How to implement: I have UIBarButtonItem with search icon, after click on it, I want to show search bar in navigation bar and on click cancel button in search bar, I want to show navigation bar without search and with buttons and title like in IOS 7 calendar app.
from apple documentation:
In iOS 7, UISearchDisplayController includes the displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar property, which you can use to put a search bar in a navigation bar, similar to the one in Calendar on iPhone:
The attached Instagram snapshot has a collection of buttons like Home, Search, Add etc. at the very bottom. What is this component called? Is it called tab navigator? Any special name for it?
iOS calls this a Tab Bar, which appears at the bottom of an app screen and is used for navigation between an app's various functions.
It's not the same as a Toolbar, which appears at the bottom of an app screen and contains actions relevant to the current view.
In the native Calendar app, the search bar is not shown until I click the search icon and then the search bar is pulled down from top like this
If I tap the Cancel button, the search bar is pulled back to top.
I think i can mimic the effect by hiding a search bar at the top and moving it down with animation upon a button click and so on. But I wonder if there is an SDK-provided way for doing this. Thanks!
I'm new here. Sorry for may English.
I work on an iPhone application, which has an Tab Bar Controller (within an Navigation Controller). The Tab Bar Controller has four tabs and an Navigation Bar with default Back Button. I will set an other Bar Button Item on this Navigation Bar (on Tab Bar Controller). That is easy with drag and drop on storyboard, but I can't set an action for this new bar button item.
I know that I should set up a delegate for my UITabBarController, but I don't know how.
Can anyone help?
You usually create IBOutlets/IBActions by cntrl+dragging outlet from the story board to your code.Try to do the following:
Don't forget to switch to assistant editor to split your screen
Click on this button to switch to assistant editor
I'm using UIXOverlayController to show custom popup in my application.
Popup has some buttons, one of them is "Send SMS" which uses MFMessageComposeViewController.
When i click "Send SMS" button, sms composer appears, but without it's TOP bar (where "Cancel" button is located).
Suppose, that my application's Navigation Bar overlaps SMS composer Bar and i need to bring sms top bar to front.
I also tried to hide navigation bar when popup window is active, but there is no method "self.navigationBar" in overlayController ".m" file. And i think that all work with hide/show navbar should been done in overlaycontroller.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Have you tried adding self.navigationBar.hidden = YES;? That should hide the navigation bar.
Project need to show 7 tab bars in the application. So as per TabBar controller I am able to show the 4 tabs at a time along with "More" button which after clicking shows remaining tabs.
Also I need to show Navigation Tab for each View.
I am able to achieve this till now. But we need to make the Tab Bar in scrolling manner so that user can scroll the remaining tabs and after clicking particular tab that view is loaded along with Navigation Controller.
So can any body tell me how to achieve Scrolling TabBar along with Navigation bar in each view.
Any sample code will be more great full......
Thanks in advance.
You already mentioned the "more"-button... This should be the way to manage too many tabs, in order not to break the common iPhone l&f and keep users on track.