Find rows in a database with no time in a datetime column - sql

During testing I have failed to notice an incorrect date/time entry into the database on certain orders. Instead of entering the date and time I have only been entering the date. I was using the correct time stamp createodbcdatetime(now()) however I was using cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" to enter it into the database.
I am lucky enough to have the order date/time correctly recorded, meaning I can use the time from the order date/time field.
My question being can I filter for all rows in the table with only dates entered. My data below;
Table Name: tbl_orders
uid_orders dte_order_stamp
2000 02/07/2012 03:02:52
2001 03/07/2012 01:24:21
2002 03/07/2012 08:34:00
Table Name: tbl_payments
uid_payment dte_pay_paydate uid_pay_orderid
1234 02/07/2012 03:02:52 2000
1235 03/07/2012 2001
1236 03/07/2012 2002
I need to be able to select all payments with no time entered from tbl_payments, i can then loop around the results grabbing the time from my order table add it to the date from my payment table and update the field with the new date/time.
I can pretty much handle the re-inserting the date/time. It's just selecting the no time rows I'm not sure about?
Any help would be appreciated.
The following is the select statements for both orders and payments and if they need to be joined.(just fyi)
SQL Server 2008, Cold Fusion 9
INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_payment ON (dbo.tbl_orders.uid_orders = dbo.tbl_payment.uid_pay_orderid)
FROM dbo.tbl_orders

Select the records where the hours, minutes, seconds and millisecond value is zero.
select *
from table
where datePart(hour, datecolumn) = 0
and datePart(minute, datecolumn) = 0
and datePart(second, datecolumn) = 0
and datePart(millisecond, datecolumn) = 0

You can probably get those values by casting to time and checking for 0:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE CAST(datetimecolumn AS TIME) = '00:00'
That may not be particularly efficient though, depending on how smart SQL Server's indexes are.

Something like this should work:
WHERE CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, dbo.tbl_payment.dte_pay_paydate, 101) AS DATETIME) =
This will return all rows where the time is missing.


Performing of my basic query taking long time

I use MsSQL. I have a "jobs" table which has 140 columns and includes more than 4 million records in it. This table's columns mostly varchar and bit.
The table's 40 columns connected to some other tables. Like "issuerid" from "issuers" table, "fileid" from "files"...
The indexes of table is only on the "fileid" which is non-unique and non-clustered.
My basic query is like in the following:
select issuerid,count(id) as total , sum(case when X_Status=1 then 1 else 0 end) P_Count
from jobs where 1=1 and issuerid='1001' and creationdate between '01/01/2019 12:00:01 AM' and '06/30/2019 11:59:59 PM' group by issuerid
The duration of the query is: 1min 20seconds (The PC has SSD and 4GB Ram)
So i tried to index on issuerid but it didn't affect as much.
I have a lot of queries on this table for my asp page. For example the sum case changes mostly;
sum(case when Y_Status=1 then 1 else 0 end) P_Count
Like this.
So even tried to let 2 columns in the table and executed this query
select count(id) as, sum(case when X_Status=1 then 1 else 0 end) P_Count from newjobs where 1=1
and this took around 30seconds.
I read many topics and article to improve query performance but didn't work. Is there anyone who has any idea to share?
Thank you.
The following should work for your exact query:
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Jobs__IssuerID_CreationDate ON dbo.Jobs (IssuerID, CreationDate)
INCLUDE (X_Status);
Since your query filters on IssuerID and CreationDate these are the key columns, then I hav eadded X_Status as a non key column so that the whole query can be run from this index and there is no chance of a bookmark lookup or an index scan.
As an aside, your current where clause will always exclude things that happen in the first second of the first day and the last second of the last day (i.e between 00:00:00 and 00:00:01on 1st January, and 06/30/2019 23:59:59 and 07/01/2019 00:00:00). This may be deliberate, but I suspect it isn't. It is usually much better, and also more clear as to your intentions to use an open ended date range.
WHERE CreationDate > '20190101'
AND CreationDate < '20190701'
Or More likely:
WHERE CreationDate >= '20190101'
AND CreationDate < '20190701'
I have also swtiched to a culture invariant date time format, so that the date literal is interpretted as the same date on every machine. For more reading see:
What do BETWEEN and the devil have in common?
Bad habits to kick : mis-handling date / range queries

Giving the wrong records when used datetime parameter in MS Access Query

I am working MS-Access 2007 DB .
I am trying to write the query for the Datetime, I want to get records between 14 December and 16 December so I write the bellow query.
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate > #14-Dec-15# and CreatedDate < #16-Dec-15#
( I have to use the two dates for the query.)
But It returning the records having CreatedDate is 14 December...
Whats wrong with the query ?
As #vkp mentions in the comments, there is a time part to a date as well. If it is not defined it defaults to midnight (00:00:00). As 14-dec-2015 6:46:56 is after 14-dec-2015 00:00:00 it is included in the result set. You can use >= 15-dec-15 to get around this, as it will also include records from 15-dec-2015. Same goes for the end date.
It seems you want only records from Dec 15th regardless of the time of day stored in CreatedDate. If so, this query should give you what you want with excellent performance assuming an index on CreatedDate ...
FROM Expense
WHERE CreatedDate >= #2015-12-15# and CreatedDate < #2015-12-16#;
Beware of applying functions to your target field in the WHERE criterion ... such as CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)). Although logically correct, it would force a full table scan. That might not be a problem if your Expense table contains only a few rows. But for a huge table, you really should try to avoid a full table scan.
You must inlcude the time in your thinking:
EDIT: I wrote this with the misunderstanding, that you wanted to
include data rows from 14th to 16th of Dec (three full days).
If you'd write <#17-Dec-15# it would be the full 16th. Or you'd have to write <=#16-Dec-15 23:59:59#.
A DateTime on the 16th of December with a TimePart of let's say 12:30 is bigger than #16-Dec-15#...
Just some backgorund: In Ms-Access a DateTime is stored as a day's number and a fraction part for the time. 0.5 is midday, 0.25 is 6 in the morning...
Comparing DateTime values means to compare Double-values in reality.
Just add one day to your end date and exclude this:
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate >= #2015/12/14# AND CreatedDate < #2015/12/17#
Thanks A Lot guys for your help...
I finally ended with the solution given by Darren Bartrup-Cook and Gustav ....
My previous query was....
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CreatedDate > #14-Dec-15# and CreatedDate < #16-Dec-15#
And the New working query is...
SELECT * FROM Expense WHERE CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)) > #14-Dec-15# and CDATE(INT(CreatedDate)) < #16-Dec-15#

How to rearrange the value of column

I have a table (tblDates). In this table I have two column (Date,Age) . Now I want If I add new date in this table then Age column rearranged there values.
Table - tblDates
Date Age
12/01/14 5
12/02/14 4
12/03/14 3
12/04/14 2
12/05/14 1
If I add New date i.e., 12/06/14 then I want result like this
Table - tblDates
Date Age
12/01/14 6
12/02/14 5
12/03/14 4
12/04/14 3
12/05/14 2
12/06/14 1
I may be reading too much into your question, but if your goal is to compute the age (in days) from a given date (today?) to the date stored in your tables, then you'll be better off using the DATEDIFF function and computing the value when you query it each time.
For example:
-- Option 1: Compute when you query it each time in the query you require it
SELECT d.[Date], DATEDIFF(dd, d.[Date], CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE())) as [Age]
FROM tblDates AS d
You can also define the Age column on your table as a Computed Column if it will be used frequently enough, or wrap the table in a View to embed this computation:
-- Option 2: Compute at query time, but build the computation into the table definition
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDates] (
[AgeInDaysComputed] AS (DATEDIFF(dd, [Date], CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE())) )
-- Option 3: Compute at query time, but require caller interact with a different object
-- (view) to get the computation
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vwDates]
SELECT d.[Date], DATEDIFF(dd, d.[Date], CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE())) as [AgeInDays]
FROM dbo.tblDates AS D
One note regarding the GETDATE function: you need to be aware of your server timezone, as GETDATE returns the date according to your server's local timezone. As long as your server configuration and user's configurations are all in the same timezone, this should provide the correct result.
(If the age in days is what you're trying to compute, you may want to edit your question to better reflect this intent for the benefit of future readers, as it is quite different from "rearranging the value of columns")
Pull the values that you want out when you query, not when you insert data. You seem to want:
select d.*, row_number() over (order by date desc) as age
from tblDates d;
Otherwise, your insert operation will become very cumbersome, requiring changes to all the rows in the table.

SQL Query to Get Count of Items within a timeframe

I need help with an SQL query that will get me a count of hourly deposits to an account for a specific date. The database consists of deposits and time of deposit to various accounts. I need a query that will return the number deposits made to a certain account on an hourly basis. Ideally the result would look something like this:
MM/DD/YYYY Account XYZ :
12:00PM : 3
1:00PM : 5
2:00PM: 7
3:00PM; 11
*Formatting doesnt really matter, just as long as I can get this info.
SET #CheckDate='2014/5/13'
SELECT DATEPART(hh, DespositDate), COUNT(1)
FROM table t
WHERE account = 'XYZ' AND CAST(DepositDate AS DATE)=#CheckDate
GROUP BY DATEPART(hh, DespositDate)
You can use the date/time functions for aggregation. In your case, this would look like:
select cast(DepositDate as date), datepart(hour, DespositDate), count(*)
from table t
where account = 'XYZ'
group by cast(DepositDate as date), datepart(hour, DespositDate);

How to query date in oracle?

Assuming I have the following table in oracle:
id|orderdatetime (date type)|foodtype (string type)
1|2013-12-02T00:26:00 | burger
2|2013-12-02T00:20:00 | fries
(assume there are many dates and times)
Assuming someone happened to have a date in mind (i.e. "2010-12-02T00:25:00").
even though there is no database entry with that specific time in there...
is there some way to query the database such that I can get the row that has a date time that is closest to it without being ahead of the date in mind (ideally, it would be less than or equal to)?
(i.e. in this case, the sql query would return the row for "fries" and not "burger" because the time for burger is past the time the user had in mind despite the fact that the time for "burger" is closer.)
select x.* from (select id,orderdatetime,foods from orders
where orderdatetime <= YOURTIME order by orderdatetime desc)x
where rownum =1
Another would be:
select * from orders where orderdatetime = (select max(orderdatetime) from orders
where orderdatetime <= YOURTIME)