How to integrate OpenNI, NITE libraries in CodeBlocks or Geany - kinect

I installed the OpenNI+NITE+kinect on ubuntu 12.10 today and the samples are working fine. (Ran NITE samples and they work like charm)
I want to start developing in Linux and I like to work with IDE. For ubuntu I have always used Geany or Codeblocks and i was wondering if there was a way to integrate OpenNI,NITE libraries to the IDE's so that I can write, execute, debug the code easily from the IDE itself.
I tried to add the libraries myself in geany but all my attempts failed. :/
Also, when I do make for Sample examples in OpenNI, I get *.d and *.o files but I dont seem to get the executable *.out . So i am not sure how to run the programs.
I am a novice programmer, just starting to learn, So please excuse the noobness in
Appreciate the Help.

Generally if you're doing something non-trivial with Geany you will need to provide your own build system (even simple GNU Make files will do). Geany is intentionally build system agnostic and allows you to run arbitrary build commands which are described in the manual as well as in a helpful article on the wiki.
If you describe in more detail the errors/problems you referred to as "attempts failed" it will likely be possible to provide more concrete solutions.


Cygwin & OCaml: OPAM + Batteries

I extensively use Cygwin on a Windows 8 environment (I do not want to go ahead and boot/load Linux directly on the machine). I use the OCamlIDE plug-in for Eclipse and have experienced relatively no problems using this workflow setup.
However, I would like to use Batteries so that I may make use of use of its dynamic arrays among a few other interesting features that will speed up my development process.
I have tried this method:, but I get the following error:
$ sh ./ /usr/local/bin
No file yet for i686:CYGWIN_NT-6.2-WOW64
What am I missing and how would I configure Cygwin so that it can accept the Opam installer? When I tried yet a different way of building Opam, I got:
'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
as a Makefile error and reason for building failure. It seems something is wrong related to mingw32-gcc, what do I need to install and/or configure for my Cygwin to get it to compile/build things properly. I have wget and curl installed as well.
My overall question: What is the best way to get Batteries installed on my system with the minimum of time spent tracing all of its dependencies by hand? Is there a way I can just build the library module, such as BatDynArray and the includes:
include BatEnum.Enumerable
include BatInterfaces.Mappable
That way I can just call them directly in my code with open...;; and/or include...;;;
OCaml works beautifully on Windows with WODI, which is a Cygwin-based distribution that includes Batteries and tons of other useful packages (which are a pain to install manually on Windows).
I urge you to take a shot at WODI, which I believe to be an indispensable tool for the
rest of us, the forgotten souls, who have to deal with Windows.
First of all, include does not do what you think it does. open Batteries should be exactly what you're looking for. OPAM is not yet solid on windows (maybe Thomas could give an update on where things stand).
Frankly, I would recommend to install a linux on a VM, you should be able to get started with OPAM instantly then. Otherwise, take a look at this package manager for OCaml which focuses on cross platform support: I've never tried it myself however. The last package manger you could try is GODI, I'm not sure about its windows support though.
Finally, if none of these options work then it should be possible to install batteries from the source. All you need is OCaml and make. And if there are problems with this approach then you should definitely follow up on them either here or on the bug tracker because batteries does intend to support windows AFAIK.

Code::Blocks for understanding C++ code it can't build

Have a C++ source I probably can't build in Code::Blocks. If I use it as an editor, would it be helpful in gaining understanding of the code? (Like Intellisense).
How does it compare to Visual Studio in this respect?
How should I go about doing it?
Can it somehow utilize gdb information (When I run it in gdb, there is a lot of information available)
It is Linux gcc/Makefile based.
The main executable is in one directory, but there are many includes, libraries etc.
If I just included all sources I would get sources for other executables (with similar code).
I expect to increase my understanding about where things are located over time.
Note 1: This is Linux, but I can easily edit on Windows. And I am trying to build under Cygwin.
Code::Blocks sounds too light weight for your tastes. Try NetBeans. It has very good hinting tools, doesn't have the infamous copy+paste bug, Its easier to navigate files, and can deal with makefiles better then C::B. Additionally it has a nice interface for debugging, and an exceptional one for performance monitoring.
I would reccomend you install a linux distro through WUBI and forgo using Windows.
I have used NetBeans, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, and CodeLite. I don't normally write software under Windows anymore, but when I did CodeLite was the most elegant one I found. Debugging was a snap (mingw + GDB), all the meta information about your project is stored in an sqlite db (which I think is a great design), and it supports makefiles.
I think NetBeans would work great as well, but definitely give CodeLite a shot.

Autotools vs CMake for both Windows and Linux compilation

I have been looking for pros & cons of Autotools and CMake. But I would like to know opinions from people having used one (or both) of these tools for projects.
I used Autotools very basically a year ago and I know that one of the good points is that it relies on shell scripting, thus it does not need to be installed to be run and uses portable shell scripting. But it looks like it is too unix oriented, and it would not be possible to run the configure file on Windows.
I have now to choose a build system tool for an open source project that will have to be compiled for at least Linux & Windows. It is written in C++, and uses a Qt GUI front-end, the rest of it is "generic".
Thanks for you help.
Updated 16th of January 2019: Refined advice as tools evolve.
I have used autotools before for a considerable amount of time.
Currently I make intensive use of meson and cmake only when I need it.
Some personal advice:
for big teams, stick to CMake if you want to make use of the generators for XCode. If you do not need it, I would use Meson directly. Meson, as of version 0.49, also supports finding CMake configuration files (though I did not test yet how well this works). Also, Visual Studio seems to be sufficiently well-supported at this point in time, though, again, I did not try myself. The advantage of CMake is that it has Visual Studio integration.
Drop autotools. Meson covers well everything already. Their cross-compilation model is amazingly understandable. In CMake, last time I checked, everything was quite more difficult.
I have also tried scons, waf, and tup.
The most full-featured, cross-platform system, is CMake, but the DSL from meson will be easier to use for people used to python and others. Meson is starting to support VS also (a VS2015 generator) and some projects already have experimental support for it, for example gstreamer. Gstreamer is compiled in windows as well with meson. Right now there is VS2015 generator and VS2017 but I did not try myself the generators lately. As of meson 0.37.1 needed some work, but they are improving them and current version is already 0.40.
The DSL does not get in the way at all. In fact, it is very nice and familiar, based in python.
Well-thought cross compilation support.
The objects are all strongly typed: you cannot make string substitution mistakes easily, since objects are entities such as 'depencency', 'include directory', etc.
It is very obviuos how to add a module for one of your tools.
Cross-compilation seems more straightforward to use.
Really well-thought. The designer and main writer of Meson knows what
he talks about very well when designing a build system.
Very, very fast, especially in incremental builds.
The documentation is 10 times better that what you can find in cmake. Go visit and you will find tutorial, howtos and a good reference. It is not perfect but it is really discoverable.
Not as mature as CMake, though, I consider it already fully usable for C++.
Not so many modules available, though, gnome, qt and the common ones are already there.
Project generators: seems VS generator is not working that well as of now. CMake project generators are far more mature.
Has a python3 + ninja dependency.
Generates projects for many different IDEs. This is a very nice feature for teams.
Plays well with windows tools, unlike autotools.
Mature, almost de-facto standard.
Microsoft is working on CMake integration for Visual Studio.
It does not follow any well known standard or guidelines.
No uninstall target.
The DSL is weird, when you start to do comparisons and such, and the strings vs list thing or escape chars, you will make many mistakes, I am pretty sure.
Cross compilation sucks.
Most powerful system for cross-compilation, IMHO.
The generated scripts don't need anything else than make, a shell and, if you need it to build, a compiler.
The command-line is really nice and consistent.
A standard in unix world, lots of docs.
Really powerful command-line: changing directories of installation, uninstall,
renaming binaries...
If you target unix, packaging sources with this tool is really convenient.
It won't play well with microsoft tools. A real showstopper.
The learning curve is... well... But actually I can say that CMake was not that easy either.
The use of recursive make is pervasive in legacy projects. Automake supports non-recursive builds, but it's not a very widely used approach.
About the learning curve, there are two very good sources to learn from:
The website here
The book here
The first source will get you up and running faster. The book is a more in-depth discussion.
From Scons, waf and tup, Scons and tup are more like make. Waf is more like CMake and the autotools. I tried waf instead of cmake at first. I think it is overengineered in the sense that it has a full OOP API. The scripts didn't look short at all and it was really confusing for me the working directory stuff and related things. At the end, I found that autotools and CMake are a better choice. My favourite from these 3 build systems is tup.
Really correct.
Insanely fast. You should try it to believe it.
The scripting language relies on a very easy idea that can be understood in 10 minutes.
It does not have a full-featured config framework.
I couldn't find the way to make targets such as doc, since
they generate files I don't know of and they must be listed in the output before being generated, or at least, that's my conclusion for now. This was a really annoying limitation, if it is, since I am not sure.
All in all, the only things I am considering right now for new projects is are Cmake and Meson. When I have a chance I will try tup also, but it lacks the config framework, which means that it makes things more complex when you need all of that stuff. On the other hand, it is really fast.
I would not recommend autotools for Windows. Use CMake.
Why? Windows doesn't have a native sh.exe, and the emulation is slow. It's also very easy to get configury stuff wrong. I'm not saying it's impossible in CMake, but CMake surely abstracts more away, so you worry about less. CMake documentation can be a bit hard to read, but once it's set up, you should be fine for all toolchains ever supported by CMake. CMake also integrates testing, packaging etc...
Autotools is slow on Windows, does not work easily with MSVC, and has weird quirks with Windows (and other OSes) that are hard to debug, and hard to fix. libtool also sucks on Windows, where it often refuses to build a shared library even, if you think it should and could. Toolchain relocation issues are also prevalent with libtool, which may look at the wrong files in a user's toolchain. CMake is a lot easier in this regard. It assumes normal things about the target platform and creates generic and good build instructions.
Also, CMake has coloured output :) and nice progress percentages.
PS: I just have some experience with CMake and autotools on Windows as a user. CMake tends to work, autotools tends to bite your ear off when you're not looking, and smile at you when it fails due to some strange error...

GNUStep Getting Started

I downloaded GNUStep and installed it, however I am not sure where I can find an IDE. does anyone know what programs serve as a GNUStep IDE/where to get them? Failing that, does anyone know of a tutorial on how to create and compile a basic GNUStep program?
Well my experiences with that are devastating. ProjectCenter the IDE distributed for GNUstep does not work here at all the debugger intergration is well not existant. But that's what you get with GNUstep. There is Gorm as interface builder and ProjectCenter. Not more. That's very discouraging. The best you can do with Objective-C is currently having a Mac in some form and use XCode. That's the best you can get currently, and I expect that won't change in any forseeable future.
Now you should step back and just use the "plain" old Makefile route. There is a somewhat very rough tutorial about GNUStep makefile starting somewhere below
As Friedrich already mentions in his post above there is Gorm for creating interfaces and ProjectCenter as IDE (gdb integration is worked on as far as I know).
For compiling GNUstep programs you are best of using GNUstep-make. You can find some recently updated tutorials here:
Basic GNUstep-make tutorial
More advanced GNUstep-make tutorial
And there is always the whole bunch of newsgroups, irc and mailinglists where you can usually get quick answers to your questions. Maybe not on IRC currently.
You can try to make eclipse
work with gnustep/msys/mingw:

What build tool do you use professionally?

At home, I use CTRL+SHIFT+B or F7 or whatever key sequence initiates the build for my build tool. At work, this doesn't quite cut it.
At my first job (an internship) we used a product called Visual Build, which I have come to like very much. It's the best build tool I've ever worked with. The down side here is that it's not free.
At my latest job, I came in knowing literally nothing about Ant. Now, unfortunately, I've become deeply involved in our build processes, and cannot extricate myself. It works, yes, but after coming from Visual build, it seems like it's fighting me every step of the way. Yes, it's free, but we're not trying to be a free-software-only development company or anything.
I've never looked in to make or any other build tools, so I don't really know what else is out there.
Has anybody ever seen or had experience with Visual Build? Mostly I'm fond of a few key things:
it has a GUI
it runs arbitrary VBScript without the need of a compiled class
you can step through the build process, or start from anywhere in the middle.
Are there any free build tools that have this? Is there any way to convince people that it's worth it to move on? It's 2008. We use IDEs to develop, why not (IBEs) to build?
Edit: I'm mostly looking for an answer to my last questions; Is there a solution with a built-in GUI that I can use for free?
Not very sophisticated, but we use a set of batch files. And that works great.
We use FinalBuilder - I think it's very similar to VisualBuild, though I've not used the latter.
It does run from the command line, and you can integrate it with CC.Net if you want.
For Java projects we use Teamcity, sort of cruise control like, but you can also do a remote run, i.e. you send your changes to the server, it builds and does unit tests, if everything works ok, THEN you checkin, very nice build tool and free for up to 20 build configurations.
For our Visual Studio 2005 projects including packaging the final exes and dlls with InstallShield and putting them up on a shared server we use Final Builder, it's not free, but it is very easy to use and get started with.
We also telnet out (from FinalBuilder) to a number of other platforms (Unix/Linux/OpenVMS) and start remote builds by running makefiles there.
We do not use continous build, but there is a FinalBuilder Server which handles that and comes free with the FinalBuilder Professional license.
We are very happy with FinalBuilder, it's quite easy to get up to speed with and powerful enough to solve most problems.
CMake. Generates build file for KDevelop, Eclipse, Makefiles and Visual Studio (and XCode), and it really works. You can easily extend it with macros, although the programming capabilities are rather limited. It's easy to learn, and porting an existing application from Visual Studio to it is pretty easy. However, you are limited to C++/C and IIRC Fortran code.
KDE is also using CMake now, so it seems to scale very well (i.e. generation time for the projects/dependency checking is not too bad).
I am not sure this is exactly what you are looking for, but I LOVE CruiseControl.NET. I have it build my projects using the MSBuild task. It doesn't have a GUI exactly, but there is a web interface to view the results of your builds and a System Tray resident program which will alert you of the build status.
UppercuT. It's free.
UppercuT uses NAnt to build and it is the insanely easy to use Build Framework.
Automated Builds as easy as (1) solution name, (2) source control path, (3) company name for most projects!!!
Some good explanations here: UppercuT
Going back to the keystrokes thing for a sec, I found Hoekey which the CTO loves. I don't use it myself, but as a way of assign keystrokes to things, it's pretty good.
I know nothing of Visual Build, but from your description it sounds like it is tied to Windows and doesn't run from the command line.
If you are building Java software (I assume you are since you are using Ant), it's preferable to have a cross-platform tool. If you can run the tool from the command-line, then it is scriptable which is extremely important for automation.
Ant is also extensible and a de facto standard. Many tools that you may use (Cobertura, TestNG, etc.) provide Ant tasks so that they can easily be intergrated with your build.
I use Ant for all Java projects. Some people prefer Maven, but I'm not one of them. Ant is far from perfect (the XML syntax is a bit clunky) but it is well documented, extremely stable and pretty straightforward.
If you use a standard tool, such as Ant or Maven, you will be able to take advantage of any number of Continuous Integration products. I doubt you will find many that work with Visual Build.
Most IDEs support Ant, so they give you a GUI of sorts and your CI server will give you a web interface for doing builds.
NAnt (.NET port of Ant). Works great and is easily extensible.
For small projects I do use post-build scripts and with the support of 7z, Nsis and similar CLI tools it's doing the job perfectly for me.
TeamCity and CuriseControl works well for any projects,but here is why you would like to choose TeamCity:-
Ease of setup: During setup we found TeamCity easier to setup and use especially compared to CruiseControl. We did not need to edit XML files or massively configure individual build machines like CruiseControl.
Ease of extensibility:TeamCity stands out in its ease of extensibility too. If we find that builds are waiting in the queue too long, we can add more computers as agents. The only additional work on our end is registering the new computers with the TeamCity server and installing msbuild and subversion.
Interaction with Subversion: One can check how many and what changes were committed to subversion since the last build, who started a build etc.
I've grown very fond of scons for building C++ files. It's very straightforward and the build scripts are written in Python (which is much better than some hacked together DSL IMO).
Ant or Maven are great little build tools.
And if you want to automate the build process there are some great tools like TeamCity and Bamboo.
Personally I use Makefiles for pretty much everything because they are simple as hell. But in my work, I'm forced to use ant.
The main problem I have against ant is that XML makes it hard to read and understand, even with the correct indentation. On the other hand, the verbosity of XML can help when reading someone else's ant file, but still makes it a PITA when the file is more than a few tens of lines.
As for having a GUI to build... I've always felt that's a minus rather than a plus.
Maven is the best for me because it handles the project dependencies