Which features of Pandas DataFrame could be used to model GPS Tracklog data (read from GPX file) - gps

It's been months now since I started to use Pandas DataFrame to deserialize GPS data and perform some data processing and analyses.
Although I am very impressed with Pandas robustness, flexibility and power, I'm a bit lost about which features, and in which way, I should use to properly model the data, both for clarity, simplicity and computational speed.
Basically, each DataFrame is primarily indexed by a datetime object, having at least one column for a latitude-longitude tuple, and one column for elevation.
The first thing I do is to calculate a new column with the geodesic distance between coordinate pairs (first one being 0.0), using a function that takes two coordinate pairs as arguments, and from that new column I can calculate the cumulative distance along the track, which I use as a Linear Referencing System
The questions I need to address would be:
Is there a way in which I can use, in the same dataframe, two different monotonically increasing columns (cumulative distance and timestamp), choosing whatever is more convenient in each given context at runtime, and use these indexes to auto-align newly inserted rows?
In the specific case of applying a diff function that could be vectorized (applied like an array operation instead of an iterative pairwise loop), is there a way to do that idiomatically in pandas? Should I create a "coordinate" class which support the diff (__sub__) operation so I could use dataframe.latlng.diff directly?
I'm not sure these questions are well formulated, but that is due, at least a bit, by the overwhelming number of possibilities, and a somewhat fragmented documentation (yet).
Also, any tip about using Pandas for GPS data (tracklogs) or Geospatial data in general is very much welcome.
Thanks for any help!


When should Data Binning be used in data processing?

In data pre-processing, Data Binning is a technique to convert continuous values of a feature to categorical ones. For example, sometimes, the values of age feature in datasets are replaced with one of intervals such as:
When is the best time to use Data Binning? Does it (always) lead to a better result in a predication system or it may work as a trial and error?
Trial and error mostly. When you apply binning to a continuous variable you automatically throw away some information. Many algorithms would prefer a continuous input to make a prediction and many would bin the continuous input themselves. Binning would be wise to apply if your continuous variable is noisy, meaning the values for your variable were not recorded very accurately. Then, binning could reduce this noise. There are binning strategies such as equal width binning or equal frequency binning. I would recommend avoiding equal width binning when your continuous variable is unevenly distributed.

How can I study the properties of outliers in high-dimensional data?

I have a bundle of high-dimensional data and the instances are labeled as outliers or not. I am looking to get some insights around where these outliers reside within the data. I seek to answer questions like:
Are the outliers spread far apart from each other? Or are they clustered together?
Are the outliers lying 'in-between' clusters of good data? Or are they on the 'edge' boundaries of the data?
If outliers are clustered together, how do these cluster densities compare with clusters of good data?
'Where' are the outliers?
What kind of techniques will let me find these insights? If the data was 2 or 3-dimensional, I can easily plot the data and just look at it. But I can't do it high-dimensional data.
Analyzing the Statistical Properties of Outliers
First of all, if you can choose to focus on specific features. For
example, if you know a featues is subject to high variation, you can
draw a box plot. You can also draw a 2D graph if you want to focus on
2 features. THis shows how much the labelled outliers vary.
Next, there's a metric called a Z-score, which basically says how
many standard devations a point varies compared to the mean. The
Z-score is signed, meaning if a point is below the mean, the Z-score
will be negative. This can be used to analyze all the features of the
dataset. You can find the threshold value in your labelled dataset for which all the points above that threshold are labelled outliers
Lastly, we can find the interquartile range and similarly filter
based on it. The IQR is simply the difference between the 75
percentile and 25 percentile. You can also use this similarly to Z-score.
Using these techniques, we can analyze some of the statistical properties of the outliers.
If you also want to analyze the clusters, you can adapt the DBSCAN algorithm to your problem. This algorithm clusters data based on densities, so it will be easy to apply the techniques to outliers.

what is the difference between series/dataframe and ndarray?

Leaving that they are from two different binaries.
I know that series/dataframe can hold any data type, and ndarray is also heterogenous data.
And also all the slicing operations of numpy are applicable to series.
Is there any other difference between them?
After some research I found the answer to my question I asked above. For anyone who needs, here it is from pandas docs:
A key difference between Series and ndarray is that operations between
Series automatically align the data based on the label. Thus, you can
write computations without giving consideration to whether the Series
involved have the same labels.
An example:
s[1:] + s[:-1]
The result for above would produce NaN for both first and last index.
If a label is not found in one Series or the other, the result will be marked as missing NaN.

How do I plug distance data into scipy's agglomerative clustering methods?

So, I have a set of texts I'd like to do some clustering analysis on. I've taken a Normalized Compression Distance between every text, and now I have basically built a complete graph with weighted edges that looks something like this:
text1, text2, 0.539
text2, text3, 0.675
I'm having tremendous difficulty figuring out the best way to plug this data into scipy's hierarchical clustering methods. I can probably convert the distance data into a table like the one on this page. How can I format this data so that it can easily be plugged into scipy's HAC code?
You're on the right track with converting the data into a table like the one on the linked page (a redundant distance matrix). According to the documentation, you should be able to pass that directly into scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage or a related function, such as scipy.cluster.hierarchy.single or scipy.cluster.hierarchy.complete. The related functions explicitly specify how distance between clusters should be calculated. scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage lets you specify whichever method you want, but defaults to single link (i.e. the distance between two clusters is the distance between their closest points). All of these methods will return a multidimensional array representing the agglomerative clustering. You can then use the rest of the scipy.cluster.hierarchy module to perform various actions on this clustering, such as visualizing or flattening it.
However, there's a catch. As of the time this question was written, you couldn't actually use a redundant distance matrix, despite the fact that the documentation says you can. Based on the fact that the github issue is still open, I don't think this has been resolved yet. As pointed out in the answers to the linked question, you can get around this issue by passing the complete distance matrix into the scipy.spatial.distance.squareform function, which will convert it into the format which is actually accepted (a flat array containing the upper-triangular portion of the distance matrix, called a condensed distance matrix). You can then pass the result to one of the scipy.cluster.hierarchy functions.

How to plot a Pearson correlation given a time series?

I am using the code in this website http://blog.chrislowis.co.uk/2008/11/24/ruby-gsl-pearson.html to implement a Pearson Correlation given two time series data like so:
require 'gsl'
pearson_correlation = GSL::Stats::correlation(
This returns a number such as -0.2352461593569471.
I'm currently using the highcharts library and am feeding it two sets of timeseries data. Given that I have a finite time series for both sets, can I do something with this number (-0.2352461593569471) to create a third time series showing the slope of this curve? If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it!
No, correlation doesn't tell you anything about the slope of the line of best fit. It just tells you approximately how much of the variability in one variable (or one time series, in this case) can be explained by the other. There is a reasonably good description here: http://www.graphpad.com/support/faqid/1141/.
How you deal with the data in your specific case is highly dependent on what you're trying to achieve. Are you trying to show that variable X causes variable Y? If so, you could start by dropping the time-series-ness, and just treat the data as paired values, and use linear regression. If you're trying to find a model of how X and Y vary together over time, you could look at multivariate linear regression (I'm not very familiar with this, though).