Navigation bar in windows 8 - windows-8

How can i implement a windows 8 navigation bar like the one in weather app or finance app.

First, you need to add top app bar, like this:
<!--App Bar Contents here -->
and than add navigation buttons inside of app bar.


How to center a button on the navigation bar using react-native-router-flux?

I'm using react-native-router-flux for navigation in my app, I've managed to create buttons on the left (hamburger menu) and right on the navigation bar, however I also need a button in the center of the bar, how can I do this ?
I was able to do this by creating a navbar from scratch only. It was not complicated. Thank you router-flux for making this prop

How to create a tall cutom navigation bar

I want to create a custom navigation bar like that
Here is a default translucent navigation bar. I want to add a new view with the same background color as in the navigation bar below the navigation bar. But i don't know what is the actual colour of the navigation bar. Or maybe there is other way to create a custom navigation bar.
I need different presentations of a navigation bar for different view controllers inside one navigation controller. Also a navigation bar should have different functionality for different controllers, that is why I don't think that subclassing a UINavigationBar is a good idea.
I found the answer in this answer. I removed a bottom border from a navigation bar, placed a blur view below the navigation bar and added a bottom border to it.

UISearchDisplayController like in ios 7 calendar app

How to implement: I have UIBarButtonItem with search icon, after click on it, I want to show search bar in navigation bar and on click cancel button in search bar, I want to show navigation bar without search and with buttons and title like in IOS 7 calendar app.
from apple documentation:
In iOS 7, UISearchDisplayController includes the displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar property, which you can use to put a search bar in a navigation bar, similar to the one in Calendar on iPhone:

Controls of appbar in windows 8

I am doing a windows 8 app project and I want to place an app bar for my app and i want to place buttons like zoom in and zoom out in my app bar how should code for those buttons??

Tabbar as main view (left side) of splitview controller

Just like the Dropbox app for iPad I want to add Tabbar in the main view controller of splitview.. wondering what is the best way to achieve this?
Checkout the screen grab of ipad dropbox app... I am referring to the tabbar used on bottom left.
Select the Navigation Controller of your Split View Controller in Xcode and in the properties panel it will give you checkboxes to enable/disable top navigation bar and bottom toolbar for it (Dropbox app in your screenshot have both, so you should check both of them if you need the same layout).