HttpUnit not honoring load-on-startup in web.xml - testing

I'm still trying to navigate how the httpunit class architecture works, but I've come across an issue where I'm not seeing my "load-on-startup" directives in web.xml being honored when I use ServletRunner. Is there a standard way to make this work, or is this a bug?
Here is some proof-of-concept code I'm using to try to get a working example:
ServletRunner servletRunner = new ServletRunner(TestVariables.WEB_XML_REL_PATH);
WebConversation conv = new WebConversation();
ServletUnitClient client = servletRunner.newClient();
WebRequest request = new PostMethodWebRequest(
InvocationContext iContext = client.newInvocation(request);


way to use 'lowdb' in 'express'

Recently, I am trying to make a web page using express, and I am trying to manage login session information and bulletin board data through lowdb.
But when I try to generate and run the code that requires lowdb and controls lowdb,
There is a error with the require syntax with the err_code 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM'.
When I googled it, it said that it was a syntax compatibility problem between commonjs and ESM, so do I have to convert all other codes to ESM because of one lowdb?
The code below is the code I made to control lowdb.
var low = require('lowdb');
var FileSync = require('lowdb/adapters/FileSync');
var adapter = new FileSync('db.json');
var db = low(adapter);
db.defaults({users:[], topics:[]}).write();
module.exports = db;
I don't want to convert the whole code to ESM because of lowdb, I want to use lowdb through commonjs. Or is there any other good way to handle local db via json file like lowdb?
Use lowdb#1.0.0 and it will work.
npm i lowdb#1.0.0

Can anyone help me in recording script using recording controller in jmeter?

I have done till creation of proxy sever.Facing some socket broken issue on running the scripts in firefox
When i perform some actions everything is working then some error occurs
also explain what is jmeter tree model and jmeternode is?
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
// recordingController recordingcontroller=new recordingController("testrecorder",RecordController.class);
// RecordingController rc= (RecordingController) recordingcontroller.buildTestElement();
RecordingController rc = new RecordingController();
GenericController gc = new GenericController();
LoopController loopController = new LoopController();
loopController.setProperty(TestElement.TEST_CLASS, LoopController.class.getName());
loopController.setProperty(TestElement.GUI_CLASS, LoopControlPanel.class.getName());
ThreadGroup threadGroup = new ThreadGroup();
ProxyControl proxyController = new ProxyControl();
// proxyController.setProperty(TestElement.TEST_CLASS, ProxyControl.class.getName());
// proxyController.setProperty(TestElement.GUI_CLASS, ProxyControlGui.class.getName());
proxyController.setName("Proxy Recorder");
// threadGroup.setSamplerController(rc);
// proxyController.setSamplerTypeName("SAMPLER_TYPE_JAVA_SAMPLER");
TestPlan testPlan = new TestPlan("My_Test_Plan");
JMeterTreeModel jtm = new JMeterTreeModel();
JMeterTreeNode node = new JMeterTreeNode(proxyController,jtm);
// JMeterTreeNode node=new JMeterTreeNode();
// proxyController.setCaptureHttpHeaders(true);
// proxyController.setUseKeepAlive(true);
// proxyController.setGroupingMode(4);
I don't think non-GUI proxy recording is something you can achieve with vanilla JMeter, if you have to automate the recording process you will have to go for desktop applications automation solutions like Appium or LDTP
If you need to record a JMeter script using Firefox on a system which doesn't have GUI I can think of following approaches:
Use Proxy2JMX Converter module of Taurus tool
Use BlazeMeter Proxy Recorder (by the way it has nice feature of exporting recorded scenarios in "SmartJMX" mode with automatic detection and correlation of dynamic parameters)

JayData oData request with custom headers - ROUND 2

Few month back I was working on some Odata WCF project and I had some problems with parsing custom headers for token auth (apiKey).
At that time, being quite a noob (still am!), I posted this SO question: JayData oData request with custom headers
Today I am working on a new project with Jaydata Odata server and client library and this:
application.context.prepareRequest = function (r) {
r[0].headers['apikey'] = '123456';
was working fine till I had to do a MERGE request. I found out that somehow MERGE request was overriding my headers so I investigated further.
It appears at first that in the oDataProvider.js (~line 617) in the _saveRest method the headers are not inherited:
request = {
requestUri: this.providerConfiguration.oDataServiceHost + '/',
headers: {
MaxDataServiceVersion: this.providerConfiguration.maxDataServiceVersion
but a few lines later we get:, requestData);
which "should" call my own prepareRequest, but doesnt... Instead it still points to:
//Line 11302 jaydata.js
prepareRequest: function () { },
which of course does... nothing! Funnilly enough, when you execute a simple GET the same code supposedly on the same context instance works and points to my prepareRequest override.
I can assert with enough confidence that somehow the context between GET/MERGE is not the same instance. I cant see, however, any place where the context instance is reassigned.
Has anyone got a clue?
PS: this is NOT a CORS issue. My OPTIONS is passing fine and manually feeding the headers in oDataProvider works.
I followed the lead on different context instances and found something interesting. calling ends up calling the EntityContext constructor. see trace:
$data.Class.define.constructor (jaydata.js:10015)
EntityContext (VM110762:7)
Service (VM110840:8)
storeToken.factory (jaydata.js:14166)
$data.Class.define._getContextPromise (jaydata.js:13725)
$data.Class.define._getStoreContext (jaydata.js:13700)
$data.Class.define._getStoreEntitySet (jaydata.js:13756)
$data.Class.define.EntityInstanceSave (jaydata.js:13837)
$data.Entity.$ (jaydata.js:9774)
(anonymous function) (app.js:162) // My save()
That explains why I get two different instances...
Replacing the prepareRequest function direcly in the class definition works, but its ugly!
for now I can cope with this:
$data.EntityContext.prototype.prepareRequest = function (r) {
r[0].headers['apikey'] = '12345';
This works fine as long as you only need to talk to a single endpoint.
Final word based on my experience
As much as I like JayData, it is obvious that they created a monster and its getting out of their hands (poor forum, no community, half-documented,...).
I chose JD because I was lazy and wanted to keep working with my old WCF DataService. Switching to Web API seemed wrong or too much work for me.
Also as a .net dev I liked strong typing of my entities and the ability to work with a concrete model generated from the JD tools. However, in the end, I was adding confusion. Every time my server side model changed I had to fetch the new metadata and scaffold a new entityModel.
I ended up by switching to Web Api and migrated my data service layer to Breeze. And seriously! its a breeze to work with it!
The documentation is absolutely brilliant and here on S.O you can always count on Ward or Jay Tarband to reply with a very high amount of professionalism.
In the end I realize this should probably be more a wiki than a Question.....

Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName. error

Application: Connecting to BigQuery using BigQuery APIs for Java
Environment: Eclipse, Windows 7
My application was running fine until last night. I've made no changes (except for restarting my computer) and my code is suddenly giving me this error:
Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName.
Thankfully I had a tar'd version of my workspace from last night. I ran a folder compare and found the local_db.bin file was different. I deleted the existing local_db.bin file and tried to run the program again. And it worked fine!
Any idea why this might have happened?
Hopefully this will help anyone else who stumbles upon this issue.
Try this to set your application name
Drive service = new Drive.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, null)
.setApplicationName("Your app name")
If you are working with only Firebase Dynamic Links without Android or iOS app
Try this.
FirebaseUtil is custom class add keys and application name to this class
FirebaseDynamicLinks.Builder builder = new FirebaseDynamicLinks.Builder(
GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), null);
// initialize with api key
FirebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer firebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer = new FirebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer(
// build dynamic links
FirebaseDynamicLinks firebasedynamiclinks =;
// create Firebase Dynamic Links request
CreateShortDynamicLinkRequest createShortLinkRequest = new CreateShortDynamicLinkRequest();
createShortLinkRequest.setLongDynamicLink(firebaseUtil.getFirebaseUrlPrefix() + "?link=" + urlToShorten);
Suffix suffix = new Suffix();
// request short url
FirebaseDynamicLinks.ShortLinks.Create request = firebasedynamiclinks.shortLinks()
CreateShortDynamicLinkResponse createShortDynamicLinkResponse = request.execute();

Featurereceiver sharepoint 2010 xdocument 503

My issue seems to be related to permissions, but I am not sure how to solve it.
In the FeatureActivated event of one of my features I am calling out to a class I created for managing webconfig entries using the SPWebConfigModification class. The class reads up an xml file that I have added to the mapped Layouts folder in the project.
When I deploy the .wsp to my Sharepoint server everything gets installed fine, but when the FeatureActivated event runs it throws a 503 error when attempting to access the xml file.I am deploying the .wsp remotely using a powershell script and I have the powershell, the iisapp pool and the owstimer.exe all using the same domain administrative user.
I assumed the issue was that the FeatureActivated event code was being run within the scope of the OWSTIMER.exe so changed the logon of the service to a domain user that has administrative access to the server to see if that would solve the problem, but no matter what I am getting the 503.
I have traced out the URL to the xml file and pasted that into IE and I am getting back the xml without issue from the server once its copied.
Can anyone give me any idea where to look to figure out why the FeatureActivated event code can't seem to get to the XML file on the server?
Below is the code in my class that is being called from the FeatureActivated event to read the xml.
_contentservice = ContentService;
WriteTraceMessage("Getting SPFeatureProperties", TraceSeverity.Medium, 5);
_siteurl = properties.Definition.Properties["SiteUrl"].Value;
_foldername = properties.Definition.Properties["FolderName"].Value;
_filename = properties.Definition.Properties["FileName"].Value;
_sitepath = properties.Definition.Properties["SitePath"].Value;
WriteTraceMessage("Loading xml from layouts for configuration keys", TraceSeverity.Medium, 6);
xdoc = new XDocument();
XmlUrlResolver resolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
WriteTraceMessage("Path to XML: " + sb.ToString(), TraceSeverity.Medium, 7);
WriteTraceMessage("Credentials for xml reader: " + CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials.ToString(), TraceSeverity.Medium, 8);
resolver.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; //this the issue might be here
settings.XmlResolver = resolver;
xdoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(sb.ToString(), settings));
I finally punted on this issue because I discovered that while adding the -Force switch to the Enable-SPFeature command did use a different process to activate the feature when adding a solution it did not work when updating a solution. Ultimately I just changed my XDocument.Load() to use a TextReader instead of a URI. The xml file will always be available when deploying the WSP because it is part of the package so there is no reason to use IIS and a webrequest to load up the xml.