Uploading resources to jsFiddle - jsfiddle

I just found out about jsFIddle, seems great. Problem is their documentation is very very basic.
I put my code (HTML/JS/Css) in the right text boxes, and the result seems okay, only non of the images are there, obviously.
Is there a way to upload them to my jsFiddle account, or do I have to upload them somewhere else?

You do need to upload your resources somewhere on the net.


How to resize images in nicEdit in chrome

i have a problem with nicEdit editor. Simply, i found out that resizing uploaded images does not work in Chrome, in FF yes. I tried this (resize images using NicEdit) but it doesn't work. I didn't find any other advices so i hope someone knows where is the problem.
I had the same problem, and came across this, add this to you nicedit.js:
var nicImageButton=nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({addPane:function(){this.im=this.ne.selectedInstance.selElm().parentTag("IMG");this.addForm({"":{type:"title",txt:"Add/Edit Image"},width:{type:"text",txt:"Width",style:{width:"150px"}},height:{type:"text",txt:"Height",style:{width:"150px"}},src:{type:"text",txt:"URL",value:"http://",style:{width:"150px"}},alt:{type:"text",txt:"Alt Text",style:{width:"100px"}},align:{type:"select",txt:"Align",options:{none:"Default",left:"Left",right:"Right"}}},this.im)},submit:function(B){var C=this.inputs.src.value;if(C==""||C=="http://"){alert("You must enter a Image URL to insert");return false}this.removePane();if(!this.im){var A="javascript:nicImTemp();";this.ne.nicCommand("insertImage",A);this.im=this.findElm("IMG","src",A)}if(this.im){this.im.setAttributes({width:this.inputs.width.value,height:this.inputs.height.value,src:this.inputs.src.value,alt:this.inputs.alt.value,align:this.inputs.align.value})}}});nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin,nicImageOptions);
comment out the original line, dont delete it, just incase something goes wrong. this worked for me anyways...

Imgur images not showing up in JSFiddle

I was about to ask a question about a JSFiddle, and I noticed that the images (which I've got on Imgur) don't show up. If I load the image directly in the browser, and then reload the fiddle the picture shows up, but if you haven't already loaded the pictures they won't display. Is there a way I can fix this? Or do I just need to host the pictures on a different site?
Here's the link to the fiddle:
And here's a bit of dumb code from the fiddle that it appears is actually irrelevant.
<div id="makeJSFshowPics">
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/7ftvzYB.png" alt="High Interest"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/u8i9Coo.png" alt="Okay I guess"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/v66NbIR.png" alt="Do Not Want">
Opened up Chrome's network panel and noticed that those urls were getting 403 - Forbidden from imgur. Not sure why. So I opened the imgur url in a new tab, then went back to jsfiddle and hit run. Bingo, the image showed up. Had to do this for all of the images, which is not great. Looks like other people have run into this problem but there wasn't any solution to it.
For whatever reason, imgur is blocking the images from jsfiddle (and jsbin). Perhaps there were abuses coming in, I am not sure as to the why. The images are blocked based on the referrer. It would be possible to implement a bypass where the images were proloaded in an iframe which spoofed the referrer. That seems a little over the top though. It would work for the same reason that you can see the images in the fiddle after you visit the imgur url for the image, because it is cached.

Identify the Content Carousel

Can anybody identify the carousel used on this site? It seems to work seamlessly with responsive sites and would with little css changes suit my design perfectly. The source shows something called anchorScroll.js but a search comes up with nothing.
It's a custom solution and not a plugin. Look for Application_NewsSpinner in http://cdn12.grohe.com/application/resources/javascript/scripts/common.js at line :1072
But don't steal code! It's fine to get inspired but you should find your own solution or take an official plugin! Take a look at http://finnrudolph.de/ImageFlow or http://www.jcoverflip.com/demo

Text reading experience in iOS app

I want to implement a great text reading experience in my app, similar to "Pocket", that would look a lot like this:
Basically, I'd like to have control over the text font size and font family while loading local HTML files in a UIWebView.
Could anyone point me to the right direction? Are there any frameworks or libraries out there that provide the base for such experience?
Thanks in advance.
A simple answer is: don't. Instead load it into a UITextView. You can easily change the font size with it, as on HTML you would have to modify the file instead of calling 1 line of code.

UITableView not loaded

i've followed a tutorial in wich you were Guided trough the development of a little, actual simple XML Application on iPhone.
I followed the Tutorial and run into one problem: The UITableView is empty, alltough the NSMutabelArray is not empty. The curious thing is, that i am not able to find diferences in the code of the Tutorial and my programmed code.
I tried different suggestions and ideas from UITableView gives empty table, does not load data, but either the iPhone screen turned Black or nothing was changed.
So i put both Projects (the downloaded Tutorial and my own Project) at my FTP server for you ftp://homes.dnsalias.com
If i missed information that is necessary or helpful please tell me. I hope someone, is willing to explain my mistake.
Thank you a lot...
Ok, i have had some basic Problems with UINavigationControllers and TableViews.
For those who found this Thread on google or something, here is a, for me helpfull, youtube link: link text