Client finished message in TLS v1.0 - ssl

"Client finished message is encryption of all handshake messages".
But it is not clear:
1)Does it contain only handshake messages sent by client?
2)Does it contain only handshake messages received from server?
3)Or does it contain both of above?
4)Does handshake messages contain 'change cipher spec' message?
Please help me.

Finished Message will contain the Handshake Messages sent from both the Server and Client. It will not contain the Change Cipher Spec Message as it is not considered as part of Handshake Messages.
The below paragraph in RFC 2246 explains it well:
The hash contained in finished messages sent by the server incorporate Sender.server; those sent by the client incorporate Sender.client. The value handshake_messages includes all handshake messages starting at client hello up to, but not including, this finished message. This may be different from handshake_messages in Section 7.4.8 because it would include the certificate verify message (if sent). Also, the handshake_messages for the finished message sent by the client will be different from that for the finished message sent by the server, because the one which is sent second will include the prior one.
Note: Change cipher spec messages, alerts and any other record types are not handshake messages and are not included in the hash computations. Also, Hello Request messages are omitted from handshake hashes.


IBM MQ expects username and password when using SSL certificates (Error 2035)

I am stuck at using SSL in IBM Websphere MQ (9.2).
I am building a client library for MQ and to get more familiar with MQ on the server side I have installed IBM MQ Developer edition and ran the supplied scripts to create a 'default' MQ server instance.
Created an client connection for the DEV.APP.SVRCONN server connection
Created a personal certificate by using the IBM Key management tool and named it ibmwebspheremq
Enabled SSL on the Queue Manager (QM1) and labelled it ibmwebspheremq
Updated the SSL configuration for the DEV.APP.SVRCONN channel and set the cipherspec property to TLS 1.2, 256-bit Secure Hash Algorithm, 128-bit AES encryption (TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256) and made SSL required.
Tested my settings with:
amqssslc -l ibmwebspheremq -k C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ\qmgrs\QM1\ssl\key -c DEV.APP.SVRCONN -x -s TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 -m QM1
And that gave me:
Sample AMQSSSLC start
Connecting to queue manager QM1
Using the server connection channel DEV.APP.SVRCONN
on connection name
Using SSL CipherSpec TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
Using SSL key repository stem C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ\qmgrs\QM1\ssl\key
Certificate Label: ibmwebspheremq
No OCSP configuration specified.
MQCONNX ended with reason code 2035
Error details (from log):
The active values of the channel were 'MCAUSER(app) CLNTUSER(Wilko)
MATCH(RUNCHECK) mode of the DISPLAY CHLAUTH MQSC command can be used to
identify the relevant CHLAUTH record.
Ensure that the application provides a valid user ID and password, or change
the queue manager connection authority (CONNAUTH) configuration to OPTIONAL to
allow client applications to connect which have not supplied a user ID and
----- cmqxrmsa.c : 2086 -------------------------------------------------------
22/11/2021 15:51:37 - Process(15880.45) User(MUSR_MQADMIN) Program(amqrmppa.exe)
Host(DESKTOP-ROH98N2) Installation(Installation1)
AMQ9999E: Channel 'DEV.APP.SVRCONN' to host '' ended abnormally.
The channel program running under process ID 15880(1112) for channel
'DEV.APP.SVRCONN' ended abnormally. The host name is ''; in some cases
the host name cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
Look at previous error messages for the channel program in the error logs to
determine the cause of the failure. Note that this message can be excluded
completely or suppressed by tuning the "ExcludeMessage" or "SuppressMessage"
attributes under the "QMErrorLog" stanza in qm.ini. Further information can be
found in the System Administration Guide.
----- amqrmrsa.c : 630 --------------------------------------------------------
I am kind of stuck, I also saw in the log that there is PEER related info dumped, but I am not sing the SSLPEER settings (I just want to let everyone connect with the same certificate).
Output from RUNMQSC QM1 and command DISPLAY QMGR CONNAUTH:
AMQ8408I: Display Queue Manager details.
Output from RUNMQSC QM1 and command DISPLAY AUTHINFO(name-from-previous-command):
AMQ8566I: Display authentication information details.
ALTDATE(2021-11-18) ALTTIME(15.09.20)
Output from DISPLAY CHLAUTH(*):
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
AMQ8878I: Display channel authentication record details.
I was expecting not having to provide username and password when using certificates. What am I missing here?
Your queue manager is configured to mandate passwords for any client connections that are trying to run with a resolved MCAUSER that is privileged. That is what CHCKCLNT(REQDADM) on your AUTHINFO(DEV.AUTHINFO) does.
In addition, your CHLAUTH rule for the DEV.APP.SVRCONN channel has upgraded this further to mandate passwords for ALL connections using that channel.
If your intent is to have channels that supply a certificate not be subject to this mandate, then you should add a further, more specific, CHLAUTH rule, something along these lines:-
Bear in mind that if this connection is asserting a privileged user id, it will still be required to supply a password from the system-wide setting of CHCKCLNT(REQDADM).
Remember, if you are ever unsure which CHLAUTH rule you are matching against, all those details you saw in the error message can be used to form a DISPLAY CHLAUTH command to discover exactly which rule you have matched. Read more about that in Iā€™m being blocked by CHLAUTH ā€“ how can I work out why?

Tls 1.3 client does not report failed handshake when client certificate verification by server failed

I have a C client using OpenSSL that is failing a test when using a certificate that fails validation on the server side during the SSL_do_handshake() call on the server. When the application was using TLS 1.2 The SSL_do_handshake() failure on the server would be reported back to the client when it called SSL_do_handshake() as a failure return value.
When upgrading my application to OpenSSL 1.1.1 and TLS 1.3 I noted that while the validation error is still occurring on the server, it was no longer being reported back to the client.
I'm aware that the handshake protocol got completely re-written as part of TLS 1.3 however it seems like with all of the various callbacks available I should be able somehow on the client side to determine that authentication has failed without having to attempt to write data to the server.
Has anyone else encountered this and can they recommend a path forward?
The server and client in both TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 consider the handshake to be complete when they have both written a "Finished" message, and received one from the peer. This is what the handshake looks like in TLSv1.2 (taken from RFC5246):
Client Server
ClientHello -------->
<-------- ServerHelloDone
Finished -------->
<-------- Finished
Application Data <-------> Application Data
So here you can see that the client sends its Certificate and Finished messages in its second flight of communication with the server. It then waits to receive the ChangeCipherSpec and Finished messages back from the server before it considers the handshake "complete" and it can start sending application data.
This is the equivalent flow for TLSv1.3 taken from RFC8446:
Client Server
Key ^ ClientHello
Exch | + key_share*
| + signature_algorithms*
| + psk_key_exchange_modes*
v + pre_shared_key* -------->
ServerHello ^ Key
+ key_share* | Exch
+ pre_shared_key* v
{EncryptedExtensions} ^ Server
{CertificateRequest*} v Params
{Certificate*} ^
{CertificateVerify*} | Auth
{Finished} v
<-------- [Application Data*]
^ {Certificate*}
Auth | {CertificateVerify*}
v {Finished} -------->
[Application Data] <-------> [Application Data]
One of the advantages of TLSv1.3 is that it speeds up the time taken to complete a handshake. In TLSv1.3 the client receives the "Finished" message from the server before it sends its Certificate and Finished messages back. By the time the client sends its "Finished" message, it has already received the "Finished" and so the handshake has completed and it can immediately start sending application data.
This of course means that the client won't know whether the server has accepted the certificate or not until it next reads data from the server. If it has been rejected then the next thing the client will read will be a failure alert (otherwise it will be normal application data).
I'm aware that the handshake protocol got completely re-written as part of TLS 1.3 however it seems like with all of the various callbacks available I should be able somehow on the client side to determine that authentication has failed without having to attempt to write data to the server.
It's not writing data to the server that is important - it is reading data. Only then will you know whether the server has sent an alert or just normal application data. Until that data has been read there are no callbacks available in OpenSSL that will tell you this - because OpenSSL itself does not know due to the underlying protocol.

VB.NET Web Service connection impossible : "Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel"

I am trying to connect to a web service which is written in Java language on the server side. My program is written in VB.NET 4.0 on the client side.
When i try to call any methods from the web service I receive the following error message :
WS-Metadata Exchange Error URI: [http://...] Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved. The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
I am using a certificate to connect to the web service, however it seems that the problem is on the communication level between my host machine (client) and the server. The certificate i am using is never been checked as the client and the server can even not communicate.
I have tried to set the security protocol to "SSLv3" or "TLS12" but it didn't help. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
Also i should mention that i managed to connect to this web service using a Java class. It seems that when the client side is written in Java it works but when it's in VB.NET it doesn't work.
I used "Wireshark" to discover the HTTPS packets which are sent and received by my program, here what I found in the transmitted packets :
Request by the client :
Secure Sockets Layer
TLSv1 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Client Hello
Content Type: Handshake (22)
Version: TLS 1.0 (0x0301)
Length: 140
Handshake Protocol: Client Hello
Handshake Type: Client Hello (1)
Length: 136
Version: TLS 1.0 (0x0301)
Session ID Length: 0
Cipher Suites Length: 24
Cipher Suites (12 suites)
Compression Methods Length: 1
Compression Methods (1 method)
Extensions Length: 71
Extension: server_name
Extension: elliptic_curves
Extension: ec_point_formats
Extension: Extended Master Secret
Extension: renegotiation_info
Response from the server :
Secure Sockets Layer
TLSv1 Record Layer: Alert (Level: Fatal, Description: Handshake Failure)
Content Type: Alert (21)
Version: TLS 1.0 (0x0301)
Length: 2
Alert Message
Level: Fatal (2)
Description: Handshake Failure (40)
I have tried to change the security protocol to different versions of SSL/TLS but it changed nothing. My client tries to send a "Client hello" with standard values (no user-customized parameters were specified) but the server is not accepting it. Any suggestions ?
Solution found :
The problem is in fact related to the Cipher suites and specially the RC4 algorithme. Actually my client is written in VB.NET 4.0 and in this version of .NET the deprecated RC4 algorithme is still supported and proposed by the .NET framework to any Web server during the "Hello Client" (Handshake) process.
The only presence of the RC4 cipher suites in the supported list of the cipher suites by my client was making the server to abort the connection with the following error message : "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel"
So I had to deactivate the RC4 cipher suites on my client machine by going in the system registry using regedit.exe and add the following key to these two specified paths :
After restarting the client machine I was able to connect to the web service succesfully.
For more information about the deprecated RC4 algorithmes :
=> Also you should notice that this problem exists only in .NET 4.0-4.5. From the version 4.6 and above its working fine.

Anghami / Sonos self-test suite fail for SSL validation

We are using the self test suite provided by sonos (latest version from website) in order to test our service implementation. The test fails when checkiong if our server support SSL and TLS 1.0.
Failed ssl_validation test_support_tls_10 Instance Messages: Fail:
The partner must support at least one of the following cipher
suites:AES128, AES256, RC4-MD5 and RC4-SHA.The server does not support
TLS1.0 (expression is False)
Stopped ssl_validation test_support_secure_renegotiation Instance
Messages: Stop: One sessionRegegotiation element should be returned,
indicating that supports secure session renegotiation
(expression is False)
Failed ssl_validation test_certificate_expiration Instance Messages:
Fail: A notBefore and notAfter element should be returned, indicating
that has a date range for validity.
Stopped ssl_validation test_DNS_has_valid_x509_certificate Instance
Messages: Stop: A X.509_certificate element should be returned,
indicating that has a valid X.509 certificate for the
DNS name (expression is False)
Please note that we have checked our server using:
the online certificate checking tool provided by Symantec and the results show that the certificate is valid and installed correctly and that our server clearly supports: TLS 1.2 | TLS 1.1 | TLS 1.0, along with 2 of the required ciphers (please check error message above).
In addition, test results with some screenshots and additional log files were posted on Basecamp.
Waiting for your feedback.
Based on the above your certificate is not set up for secure renegotiation and does not have a valid date range; these are both required in order for us to accept the certificate. We will follow up on basecamp.

AS2 Decryption issue BizTalk AS2

I'm currently working on an AS/2 implementation (my first BizTalk project) and I'm facing an issue with certificates. I've checked numerous websites, blogs, MSDN and until now, I don't get it working.
Here's the scenario:
From a specific partner, I need to receive an AS/2 encrypted message.
Here's how I test this:
- I have my local computer and a server which both run BizTalk 2013.
- I have generated 1 certificate (DES3 2048 bits) by using OpenSSL.
The certificates are installed as follows:
Sending machine: Local Computer\Other People (My CER file).
Sending machine: Local Computer\Trusted Root Certification Authorities (My CER file) - To make the certificate trusted.
Receiving machine: Current User\Personal Store (My PFX file) - NOTE: Current user is the user under which the In-Process host instance of BizTalk is running.
Receiving machine: Current User\Personal Store (My PFX file) - to make the certificate trusted. - NOTE: Current user is the user under which the In-Process host instance of BizTalk is running.
In IIS, the application pool running the BTSHttpReceive.dll is running under the ApplicationPoolIdentity.
And finally, here's the BizTalk configuration:
(Sending parter):
Send port -> Certificate: Receiving parner certificate (CER).
Pary agreement (Sending partner -> Receing partner) -> Validation: "Message should be encrypted is selected" and the encryption algorithm is set to DES3.
(Receiving partner):
Host (BizTalkServerApplication) -> Certificates: My certificate (PFX).
Party agreement (Sendingp partner -> Receing partner) -> Validation: "Message should be encrypted is selected" and encryption algorithm is set to DES3.
When I try to send a message from the sending computer to the receiving computer (just a text file with one line) the receiving computer generates two errors in BizTalk Event Viewer:
Error message 1:
The AS2 Decoder encountered an exception during processing. Details of the message and exception are as follows: AS2-From:"AS2-xxx" AS2-To:"AS2-xxx" MessageID:"" MessageType: "unknown" Exception:"An error occurred when decrypting an AS2 message."
Error message 2:
A message received by adapter "HTTP" on receive location "xxx" with URI "/BTSHttpReceive.dll" is suspended.
Error details: An output message of the component "Microsoft.BizTalk.EdiInt.PipelineComponents" in receive pipeline "Microsoft.BizTalk.EdiInt.DefaultPipelines.AS2Receive, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiIntPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" is suspended due to the following error:
An error occurred when decrypting an AS2 message..
The sequence number of the suspended message is 2.
MessageId: {BFE72958-E968-4FF6-B7DA-EB31340D81F6}
InstanceID: {B2B08761-4403-44AE-A788-D487F94CC270}
Here's what I have checked already:
Serial numbers or the certificate as I've seen that this might cause an issue:
Sending computer certificate serial number: ā€Ž00 8a 42 09 ee af c2 29 b1
Receiving computer certificate serial number: ā€Ž00 8a 42 09 ee af c2 29 b1
I hope someone can point me in the right direction because I'm searching for days on this issue.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your response but I must say that I've managed to find the issue. It seems that the decrypting certificate should be registeren as the BizTalk Isolated Host process user account.
Anyway, that solved my issue.