Memory leaks JSONKit iOS - objective-c

I'm using JSONKit in my app, but when I click analyze in Xcode I get 2 issues in JSONKit.m:
Issue 1:
Issue 2:
Should I do something about this?

I would imagine that those aren't actual memory leaks. Both methods have 'Create' in their name which I think is meant to follow the Core Foundation create rule. I would guess that the analyser is just applying the Objective-C convention where only variants 'new', 'alloc', 'copy' and 'retain' are supposed to return owning references.
Those are clear C functions rather than Objective-C methods; I guess the analyser is applying Objective-C rules because Objective-C objects are being returned, albeit confusingly because the normal conventions are being deliberately ignored.


ARC: Analyzer warnings with Objective-C code using core foundation

Using the analyzer on some Objective-C | Cocoa / Core Foundation code, I got a few error that I can't fix because I don't understand them.
Error #1:
In an Objective-C class header, I declare this property.
#property(readwrite) CFMutableSetRef gClients;
In the body, I get the following error:
Question: Why is that a leak ? I store it in a property and dispose of it later. I thought ARC knew how to deal with CF "objects".
Error #2:
Later on, I have this error when releasing the object:
Question: How can I take those two Analyzer warnings into account in order to create a code that actually works (self.gClients lives between calls to ClientInitialize and destroyAllClients) but does not get flagged?
ARC doesn't manage CF objects without manual intervention. There is work you need to do first.
See at "ARC and toll-free bridging". There are special casting tricks with (__bridge_transfer).

ARC with non-Foundation Objects

I have made my own Objective-C base class to use in Objective-C projects (without Foundation/Cocoa classes or API). While I don't mind writing my own retains and releases, it's a tedious process so I'm wondering if I can use ARC with my custom classes.
Is it possible to use ARC with custom classes?
Do my reference-counting selectors have to be called retain and release (and autorelease)?
What additional requirements are there to make ARC work as expected for custom classes (other than including the -fobjc-arc argument when compiling)?
Is it possible to use ARC with custom classes?
Of course it is.
Do my reference-counting selectors have to be called retain and release (and autorelease)?
Yes, they do. Apple has hardcoded the method names of its favorite Objective-C library (Foundation) into the compiler. Damn bad programming pattern, isn't it?
What additional requirements are there to make ARC work as expected for custom classes (other than including the -fobjc-arc argument when compiling)?
As far as I know, nothing.

Why is 'no known method for selector x' a hard error under ARC?

Maybe it's useful if calling a method that MyClass doesn't understand on a something typed MyClass is an error rather than a warning since it's probably either a mistake or going to cause mistakes in the future...
However, why is this error specific to ARC? ARC decides what it needs to retain/release/autorelease based on the cocoa memory management conventions, which would suggest that knowing the selector's name is enough. So it makes sense that there are problems with passing a SEL variable to performSelector:, as it's not known at compile-time whether the selector is an init/copy/new method or not. But why does seeing this in a class interface or not make any difference?
Am I missing something about how ARC works, or are the clang warnings just being a bit inconsistent?
ARC decides what it needs to retain/release/autorelease based on the cocoa memory management conventions, which would suggest that knowing the selector's name is enough.
This is just one way that ARC determines memory management. ARC can also determine memory management via attributes. For example, you can declare any typedef retainable using __attribute__((NSObject)) (never, ever do this, but it's legal). You can also use other attributes like __attribute((ns_returns_retained)) and several others to override naming conventions (these are things you might reasonably do if you couldn't fix the naming; but it's much better to fix the naming).
Now, imagine a case where you failed to include the header file that declares these attributes in some files but not others. Now, some compile units (.m files) memory manage it one way and some memory manage it another. Hijinks ensure. This is much, much worse than the situation without ARC, and the resulting bugs would be mindbending because some ARC code would do one thing and other ARC code would do something different.
So, yeah, don't do that. (Of course you should never ignore warnings in Objective-C anyway, but this is a particularly nasty situation.)
It's an ounce of prevention, I'd assume. Incidentally, it's not foolproof in larger systems because selectors do not need to match and matching is all based on the translation, so it could still blow up on you if you are not writing your program such that it introduces type safety. Something is better than nothing, though!
The compiler wants to know about parameters and return types, potentially annotations and out parameters. ObjC has defaults to fall back on, but it's a good source of multiple types of bugs as the compiler does more for you.
There are a number of reasons you should introduce type safety and turn up the warning levels. With ARC, there are even more. Regardless of whether it is truly necessary, it's a good direction for an objc compiler to move towards (IMHO). You might consider C99 safer than ObjC 2.0 in this regard ;)
If there really is a restriction for codegen, I'd like to hear it.

Updating CoreFoundation PriorityQueue implementation to take advantage of ARC for iOS

I found an implementation of a priority queue that primarily uses CFBinaryHeap to work.
I'm currently using the -fno-objc-arc compiler flag to skip the usage of ARC while compiling these files. I attempted to update this code to take advantage of ARC, though I've run into a few snags of understanding.
Is there anyone here who has updated code similar to this for use with ARC?
How do you handle things like free(), and CFRelease()? Can we just get rid of them?
What do you do with the retain and release methods you create for CFBinaryHeapCallBacks?
Do you use __bride or __bridge_transfer to reference the const void * into Objective-C objects? Likewise should you use (__bridge_retained void *) or obj_unretainedPointer() to do the reverse?
ARC basically is a compiler technology that automatically inserts calls to -retain, -release, and -autorelease as needed. It does not remove the need for retains and releases, it just makes them automatic (in the process, optimizing out many that are not required, and playing other tricks to make various common patterns much more efficient than if you did it by hand).
ARC knows nothing about Core Foundation, nor about void* objects, malloc, free, or anything other than ObjC memory management.
This means that as long as you use Core Foundation objects, you should continue to use CFRelease. And if you malloc memory, you should continue to free it.
But.... what if you want to take memory that was created by Core Foundation and transfer it to Cocoa via a toll-free bridge? That's where __bridge* comes in. One of the best sources of information is the clang docs themselves. A great blog article is Everything you need to know about ARC. It includes many useful links to the definitive information.
But here's the short answer (from Transitioning to ARC)
NSString *c = (__bridge_transfer NSString*)my_cfref; // -1 on the CFRef
CFStringRef d = (__bridge_retained CFStringRef)my_id; // returned CFRef is +1
Using __bridge_transfer logically moves a CF object into Cocoa. Using __bridge_retained logically moves a Cocoa object into CF. You use these when you are really transferring ownership of the object. In the above example, you generally shouldn't continue using the my_ variables in my opinion. These are particularly useful in cases where you are returning the result out of the function. These should be used for their logical ownership functionality only. Don't use them as a way to "fake" a manual call to retain or release.
If you just want to have a temporary "bridged" pointer to the object so you can use it in CF or Cocoa without transferring it, then use __bridge. That's a no-op that says "don't do any memory management, just let me pretend for the moment that it's the other kind of object." If you do a lot of toll-free bridging, you'll wind up using __bridge quite a lot (making it seem like a small toll.... :D)
Here is a pure objective-c implementation of PriorityQueue, that supports ARC:
Is simple to implement non ARC lib into XCode project. Just open "Build Phases"(menu when click on your project target) -> "Compile Sources" and to files, which are not using ARC add by double click flag "-fno-objc-arc" and your're done. So simple :)

Using a custom allocator in an iOS library

I'm creating a library that will be used by multiple types of iOS apps. Part of my API allows a user to specify routines that will be used for the library's allocations. My library is implemented mostly in C++, so this has been straightforward so far.
However, I've recently been adding some user interface functionality to the library: displaying a UIWebView using a custom view controller. I'm not sure how to ensure that my allocators are used for these objects.
How can I ensure that all of the Cocoa UI objects created by my library are allocated with my own functions?
I've tried a few things including overriding -initWithZone and calling CFAllocatorSetDefault before my -init. None of them have worked yet; and honestly I'm still a beginner with Objective C and Cocoa, so I'd like to know what the "correct" way to do this is.
I'm unable to find evidence of it now, but it certainly was the case that CFAllocator, malloc_zone_t and NSZone were all toll-free bridged. So you could just cast your allocator to an NSZone and pass it along.
I think the problem you're going to face is that NSZone was added at NextStep so as to allow a program to maintain multiple heaps, with the feeling being that it would allow programmers to keep related objects close to one another in memory — which is good for caching — and in some cases to throw away entire object graphs without walking the graph, which is obviously fast. However the former was of little benefit in practice and the latter is more likely to create problems than to be of actual benefit. So Apple has back-peddled from NSZones, gradually turning the related runtime calls into no-ops and removing detailed documentation. Apple's feeling is that, at the Objective-C level, you should not only maintain only a single heap (which is a side issue from your point of view) but that they'll always know best how to maintain it.
EDIT: an alternative idea is to replace NSObject's alloc, that being the thing that creates memory. The Objective-C runtime is well-defined enough that we know exactly what behaviour alloc exhibits, so that a vanilla version might be:
+ (id)alloc
Class *newInstance;
// we'll use calloc to ensure we get correct initial behaviour of
// everything equal to 0, and use the runtime's class_getInstanceSize
// so that we're allocating the correct amount of memory irrespective
// of whether this call has fallen through from a subclass
newInstance = (Class *)calloc(1, class_getInstanceSize(self));
// the thing that defines a class is that the first thing stored in
// it is the isa pointer, which points to the metaclass. So we'll
// set the isa pointer appropriately
*newInstance = self;
return (id)newInstance;
To replace NSObject's normal init, you'd probably want to define your alternative as a category method on NSObject named, say, customInit, then use class_getClassMethod, class_getMethodImplementation and method_setImplementation directly on [NSObject class] to switch it into place. See the Object-C Runtime Reference for documentation on those.