How can you include a javascript files from a CDN in Jasmine? - ruby-on-rails-3

When using Jasmine in a Rails project, to keep the dependencies consistent in my Jasmine specs, I want to pull jquery from a cdn as is done on the real page. I try to do that like so, in my Jasmine.yml file:
However, this never works, as when viewing the source of the localhost:8888 I get:
<script src="/__spec__/" type="text/javascript"></script>
How do you this correctly?

as answered in
I wrote a helper to load external javascripts. It's not the best solution (i would prefer config file use) but it works for me.
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var jQueryScript = document.createElement('script');
jQueryScript.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
jQueryScript.setAttribute('src', '//');

#emrox's answer is correct and works for jasmine 2.0.
However in jasmine 2.1.3 it doesn't. This is due to the fact that when the tests are run(i'm using Chutzpah) "http:" isn't pre-pended to the CDN reference. It is in version 2.0 of jasmine.
The fix I implemented that worked involved the following line of code:
Hopefully this helps someone before they decide to downgrade to 2.0!

Issue 135 made it so you can list CDN entries in your jasmine.yml file. e.g.
- lib/javascript/**/*.js


How to get Nuxt-img to work on nuxt3 generate?

i am trying to use nuxt-image on NUXT3, but it seems it doesn't work with the generate command. Images work during dev, but get a 404 when using nuxt generate.
in my nuxt config i have
modules: ["#nuxt/image-edge"],
image: {
dir: "assets/images",
then in my files i have
So i am wondering if anyone else had a problem or if this is just a compatibility issue with nuxt-image and nuxt3 generate
this is not yet supported, waiting on
Reading this part of the documentation
For static provider, if images weren't crawled during generation (unreachable modals, pages or dynamic runtime size), changing dir from static causes 404 errors.
There are other few bugs if you change dir to something else than static apparently.
Can't you stick to static? Will probably avoid you quite some issues IMO.

Angular 8 differential loading failing due to auth issues with dotnet core

I recently updated from Angular 7 to Angular 8 using ng update. After following the expected migration path with no issues I built and deployed. Everything worked great until I started checking other browser versions and realized some were getting 401 unauthorized from the server in requesting the js files.
The issue is, the differential loading is done like this:
<script src="main-es2015.1234.js" type="module"></script>
It seems that some browsers, some of the time, don't want to pass auth info for <script type="module" .... It strikes me that there are several ways to work around this:
I can work around this by adding crossorigin="use-credentials" to the script tag but I haven't been able to find how to do that in ng build.
I can tweak the auth settings to somehow allow anonymous requests through to my JS files but I haven't been able to find the dotnet core method of doing this without a lot of complexity. Right now the entire app only allows windows auth. If I allow anonymous I don't want to have to worry somehow that I've left a controller open.
I'm thinking the former option is the cleaner solution but I'm open to alternatives.
Since the posting of the accepted answer the option to handle this in the first way McAden suggests by adding crossorigin="use-credentials" has been added to the Angular CLI options.
Original feature request
Angular CLI documentation
In your angular.json add
"build": {
"builder": ...,
"options": {
"crossOrigin": "use-credentials"
I modified angular.json and used an explicit deployUrl under projects -> main -> architect -> build -> options:
"deployUrl": "/ClientApp/dist/",
That alters the script tags:
<script src="/ClientApp/dist/main-es2015.1234.js" type="module">
So it no longer goes through the dotnet core application to pull the js file. Then in IIS I set that folder to allow anonymous.

Polymer 2 site cant find resources in Safari

I built this site and it loads fine in most browsers. In Safari, I get a lot of errors that it cant load resources and the my-app elem is empty.
A quick glance of the list of 404 resources- it looks like some of them are for nonexistent components and others are in /bower_components/ but its looking for them in the base directory.
I tried it on Edge 15 and I got
Object doesn't support property or method 'call'.
You could add the Babel Polyfills?
it adds some basic function that babel code may depend on - and as you probably served transpiled ES5 code (with babel) to those browsers it might be your problem.

How to create an aurelia 1.0 app that can be deployed at any root location

I am trying to work out how to deploy an aurelia app, it runs in development with au run. but I need to deploy it into a path which is not the root of the web-site. ie at '/site' not '/'
when I deploy I get an exception from the router: ERROR [app-router] Error: Route not found: /site/
I think it may be that I need to specify a baseURL in one or more places?
but can't see how I can:
make it work in the development environment at /
make it work in the deployed environment at /[any-site-path]
avoid building in knowledge of '/[any-site-path]' to my development environment or bundles, as the path wont be known until someone comes to deploy the code?
i found this question but that seems to apply to an out of date version of the code.
I am using Aurelia 1.0 and building using the au-cli
Any pointers would be useful.
Looks like this is a bug that has been fixed in a more recent version.
I have just gone through and applied the latest versions of:
"aurelia-bootstrapper": "^1.0.0" -> "^2.1.1"
"aurelia-cli": "^0.24.0" -> "^0.26.1"
"aurelia-tools": "^0.2.2" -> "^1.0.0"
And i can now deploy my application to a site sub folder without specifying any url content in the code or html files!
So I can satisfy all 3 of the criteria in my question.
Note the aurelia-cli update (0.25.0) requires a change to the main.(ts/js) as mentioned in the release notes.

Using sass with expressjs

What is the best way to use sass with express.js framework. I am starting from teh point where I have already done
npm install sass
I believe previously with express 2.x one could do something like -
app.use(express.compiler({ src: pub, enable: ['sass'] }))
But with express 3.x it gives me error :
return app;
} has no method 'compiler'
What is the alternative statement to include in express 3.x?
Similarly if one could let me know the same on how to plugin coffeescript that would be great help.
I have seen examples of using Cakefile to precompile, but is that the only solution? That would mean adding an extra step of running a Cake task. What advantage would that have as against something defined within express app.js /
I have looked at connect-assets (which does coffeescript but not sass) and somewhere one also mentioned about connect-assetmanager pre hook, but haven't been able to make that work. says:
template engine compliance from engine.compile(str, options) => Function to engine.__express(filename, options, callback)