Selecting timestamp records in postgres [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How do I select records in Postgres that have hour values greater than 00:00:00? The field type is Timestamp with time zone.
Example record:
"2012-07-30 07:00:00-07"
I need everything that is greater than 00:00:00

Use extract(hour from ...). See the PostgreSQL date/time functions in the user manual.
CREATE TABLE test AS SELECT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2012-07-30 07:00:00-07' AS tstamp;
SELECT tstamp FROM test WHERE extract(hour from tstamp) > 0;


Convert String Date to Unix TimeStamp Sqlite3 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've to copy a column in another column, but the result is that only the first row is copied and put in all the rows of the other column
I'm trying to execute this query:
UPDATE gdf_storico Set Data = (SELECT Giorno FROM timestamp)
But that stores the same date in all columns
In SQLite, you can use strftime() with modifier '%s' to convert a date to an epoch timestamp:
select datecol, strftime('%s', datecol) as unix_ts
from mytable

How to determine future date [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Knowing a user's date of birth, how can I determine the date they will reach a certain age?
I can calculate current age, but need to determine when, based on that calculation, to get the date of when they will turn a certain age, such as what date they will turn 18.
FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(TRUNC(sysdate), v.date_of_birth) / 12) age
You can use add_months function:
select add_months(birthdate, 12 * age) from t

Select data by month [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I Need help to select a number of data per month, there are 4 retailers and I need to select a total of transactions per month and the total amount for that month showing each month separately in sql.
Extract the month from the date and group by it. Then you can use aggregate functions to sum and count
select month(date_column),
sum(amount) as total_amount,
count(*) as transaction_count
from your_table
group by month(date_column)

Display bookings for first of every month [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to display hotel bookings from the 1st of every month.
Hotel (hotelNo,hotelName,hotelAddress)
Room (hotelNo,roomNo,type,price)
Guest (guestNo,guestName,guestAddress)
Booking (hotelNo,guestNo,dateFrom,dateTo,roomNo)
Here's what I have so far. Obviously it isn't working. How do I select the first of any given month?
SELECT hotelNo, dateFrom
FROM booking
WHERE datefrom >= to_date('01', 'dd');
If you want records that are on the first day of any month, then you can EXTRACT the day part of the date and compare it with 1:
SELECT hotelNo, dateFrom
FROM booking

I dont know sql syntax for my table [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a table
101_____8 ____________2012/03/01
101_____3 ____________2012/03/01
I want to select all records for last 3 months(it is different last paydate for every ID) and where credit < 10
can someone help me with this??
thx and regards
You could use the DATEADD function to get the desired result:
FROM table
WHERE paydate >= DATEADD(month, -3, GETDATE())
AND credit < 10