UIScrollView longer than VC - objective-c

I've been working with some UIScrollView objects that are longer than the view controllers they are contained by (this is in storyboard). Right now if I want to move objects that aren't initially shown I have to resize both the view controller and the scroll view. I also have to do this to add new objects to an initially non-displayed area. I know that I can do these things with the dimension inspector, but if I do that I can't tell what the layout looks like.
Is there another way to do this? I haven't been able to find a way to make the scroll view "scroll" inside of storyboard/IB. And it's kind of a pain to do layout this way.


why IB sometimes doesn't add a subview to a view controller

Sometimes IB simply doesn't allow you to add a view as a subview to a UIViewController as illustrated here
If I drag a UIViewController from the object library and try to embed it within Mailbox View Controller.. it doesn't highlight, however it would work fine if I try to add it to the generic View Controller at the bottom (can the fact that Mailbox View Controller have a Customer Class MailboxViewController have anything to do with it?)
I'm pretty sure I can do this programmatically (which is what I'll try next) but I was wondering if there was a reason for this (and if there was a way around it).
this is what i'm trying to accomplish: I was following the steps here to implement a segmented view controller below search bar like in the iphone mail app.. however I kept on getting an error saying that a view can only belong to one view controller at a time.. So what I'm trying to do is basically create a separate viewcontroller, reference it from MailboxViewController as an outlet, make the containing view of my search area the view of this new view controller (this is where i'm getting stuck) and finally make the searchContentsController property of UISearchDisplayController refer to the view of this new view controller. (if this sounds confusing, which I know it does, please refer to this answer)
From your screenshot, the view property of your mailbox view controller is a table view.
A table view in interface builder won't support the dropping of arbitrary views onto it as subviews - where would it put them at runtime? In IB the table has no content, it just has that visual representation of cells to let you know what it is.
You haven't said what you are trying to set up so I can't offer any additional help. Adding a subview programmatically to a table view probably won't give you the effect you're after either - a table view is a UIScrollView subclass, so your new view will either move off screen or get covered up by the table view adding cells.

Rotate View which is insider another View

Today, when implementing my program i get a problem.
I have three types of views (small view). From them i make another view. (Templates)
When full view I add to viewcontroller.
As i think, willAnimateToRotation... For small views will not work correctly, because they are inside template. And template inside ViewController.
When app rotates i need to change frames for small views.
What should i do? How to perform frame change in rotation?
Views are adding to template with addSubview and template to VC also. I pass data to small view from template.
I'd translate this as a ViewController containment problem. You need to forward the rotation messages throughout your view hierarchy, otherwise it'll never reach your small views.
Best thing to do is to look at the documentation here:
Go to the "Implementing a Container View Controller" sub-heading for a description and the "Managing Child View Controllers" sub-heading for relevant code.

What is the proper way to deal with changing a single UIView within a storyboard scene

Lets say I have a scene which includes a UIView container on the top half of the screen, and a UIView container on the bottom half of the screen and a few buttons at the very bottom of the screen.
Basically the bottom container will always display static text while the buttons across the bottom will change the content of the top container which may include an image, more buttons, or more text depending on what button is pressed on the bottom. Also each time a bottom button is pressed the top container is transitioned to the new view with a flip from bottom transition.
I have achieved this purely programmatically, but decided to convert my app to a storyboard file since it makes producing the rest of my app much faster and simpler, plus makes the code not look like a crazy mess.
My limited understanding of storyboards seems to deduce that I would need a separate story board scene for every UIView change, and Apple's coding conventions with storyboards seem to imply that we should use a new ViewController every time you create a new scene. All this adds up to an even bigger mess than I currently have.
Is there a better way of doing this? Am I misunderstanding something? If I am not confused, is there some way to make all these scene and view controller duplication cleaner?
The storyboard editor makes it difficult to do what you're describing, because it doesn't let you edit freestanding views associated with a scene.
I suggest you just create a separate nib (not storyboard) for each of the top-half views. These can exist separate from your storyboard. Your view controller (which is instantiated from the storyboard) can then load whichever nib it needs when a button is pressed, and put the view from the nib into its (the view controller's) top-level view.
There must be a way!
I accidentally opened one one day (see attached image). Although I have no idea how I did it and really really want to know, I cannot reproduce it, nor close it. The UIView opened when I was dragging my connection for the table header view from the Connections Inspector to the list of controls on the left side of the screen (not to the actual UIViewController).
I too am reworking a project with storyboards and have a similar problem with multiple views per UIViewController.
In this case it is a table header. I have other UIViewControllers in the project with the same configuration but I cannot get them to pop up either.

how do you resize (visually, not programmatically) the detail view of a UISplitViewController in a storyboard?

In IOS5, with storyboards, suppose you have a UISplitViewController, which has some views that are set up as its master and detail views as normal. One of the detail views is set up as the initial detail view controller for the UISplitViewController, and thus its size, in the storyboard, is that of a normal detail view. Other detail views segue from this detail view, and because of the segue relationship, are also sized as normal detail views.
And, of course, they all dynamically resize when you change the device's orientation. So far so good.
Now suppose you add another UIViewController, which you are intending on using as the detail view for the UISplitView. In this case, however, you will be programmatically making it the detail view, instead of using a "replace" segue.
On the storyboard, this view will be full-sized, i.e. it will not look as though it is a detail view. This makes laying out the interface in the storyboard a problem.
In the attached screenshot, you can see that the view on the far right is a full-size view. I want to make it detail view sized in the storyboard.
How is this done? I've tried various combinations of sizes and options in the attributes inspector, but nothing seems to have much effect. The obvious choice would be "Size: Detail" in the "Simulated Metrics" section of the attributes inspector, but this appears to do nothing.
If I understand your question (resizing a viewController), I've done it through selecting Freeform in the Size box, then clicking on the view and setting its size through the Inspector.
fwiw - I haven't found a way to resize things like nav or tab controllers.
EDIT: After selecting "Freeform", click on the View, then set the size in the Identity Inspector tab as shown below (don't know tab name)

Alternating between several NSViews

What I need may be pretty basic, but I'm definitely not sure as to how to proceed (I've done that before but none of my choices seem that Cocoa-friendly).
Ok, let's say we've got 2 NSViews - one next to the other:
The one on the left serves as a menu.
The one on the right will show a NSView (from a different XIB perhaps?) depending on the selection on the menu.
My questions :
How should I go about loading the different NSViews into the rightmost NSView?
How do I make sure that the subview (the one currently active) is properly resized when the window is resized?
rdelmar's solution should work, but another approach, which may be simpler, is to use an NSTabView to handle switching between the content views. You can hide NSTabView's tabs using the settings pane in interface builder, or by calling [self.tabView setTabViewType:NSNoTabsNoBorder]. I'd probably use a table view for the left side. When the user selects a row, you do something like:
-(void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
[self.tabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex:[self.menuTableView selectedRow]];
The NSTabView can/will take care of properly resizing its content views as long as you've set up its and its content views' autoresizing masks (springs and struts) properly.
You should be able to create a custom view in IB that looks like your yellow view, and set its resizing behavior to expand in both directions with window resizing. Then, when you get your new view (by just referencing one you already have or loading a new xib), add it as a subview of the custom view, and set its frame to that of the custom view. I think that views resize their subviews by default, so it should resize correctly with the custom view.