T-SQL Query a matrix table used as LIFO - sql

Following my [question]: T-SQL Query a matrix table for free position
I've now trying to handle my matrix table as a LIFO. Each couple of (X,Z) represent a channel in which I can store an element. When I generate a location I'm now using the query provided in the above question and here below.
SELECT x, z, MAX(CASE WHEN disabled = 0 AND occupiedId IS NULL THEN Y ELSE 0 END) firstFreeY
FROM matrix
ORDER BY x, z;
This is working but it doesn't handle "holes". In fact It's possible that a Disabled flag is removed from the table or an element is manually deleted.
In case my Matrix table will look like this:
X Z Y Disabled OccupiedId
1 1 1 0 591
1 1 2 0 NULL
1 1 3 1 NULL
1 1 4 0 524
1 1 5 0 523
1 1 6 0 522
1 1 7 0 484
1 2 1 0 NULL
1 2 2 0 NULL
1 2 3 0 NULL
1 2 4 0 NULL
1 2 5 0 NULL
1 2 6 0 589
1 2 7 0 592
the result of the above query is:
X Z firstFreeY
1 1 2
1 2 5
instead of:
X Y firstFreeY
1 1 0
1 2 5
Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

This query looks for the largest Y that is smaller than all other occupied Y's:
select m1.X
, m1.Z
, max(
when m2.MinOccupiedY is null or m1.Y < m2.MinOccupiedY then m1.Y
else 0
) as FirstFreeY
from matrix m1
join (
select X
, Z
, min(
when disabled <> 0 or occupiedId is not null then Y
) as MinOccupiedY
from matrix
group by
, Z
) m2
on m1.X = m2.X
and m1.Z = m2.Z
group by
, m1.Z
Live example at SQL Fiddle.

just to know if i understood what you were asking, is this working too?
select distinct
m1.x,m1.z, o.y
matrix m1
cross apply
select top 1 (case when m2.Disabled = 0 then m2.y else 0 end)
from matrix m2
m1.x = m2.x
and m1.z = m2.z
and m2.OccupiedId is null
order by m2.y desc
) o (y);


How to select a record from duplicate records based on a condition

I have a table X which has three columns SN , OI, FLAG .
Some sample values are
1 a Y
1 a N
2 x N
3 d N
3 d Null
4 z Y
4 z null
5 k Y
5 k Y
5 k Y
6 l N
6 l N
I want the result on the below condition
If there are multiple values of same SN , i want the result on the condition that if FLAG has Y and N , then it should show Y , IF Flag has Null and N , it should show N , IF Flag has Y and Null, then is should show Y. SO in the above example this is what I should get .
1 Y
2 N
3 N
4 Y
5 Y
6 N
You can group by sn and get the flag with conditional aggregation:
select sn,
when sum(case flag when 'Y' then 1 end) > 0 then 'Y'
when sum(case flag when 'N' then 1 end) > 0 then 'N'
end flag
from tablename
group by sn
order by sn
In your special case, this should also work:
select sn, max(flag) flag
from tablename
group by sn
order by sn
because 'Y' > 'N'.
See the demo.
> -: | :---
> 1 | Y
> 2 | N
> 3 | N
> 4 | Y
> 5 | Y
> 6 | N
For your given rules, you can just use MAX():
select sn, max(flag) as flag
from t
group by sn;

Concetating results from Oracle table with several criterias

This is a tough one. I've read about concatating values from multible rows in a table, but can't find anything on how to go about the task set before me.
I'm not an oracle-man, and untill now have only made simple select queries, so I'm at a loss here.
In a huge oracle database table (severel hundred millions of rows) containing laboratory results, I need to select information on specific requisitions, that meet a specific criteria.
Criteria: For the same ReqNo, Analysis A B and C must be present with an answer, if they are, any instance of the answer to analysis X, Y or Z should be selected
Table contents:
ReqNo Ana Answer
1 A 7
1 B 14
1 C 18
1 X 250
2 A 8
2 X 35
2 Y 125
3 A 8
3 B 16
3 C 20
3 Z 100
4 X 115
4 Y 355
5 A 6
5 B 15
5 C 22
5 X 300
5 Y 108
5 C 88
Desired result:
ReqNo A B C X Y Z
1 7 14 18 250
3 8 16 20 100
5 6 15 22 300 108 88
leaving out ReqNo 2 and 4, since they don't meet the A/B/C criteria.
Is that even possible?
You may first filter the records that have all 3 (A,B and C) and then use PIVOT to convert them to columns for those which satisfy the criteria.
with req
select reqno from t where ana IN ('A','B','C')
count(DISTINCT ana) = 3
select * FROM
select * from t where
exists ( select 1 from req r where t.reqno = r.reqno )
min(answer) for ana in ('A' as A, 'B' as B, 'C' as C,
'X' as X, 'Y' as Y, 'Z' as Z)
) ORDER BY reqno;
I would just use conditional aggregation:
select reqno,
max(case when Ana = 'A' then Answer end) as a,
max(case when Ana = 'B' then Answer end) as b,
max(case when Ana = 'C' then Answer end) as c,
max(case when Ana = 'X' then Answer end) as x,
max(case when Ana = 'Y' then Answer end) as y,
max(case when Ana = 'Z' then Answer end) as z
from t
group by reqno
having sum(case when Ana = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and
sum(case when Ana = 'B' then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and
sum(case when Ana = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) > 0 ;
Given that you don't seem to have duplicates, you can simplify the having to:
having sum(case when Ana in ('A', 'B', 'C') then 1 else 0 end) = 3

Select first date in which an event happen for each id

I have a series of Ids, some of them activate a product on certain month and that product remains activated for an X period of time, while others do not activate the product.
I want to create a column which indicates in which month the user activates the product or a NULL if the user doesn't activate it.
I've tried using a partition like the following:
SELECT id, fl_testdrive, month_dt,
CASE WHEN fl_testdrive = 1 then min(month_dt) OVER(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY month_dt ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) else 0 end as month_testdrive
FROM Table_1
However, when I try this solution, in the column month_testdrive, I do not obtain the first month in which the user appears, indepently of if he/she activated that product in that month or on a later one.
This is what I get with my query
Id flag_testdrive month_dt month_testdrive
1 0 1 1
1 0 2 1
1 1 3 1
1 1 4 1
2 0 2 0
2 0 3 0
3 1 4 4
3 1 5 4
What I'd expect:
Id flag_testdrive month_dt month_testdrive
1 0 1 3
1 0 2 3
1 1 3 3
1 1 4 3
2 0 2 0
2 0 3 0
3 1 4 4
3 1 5 4
This solution is a second best but is also fine:
Id flag_testdrive month_dt month_testdrive
1 0 1 0
1 0 2 0
1 1 3 3
1 1 4 3
2 0 2 0
2 0 3 0
3 1 4 4
3 1 5 4
You want CASE expression inside MIN():
MIN(CASE WHEN fl_testdrive = 1 THEN month_dt ELSE 0 END) OVER(PARTITION BY id, flag_testdrive ORDER BY month_dt ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
Here's an option for you:
id INT
,flag_testdrive INT
,month_dt INT
INSERT INTO #Testdate (
, [flag_testdrive]
, [month_dt]
,COALESCE((SELECT MIN([aa].[month_dt]) FROM #Testdate aa
WHERE aa.[id] = a.id
AND aa.[flag_testdrive] = 1), 0) AS month_testdrive
FROM #Testdate a
Return the minimum month_dt for a given id only if flag_testdrive=1, wrapped in coalesce to return 0 instead of NULL.

how to double count column which already counted

Please help me to solve the problem
My real table is:
id group numberOfLevel(counted column)
1 10 4
2 10 2
3 11 2
4 11 1
5 11 3
6 11 2
7 21 1
8 21 2
9 30 1
10 40 2
But i want to show:
group 1st_level 2nd_level 3rd_level over4th_level
10 0 1 0 1
11 1 2 1 0
21 1 1 0 0
30 1 0 0 0
40 0 1 0 0
Which way do i need to use to show the table?
Please share experience ?
This is a basic pivot query, an ANSII SQL case expession can be used in such a query,
and it should work on most databases:
select group_nr,
sum( case when numberOfLevel = 1 then 1 else 0 end ) As level_1st,
sum( case when numberOfLevel = 2 then 1 else 0 end ) As level_2nd,
sum( case when numberOfLevel = 3 then 1 else 0 end ) As level_3rd,
sum( case when numberOfLevel >= 4 then 1 else 0 end ) As over4th_level
from table1
group by group_nr
demo: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/4bd04/4
Don't use group as a column name, because group is a keyword in SQL.

T-SQL Query a matrix table for free position

I'm trying to build a query for a matrix table which has a schema like this:
X | Y | Z | Disabled | OccupiedId |
1 1 1 0 NULL
1 2 1 0 NULL
1 3 1 1 NULL
1 4 1 0 1
1 5 1 0 2
1 6 1 0 3
1 7 1 0 4
1 1 2 0 NULL
1 2 2 0 NULL
1 3 2 0 NULL
1 4 2 0 NULL
1 5 2 0 NULL
1 6 2 0 NULL
1 7 2 0 NULL
I want to group for X, Z and find the first available position on Y.
Available by all means is NOT Disabled and NOT Occupied.
In the example provided this query should return:
X | Z | FreeY
1 1 2
1 2 7
The query should select the first free Y (or the last occupied Y) considering that each (X, Z) are filled starting from the end (MAX Y is constant)
I've tried different approach unsuccessfully :(
Any suggestions is highly appreciated!
Kind Regards,
SQL fiddle
( X int, Y int,Z int, Disabled bit, OccupiedId int)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,1,1, 1, NULL)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,1,2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,1,3, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,1,4, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,2,1, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,2,2, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,2,3, 0, 123)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,2,4, 0, NULL)
INSERT INTO Coordinate VALUES (1,2,5, 1, NULL)
SELECT X, Z, MIN(Y) AS FirstFreePosition
FROM Coordinate
WHERE Disabled = 0 AND OccupiedId IS NULL
OR -- if you need the unavailable combinations too, then something like this:
WHEN Disabled = 1 OR OccupiedId IS NOT NULL
THEN 1000 --a big number
ELSE Y END) AS FirstFreePosition
FROM Coordinate
For your edit (disabled=bit column), this query shows lastOccupiedID as well as firstFreeY
select x, z,
max(case when disabled=1 or occupiedid is not null
then Y else 0 end) lastOccupiedPosition,
maX(case when disabled=0 AND occupiedid is null
then Y else 0 end) firstFreeY
from matrix
group by x, z
order by x, z;
SQL Fiddle
MS SQL Server 2008 Schema Setup:
create table matrix(
X int , Y int , Z int , Disabled varchar(5) , OccupiedId int );
insert matrix values
(1 , 1 , 1 , 'True' , NULL ),
(1 , 1 , 2 , 'False' , NULL ),
(1 , 1 , 3 , 'False' , NULL ),
(1 , 1 , 4 , 'False' , NULL ),
(1 , 2 , 1 , 'False' , NULL ),
(1 , 2 , 2 , 'False' , NULL ),
(1 , 2 , 3 , 'False' , 123 ),
(1 , 2 , 4 , 'False' , NULL );
Query 1:
select x, z,
max(case when disabled='true' or occupiedid is not null
then Y else 0 end) lastOccupiedPosition
from matrix
group by x, z
order by x, z
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 0 |
| 1 | 3 | 2 |
| 1 | 4 | 0 |