Rotate View which is insider another View - objective-c

Today, when implementing my program i get a problem.
I have three types of views (small view). From them i make another view. (Templates)
When full view I add to viewcontroller.
As i think, willAnimateToRotation... For small views will not work correctly, because they are inside template. And template inside ViewController.
When app rotates i need to change frames for small views.
What should i do? How to perform frame change in rotation?
Views are adding to template with addSubview and template to VC also. I pass data to small view from template.

I'd translate this as a ViewController containment problem. You need to forward the rotation messages throughout your view hierarchy, otherwise it'll never reach your small views.
Best thing to do is to look at the documentation here:
Go to the "Implementing a Container View Controller" sub-heading for a description and the "Managing Child View Controllers" sub-heading for relevant code.


View Controller Management in IOS

I need help with my control viewers in Xcode. In my storyboard, I created a navigation view controller. In which I created one view controller as my root view and added several objects in it.
Now in the general way, I'm trying to Ctrl + drag Element onto my View Controller. It doesn't show any Blue line like it is supposed to so.
Also I wish I can get some explanation or tutorials describing the method of creating views and controllers and linking them.
This is great tutorial to understand storyboards(single view for all the views in application) and Segues (transition between views). Go through both parts.

Custom segue that 'finishes' early?

I'm looking to implement a custom segue that pushes to a UIViewController, but completes before the new UIViewController fully fills the screen, leaving some of the source view controller still in view and functional. (For example; new view controller covers half of the user interface).
I'm keen to use a segue rather than a view that is moved using CGRect, Quartz framework method, or similar, as constraints get messy really easily, unless a custom segue could utilise such methods(?)
Any pointers greatly welcomed! :)
For this task you would use a container view controller, which manages and displays the content of multiple other view controllers at a time while letting them interact with their views like normal. An example of this would be the UISplitViewController, which displays two view controllers' views at a time, one on each side of the screen. You can design segues that swap out one view controller of the multiple on display in a container view controller, similarly to the Replace Segue implemented by Apple to swap out a UISplitViewController's detail view controller (the one on the right hand side).

UIScrollView longer than VC

I've been working with some UIScrollView objects that are longer than the view controllers they are contained by (this is in storyboard). Right now if I want to move objects that aren't initially shown I have to resize both the view controller and the scroll view. I also have to do this to add new objects to an initially non-displayed area. I know that I can do these things with the dimension inspector, but if I do that I can't tell what the layout looks like.
Is there another way to do this? I haven't been able to find a way to make the scroll view "scroll" inside of storyboard/IB. And it's kind of a pain to do layout this way.

Change view of detail pane on UISplitViewController

I am working on an app to try and learn a bit more about the cocoa touch framework and am starting to use the UISplitViewController. From what I have learned so far, this has a property called viewControllers that is an array containing the master and detail view controllers for the app.
What I am trying to set up is a folder navigation system in the masterVC, then when a specific file is selected, it is opened in the detailVC. I have got the folder navigation working and can pass the details of the files between the two view controllers.
My problem is that there are several types of files that require different views to display them correctly.
For example a jpeg image will have an image viewer, whereas an html document will have a web view and a txt document will require a text editor view.
What is the best way to change the view controller of the detail pane?
Am I better to have a single View controller and swap different views in and out depending on the file type? Or is there a way to completely remove the viewcontroller and add the appropriate one in its place?
I would think you should use multiple view controllers. There's bound to be a lot of logic in each of these individual view controllers you mentioned that should be properly contained within its own view controller.
As for displaying the appropriate view controller, you can easily add a view of a UIViewController to any UIViewControllers view, by doing: [self.view addSubview:myTextEditorVC.view]. So in other words, your detailVC could handle the logic of knowing which type of UIViewController it needs to display, instantiate that UIViewController, and display its view within the detailVC's view.
Hope this helps!
You should be swapping out different view controllers. In Xcode 6, you can use a "Show Detail" segue from the master to point to a different navigation controller that contains your different detail view.
Here's an quick example.

Is it wise to "nest" UIViewControllers inside other UIViewControllers like you would UIViews?

I've got a fairly complex view, for me anyway, that has a few "trays" with custom interface items on them. They slide in and out of my root view. I'd like to nest (addSubview) the items inside the view. Each needs some setup before being displayed...and none can be configured in IB (they're subclasses of UIView).
I'm wondering if it makes sense to subclass UIViewController for each "tray" and then have the VC's view property point to the "tray" view which I can populate with my custom UIView objects. This way I can leverage the viewDidLoad, etc... methods in UIViewController.
I'm not aware of others doing this - at least in the few samples I've looked at. It would create a situation where there would be multiple view controllers being displayed on the screen at once. from the Navigation controller itself on down to the rootViewController and its view and then any number (well, screen size permitting) of these small trayViewControllers. If so, how's the responder chain work? i assume it'd go from lowest UIView to its enclosing VC, then to that VC's parent view, then that view's VC, etc. etc. repeat, repeat.. up to UIApplication... am I asking for trouble?
OR, do I just stick with UIViews and adding subviews into subviews, etc. etc..
Prior to iOS 5.0 this will specifically not recommended because the nested view controllers' lifecycle events – viewWillAppear, etc. – won't be called. See Abusing UIViewControllers.
With multiple UIViewController’s views visible at once some of those controllers may not receive important messages like -viewWillAppear: or -didReceiveMemoryWarning. Additionally some of their properties like parentViewController and interfaceOrientation may not be set or updated as expected.
iOS 5.0 added containment UIViewControllers that correctly handles those lifecycle events by adding child view controllers.
- (void)addChildViewController:(UIViewController *)childController
I spent countless hours trying to get nested view controllers to work in iOS 4. I eventually did, but it required a lot of glue code that was easy to get wrong. Then I saw the warning in the docs.
I'm trying to do the same thing, but was dissuaded from your approach by Apple's documentation, which states that "You should not use view controllers to manage views that fill only a part of their window—that is, only part of the area defined by the application content rectangle. If you want to have an interface composed of several smaller views, embed them all in a single root view and manage that view with your view controller."
My experience on what you are trying to do has been a good one. I try to keep nib files as simple as possible, so I take any posible "subview" and encapsulate it in its own nib file with it's own view controller, therefore I end up having nested view controllers.
In one of my apps I have a very complex table view cell, that has a subview. So I ended up having a hierarchy that goes like this: the tableview controller on the top level, the tableviewcell's controllers for each row and inside each of these a subviewcontroller for the subview inside each cell.
And everything works fine.
Pardon my english.