I am using ConEmu (robust cmd) on Windows 8 Pro.
How/where can I set conemu to run autostart_console.bat when starting ConEmu or when opening a new tab?
Thank you.
In most cases you need to use following command in Command line field (Settings -> Startup).
cmd /k autostart_console.bat
If you need to start other shell (not cmd.exe), for example Far Manager
cmd /c autostart_console.bat & far.exe
Full paths to autostart_console.bat or far.exe are required if they are not in %PATH%.
I have a TestComplete project, called: automation.pjs, which contains some tests.
I want to run those tests using the command line and observe the results in the command line too.
I'm using TestComplete 14 on Windows OS.
Is it possible? Which command shall I run?
Do I need to download a specific plugin?
Thank you.
You can also input these commands into windows task scheduler to have them run periodically!
-specify the path to your testcomplete.exe, input arguments such as /r, /e, /p etc.
cd ..\..\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 14\Bin
TestComplete.exe "C:\Users\user.name\documents\ProjectSuite1\automation.pjs" /r /e
I am a newbie to vxworks, and I have a target with Vxworks5.5, one application is running on it. I want to ping other host with local keyboard and monitor or telnet. After the ctrl+c is pressed, the task is going on after being interrupted for several seconds, and I can see >-,which means that it's now in C-interpreter mode. After PING command was entered, I was told that there's no such command.
I read the manual, and know that there is also a command mode. How can I switch to command mode and use the PING command?
VxWorks 5.5 has only C interpreter shell and does not support command shell.
Define INCLUDE_PING in configAll.h or in your Tornado project. Try -> ping ""
VxWorks 6.x has C interpreter shell and command shell. Use cmd to switch to the command shell and C to switch to the C interpreter shell.
-> ping ""
-> cmd
[vxWorks]# ping
[vxWorks]# C
If using VxWorks 6.x, switch to the command shell by entering cmd in the C shell. There, you can issue command help to list available commands. If ping is not present, you can add it via the workbench.
From the workbench, add component INCLUDE_IPPING_CMD and rebuild VxWorks on the target. Then you should be able to issue ping commands in the form ping from the command shell. Typically, to use commands that are not included by default in the command shell, you'll need to add components to your VxWorks project in the form INCLUDE_CommandName_CMD.
I trying to run Selenium grid and node using Jenkins but the CMD windows always closes after executing the steps
i am running the below code in Jenkins Window Batch Command
cd "C:\TapsiumACSS\Grid3.9"
start Hub.bat
I need the CMD window to be opened
You can create a shortcut of the bat file and under properties in the target section you have to add &PAUSE
This will pause the command prompt until an user input is done.
Just a opinion, Not a good idea to use Jenkins and ask the user to do something as that defeats the whole automation aspect... Instead copy the selenium results into a html or text file which can be viewed later :)
P.S. you will have to refer to this bat file location in Jenkins i.e. the shortcut location
Hope it helps :)
I have a vb.net application that runs cmd.exe as the following:
Dim Port1 = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Port1.Sendkeys("telnet ip address")
When the cmd runs the sendkeys a error shows
"'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
I closed the cmd window, opened another cmd, and typed in the command with not problems.
I need cmd to run in the vb.net and not as a separate file.
Running the vb.net in Microsoft visual studio Ultimate 2013.
Update: Can anyone tell me why it is doing the same thing when i move the app to another computer and try to run it?
You have to enable telnet on the computer by going to start > control panel > programs and features > turn windows feature on or off > check telnet client or typing optionalfeatures in run and checking telnet client. The command should execute successfully after that.
Either Telnet is not installed on your computer (it's not installed by default on any modern Windows versions as far as I know), or it its installation directory not in the PATH environment variable.
Either add it's install directory to PATH, or specify the full path to telnet.exe in the arguments to cmd.exe.
CMD runs commands based off of System32 and .bat(batch) or .exe. You would have to create a .exe or a .bat and place it into System32 in order for the command to work.
Is is possible to run cmd commands straight from VB. I want to be able to set up a command in vb without showing the black cmd window
path= C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft.jar nogui
Is it possible to run it without making a batch file? ( I want be be able to change some of the values in the commands to)
I found Shell(pathname[,windowstyle]) but I am not quite sure how to use it or if it is the right code.
You can use the Process class.
Dim pi As new ProcessStartInfo("C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java")
pi.Arguments = "-Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft.jar nogui"
I have use ProcessStartInfo to hold the process information before starting it off.
you can use Process.Start static Method