WCF MSMQ DllNotFoundException - wcf

I am trying to access a remote WCF service (using netMsmqBinding) hosted in a windows service and am getting the error:
Message: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.Msmq' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'mqrt.dll': A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007045A)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.UnsafeNativeMethods.MQGetPrivateComputerInformation(String computerName, IntPtr properties)
I have read that this error may come up if msmq is not installed, but msmq is not supposed to be installed on the local machine... it is installed on the remote machine it is trying to talk to.
What else can cause this?

Any machine wishing to participate in the transmission of messages requires MSMQ to be installed.
This is because MSMQ uses a messaging pattern called Store and forward, which is what makes MSMQ robust to transmission failures.

Go to Programs and Features and then Turn Windows Feature on or off. Find Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server and enable it.
credit to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26705197/782856


Error -1072824317 trying to use MSMQ with WCF

I have a Silverlight client which is talking to a WCF Service and performing some actions
Most of the time these actions will be quick, but often they wont be so I need a way of avoiding WCF timeouts by essentially passing the work onto its own "thread" server side and having a way for the client to know when the operation has completed
I have searched on here and found reference to the article below
I have downloaded the sample
It was targeting .NET 2 so I have updated it to 4.5 and the required IDesign folder didn’t exist in c:\program files so I have created it
Once I installed MSMQ and tried to run the client I get the error below
Message=An error occurred while opening the queue:Unrecognized error -1072824317 (0xc00e0003). The message cannot be sent or received from the queue. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. Also ensure that the queue is available to open with the required access mode
Does anyone know what the problem is here? I am very new to MSMQ
I notice that this code is very old (2006), so is there a better way of doing this nowadays?


I have a WPF app that uses WCF (duplex netMsmqBinding) to talk to a self-hosted service app in our domain.
I'm now trying to move this WPF app to the big wide world out there, to talk to the WCF service over the internet (well, make them talk to each other).
I've installed MSMQ and created the services on both, and checked queue and firewall permissions. Based on the reading I've found, what I needed to do then is:
1) Enable MSMQ's HTTP addon.
2) specify the binding's useActiveDirectory=false and queueTransferProtocol="Srmp" to ensure that it uses DIRECT to find the private queue.
However I did that and the WPF app receives the error
An error occurred while opening the queue:Unrecognized error
-1072824215 (0xc00e0069). The message cannot be sent or received from the queue. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. Also ensure that
the queue is available to open with the required access mode and
I can browse to the remote server ok, and the rest services work fine, so I must be missing something with HTTP or the fact that it's self hosting. Any ideas?
MSMQ over HTTP is a push technology (client -> web server).
You cannot open a remote queue and pull messages from it.

Error in log after windows restart when subscriber is installed as a service

I'm using NserviceBus 2.0 with pub/sub mode.
My subscribers are installed as a windows service.
However after computer restart I always get the following problem in log : "Problem in peeking a message from queue: ServiceNotAvailable".
After digging into source code I found that this is NserviceBus custom error and it occurs in MsmqTransport class. It seems like my subscriber's service is started before Msmq service. Bus this should be impossible because subscriber's service has Msmq as dependency.
After some time service is starting and working correctly. But I have several megabytes of errors in log. And sometimes service is not even starting.
Can anyone help me? I'm using Windows 7. Msmq is installed with NserviceBus utils.
You need to configure your service to be dependent on the MSMQ service. This is should be automatically taken care of if you're using the NServiceBus host.
Installing a Windows Service with dependencies
Have seen the same problem. Actually the impact was even worse since we used log4net and SmtpAppender. Took down the mailserver, ouch! Seems like this is fixed in NSB 3. It sets number of workerthreads to zero and logs "please reboot service". You can even execute own code when the error occurs. Config with lambda using OnCriticalError. We ended up patching the NSB 2 code, since we havent upgraded to NSB 3 yet. Handling MSMQExceptions, logging and stopping the process on errorcode ServiceNotAvailable like they already do when you don't have correct rights to queue. You should probably stop the service on any MSMQExceptions exept IOTimeout.

Do you need to open client firewall for WS-AT to work with WCF?

I am getting the following error trying to communicate from WCF -> WCF across the internet with a SSL certificate. I have 'No authentication required' checked in the WS-AT configuration on the server.
After a few seconds I'm getting the following message on my client, and trying to figure out what is wrong in my configuration (or understanding of WS-AT).
The flowed transaction could not be
unmarshaled. The following exception
occurred: The WS-AtomicTransaction
protocol service could not unmarshal
the flowed transaction. The following
exception occured: A fault reply with
code CoordinatorRegistrationFailed was
received. The fault reason follows:
The WS-AT protocol service failed to
register with its coordinator. A
connection could not be established.
Looking at the log file on the server I find a link to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa702582(VS.90).aspx and the following trace message
Traced if the local TransactionManager is not able to
Register with its superior
TransactionManager due to the
inability to send a message.
So I'm wondering... is the server attempting to communicate with the client through a different channel to the SSL connection originally established by the client. I'm pretty sure thats what it's trying to do for me to end up with this message. The client is my laptop (currently in Starbucks) so there's no chance of any incoming connections.
So is it possible to use WS-AT transactions where only the server has an open firewall? Assuming it is possible - what do i have to do to allow for it? I'm finding very little information about necessary configuration - even in my massive Programming WCF book .
Bonus: Here's a few small tips for anyone trying to get WS-AT working :
If when trying to install the WS-AT tab you can't get it to appear - and you're running an x64 operating system - make sure you're using the x64 version of RegAsm.exe:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe /codebase wsatui.dll
If once installing WS-AT, configuring it for incoming connections and restarting MCAT you still get errors about the protocol being disabled you may have forgotton to restart IIS(!)

MSMQ backed WCF service hosted in a windows service fails on startup

I have a WCF service hosted in a Windows service that I set to Automatic so it will start automatically when the server is brought up. The service is endpoint is MSMQ backed.
When I start the service manually, everything is good. But when the service starts on bootup, I get a MSMQ exception:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
'System.ServiceModel.Channels.Msmq' threw an exception. --->
System.ServiceModel.MsmqException: The version check failed with the error:
'The Message Queuing service is not available (-1072824309, 0xc00e000b)'. The
version of MSMQ cannot be detected All operations that are on the queued channel
will fail. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and is available.
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqQueue.GetMsmqInformation
(Version& version, Boolean& activeDirectoryEnabled)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.Msmq..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
It seems like the MSMQ is not ready to be used before the service starts...is there a solution to this?
You need to add a dependency on MSMQ in your WCF service host. You can do this in the service installer:
ServiceInstaller serviceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller();
// Adding this property to your ServiceInstaller forces
// your service to start after MSMQ.
serviceInstaller.ServicesDependedOn = new string[] { "MSMQ" };
If you are not using a service installer, you can also add the MSMQ dependency for your service by editing the Windows registry, as described in "Microsoft Support: How to delay loading of specific services".