SQL - how to get out chained data? - sql

I have 4 tables which were auto generated for me:
One User may have many Challenges, and one Challenge will have many Exercises.
What I noticed is that the Challenge table has a reference to it's parent User (called user_id) but Exercise do not have a reference in it's table to Challenge; their relation is stored in Challenge_Exercise as Challenge_id and exercise_id.
My question is, how would I take out every Exercise that is linked to a specific user? For instance User with id = 1?

FROM excerise,
WHERE challenge.user_id = 1
AND challenge_excerise.challenge_id = challenge.id
AND challenge_excerise.exercise_id = excercise.id
What I'm doing here is a join, you could also explicitly do it with inner joins (google it if you wanna know more).
This table is needed because you have a many to many relationship, which means each challenge can have multiple exercises, but also each exercise can have multiple challenges. It's a standard to make an extra table then, so you don't have redundant data, this table is often called junction table.
If you want background just google it, there are tons of data to this topic.


Get all Many:Many relationships from reference/join-table

I am having difficulty querying for possible relationships in a Many:Many scenario.
I present my schema:
What I do know how to query with this schema is:
All Bands that a given User belongs to.
All Users that belong to a given Band.
What I am trying to do is:
Get all Band Members across all Bands that a given User belongs to.
ie, say I am in 5 bands, I want to know who all of my bandmates are.
My first questions are:
Is there a name for this type of query? Where I am more interested in the joined relationships than what I am joined to (just saying that made me want to put this whole system into a Graph DB :/ )? I'd like to learn proper terminology to help me google for problems down the road.
Is this a terrible idea in RDBMS land in general? I feel like this should be a common use case but I want to know if I'm totally approaching this wrong.
To recap:
I am looking to query the above schema with the expected output being one row per User as Band Members that a given User shares a Band with.
Your terminology seems to be correct - "many to many", often written as "many:many" with a colon. Sometimes the middle table (band_members) is called the "bridge table".
You can probably drop band_members.id, since the two foreign keys also make up a composite primary key (and the primary key can actually be defined that way, since normally a User cannot be a member of the same Band twice. The only exception to that is if a User could have more than one role in the same Band).
On the surface of it, this sounds easy - we can see the relationships of the tables, and one would normally just use an INNER JOIN between them. There are three tables, so that would be two joins.
However, we have to conceptualise the problem correctly first. The problem we have is that the join between Users and Band Members (user ID) is actually to be used for two things:
which User is in what Band
filtering by User
So to do this we need to introduce one table with multiple purposes:
Users.first_name, Users.last_name
FROM Users
INNER JOIN Band_Members Band_Members1 ON (Band_Members1.user_id = Users.Id)
INNER JOIN Band_Members Band_Members2 ON (Band_Members1.band_id = Band_Members2.band_id)
Band_Members2.user_id = 1
You can see here that I have joined Band_Members twice, and when one does that, one has to alias them differently, so they can be separately referenced. The first instance does the obvious join between the Users table and the bridge table, and the second one does a link between "Users who are in Bands" and "Bands that I am in".
Of course, this solution requires that you know your User ID. If you had wanted to do a similar query but filter based on your name, then you would have to join to another (re-aliased) copy of the User table, so that you can differentiate between the two different purposes: "Users who are in bands" and "your User".

EF: Inserting already present record in many to many relationship

For what I searched there are 2 ways to insert an already present record into a ICollection list:
group.Users.Add(db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x=> x.Id = 1));
var to_add = new User{Id: 1}; db.Users.Attach(to_add); group.Users.Add(to_add);
The problem with both the above approach is it makes a db call every time we want to add a record. While we already know the user's Id and the group's id and that's all it needs to create a relationship.
Imagine a long list to be added, both the above methods would make multiple calls to db.
So you have Groups and Users. Every Group has zero or more Users; every User has zero or more Groups. A traditional many-to-many relationship.
Normally one would add a User to a Group, or a Group to a User. However you don't have a Group, nor a User, you only have a GroupId and a UserId. and because of the large number of insertions you don't want to fetch the Users and the Groups of which you want to create relations
The problem is, if you could add the GroupId-UserId combination directly to your junction table, how would you know that you wouldn't be adding a Group-User relation that already exists? If you wouldn't care, you'd end up with twice the relation. This would lead to problems: Would you want them to be shown twice if you'd ask the Users of a Group? Which one should be removed if the relation ends, or should they all be removed?
If you really want to implement the possibility of double relation, then you'd need to Implement a a Custom Junction Table as described here The extra field would be the number of relations.
This would not help you with your large batch, because you would still need to fetch the field from the custom junction table to increment the NrOfRelations value.
On the other hand, if you don't want double relations, you'd have to check whether the value already exists, and you didn't want to fetch data before inserting.
Usually the number of additions to a database is far less then the number of queries. If you have a large batch of data to be inserted, then it is usually only during the initialization phase of the database. I wouldn't bother optimizing initialization too much.
Consider remembering already fetched Groups and Users in a dictionary, preventing them to be fetched twice. However, if your list is really huge, this is not a practical solution.
If you really need this functionality for a prolonged period of time consider creating a Stored Procedure that checks if the GroupId / UserId already exists in the junction table, and if not, add it.
See here For SQL code how to do Add-Or-Update
Entity Framework call stored procedure

Use DB Relation To Avoid Redundancy

I have designed an ERD of movies and tv series which is confidential. I can give you an overview of database.
It has more then 20 tables (more tables will be added later) and it is normalized. I have tables like Movie, Actors, Tv Seriers, Director, Producer etc. So these tables will contain most important information and also these tables are connected (by foreign keys and middle tables like MovieActor, MovieDirector etc).
So the scenario is like
1) The standard “starting” database should have Actors, Directors, Producers, Music Composers, Genres, Resolution Types… pre populated and pre defined by the Admin.
2) For every user creating his personal movie collection, he will be starting of his database with all the pre defined data, but if he wants to, he may add further data to his personal database. These changes will only be affecting his database and not the standard "starting" database (which was defined by Admin).
3) The Admin should have a separate view to add Actors, Directors, Producers… that will become part of the standard "starting" database. Any further changes done to this database will be available to the users as updates.
Suggested Solution
The suggested solution is seems like I have to create new databases all the time for each user which seems not possible. My question is how can I manipulate the suggested solution so that my solution will be effective and possible. I would prefer to handle the situation by using database relations, not by separate storage.
You wouldn't create multiple databases, you would simply add an ownerId field to all relevant tables - admin would have ownerId = 0, indicating the row is part of the 'starting database' and new admin entries are instantly available to users.
In any output for a user where you want to display the starting data and their own, you would add WHERE (ownerId = 0 or ownerId = userId) to the appropriate query or if they need to see just their own, just ownerId = userId.
Presumably, they would be able to create relationships between their own data or 'starting' data and this approach should still work.
Foreign keys will still work but deleting will delete user data - basically you should only ever add to the starting data, not take away or you will run into problems.

Creating one many to many table that is reused for many different tables when they all have a relationship to the same entity

I have a table [Team] in my Database. Many other tables require a many to many relationship with this table. This is mostly due to various records in my other table having authorisation settings based on which team the current user is in.
For example a record in my [User] table can be linked to many teams and a team can be linked to many [Ticket] records. If the teams overlap that user now has permission to view the [Ticket].
I am considering two options, firstly have a seperate table for each [UserTeam] and [TicketTeam] e.g ticket team will have the following columns Id,TicketId,TeamId.
My second option is to store the data for both in the same table. To do this I would create a [AuthorisationRecord] table with one Id column and a [AuthorisationRecordTeam] table with Id,AuthorisationId,TeamId. I would also then need an extra column on my [Ticket] and [User] tables AuthorisationRecordId. This has the downside of needing an extra column and every time we create a record we also have to create an [AuthorisationRecord] record.
If it was just these two tables I think it would make sense to have a seperate many to many table for each. However as there are many tables needing this same relationship with the [Team] table and the potential for many more in the future I am leaning toward my second option, as this will simplfy the devlopment process as every time we add a new feature that needs authorisation based on the Team we will not have to add another many to many table but simply add one extra column with a relationship to my [AuthorisationRecord] table.
My question is weather this is a good scaleable idea? It seems like it will greatly simplfy my database as instead of potentialy hundreds of many to many tables with my [Team] table there will be just one. However I can't find resources online about this potential method so I think it might be a bad idea.

Adding new fields vs creating separate table

I am working on a project where there are several types of users (students and teachers). Currently to store the user's information, two tables are used. The users table stores the information that all users have in common. The teachers table stores information that only teachers have with a foreign key relating it to the users table.
users table
34 other fields
teachers table
17 other fields
In the rest of the database, there are no references to teachers.id. All other tables who need to relate to a user use users.id. Since a user will only have one corresponding entry in the teachers table, should I just move the fields from the teachers table into the users table and leave them blank for users who aren't teachers?
51 other fields
Is this too many fields for one table? Will this impede performance?
I think this design is fine, assuming that most of the time you only need the user data, and that you know when you need to show the teacher-specific fields.
In addition, you get only teachers just by doing a JOIN, which might come in handy.
Tomorrow you might have another kind of user who is not a teacher, and you'll be glad of the separation.
Edited to add: yes, this is an inheritance pattern, but since he didn't say what language he was using I didn't want to muddy the waters...
In the rest of the database, there are no references to teachers.id. All other tables who need to relate to a user
use users.id.
I would expect relating to the teacher_id for classes/sections...
Since a user will only have one corresponding entry in the teachers table, should I just move the fields from the teachers table into the users table and leave them blank for users who aren't teachers?
Are you modelling a system for a high school, or post-secondary? Reason I ask is because in post-secondary, a user can be both a teacher and a student... in numerous subjects.
I would think it fine provided neither you or anyone else succumbs to the temptation to reuse 'empty' columns for other purposes.
By this I mean, there will in your new table be columns that are only populated for teachers. Someone may decide that there is another value they need to store for non-teachers, and use one of the teacher's columns to hold it, because after all it'll never be needed for this non-teacher, and that way we don't need to change the table, and pretty soon your code fills up with things testing row types to find what each column holds.
I've seen this done on several systems (for instance, when loaning a library book, if the loan is a long loan the due date holds the date the book is expected back. but if it's a short loan the due date holds the time it's expected back, and woe betide anyone who doesn't somehow know that).
It's not too many fields for one table (although without any details it does seem kind of suspicious). And worrying about performance at this stage is premature.
You're probably dealing with very few rows and a very small amount of data. You concerns should be 1) getting the job done 2) designing it correctly 3) performance, in that order.
It's really not that big of a deal (at this stage/scale).
I would not stuff all fields in one table. Student to teacher ratio is high, so for 100 teachers there may be 10000 students with NULLs in those 17 fields.
Usually, a model would look close to this:
I your case, there are no specific fields for students, so you can omit the Student table, so the model would look like this
Note that for inheritance modeling, the Teacher table has UserID, same as the User table; contrast that to your example which has an Id for the Teacher table and then a separate user_id.
it won't really hurt the performance, but the other programmers might hurt you if you won't redisign it :) (55 fielded tables ??)