SQL Server: how do I get data from a history table? - sql

Can you please help me build an SQL query to retrieve data from a history table?
I'm a newbie with only a one-week coding experience. I've been trying simple SELECT statements so far but have hit a stumbling block.
My football club's database has three tables. The first one links balls to players:
| BallID | PlayerID | TeamID |
| 1 | 11 | 21 |
| 2 | 12 | 22 |
The second one lists things that happen to the balls:
| BallID | Event | EventDate |
|--------|------ |------------|
| 1 | Pass | 2012-01-01 |
| 1 | Shoot | 2012-02-01 |
| 1 | Miss | 2012-03-01 |
| 2 | Pass | 2012-01-01 |
| 2 | Shoot | 2012-02-01 |
And the third one is a history change table. After a ball changes hands, history is recorded:
| BallID | ColumnName | ValueOld | ValueNew |
| 2 | PlayerID | 11 | 12 |
| 2 | TeamID | 21 | 22 |
I'm trying to obtain a table that would list all passes and shoots Player 11 had done to all balls before the balls went to other players. Like this:
| PlayerID | BallID | Event | Month |
| 11 | 1 | Pass | Jan |
| 11 | 1 | Shoot | Feb |
| 11 | 2 | Pass | Jan |
I begin so:
SELECT PlayerID, BallID, Event, DateName(month, EventDate)
FROM BallDetail bd INNER JOIN BallEventHistory beh ON bd.BallID = beh.BallID
WHERE PlayerID = 11 AND Event IN (Pass, Shoot) ...
But how to make sure that Ball 2 also gets included despite being with another player now?

Select PlayerID,BallID,Event,datename(month,EventDate) as Month,Count(*) as cnt from
(Select ValueNew from #HistoryChanges where ChangeDate=(Select max(ChangeDate) from #HistoryChanges h2 where h2.BallID=h.BallID and ColumnName='PlayerID' and ChangeDate<=EventDate) and BallID=h.BallID and ColumnName='PlayerID')
,(Select PlayerID from #BallDetail where BallID=h.BallID)
) as PlayerID,
from #BallEventHistory h
) a
Group by PlayerID, BallID, Event,datename(month,EventDate)

SELECT d.PlayerID, d.BallID, h.Event, DATENAME(mm, h.EventDate) AS Month
FROM BallDetail d JOIN BallEventHistory h ON d.BallID = h.BallID
WHERE h.Event IN ('Pass', 'Shoot') AND d.PlayerID = 11
FROM dbo.HistoryChanges c
WHERE c.ValueOld = 11 AND c.ValueNew = d.PlayerID AND c.ColumnName = 'PlayerID' and c.ChangeDate = h.EventDate)


Select only record until timestamp from another table

I have three tables.
The first one is Device table
| DeviceId | Type |
| 1 | 10 |
| 2 | 20 |
| 3 | 30 |
The second one is History table - data received by different devices.
| DeviceId | Temperature | TimeStamp |
| 1 | 31 | 15.08.2020 1:42:00 |
| 2 | 100 | 15.08.2020 1:42:01 |
| 2 | 40 | 15.08.2020 1:43:00 |
| 1 | 32 | 15.08.2020 1:44:00 |
| 1 | 34 | 15.08.2020 1:45:00 |
| 3 | 20 | 15.08.2020 1:46:00 |
| 2 | 45 | 15.08.2020 1:47:00 |
The third one is DeviceStatusHistory table
| DeviceId | State | TimeStamp |
| 1 | 1(OK) | 15.08.2020 1:42:00 |
| 2 | 1(OK) | 15.08.2020 1:43:00 |
| 1 | 1(OK) | 15.08.2020 1:44:00 |
| 1 | 0(FAIL) | 15.08.2020 1:44:30 |
| 1 | 0(FAIL) | 15.08.2020 1:46:00 |
| 2 | 0(FAIL) | 15.08.2020 1:46:10 |
I want to select the last temperature of devices, but take into account only those history records that occurs until the first device failure.
Since device1 starts failing from 15.08.2020 1:44:30, I don't want its records that go after that timestamp.
The same for the device2.
So as a final result, I want to have only data of all devices until they get first FAIL status:
| DeviceId | Temperature | TimeStamp |
| 2 | 40 | 15.08.2020 1:43:00 |
| 1 | 32 | 15.08.2020 1:44:00 |
| 3 | 20 | 15.08.2020 1:46:00 |
I can select an appropriate history only if device failed at least once:
(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM History H
WHERE D.Id = H.DeviceId
and H.DeviceTimeStamp <
(select MIN(UpdatedOn) from DeviceStatusHistory Y where [State]=0 and DeviceId=D.Id)
ORDER BY H.DeviceTimeStamp desc) X
The problems is, if a device never fails, I don't get its history at all.
My idea is to use something like this
SELECT * FROM DeviceHardwarePart HP
(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM History H
WHERE HP.Id = H.DeviceId
and H.DeviceTimeStamp <
(select ISNULL((select MIN(UpdatedOn) from DeviceMetadataPart where [State]=0 and DeviceId=HP.Id),
cast('12/31/9999 23:59:59.997' as datetime)))
ORDER BY H.DeviceTimeStamp desc) X
I'm not sure whether it is a good solution
You can use COALESCE: coalesce(min(UpdateOn), cast('9999-12-31 23:59:59' as datetime)). This ensures you always have an upperbound for your select instead of NULL.
I will treat this as two parts problem
I will try to find the time at which device has failed and if it hasn't failed I will keep it as a large value like some timestamp in 2099
Once I have the above I can simply join with histories table and take the latest value before the failed timestamp.
In order to get one, I guess there can be several approaches. From top of my mind something like below should work
select device_id, coalesce(min(failed_timestamps), cast('01-01-2099 01:01:01' as timestamp)) as failed_at
(select device_id, case when state = 0 then timestamp else null end as failed_timestamps from History) as X
group by device_id
This gives us the minimum of failed timestamp for a particular device, and an arbitrary large value for the devices which have never failed.
I guess after this the solution is straight forward.

SQL to Get Latest Field Value

I'm trying to write an SQL query (SQL Server) that returns the latest value of a field from a history table.
The table structure is basically as below:
changegroupid | issueid | updated |
1 | 10 | 01/01/2020 |
2 | 10 | 02/01/2020 |
3 | 10 | 03/01/2020 |
4 | 20 | 05/01/2020 |
5 | 20 | 06/01/2020 |
6 | 20 | 07/01/2020 |
7 | 30 | 04/01/2020 |
8 | 30 | 05/01/2020 |
9 | 30 | 06/01/2020 |
changegroupid | field | newvalue |
1 | ONE | 1 |
1 | TWO | A |
1 | THREE | Z |
2 | ONE | J |
2 | ONE | K |
2 | ONE | L |
3 | THREE | K |
3 | ONE | 2 |
3 | ONE | 1 | <--
4 | ONE | 1A |
5 | ONE | 1B |
6 | ONE | 1C | <--
7 | ONE | 1D |
8 | ONE | 1E |
9 | ONE | 1F | <--
issueid | updated | newvalue
10 | 03/01/2020 | 1
20 | 07/01/2020 | 1C
30 | 06/01/2020 | 1F
So each change to an issue item creates 1 change group record with the date the change was made, which can then contain 1 or more change item records.
Each change item shows the field name that was changed and the new value.
I then need to link those tables together to get each issue, the latest value of the field name called 'ONE', and ideally the date of the latest change.
These tables are from Jira, for those familiar with that table structure.
I've been trying to get this to work for a while now, so far I've got this query:
SELECT issuenum, MIN(created) AS updated FROM
SELECT ISSUE.IssueId, UpdGrp.Created as Created, UpdItm.NEWVALUE
JOIN ChangeGroup UpdGrp ON (UpdGrp.IssueID = CR.ID)
JOIN CHANGEITEM UpdItm ON (UpdGrp.ID = UpdItm.groupid)
) AS dummy
GROUP BY issuenum
ORDER BY issuenum
This returns the first 2 columns I'm looking for but I'm struggling to work out how to return the final column as when I include that in the first line I get an error saying "Column is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause."
I've done a search on here and can't find anything that exactly matches my requirements.
Use window functions:
FROM (SELECT i.IssueId, cg.Created as Created, ui.NEWVALUE,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY i.IssueId ORDER BY cg.Created DESC) as seqnum
ChangeGroup cg
ON cg.IssueID = CR.ID JOIN
ON cg.ID = ci.groupid
) i
WHERE seqnum = 1
ORDER BY issueid;

SQL - joining 3 tables and choosing newest logged entry per id

I got rather complicated riddle to solve. So far I'm unlocky.
I got 3 tables which I need to join to get the result.
Most important is that I need highest h_id per p_id. h_id is uniqe entry in log history. And I need newest one for given point (p_id -> num).
Apart from that I need ext and name as well.
| h_id | p_id | str_id |
| 1 | 1 | 11 |
| 2 | 5 | 15 |
| 3 | 5 | 23 |
| 4 | 1 | 62 |
| p_id | num |
| 1 | 4564 |
| 5 | 3453 |
| str_id | ext | name |
| 15 | | Mein st. 33 | - bad name
| 11 | | eck st. 42 | - bad name
| 62 | abc | Main st. 33 |
| 23 | efg | Back st. 42 |
| num | ext | name |h_id |
| 3453 | efg | Back st. 42 | 3 |
| 4564 | abc | Main st. 33 | 4 |
I'm using Oracle SQL. Tried using query below but result is not true.
SELECT num, max(name), max(ext), MAX(h_id) maxm FROM history
INNER JOIN street on street.str_id = history._str_id
INNER JOIN point on point.p_id = history.p_id
GROUP BY point.num
In Oracle, you can use keep:
SELECT p.num,
MAX(h.h_id) as maxm,
MAX(s.name) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY h.h_id DESC) as name,
street s
ON s.str_id = h._str_id INNER JOIN
point p
ON p.p_id = h.p_id
GROUP BY p.num;
The keep syntax allows you to do "first()" and "last()" for aggregations.

T-SQL - Turn table with current page and previous pages into a sequential order per session

I'm trying to create a table to show the activy per session on a website.
Should look like something like that
Prefered table:
| SessionID | PageSeq| Page | Duration |
| 1 | 1 | Home | 5 |
| 1 | 2 | Sales | 10 |
| 1 | 3 | Contact | 9 |
| 2 | 1 | Sales | 5 |
| 3 | 1 | Home | 30 |
| 3 | 2 | Sales | 5 |
Unfortunetly my current dataset doesn't have information about the session_id, but can be deducted based on the time and the path.
Current table:
| DATE_HOUR_MINUTE | Page | Prev_page | Total_session | Duration |
| 201801012020 | Home | (entrance) | 24 | 5 |
| 201801012020 | Sales | Home | 24 | 10 |
| 201801012020 | Contact | Sales | 24 | 9 |
| 201801012020 | Sales | (entrance) | 5 | 5 |
| 201801012020 | Home | (entrance) | 35 | 30 |
| 201801012020 | Sales | Home | 35 | 5 |
What is the best way to turn the current table into the prefered table format?
I've tried searching for nested tables, looped tables, haven't found a something related to this problem yet.
So if you can risk sessions starting at the same time with the same duration, should be easy enough to do using a recursive query.
;WITH sessionTree AS
, 1 AS PageSeq
, *
FROM Session
WHERE PrevPage = '(entrance)'
SELECT prev.sessionId
, prev.PageSeq + 1
, next.*
FROM sessionTree prev
JOIN Session next
ON next.TotalDuration = prev.TotalDuration
AND next.PrevPage = prev.Page
AND next.date_hour_minute >= prev.date_hour_minute
SELECT * FROM sessionTree
ORDER BY sessionId, PageSeq
sessionId is generated for each entry with (entrance) as prevPage, with PageSeq = 1. Then in the recursive part visits with the timestamp later than the previous page and with the same duration are joined on prev.page = next.PrevPage condition.
Here's a working example on dbfiddle

SQL - Rows that are repetitive with a particular condition

We have a table like this:
| ID | Name | RecievedService | FirstZoneTeeth | SecondZoneTeeth | ThirdZoneTeeth | FourthZoneTeeth |
| 1 | John | SomeService1 | 13 | | 4 | |
| 2 | John | SomeService1 | 34 | | | |
| 3 | Steve | SomeService3 | | | | 2 |
| 4 | Steve | SomeService4 | | | | 12 |
Every digit in zones is a tooth (dental science) and it means "John" has got "SomeService1" twice for tooth #3.
| ID | Name | RecievedService | FirstZoneTeeth | SecondZoneTeeth | ThirdZoneTeeth | FourthZoneTeeth |
| 1 | John | SomeService1 | 13 | | 4 | |
| 2 | John | SomeService1 | 34 | | | |
Note that Steve has received services twice for tooth #2 (4th Zone) but services are not one.
I'd write some code that gives me a table with duplicate rows (Checking the only patient and received service)(using "group by" clause") but I need to check zones too.
I've tried this:
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by vv.ID_sick) as RowNum,
bb.VCount as 'Count',
vv.ID_sick 'ID_Sick',
vv.ID_service 'ID_Service',
sick.FNamesick + ' ' + sick.LNamesick as 'Sick',
serv.NameService as 'Service',
vv.Mab_Service as 'MabService',
vv.Mab_daryafti as 'MabDaryafti',
vv.datevisit as 'DateVisit',
vv.ID_dentist as 'ID_Dentist',
dent.FNamedentist + ' ' + dent.LNamedentist as 'Dentist',
vv.id_do as 'ID_Do',
do.FNamedentist + ' ' + do.LNamedentist as 'Do'
from visiting vv inner join (
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY a.ID_sick ASC) AS Radif,
count(a.ID_sick) as VCount,
from visiting a
group by a.ID_sick, a.ID_service, a.Zone1, a.Zone2, a.Zone3, a.Zone4
having count(a.ID_sick)>1)bb
on vv.ID_sick = bb.ID_sick and vv.ID_service = bb.ID_service
left join InfoSick sick on vv.ID_sick = sick.IDsick
left join infoService serv on vv.ID_service = serv.IDService
left join Infodentist dent on vv.ID_dentist = dent.IDdentist
left join infodentist do on vv.id_do = do.IDdentist
order by bb.ID_sick, bb.ID_service,vv.datevisit
But this code only returns rows with all tooths repeated. What I want is even one tooth repeats ...
How can I implement it?
I need to check characters in zones.
**Zone's datatype is varchar
This is a bad datamodel for what you are trying to do. By storing the teeth as a varchar, you have kind of decided that you are not interested in single teeth, but only in the group of teeth. Now, however, you are trying to investigate on single teeth.
You'd want a datamodel like this:
| service_id | Name | RecievedService |
| 1 | John | SomeService1 |
| 3 | Steve | SomeService3 |
| 4 | Steve | SomeService4 |
| service_id | zone | tooth |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 3 |
| 1 | 3 | 4 |
| 1 | 1 | 3 |
| 1 | 1 | 4 |
| 3 | 4 | 2 |
| 4 | 4 | 1 |
| 4 | 4 | 2 |
What you can do with the given datamodel is to create such table on-the-fly using a recursive query and string manipulation:
with unpivoted(service_id, name, zone, teeth) as
select recievedservice, name, 1, firstzoneteeth
from mytable where len(firstzoneteeth) > 0
union all
select recievedservice, name, 2, secondzoneteeth
from mytable where len(secondzoneteeth) > 0
union all
select recievedservice, name, 3, thirdzoneteeth
from mytable where len(thirdzoneteeth) > 0
union all
select recievedservice, name, 4, fourthzoneteeth
from mytable where len(fourthzoneteeth) > 0
, service_details(service_id, name, zone, tooth, teeth) as
service_id, name, zone, substring(teeth, 1, 1), substring(teeth, 2, 10000)
from unpivoted
union all
service_id, name, zone, substring(teeth, 1, 1), substring(teeth, 2, 10000)
from service_details
where len(teeth) > 0
, duplicates(service_id, name) as
select distinct service_id, name
from service_details
group by service_id, name, zone, tooth
having count(*) > 1
select m.*
from mytable m
join duplicates d on d.service_id = m.recievedservice and d.name = m.name;
A lot of work and a rather slow query due to a bad datamodel, but still feasable.
Rextester demo: http://rextester.com/JVWK49901