed as a range query on a non indexed column.
Really, it depends on the columns you reference in the where clause, the types of data in the columns, the types of queries your running, etc.
It may depend on the type of where clause you are writing. In a simple where clause, it is generally better to have an index on the field you are using (and uindexes can and should be built on more than the PK). However, you have to write a saragble where clause for the index to make any difference. See this question for some guidelines on sarability:
What makes a SQL statement sargable?
There are cases where a where clause on the primary key will be slower.
The simplest is a table with one row. Using the index requires loading both the index and the data page -- two reads. No index cuts the work in half.
That is a degenerate case, but it points to the issue -- the proportion of the rows selected. Or, more accurately, the proportion of pages needed to resolve the query.
When the desired data is on all pages, then using an index slowed things down. For a non primary key, this can be disastrous, when the table is bigger than the page cache and the accesses are random.
Since pages are ordered by a primary key, the worst case is an additional index scan -- not too bad.
Some databases use statistics on tables to decide when to use an index and when to do a full table scan. Some don't.
In short, for low selectivity queries, an index will improve performance. For high selectivity queries, using an index can result in marginally worse performance or dire performance, depending on various factors.
Some of my queries are quite complex and applying a where clause degrading the performance. For the workaround, I used temp tables and then applied where clause on them. This significantly improved the performance. Also, where I had joins especially Left Outer Join, improved the performance.

Do queries make use of more than one index at a time?

If I have a table with an index each on a different column, does the database ever make use of both indexes when executing a query? Additionally, if I have an index on 4 columns, and an additional index on one other column, could a query against all 5 columns make use of this 2nd index, or would it just be a region scan after matching the first index?
If I have a table with an index each on a different column, does the database ever make use of both indexes when executing a query?
If the cost-based query optimizer determines that it's more efficient to use more than one index, yes, it will. If it's more efficient to do a scan (and often it is), then it may not use an index, even if you think it should.
Additionally, if I have an index on 4 columns, and an additional index on one other column, could a query against all 5 columns make use of this 2nd index, or would it just be a region scan after matching the first index?
Again, if the optimizer thinks it's efficient to do so, yes it'll use that other index for the same query. If it determines the cost is higher with the index...it'll ignore it. It all depends on how selective (or rather, how selective the optimizer thinks it is, based off the latest statistics) as to whether it'll use the index. If it's not selective (won't narrow down the results much), it'll likely ignore it.
It depends on the optimizer and the query, but optimizers relatively seldom use two separate indexes on a single table in a single query. It is perfectly feasible to construct examples where they could, possibly even should - and some may actually do so. Consider:
A UNION query where the separate terms have filters on different columns (but a table scan may be as effective)
A self-join where the separate sides of the self-join have the different filters.
However, be wary of accusing the optimizer of not being efficient - there may still be advantages to resolving the query by other methods.
To answer your 'index on 4 columns' questions: it is rather unlikely. In this scenario, it is likely that the 4-column index provides good selectivity and the query is most easily resolved by applying the extra filter condition to the rows retrieved by the index scan. (Note that the answer might be different depending on whether the extra condition is connected to the other by AND (as I assumed) or OR (where using the second index might be useful).
It depends upon the queries emitted against those tables, the size of the tables and the selectivity of the data in the columns indexed.
The optimizer uses statistics to determine whether using an index will be beneficial.
1.IF I have a table with an index each on a different column, does the database ever make use of both indexes when executing a query?
It certainly can, for example if you have the table
id (index1)
date (index2) )
and the table
employee_id (index3)
date (index 4)
If you do the query:
from EMPLOYEE, TASKS where
EMPLOYEE.id=employee_id and
this will list all the tasks of each employee in each day and user index1 and index2 along with index4 and index3. Which will take much more time if I where lacking either index1 or index2.
2.if I have an index on 4 columns, and an additional index on one other column, could a query against all 5 columns make use of this 2nd index, or would it just be a region scan after matching the first index?
Of course it can be done, but the query should include joins on both the 4 column index and also the single column index.

How do i optimize this query?

I have a very specific query. I tried lots of ways but i couldn't reach the performance i want.
(item_start < 20000 AND item_end > 30000)
i created and index on user_id, item_start, item_end
this didn't work and i dropped all indexes and create new indexes
user_id, (item_start, item_end)
also this didn't work.
(user_id, item_start and item_end are int)
edit: database is MySQL 5.1.44, engine is InnoDB
UPDATE: per your comment below, you need all the columns in the query (hence your SELECT *). If that's the case, you have a few options to maximize query performance:
create (or change) your clustered index to be on item_user_id, item_start, item_end. This will ensure that as few rows as possible are examined for each query. Per my original answer below, this approach may speed up this particular query but may slow down others, so you'll need to be careful.
if it's not practical to change your clustered index, you can create a non-clustered index on item_user_id, item_start, item_end and any other columns your query needs. This will slow down inserts somewhat, and will double the storage required for your table, but will speed up this particular query.
There are always other ways to increase performance (e.g. by reducing the size of each row) but the primary way is to decrease the number of rows which must be accessed and to increase the % of rows which are accessed sequentially rather than randomly. The indexing suggestions above do both.
Without knowing the exact schema or query plan, the main performance problem with this query is that SELECT * forces a lookup back to your clustered index for every row. If there are large numbers of matching rows for a particular user ID and if your clustered index's first column is not item_user_id, then this will likley be a very inefficient operation because your disk will be trying to fetch lots of randomly distributed rows from teh clustered inedx.
In other words, even thouggh filtering the rows you want is fast (because of your index), actually fetching the data is slower. .
If, however, your clustered index is ordered by item_user_id, item_start, item_end then that should speed things up. Note that this is not a panacea, since if you have other queries which depend on different ordering, or if you're inserting rows in a differnet order, you could end up slowing down other queries.
A less impactful solution would be to create a covering index which contains only the columns you want (also ordered by item_user_id, item_start, item_end, and then add the other cols you need). THen change your query to only pull back the cols you need, instead of using SELECT *.
If you could post more info about the DBMS brand and version, and the schema of your table, and we can help with more details.
Do you need to SELECT *?
If not, you can create a index on user_id, item_start, item_end with the fields you need in the SELECT-part as included columns. This all assuming you're using Microsoft SQL Server 2005+