VB.Net Differences between some functions - vb.net

I've searched but couldn't find anything about.
I want to know the difference between:
Hex() and Hex$()
CInt() and Convert.ToInt32() -Using One or the other has changed the result of some values inside my application, and i want to know when use one or the other.
Thank you

In VB.NET there is no real difference between Hex() and Hex$() - they both call the same function. The dollar sign just states that the function will return a string (which it already does). There used to be a distinction in the old VB, but that's long gone now.
There are subtle differences between CInt () and Convert.ToInt32 () / Int32.Parse (), here is a very good post about this. Personally I use either CInt or Int32.Parse depending on the input - the former for numeric conversions (Long to Integer for instance, as the post explains CInt is substantially faster in this case), and the latter for string conversions ("123" to Integer, because it's easier to specify culture/formatting options).

Hex() returns a variant (of VarType String) and Hex$() returns a true String.
Source: http://forums.codeguru.com/showthread.php?18417-hex-hex
CInt() is deprecated. Int32.Parse() is the preferred method.
Source: http://forums.asp.net/p/681608/681796.aspx


IsNumeric() allowing minus at last of the values

I am using IsNumeric() function in my code to validate numbers.
IsNumeric(100) - true,
IsNumeric(-100) - true,
IsNumeric(+100) - true,
IsNumeric(100-) - true - I have doubt in this. (100-) Is this a valid number? IsNumeric () returns true to this value.
Dim latitude As String = "12.56346-"
If IsNumeric(latitude) Then
If (Convert.ToDouble(latitude) >= -90 And Convert.ToDouble(latitude) <= 90) Then
isValidLatitude.Text = "true"
isValidLatitude.Text = "false"
End If
isValidLatitude.Text = "false"
End If
Error while converting latitude to double
Input string was not in a correct format.
IsNumeric is from the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace/dll, a bunch of helper stuff intended to help VB6 programmers get their arcane VB6 code /knowledge working on VB.NET
You'll note if you use other functions from the same dll such as Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Int(), or you use dedicated VB.NET converters such as CInt or CDbl these will also cope with a trailing minus sign and return a negative value
If you want to dispense with the old ways of VB6, use a numeric type's TryParse.. but all in, be consistent / if you use a function from Microsoft.VisualBasic to determine if a conversion can be made, use the vb conversion because within itself the package will be consistent but between Microsoft.VB and normal .net System there are some differences in behavior
A couple of people have been wondering about the source code and how it uses TryParse, so why doesn't it work like using TryParse directly?
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric() uses Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DoubleType.TryParse() to determine whether an expression is numeric. This DoubleType.TryParse is not the same as Double.TryParse - it is a helper method again in the VB namespace that specifically sets the NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign flag among many other flags. When parsing the number (first as non currency related, using Double.Parse, then if it fails a second attempt is made using adjusted values for currency related tests) this AllowTrailingSign flag will be considered in conjunction with other regional number formatting rules in determining if the passed in value is numeric
You'll note that on a machine obeying a USA number formatting culture, a string of "(100$)" is also declared to be numeric but calling Double.TryParse("(100$)", x) will also return false. The VB helper methods here are being a lot more liberal in what they accept than the System methods, because they're telling the System methods to be more liberal than they are by default
As noted, I've always regarded the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace as a bunch of helper methods intended to allow terrible old VB6 code to be pasted into VB.NET and work with minimal fiddling. I wouldn't advocate using it for new projects and I remove the reference when I work on VB.NET - using it to support the VB6 notions of "just sling anything in, of any type, and it'll probably figure it out and work.. and if it doesn't we can always on error resume next" should be discarded in favour of precise and accurate about the operations executed and their intent
Note: my previous answers were wrong about assuming it was a bug. As the answer of #Damien_The_Unbeliever states, this function tries to validate the string as a lot of data types. And actually, the value "100-" is a valid Decimal number. That's why it returns true (as it's a "valid" Decimal) but gives a exception when converting to Double (as it's not a valid Double). #Damien_The_Unbeliever really deserves your +1 for pointing that.
From the documentation (showing all the data types that IsNumeric tries to validate):
IsNumeric returns True if the data type of Expression is Boolean, Byte, Decimal, Double, Integer, Long, SByte, Short, Single, UInteger, ULong, or UShort. It also returns True if Expression is a Char, String, or Object that can be successfully converted to a number. Expression can contain non-numeric characters. IsNumeric returns True if Expression is a string that contains a valid hexadecimal or octal number. IsNumeric also returns True if Expression contains a valid numeric expression that begins with a + or - character or contains commas.
Also, #CaiusJard did a nice search and pointed out that inner methods use a NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign option, which allows this behavior.
Ok, now to the solution:
Just use a TryParse method, from your desired data type (int, long, etc...). The cool thing is that it'll behaves exactly as you expect, and if the parsing is successful, we have the parsed value already available to use!
if (Int32.TryParse(value, out int number))
// String is a valid number, and is already parsed in the 'number' variable!
// String is not a valid number!
Solution's VB.Net version:
Dim value As String = "12.56346-"
Dim number As Double = 0
If Double.TryParse(value, number) Then
' String is a valid number, and is already parsed in the "number" variable!
isValidLatitude.Text = "true"
' String is not a valid number!
isValidLatitude.Text = "false"
End If
IsNumeric answers a question no sane person wants to ask. As quoted by Vitox's answer:
IsNumeric returns True if the data type of Expression is Boolean, Byte, Decimal, Double, Integer, Long, SByte, Short, Single, UInteger, ULong, or UShort. It also returns True if Expression is a Char, String, or Object that can be successfully converted to a number.
Note, it doesn't tell you that the given string can be converted to all numeric types. It tells you that the string can be converted to at least one numeric type. And for bonus bad style points, of course, it doesn't tell you which types the string can be converted to.
Decimal.Parse("100-") will execute perfectly well and give you a Decimal containing a value of -100.
So, it's not a bug, it's a bad function that has been retained for backwards compatibility reasons. Nowadays, we know better, and that we want to test whether a string can be converted to a specific data type, for which the TryParse family of functions have been designed.

Cleanest way to convert a `Double` or `Single` to `Integer`, without rounding

Converting a floating-point number to an integer using either CInt or CType will cause the value of that number to be rounded. The Int function and Math.Floor may be used to convert a floating-point number to a whole number, rounding toward negative infinity, but both functions return floating-point values which cannot be implicitly used as Integer values without a cast.
Is there a concise and idiomatic alternative to IntVar = CInt(Int(FloatingPointVar));? Pascal included Round and Trunc functions which returned Integer; is there some equivalent in either the VB.NET language or in the .NET framework?
A similar question, CInt does not round Double value consistently - how can I remove the fractional part? was asked in 2011, but it simply asked if there was a way to convert a floating-point number to an integer; the answers suggested a two-step process, but it didn't go into any depth about what does or does not exist in the framework. I would find it hard to believe that the Framework wouldn't have something analogous to the Pascal Trunc function, given that such a thing will frequently be needed when performing graphical operations using floating-point operands [such operations need to be rendered as discrete pixels, and should be rounded in such a way that round(x)-1 = round(x-1) for all x that fit within the range of +/- (2^31-1); even if such operations are rounded, they should use Floor(x+0.5), rather than round-to-nearest-even, so as to ensure the above property]
Incidentally, in C# a typecast from Double to Int using (type)expr notation uses round-to-zero semantics; the fact that this differs from the VB.NET behavior suggests that one or both languages is using its own conversion routines rather an explicit conversion operator included in the Framework. It would seem likely that the Framework should define a conversion operator? Does such an operator exist within the framework? What does it do? Is there a way to invoke it from C# and/or VB.NET?
After some searching, it seems that VB has no clean way of accomplishing that, short of writing an extension method.
The C# (int) cast translates directly into conv.i4 in IL. VB has no such operators, and no framework function seems to provide an alternative.
Usenet had an interesting discussion about this back in 2005 – of course a lot has changed since then but I think this still holds.
You can use the Math.Truncate method.
Calculates the integral part of a specified double-precision floating-point number.
For example:
Dim a As double = 1.6666666
Dim b As Integer = Math.Truncate(a) ' b = 1
I know this is an old case but I saw no one suggest the Math.Round() function.
Yes Math.Round takes a double and returns a double. However it returns a number that has been rounded to a whole number. It should easily and concisely convert to an integer using cInt. Would that suffice?
cInt(math.round(10000.54564)) ' = 10001
cInt(math.round(10000.49564)) ' = 10000
You may need extract the Int part of a float number:
float num = 12.234;
string toint = "" + num;
string auxil = toint.Split('.');
int newnum = Int.Parse(auxil[0]);

CStr() vs. Str() vs. .ToString()

I want to know what exactly are the differences between CStr(), Str() and .ToString()?
Label1.Text = CStr(Int(Rnd() * 10))
Label1.Text = Str(Int(Rnd() * 10))
Label1.Text = Int(Rnd() * 10).ToString
If I use this condition:
If Label1.Text = "7" Then
'Some code here
End If
Str() doesn't work here. What's the difference?
ToString will call the .ToString() function on a particular instance.
In practice, this means that it will throw an exception if the object in
question is Nothing. However, you can implement .ToString() in your own
classes to get a useful string representation of your object, whereas
CType/CStr only work with built-in classes and interfaces.
CStr and CType(expression, String) are exactly equivalent (I'm not
sure where the other poster got the idea that CStr is faster). But they
aren't really functions, they're compiler directives that will emit very
different code depending on the declaration of expression. In most
cases, these directives call a bunch of internal VB code that tries to
get a reasonable string out of expression.
DirectCast(expression, String) assumes that the expression in
question really is a String and just casts it. It's the fastest of all
these options, but will throw an exception if expression is anything
other than a String.
As an Addition to the VBA/VB6 Environment where we have no ToString():
Str() is not aware of international representation. The decimal separator always is a dot (.).
As already mentioned above it prefixes the resulting string with a blank in case of positive values.
There also exists Str$(). The difference to Str() is the return type:
Str() returns a variant of type string, Str$() returns a string.
And Str$() is slightly faster then Str().
CStr() in contrast is aware of international representation. The decimal separator depends on the Windows international settings.
No additional prefixing for positive values will be done.
So if you need to convert a value type to a string and have to ensure a dot as a decimal separator and no prefixing blank, then use this syntax:
Dim d As Double
d = 123.456
Dim s As String
s = Trim(Str$(d))
I don't know about ToString() and i don't know about VB.NET
But in VB6 (Visual Basic 6):
Both of Cstr() and Str() converts values to string. but Cstr() is better because:
Str(): After converting to string it adds 1 space before positive numbers. for example: Str(22) > " 22"
Cstr(): After converting to string it never adds the above extra space - For best result use it with Trim() - Trim(Cstr(Variable))
Although not a problem in the code in the question, it is important to mention that Str() only converts numerical expressions to string, gives an error in other cases, so don't use it for converting values of a cell.
My answer is str() is evil as it always prepends a space for the sign character so if you are comparing values it fails. Instead use CStr() instead which does not do this.
You may comes across business logic that tries to do this:
Dim sVar as String = "1"
Dim i as Integer = 1
console.write( cstr(i) = sVar )
Which outputs:
I lost a couple hours on this one as the code was quite deep in old code and was very difficult to grok in production environment where logging based debugging was all that was available.

Trailing Ampersand in VB.NET hexadecimal?

This should be an easy one for folks. Google's got nothing except content farms linking to one blurb, and that's written in broken English. So let's get this cleared up here where it'll be entombed for all time.
What's the trailing ampersand on VB hexadecimal numbers for? I've read it forces conversion to an Int32 on the chance VB wants to try and store as an Int16. That makes sense to me. But the part I didn't get from the blurb was to always use the trailing ampersand for bitmasks, flags, enums, etc. Apparantly, it has something to do with overriding VB's fetish for using signed numbers for things internally, which can lead to weird results in comparisons.
So to get easy points, what are the rules for VB.Net hexadecimal numbers, with and without the trailing ampersand? Please include the specific usage in the case of bitmasks/flags and such, and how one would also use it to force signed vs. unsigned.
No C# please :)
Vb.net will regard "&h"-notation hex constants in the range from 0x80000000-0xFFFFFFFF as negative numbers unless the type is explicitly specified as UInt32, Int64, or UInt64. Such behavior might be understandable if the numbers were written with precisely eight digits following the "&", but for some reason I cannot fathom, vb.net will behave that way even if the numbers are written with leading zeroes. In present versions of VB, one may force the number to be evaluated correctly by using a suffix of "&" suffix (Int64), "L" (Int64), "UL" (UInt64), or "UI" (UInt32). In earlier versions of VB, the "problem range" was 0x8000-0xFFFF, and the only way to force numbers in that range to be evaluated correctly (as a 32-bit integer, which was then called a "Long") was a trailing ampersand.
Visual Basic has the concept of Type Characters. These can be used to modify variable declarations and literals, although I'd not recommend using them in variable declarations - most developers are more familiar these days with As. E.g. the following declarations are equivalent:
Dim X&
Dim X As Long
But personally, I find the second more readable. If I saw the first, I'd actually have to go visit the link above, or use Intellisense, to work out what the variable is (not good if looking at the code on paper).

When is it necessary to convert data types in Visual Basic 2010

Visual Basic 2010 (Express). I can best give this by example...
If I take a string from a textbox and assign it to an integer variable, I'm under the impression that you're supposed to use CInt to explicitly convert the contents to an integer.
intMyCount = CInt(txtUserInput.Text)
However, if I don't do that, it still seems to work. Similarly, if I have an integer and concatenate it into a label's text property, it still works:
lblResults.Text = intMyCount & " number of times."
rather than using intMyCount.ToString.
Why does it work? Is VB doing implicit conversions when possible? Are there examples where not explicitly converting with .ToString or using CInt would cause unexpected results?
This is done using late-binding, and it's dangerous because if the conversion ever fails (and there's lots of cases where your first example could fail) it ends up in an exception at runtime. To get the compiler to enforce safer casting, turn Option Strict On.
Additionally, most of the time you don't want to use CInt() to convert your string to int. Instead, prefer Integer.Parse() or Integer.TryParse().
Some languages handle string concatenation easily like this for the non-casting to string. Some also handle non-casting to numeric types to do calculations. Some languages don't handle it at all. However as a best-practice, I would always cast the variable to the type you want to avoid issues with improper input types.