Using sass with expressjs - express

What is the best way to use sass with express.js framework. I am starting from teh point where I have already done
npm install sass
I believe previously with express 2.x one could do something like -
app.use(express.compiler({ src: pub, enable: ['sass'] }))
But with express 3.x it gives me error :
return app;
} has no method 'compiler'
What is the alternative statement to include in express 3.x?
Similarly if one could let me know the same on how to plugin coffeescript that would be great help.
I have seen examples of using Cakefile to precompile, but is that the only solution? That would mean adding an extra step of running a Cake task. What advantage would that have as against something defined within express app.js /
I have looked at connect-assets (which does coffeescript but not sass) and somewhere one also mentioned about connect-assetmanager pre hook, but haven't been able to make that work. says:
template engine compliance from engine.compile(str, options) => Function to engine.__express(filename, options, callback)


Webpack can not resolve module

I need some guidance. I am experiencing an issue where webpack throws an error that it can not find a module . I was trying to add a require statement of a package(included as dependency). I got it working in another project where I don't need webpack. The code looks basically as follows:
vscode.commands.registerCommand("vstodo.helloWorld", () => {
const sfdx = require('sfdx-node');
setdefaultdevhubusername: true,
setalias: 'HubOrg'
.then(() => {
// Display confirmation of source push
console.log('Source pushed to scratch org');
My webpack config can be found here
I uploaded a simplified version of the repository here Repository
containing all the configuration files for rollup and webpack.
If I leave out the part starting at the require statement everything works again.
Any help on how to tackle this would be much appreciated, thanks
The vscode extension page has a short troubleshooting guide about this:
They suggest the following solutions:
Try to make the dependency static so that it can be bundled.
Exclude that dependency via the externals configuration. Also make sure that those JavaScript files aren't excluded from the packaged extension, using a negated glob pattern in .vscodeignore, for example !node_modules/mySpecialModule.

ES6 import and npm packages

Anyone got a link to documentation explaining exactly how ES6 import is supposed to work with npm packages (as opposed to javascript module files) ?
Also (and possibly related) a link to documentation on the use/significance of "module" as a top-level key in an npm package.json file ?
Eg. consider the following from juggle/resize-observer ;
"module": "lib/exports/resize-observer.js",
consumer javascript file
import { ResizeObserver } from '#juggle/resize-observer';
On the above import Chrome sends a request to the server for '#juggle/resize-observer' which is a directory..... so what happens next ? (I don't have a working instance of this and my server doesn't return anything yet as I don't know what it's supposed to / in what format ). Is this syntax only for use with some sort of build tool where it ultimately gets replaced with the actual file ?
I have looked at the npm site/googled and cannot find any relevant documentation.
UPDATE Still waiting for a link to relevant documentation (no relevant Google results at this time) but for anyone asking the same question: apparently you need your server to do "module resolution" . Alternatively you can use Snowpack or a bundler eg. Webpack.
Apparently npm/node packages are not packaged with browsers in mind or based on any W3C/Web Modules standard specification.
See here for module resolution info.
So at present to use an npm package in a browser you must do one of the following
use a bundler like webpack
use snowpack
use a CDN which resolves the module request
implement npm module resolution in your own server
Find the package entry point and use that in your ES6 import statement.
However, if the package's json "main" property changes in a subsequent update you
will need to update your code to reflect this.

Unable to Load unload styles in my Aurelia app

I need a solution to load/unload styles in my Aurelia app. This is because I have a special main.css for my 'public' root app and another admin.css for my 'private' (admin) root app. (Yes, 2 roots in my app). These css are not compatible one with each other.
I found a plugin named aurelia-useable-style-loader. I try to integrate it in my Aurelia application as explained in the readme. At runtime, I can see [aurelia-useable-style-loader] begin configure and
[aurelia-useable-style-loader] end configure in my console but css files are not loaded/unloaded. So something go wrong and I don't know what.
One thing I pointed is that my Aurelia app is based on the Aurelia CLI / Typescript / SystemJS as bundler. While the plugin is based on Webpack. Maybe the 2 are not compatible ?
Steps I did:
npm install aurelia-useable-style-loader
then use the plugin in main.ts:
then added one reference in my aurelia.json:
Tha's all. At runtime, no particular errors, but css are not loaded/unloaded.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
PS: as a workaround, I proceed differently (see below) but I'm curious to do it with the plugin aurelia-useable-style-loader
this.masterStyleSheetLoaded = true;
.then((data) => data.text())
.then((styles) => {
DOM.injectStyles(styles, null, null, 'masterStylesheet');
this.masterStyleSheetLoaded = true;

After bundling my aurelia app I get a: No PLATFORM.Loader error

After bundling a simple aurelia application with jspm bundle-sfx I get the following error:
No PLATFORM.Loader is defined and there is neither a System API (ES6) or a Require API (AMD) globally available to load your app.
An example application:
You can use: npm run setup:dev in a non windows env to switch back to the dev settings (which is just a comment/uncomment in the ./src/client/index.html) and you can use npm run setup:prod to switch back to the production environment, bundling will automatically be triggered. all other scripts can be found in the package.json.
I can't link to other questions because I haven't found any questions which relate to this problem. I "think" (which means absolutely nothing) that this might be related to the fact that aurelia needs a full loader even when bundling with bundle-sfx but I haven't found any ways to solve the error.
EDIT (25/01/2017 17:16): I've found out that the error is because I import the aurelia-bootstrapper.
As soon as I add: import * as bootstrapper from 'aurelia-bootstrapper'; I get the error
Please add the code how do you bootstrap your aurelia app.
There is nothing actually to import from bootstrapper apart from bootstrap function.
Which you would use in case of custom manual bootstrapping.
like in
import { bootstrap } from 'aurelia-bootstrapper'
const configure: (au: Aurelia) => {} = async function (au: Aurelia) {
await au.start()
au.setRoot() // or au.enchance()
in a happy path scenario with jspm - you System.import('aurelia-bootstrapper')
and it takes over finding the root node of your app and the script to configure Aurelia (main by default)
Have a look at Bootstrapping Aurelia in the docs
Oh.. and bundle-sfx is not supported there are other means to bundle aurelia apps using jspm

How can you include a javascript files from a CDN in Jasmine?

When using Jasmine in a Rails project, to keep the dependencies consistent in my Jasmine specs, I want to pull jquery from a cdn as is done on the real page. I try to do that like so, in my Jasmine.yml file:
However, this never works, as when viewing the source of the localhost:8888 I get:
<script src="/__spec__/" type="text/javascript"></script>
How do you this correctly?
as answered in
I wrote a helper to load external javascripts. It's not the best solution (i would prefer config file use) but it works for me.
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var jQueryScript = document.createElement('script');
jQueryScript.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
jQueryScript.setAttribute('src', '//');
#emrox's answer is correct and works for jasmine 2.0.
However in jasmine 2.1.3 it doesn't. This is due to the fact that when the tests are run(i'm using Chutzpah) "http:" isn't pre-pended to the CDN reference. It is in version 2.0 of jasmine.
The fix I implemented that worked involved the following line of code:
Hopefully this helps someone before they decide to downgrade to 2.0!
Issue 135 made it so you can list CDN entries in your jasmine.yml file. e.g.
- lib/javascript/**/*.js