Ways to validate T-SQL queries? - sql

I have access to an Access database and within that database are fields filled with TSQL queries. These queries are processed by T-SQL on a server. So when I write these SQL queries and put them into a field for use by the end server, I'm unable to validate the syntax/etc. I could create a temporary query in that Access database, but it's not the same query language. For example, Access would correctly use IIF but TSQL would not (it would instead be CASE).
I don't have direct access to this server with TSQL, is there a way I can validate my T-SQL queries (for syntax and the like)? Perhaps a web tool online?
I should note I do not have access to the SQL server. Only the Access db and that alone. I understand it will not validate table names and the like, I wouldn't expect it to.

Actually, a combination of MattMc3's answer and FremenFreedom's answer should work.
Download SQL Express.
Then, declare the following stored procedure:
create procedure IsValidSQL (#sql varchar(max)) as
begin try
set #sql = 'set parseonly on;'+#sql;
end try
begin catch
end catch;
end; -- IsValidSQL
You can test it with:
declare #retval int;
exec #retval = IsValidSQL 'select iif(val, 0, 1) from t';
select #retval
or with:
declare #retval int;
exec #retval = IsValidSQL 'select val from t';
select #retval
Note: this will catch the IIF() issue. It will not catch anything related to the table structures or column structures. You would need the schema for that and a slightly different approach ("select top 0 * from () t") woudl do it.
You might be able to do something with SQL Fiddle online. However, I would suggest having a local copy of the database.

You can parse your T-SQL to check for valid syntax by executing it on the SQL Server machine with a SET PARSEONLY ON as the first line of your script. It will not validate table or field names, but will provide you with any syntax errors.

The Data Dude (Gert Drapers) describes how to use the built-in SQL Server T-SQL parser in your application here:
Getting to the Crown Jewels
If you want to only check the validity of the SQL statements that you have - this might be a nice way to go, and it doesn't require SQL Server per se to be installed where you run your unit tests.
It's a .NET based approach, and it cannot - of course - validate object names in your database if you're not using a live database - but it can catch syntactical errors in your T-SQL statements.

You can use the NOEXEC option:

Is SQL Server Management Studio Express (free download) able to connect to regular SQL Server instances? If so, perhaps you could test the queries there. Even if you could not connect to the actual server, you might be able to create a test version of your database in Express that would at least allow you to catch syntax and naming problems.

If they are fairly static, convert them into stored procedures in the Sql Database and then just call them from access.


How to use OPENROWSET to execute a stored procedure with parameters and insert result into a temp table

I want to insert the results of a stored procedure into a temp table using OPENROWSET. However, the issue I run into is I'm not able to pass parameters to my stored procedure.
This is my stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[N_spRetrieveStatement]
#PeopleCodeId nvarchar(10),
#StatementNumber int
DECLARE #PersonId int
SELECT #PersonId = [dbo].[fnGetPersonId](#PeopleCodeId)
INTO #tempSpRetrieveStatement
FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=PCPRODDB01;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
'EXEC Campus.dbo.spRetrieveStatement #StatementNumber, #PersonId');
--2577, 15084
FROM #tempSpRetrieveStatement;
OpenRowSet will not allow you to execute Procedure with input parameters. You have to use INSERT/EXEC.
INTO #tempSpRetrieveStatement(Col1, Col2,...)
EXEC PCPRODDB01.Campus.dbo.spRetrieveStatement #StatementNumber, #PersonId
Create and test a LinkedServer for PCPRODDB01 before running the above command.
The root of your problem is that you don't actually have parameters inside your statement that you're transmitting to the remote server you're connecting to, given the code sample you provided. Even if it was the very same machine you were connecting to, they'd be in different processes, and the other process doesn't have access to your session variables.
LinkedServer was mentioned as an option, and my understanding is that's the preferred option. However in practice that's not always available due to local quirks in tech or organizational constraints. It happens.
But there is a way to do this.
It's hiding in plain sight.
You need to pass literals into the string that will be executed on the other server, right?
So, you start by building the string that will do that.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[N_spRetrieveStatement]
#PeopleCodeId nvarchar(10),
#StatementNumber int
#PersonId INT,
#TempSQL VARCHAR(4000) = '';
SELECT #PersonId = [dbo].[fnGetPersonId](#PeopleCodeId);
SET #TempSQL =
'EXEC Campus.dbo.spRetrieveStatement(''''' +
FORMAT(#StatementNumber,'D') +''''', ''''' +
FORMAT(#PersonId,'D') + ''''')';
--2577, 15084
Note the seemingly excessive number of quotes. That's not a mistake -- that's foreshadowing. Because, yes, OPENROWSET hates taking variables as parameters. It, too, only wants literals. So, how do we give OPENROWSET what it needs?
We create a string that is the entire statement, no variables of any kind. And we execute that.
SET #TempSQL =
'SELECT * INTO #tempSpRetrieveStatement ' +
'FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'', ''Server=PCPRODDB01;Trusted_Connection=yes;'', ' + #TempSQL +
'EXEC Campus.dbo.spRetrieveStatement #StatementNumber, #PersonId';
EXEC (#TempSQL);
FROM #tempSpRetrieveStatement;
And that's it! Pretty simple except for counting your escaped quotes, right?
Now... This is almost beyond the scope of the question you asked, but it is a 'gotcha' I've experienced in executing stored procedures in another machine via OPENROWSET. You're obviously used to using temp tables. This will fail if the stored procedure you're calling is creating temp tables or doing a few other things that -- in a nutshell -- inspire the terror of ambiguity into your SQL server. It doesn't like ambiguity. If that's the case, you'll see a message like this:
"Msg 11514, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1
The metadata could not be determined because statement '…your remote EXEC statement here…' in procedure '…name of your local stored procedure here…' contains dynamic SQL. Consider using the WITH RESULT SETS clause to explicitly describe the result set."
So, what's up with that?
You don't just get data back with OPENROWSET. The local and remote servers have a short conversation about what exactly the local server is going to expect from the remote server (so it can optimize receiving and processing it as it comes in -- something that's extremely important for large rowsets). Starting with SQL Server 2012, sp_describe_first_result_set is the newer procedure for this, and normally it executes quickly without you noticing it. It's just that it's powers of divination aren't unlimited. Namely, it doesn't know how to get the type and name information regarding temp tables (and probably a few other things it can't do -- PIVOT in a select statement is probably right out).
I specifically wanted to be sure to point this out because of your reply regarding your hesitation about using LinkedServer. In fact, the very same reasons you're hesitant are likely to render that error message's suggestion completely useless -- you can't even predict what columns you're getting and in what order until you've got them.
I think what you're doing will work if, say, you're just branching upstream based on conditional statements and are executing one of several potential SELECT statements. I think it will work if you're just not confident that you can depend on the upstream component being fixed and are trying to ensure that even if it varies, this procedure doesn't have to because it's very generic.
But on the other hand you're facing a situation in which you literally cannot guarantee that SQL Server can predict the columns, you're likely going to have to force some changes in the stored procedure you're calling to insist that it's stable. You might, for instance work out how to ensure all possible fields are always present by using CASE expressions rather than any PIVOT. You might create a session table that's dedicated to housing what you need to SELECT just long enough to do that then DELETE the contents back out of there. You might change the way in which you transmit your data such that it's basically gone through the equivalent of UNPIVOT. And after all that extra work, maybe it'll be just a matter of preference if you use LinkedServer or OPENROWSET to port the data across.
So that's the answer to the literal question you asked, and one of the limits on what you can do with the answer.

Validating a Dynamic SQL DELETE statement without executing the statement [duplicate]

I have access to an Access database and within that database are fields filled with TSQL queries. These queries are processed by T-SQL on a server. So when I write these SQL queries and put them into a field for use by the end server, I'm unable to validate the syntax/etc. I could create a temporary query in that Access database, but it's not the same query language. For example, Access would correctly use IIF but TSQL would not (it would instead be CASE).
I don't have direct access to this server with TSQL, is there a way I can validate my T-SQL queries (for syntax and the like)? Perhaps a web tool online?
I should note I do not have access to the SQL server. Only the Access db and that alone. I understand it will not validate table names and the like, I wouldn't expect it to.
Actually, a combination of MattMc3's answer and FremenFreedom's answer should work.
Download SQL Express.
Then, declare the following stored procedure:
create procedure IsValidSQL (#sql varchar(max)) as
begin try
set #sql = 'set parseonly on;'+#sql;
end try
begin catch
end catch;
end; -- IsValidSQL
You can test it with:
declare #retval int;
exec #retval = IsValidSQL 'select iif(val, 0, 1) from t';
select #retval
or with:
declare #retval int;
exec #retval = IsValidSQL 'select val from t';
select #retval
Note: this will catch the IIF() issue. It will not catch anything related to the table structures or column structures. You would need the schema for that and a slightly different approach ("select top 0 * from () t") woudl do it.
You might be able to do something with SQL Fiddle online. However, I would suggest having a local copy of the database.
You can parse your T-SQL to check for valid syntax by executing it on the SQL Server machine with a SET PARSEONLY ON as the first line of your script. It will not validate table or field names, but will provide you with any syntax errors.
The Data Dude (Gert Drapers) describes how to use the built-in SQL Server T-SQL parser in your application here:
Getting to the Crown Jewels
If you want to only check the validity of the SQL statements that you have - this might be a nice way to go, and it doesn't require SQL Server per se to be installed where you run your unit tests.
It's a .NET based approach, and it cannot - of course - validate object names in your database if you're not using a live database - but it can catch syntactical errors in your T-SQL statements.
You can use the NOEXEC option:
Is SQL Server Management Studio Express (free download) able to connect to regular SQL Server instances? If so, perhaps you could test the queries there. Even if you could not connect to the actual server, you might be able to create a test version of your database in Express that would at least allow you to catch syntax and naming problems.
If they are fairly static, convert them into stored procedures in the Sql Database and then just call them from access.

SQL reporting invalid syntax when run in Power BI

I have written an SQL script which runs fine when executed directly in SQL Management Studio. However, when entering it into Power BI as a source, it reports that it has an incorrect syntax.
This is the query:
EXEC "dbo"."p_get_bank_balance" '2'
However, the syntax is apparently incorrect? See Picture:
Any help is much appreciated.
EDIT ***
When the double quotes are removed (as per Tab Alleman's suggestion):
I found time ago the same problem online on power bi site:
You must be using DirectQuery mode, in which you cannot connect to data with stored procedures. Try again using Import mode or just use a SELECT statement directly.
In DirectQuery mode, PowerBI automatically wraps your query like so: select * from ( [your query] ), and if you attempt this in SSMS with a stored procedure i.e.
select * from (exec dbo.getData)
You get the error you see above.
The solution is you have to place your stored procedure call in an OPENQUERY call to your local server i.e.
select * from OPENQUERY(localServer, 'DatabaseName.dbo.getData')
Prerequisites would be: enabling local server access in OPENQUERY with
exec sp_serveroption #server = 'YourServerName'
,#optname = 'DATA ACCESS'
,#optvalue = 'TRUE'
And then making sure you use three-part notation in the OPENQUERY as all calls there default to the master database
With "Import" data connectivity mode Stored Procedures work
With "Direct Query" data connectivity mode, the query syntax must be like below:
declare #sqlCommand varchar(100) = 'dbo.p_get_bank_balance'
declare #p1 int = 2
exec #sqlCommand #p1 = #p1
Remerber: max one data source connection with Direct Query. If you want to call much SP, only one can be in Direct Query mode, the others in Import mode
Try using Import instead of Direct Query. It may be showing error cause you are using Temp table in it. Create query using sub query and remove Temp table and try it. Or you can use as Import instead of Direct Query it will work.

Alter or Create multiply stored procedures at once from multiply files in SQL Server 2008

I have a large amount of stored procedures that I am updating often and then transferring to a duplicate database on another server. I have been opening each “storedproc.sql” file from within SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and then selecting Execute in the tool bar which will ether create or alter an existing stored procedure. I have been doing this for each stored procedure.
I am looking for a script (or another way) that will allow me to alter all of the stored procedures on the databases with ones that are located in a folder at one time. I am basically looking for a script that will do something similar to the pseudo-code like text below.
USE [DatabaseName]
UPDATE [StoredProcName]
USING [directory\file\path\fileName.sql]
UPDATE [StoredProcNameN]
USING [directory\file\path\fileNameN.sql
Not the cleanest pseudo-code but hopefully you understand the idea. I would even be willing to drop all of the stored procedures (based on name) and then create the same stored procedures again on the database. If you need more clarity don’t hesitate to comment, I thank you in advance.
To further explain:
I am changing every reporting stored procedure for an SSRS conversion project. Once the report is developed, I move the report and the stored procedure to a server. I then have to manually run (ALTER or CREATE) each stored procedure against the duplicated database so the database will now be able to support the report on the server. So far this has not been too much trouble, but I will eventually have 65 to 85 stored procedures; and if I have to add one dataset field to each one, then I will have to run each one manually to update the duplicate database.
What I want to be able to do is have a SQL script that says: For this database, ALTER/CREATE this named stored procedure and you can find that .sql text file with the details in this folder.
Here is some code that I use to move all stored procedures from one database to another:
DECLARE #SPBody nvarchar(max);
DECLARE #SPName nvarchar(4000);
SELECT ao.name, sm.definition
FROM <SOURCE DATABASE>.sys.all_objects ao JOIN
<SOURCE DATABASE>.sys.sql_modules sm
ON sm.object_id = ao.object_id
WHERE ao.type = 'P' and SCHEMA_NAME(ao.schema_id) = 'dbo'
order by 1;
OPEN #SPCursor;
if exists(select * from <DESTINATION DATABASE>.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Routines r where r.ROUTINE_NAME = #SPName)
SET #query = N'DROP PROCEDURE '+#SPName;
exec <DESTINATION DATABASE>..sp_executesql #query;
exec <DESTINATION DATABASE>..sp_executesql #SPBody;
select #ErrMsg = 'Error creating '+#SPName+': "'+Error_Message()+'" ('+#SPBody+')';
--exec sp__LogInfo #ProcName, #ErrMsg, #ProductionRunId;
You need to put in and as appropriate.
For Reference
c:\>for %f in (*.sql) do sqlcmd /S <servername> /d <dbname> /E /i "%f"
I recommend saving all your stored procedure script files starting with if exists(...) drop procedure followed by the create procedure section. Optionally include a go statement at the end depending on your needs.
You can then use a tool to concatenate all the files together into a single script file.
I use a custom tool for this that allows me to define dependency order, specify batch separators, script types, include folders, etc. Some text editors, such as UltraEdit have this capability.
You can also use the Microsoft Database Project to select batches of script files, and execute them against one or more database connections stored in the project. This is a good starting place that doesn't require any extra software, but can be a bit of a pain regarding adding and managing folders and files within the project.
Using a schema comparison tool such as RedGate's SQL Compare can be useful to synchronize the schema and/or objects of two databases. I don't recommend using this as a best practice deployment or "promote to production" tool though.

How do I execute sql text passed as an sp parameter?

I have a stored procedure with an nvarchar parameter. I expect callers to supply the text for a sql command when using this SP.
How do I execute the supplied sql command from within the SP?
Is this even possible?-
I thought it was possible using EXEC but the following:
EXEC #script
errors indicating it can't find a stored procedure by the given name. Since it's a script this is obviously accurate, but leads me to think it's not working as expected.
EXEC sp_executesql #nvarchar_parameter
...assuming the parameter is an entire SQL query. If not:
SET #SQL = 'SELECT ...' + #nvarchar_parameter
EXEC sp_executesql #SQL
Be aware of SQL Injection attacks, and I highly recommend reading The curse and blessing of Dynamic SQL.
you can just exec #sqlStatement from within your sp. Though, its not the best thing to do because it opens you up to sql injection. You can see an example here
You use EXECUTE passing it the command as a string. Note this could open your system up to serious vulnerabilities given that it is difficult to verify the non-maliciousness of the SQL statements you are blindly executing.
How do I execute the supplied sql command from within the SP?
Very carefully. That code could do anything, including add or delete records, or even whole tables or databases.
To be safe about this, you need to create a separate user account that only has dbreader permissions on just a small set of allowed tables/views and use the EXECUTE AS command to limit the context to that user.