Connecting with google books api [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm working on a class project and since I'm new to web APIs on Android, I've asked around looking for a sample Google books Intent that I can use in my android project. I even tried using JSON but have no clue as to how to go on. I'll love it if anyone can help me with a sample google code android class to just fetch content using uri.

you must register to google API and get API key
in services link => ON Books API
in API Access link => under Simple API Access get API KEY
And follow this instructions
ex:{your api key}


How can i get hold on skyscanner API? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm building a platform and i would like to use Skyscanner API, however i've been sending emails for the last couple months requesting the API access and no answer until now. Anyone has a better way to communicate with Skyscanner API team? Thanks in advance.
Try RapidAPI's SkyScanner integration.
You can use the Skyscanner API on RapidAPI Hub. It has a lot of endpoints that you can test and connect to. RapidAPI support team is also very active so that you can pass your request to them. They have up-to-date API there, and everything is working as expected.

Browsable API in Laravel 5? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there an equivalent to Django REST Framework in Laravel 5 on this subject? It would be nice if there was a tool that generates pages in which the client can navigate through the api tree and where I can test my api endpoints without writing front-end code for each of them.
Swagger will help you out here. It's not quite as automagical as what Django REST Framework gives you unfortunately and you have to write the documentation for your API endpoints yourself.
Here's a good introduction to working with Swagger in a Laravel app. You should also consider adding Swaggervel into your project as this takes out some of the leg work of tying Swagger support into your app.

Is there API to access "new" My Maps in Google Maps Engine Lite [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've been using "classic" My Maps because they had API go access all Maps and their data. But recently I have received an email telling me that all maps will be migrated soon to the new "Google Engine Lite" "My Maps". In fact, my apps have stop working because the previous APIs don't work anymore.
I've been looking for the equivalent API for the maps without any luck.
I have a test application that can use OAuth to access my "new" maps. But, when listing maps just those created with the new "Maps Engine" show up. Not any of the "My Maps" do.
It's critical for me to know if there is any equivalent API for the new "My Maps". Any help would be appreciated.
There is no API for Google MyMaps (formerly Maps Engine Lite) at this time. Vote up this feature request if you want to see it happen.

DND number checking API [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to check if a mobile number is registered or not in the Do Not Disturb (DND) registry from my web application.
Is there API to check whether a mobile number is registered or not?
Try Free DND check
It give you JSON output
I found it at
You can check if a number is registered for DND using an api at . You need to register to get an api key. But it is free.
There is also another API that doesn't require registration. It can be found at
While it is not free, there is the Data 24-7 service, which does have an API. Here is the link to their site:
Data 24-7 website

Where can I find my Yahoo Developer API key(s)? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I just registered for a yahoo developer API key. They did not e-mail me a link to it or information. It has been approved, but I can't figure out where to view the resulting API. All links with google seem to point to the application page, again.
Where the heck can I find my API key?!
ps: I hate you, Yahoo.
I found the answer:
Visit the "My Projects Page" at and click on the project you want the API key for.
When you request the API itself it must be
Yes, there is no link or shortcut visible there to view already approved API.
But I found this, just add ?view to view API you had.
just like this
Hope it helps