LinkedIn API people company - api

I would like to show the people numbers of a company. For that I display a result of a search.
I got a numResult but this number is not the real number of the company
.fields("id", "firstName", "lastName", "headline", "pictureUrl","location","public-profile-url")
"company-name": "Google",
"current-company": true,
"count": 8,
.result(function(result, metadata) {
setSearchResults(result, metadata);
Then I have result.numResults who is not the good number of the company. Someone has an idea?
I guess this is the number of the company about the user when he is connected.

You can retrieve specifics about companies, including the company size, from the Company API. The specific field that contains the size range for the company is employee-count-range.
In terms of accessing the data via the JavaScript API, consider using the IN.API.Raw() method.


Get Account ID in PUBG API

I'm trying to get a PUBG player's details using the Players developer API.
I'm aware that both the operations of this Players API require the account ID of the respective player, whose account details are required.
However, I tried my best to find the account ID (starting with account. and having 32 alphanumeric characters), but all in vain.
In this aspect, I've two specific questions:
How can I find my PUBG account ID?
If I want to fetch other players' details via API, how do I get their account ID programmatically? Or should I need to ask for their account ID explicitly?
Use filter[playerNames]=myPlayerName as shown in the player docs
On succes, it wil return a object containing the account_id;[playerNames]=myPlayerName
"data": [
"type": "player",
"id": "account.c0e511111111111893af",
Replace myPlayerName with the username you're looking for.
This Community Manager says that only - and _ are allowed in nicknames, url-escaping won't be necessary!

Should the response body of GET all parent resource return a list of child resource?

Please bear with me if the title is a bit confusing, I will try my best to explain my question below.
Say I have the following two endpoints
api/companies (returns a list of all companies like below)
[{name: "company1", id: 1}, {name: "company2", id: 2}]
api/companies/{companyeId}/employees (returns a list of all employees for a specific company like below)
[{name: "employee1", id: 1}, {name: "employee2", id: 2}]
What the client side needs is a list of companies, each one of which has a list of employees. The result should looks like this:
name: "company1",
id: 1,
employees: [ {name: "employee1", id: 1}, {name: "employee2", id: 2} ]
name: "company2",
id: 2,
employees: [ {name: "employee3", id: 3}, {name: "employee4", id: 4} ]
There are two ways I can think of to do this:
Get a list of company first and loop through the company list to
make a api call for each company to get its list of employees. (I'm wondering if this is a better way of design because of HATEOAS principle if I understand correctly? Because the smallest unit of resource of api/companies is company but not employees so client is expected to discover companies as the available resource but not employees.)
a REST client should then be able to use server-provided links dynamically to discover all the available actions and resources it needs
Return a list of employees inside each company object and then return a list of companies through api/companies. Maybe add a query parameter to this endpoint called responseHasEmployees which is a boolean default to be false, so when user make a GET through api/companies?responseHasEmployees=true, the response body will have a list of employees inside each company object.
So my question is, which way is a better way to achieve the client side's goal? (Not necessarily has to be the above two.)
Extra info that might be helpful: companies and employees are stored in different tables, and employees table has a company_fk column.
Start by asking yourself a couple of questions:
Is this a common scenario?
Is it logical to request data in this way?
If so, it might make sense to make data available in this way.
Next, do you already have api calls that pass variables implemented?
Based on your HATEOAS principle, you probably shouldn't. Clients shouldn't need to know, or understand, variable values in your url.
If not, stay away from it. Make it as clean to the client side as possible. You could make a third distinct api "api/companiesWithEmployees" This fits your HATEOAS principle, the client doesn't need to know anything about parameters or other workings of the api, only that they will get "Companies with Employees".
Also, the cost is minimal; an additional method in the code base. It's simpler for the client side at a low cost.
Next think about some of the developmental consequences:
Are you opening the door to more specific api requests?
Are you able to maintain a hard line on data you want accessible through the api?
Are you able to maintain your HATEOAS principle in that the clients know everything they need to know based on the api url?
Next incorporate scenarios like this into future api design:
Can you preemptively make similar api calls available? ie (Customers and Orders, would you simply make a single api call available that gets the two related to each other?)
Ultimately, my answer to your question would be to go ahead and make this a new api call. The overhead for setting up, testing, and maintaining this particular change seem extremely small, and the likelihood of data being requested in this way appears high.
I assume that the client you build is going to have an interface to view a list of companies where there will be an option to view employees of the company. So it is best to do it by pull on demand and not load the whole data at once.
If you can consider a property of your resource as a sub-resource, do not add the whole sub-resource data into the main resource API. You may include a referral link which can be used by the client to fetch the sub-resource data.
Here, in your case,
Main-Resource - Companies
Sub-Resource - Employees
Company name, contact number, address - These are properties of the company object and not the sub-resource of a company, whereas, employees can be very well considered as sub-resource.

Are resources state aware or static under hateoas/restful api

My question is about if resources should be aware of the state or statically defined. For example, I have an API that returns account information where the resource uri would be /api/accounts/2.
If I'm authenticated as user henk willemsa the resource would look like this:
"id": 2,
"firstname": "henk",
"lastname": "willemsa",
"birthday": "12-31-1980",
"email": "",
"other": "other useless info",
"super-secret-info": "some super secret info"
Is it good practice to return the resource with stripped out data if you would be authenticated as another user? For instance, making a request to the same endpoint /api/accounts/2, but for a different user, jan smit, the returned response would be:
"id": 2,
"firstname": "henk",
"lastname": "willemsa"
"other": "other useless info"
The idea is that user jan smit is only allowed to see the public data, where henk willemsma sees the secret as well.
Would it be better for something like this be solved with 2 endpoints, where /api/accounts/2 would return a 403 for user jan smit and 200 for henk willemsa and another api endpoint /api/public-account/2 would return 200 for the both users? The later could give a response like:
"id": 2,
"firstname": "henk",
"lastname": "willemsa"
"other": "other useless info"
Having one endpoint and stripping out data would in my eyes be inconsistent, because the structure of the data-type/resource would change depending on who requests it and not because extra explicit data is sent, which changes the data-type/resource (like filter options).
But I can also see that splitting this out over multiple endpoints could cause for having lots and lots of different endpoints which basically do the same returning account information.
I also found this question, which somewhat describes what I'm looking for but is about collection calls. In my opinion, these are allowed to return different unique resource, but the data-types should always be the same. In my example, /api/accounts/ would always return a list of accounts, but depending on which user makes the request to the endpoint, while the size of the list could be different, it would always be a list of accounts.
What is the best approach?
The "best" approach can probably not be objectively defined. However, creating multiple resources for the same "thing" is probably not a good idea. Things should be identifiable by URI, so accounts should have a stable URI.
I would probably just omit the fields that the user can not see, if that is possible according to the data definitions/structure. If not, you could serve multiple 'representations', i.e. media-types, and let content-negotation handle the exchange. That means you create 2 media-types, one with the full data and one for the restricted view of the account, and serve both for the same resource URI. The server then can decide which representation you get based on your credentials. The client would also be able to easily see which representation it got, and inform the user if necessary that it has a restricted view of the account.
The client would have to ask with an 'Accept' header similar to this:
Accept: application/; q=1.0, application/; q=0.9,

Without JOINs, what is the right way to handle data in document databases?

I understand that JOINs are either not possible or frowned upon in document databases. I'm coming from a relational database background and trying to understand how to handle such scenarios.
Let's say I have an Employees collection where I store all employee related information. The following is a typical employee document:
"id": 1234,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"gender": "Male",
"dateOfBirth": "3/21/1967",
{ "email": "", "isPrimary": "true" },
{ "email": "", "isPrimary": "false" }
Let's also say, I have a separate Projects collection where I store project data that looks something like that:
"id": 444,
"projectName": "My Construction Project",
"projectType": "Construction",
{ "_id": 2345, "position": "Engineer" },
{ "_id": 1234, "position": "Project Manager" }
If I want to return a list of all my projects along with project teams, how do I handle making sure that I return all the pertinent information about individuals in the team i.e. full names, email addresses, etc?
Is it two separate queries? One for projects and the other for people whose ID's appear in the projects collection?
If so, how do I then insert the data about people i.e. full names, email addresses? Do I then do a foreach loop in my app to update the data?
If I'm relying on my application to handle populating all the pertinent data, is this not a performance hit that would offset the performance benefits of document databases such as MongoDB?
Thanks for your help.
" do I handle making sure that I return all the pertinent information about individuals in the team i.e. full names, email addresses, etc? Is it two separate queries?"
It is either 2 separate queries OR you denormalize into the Project document. In our applications we do the 2nd query and keep the data as normalized as possible in the documents.
It is actually NOT common to see the "_id" key anywhere but on the top-level document. Further, for collections that you are going to have millions of documents in, you save storage by keeping the keys "terse". Consider "name" rather than "projectName", "type" rather than "projectType", "pos" rather than "position". It seems trivial but it adds up. You'll also want to put an index on "team.empId" so the query "how many projects has Joe Average worked on" runs well.
"_id": 444,
"name": "My Construction Project",
"type": "Construction",
{ "empId": 2345, "pos": "Engineer" },
{ "empId": 1234, "pos": "Project Manager" }
Another thing to get used to is that you don't have to write the whole document every time you want to update an individual field or, say, add a new member to the team. You can do targeted updates that uniquely identify the document but only update an individual field or array element.
{ _id : 444 },
{ $addToSet : "team" : { "empId": 666, "position": "Minion" } }
The 2 queries to get one thing done hurts at first, but you'll get past it.
Mongo DB is a document storage database.
It supports High Availability, and Scalability.
For returning a list of all your projects along with project team(details),
according to my understanding, you will have to run 2 queries.
Since mongoDb do not have FK constraints, we need to maintain it at the program level.
Instead of FK constraints,
1) if the data is less, then we can embed the data as a sub document.
2) rather than normalized way of designing the db, in MongoDb we need to design according to the access pattern. i.e. the way we need to query the data more likely. (However time for update is more(slow), but at the user end the performance mainly depends on read activity, which will be better than RDBMS)
The following link provides a certificate course on mongo Db, free of cost.
Mongo DB University
They also have a forum, which is pretty good.

How do I return filtering meta data in a REST API search query

I'm currently designing and implementing a RESTful API in PHP.
The API allows users to search for hotels.
A simplified example of the search request is:
GET hotels/searchresults?location=<location> #collection of hotels within location
The response also contains some meta information about the returned collection.
The basic structure of the response is:
“meta": {
“totalNrOfHotels": 100,
"totalNrAvailable": 80
“hotels": [
“id": 123,
“name": "Hotel A"
“id": 135,
“name": "Hotel B"
This resource also supports pagination:
GET hotels/searchresults?location=<location>&offset=0&limit=20
Now, there are a few filters that can be applied to the search results, e.g. stars, rating score.
For example, if I want just 2 star hotels, I can query:
GET hotels/searchresults?location=<location>&offset=0&limit=20&stars=2
Now, in the user interface for filtering, it is common to display the number of options available per filter setting:
In my opinion, these numbers can be seen as meta data about the search query. So, we could add an extra field to the meta in the response:
“meta": {
“totalNrOfHotels": 100,
"totalNrAvailable": 80
“filterNrs": {
"stars”: {
“1": 1,
“2”: 9,
“3”: 39,
“4”: 12,
“5”: 11,
“none”: 9
“hotels": [
{“id": 123,
“name": "Hotel A"
{“id": 135,
“name": "Hotel B"
So, I have two questions:
Should this “filterNrs” property sit in the meta section, as proposed above? To me, it doesn’t make sense to be a separate resource/request
How can we deal with the fact that this can slow down the query? I’d prefer to make the “filterNrs” field optional. We are thinking of using a “metaFields" parameter to allow the user to specify which fields in the meta she would like to recieve. We already support this for the hotels returned, with a “fields” parameter. (Similar to: Alternatively, we put this field filterNrs (or the full meta info) in a separate resource, something like hotels/searchresults/meta. From a developers perspective would you prefer to have this split into multiple resources or have a single resource with the option to show full or partial meta information?
Does the number rated per star count varies? For example, do I get different "filterNrs" for the queries below?
GET hotels/searchresults?location=1
GET hotels/searchresults?location=2
I would expect such filters to be contextual, so different locations would return different numbers per star count, which indicates this is some form of contextual information related to the query.
Otherwise if the results are global this indicates it's a separate resource. If it's a separate resource scenario, you can use links to access the numbers and other details about it:
“meta": {
“totalNrOfHotels": 100,
"totalNrAvailable": 80
“filterNrs": {
"stars”: {
"options" : ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "none"],
"details" : ""