FT232R USB IC with direct access IO (no UART) - com

I would like to create a scenario to directly access IOs via USB by using FT232R.
In more detail, scenario is the following: I would like to feed an LIN transceiver IC by a FT232R USB device. However, the FT232R as a USB-serial-converter outputs UART signals, which includes a start bit as well as a stop bit. For me, it is required to not have these start and stop bits, even though they are standardized in UART protocol.
My questions:
Is it possible to use the bang mode of this device to avoid start/stop bits and transfer raw data? Then, how to program the code for doing this?
If not, are there any USB transceiver, which have to possibility via COM/driver access to fulfil my requirement?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

Yes, the chip provides 4 pins that can be used for generic bit banging. Here is an application note describing how to use bit banging mode.


STM32 boot loader

I'm learning about embedded systems and have an idea about one small project and I want to use Cortex M0+ based MCU STM32G081KBT6. I saw a lot of tutorials with this MCU type, but all of them are based on developer board and with them it is very simple to upload code with USB cable. I want to make my custom PCB for this. So my question is what I have to do so I can upload my code to this microcontroller?
From a datasheet I think I have to use SWDIO (PA13) and SWCLK(PA14) ports for Boot, but if someone can help me do I have to use also some resistors, can I make it USB to wire transfer with this, or I have to use some external device to make it possible? Or there is some easier and better solution to upload code from my laptop to microcontroller?
Thanks for the replies.
There two main options:
Implement an SWD programming connector. Basically the pins GND, SWDIO, SWCLK and preferably 3.3V are made available. No resisters are needed. You can fit a 4 pin header, an official 10 pin SWD connector or just 4 pads (for connecting using an adapter with pogo pins).
This option requires an SWD debug adapter like ST-Link or J-Link. In addition to uploading firmware, this option supports debugging.
Make the USART (RX, TX) pins plus GND and 3.3V available on the board. This option requires a USB-to-serial adapter.
It's also possible to use I2C or SPI instead, though there are no standard solutions for connecting to your board that I'm aware of.
USB isn't an option for this particular chip. It is supported on many of the more expensive STM32 chips though.
I strongly recommend the first option. It is far more versatile than the other options. And an ST-Link adapter isn't expensive.
Details regarding the bootloader capabilities and pins:

Hacking computer hardware to do experiment control

I am a physicist, and I had a revelation a few weeks ago about how I might be able to use my personal computer to get much finer control over laboratory experiments than is typically the case. Before I ran off to try this out though, I wanted to check the feasibility with people who have more expertise than myself in such matters.
The idea is to use the i/o ports---VGA, ethernet, speaker jacks, etc.---on the computer to talk directly to the sensors and actuators in the experimental setup. E.g. cut open one side of an ethernet cable (with the other end attached to the computer) and send each line to a different device. I knew a postdoc who did something very similar using a BeagleBone. He wrote some assembly code that let him sync everything with the internal clock and used the GPIO pins to effectively give him a hybrid signal generator/scope that was completely programmable. It seems like the same thing should be possible with a laptop, and this would have the additional benefit that you can do data analysis from the same device.
The main potential difficulty that I foresee is that the hardware on a BeagleBone is designed with this sort of i/o in mind, whereas I expect the hardware on a laptop will probably be harder to control directly. I know for example (from some preliminary investigation, http://ask.metafilter.com/125812/Simple-USB-control-how-to-blink-an-LED-via-code) that USB ports will be difficult to access this way, and VGA is (according to VGA 15 pin port data read and write using Matlab) impossible. I haven't found anything about using other ports like ethernet or speaker jacks, though.
So the main question is: will this idea be feasible (without investing many months for each new variation of the hardware), and if so what type of i/o (ethernet, speaker jacks, etc.) is likely to be the best bet?
Auxiliary questions are:
Where can I find material to learn how I might go about executing this plan? I'm not even sure what keywords to plug in on Google.
Will the ease with which I can do this depend strongly on operating system or hardware brand?
The only cable I can think of for a pc that can get close to this would be a parallel printer cable which is pretty much gone away. It's a 25 wire cable that data is spread across so that it can send more data at the same time. I'm just not sure if you can target a specific line or if it's more of a left to right fill as data is sent.
To use one on a laptop today would definitely be difficult. You won't find any laptops with parallel ports. There are usb to parallel cables and serial to parallel cables but I would guess that the only control you would have it to the usb or serial interface and not the parallel.
As for Ethernet, you have 4 twisted pair with only 2 pair in use and 2 pair that are extra.
There's some hardware that available called Zwave that you might want to look into. Zwave will allow you to build a network of devices that communicate in a mesh. I'm not sure what kind of response time you need.
I actually just thought of something that might be a good solution. Check out security equipment. There's a lot of equipment available for pc's that monitor doors, windows, sensors, etc. That industry might what your looking for.
I think the easiest way would be to use the USB port as a Human Interface Device (HID) and using a custom built PIC program and a PIC that includes the USB functionality to encode the data to be sent to the computer and in that way be able to program it independently from the OS due to the fact that all mayor OS have the HID USB functionality.
Anyways if you used your MIC/VGA/HDMI whatever other port you still need a device to encode the data or transmit it, and another program inside the computer to decode that data being sent.
And remember that different hardware has different software (drivers) that might decode the raw data in other odd ways rendering your IO hardware dependent.
Hope this helps, but thats why the USB was invented in the first place to make it hardware and os independent.

Korg Nanokey MIDI Controller for Arduino?

I have a Korg NanoKey which I'd like to use to control a simple synthesizer I've designed on the Arduino platform. (I have an Arduino Uno.) Basically, I don't care about MIDI, I just want to read what note the keyboard has pressed down, but if MIDI is the only way I can do that, then it's okay with me. So my big question is, how do I do this? I haven't been able to find anyone else on the Internet who has already done this.
But more specifically, I see two challenges: First, I'd like to plug my NanoKey directly into the Arduino's USB port, but then I'm wondering if the Arduino would provide the necessary power to the NanoKey. Second, I'm not sure what protocol I would be reading. Can I just read MIDI signals as described in this tutorial?
I don't want to curb your enthusiasm but what you're attempting might be a bit hard basket. A USB system consists of a host controller and one or more peripheral devices. It's the host that controls traffic flow to the devices which means that devices can't transmit data on the bus without an explicit request from the host controller.
I'm not familiar with either the nanoKey or the Arduino platform but I'd be fairly confident that the nanoKey is a USB "device", normally connected to a computer which would act as the host. So what you would need for this system to work is for the Arduino to act as the host when communicating with the nanoKey. The Arduino schematic shows that the Arduino Uno uses an ATmega8U2 for USB coms. Unfortunately the ATmega8U2 is a USB device, so you've got two peripheral devices but no host controller to facilitate the transfer of data between them. You'd be better off using a development board for a micro that provides either USB Host or USB On-the-Go.
I opened up a Korg Nano controller yesterday and was surprised to discover that there's an AVR mega32 inside. It would be a significant undertaking, but with a bit of work you could probably work out the schematic and reprogram it yourself using their programming header breakout. You might not end up with much more functionality than you've got this other way, but it would be very educational.
I agree with the Jono - you are biting off a lot - it might even end up easiest to hook the keys up to the Arduino directly - tearing out the electronics and figuring out a way to multiplex the keys into a single channel without losing polyphony (resistor 'ladder' maybe). I any case, good luck. Amusingly, you'd making an analog keyboard to plug into a digital synthesizer.
Quick and Dirty Arduino MIDI Over USB demonstrates how to send/receive MIDI out over USB, but unfortunately, this probably isn't any help for what you are trying to do, since he's found a way to send and receive MIDI signals from a USB host, not act as a USB host himself - the opposite of your problem. However, I thought perhaps it would be of use, if you ever wanted to control your device from a computer.
As mentioned in the other posts, you would need to use a separate chip to provide the USB Host interface. Here's a great guide to using the USB Host shield by Circuits#Home to interface with an Akai LPK25 (USB Midi Keyboard).
The Arduino sketch is provided, so you should be able to try it out, however debugging the USB Host connection could get tricky real fast if it doesn't work out of the box.

Programmable usb host to host controller

Further to this question, I'm looking for a device that will allow me to connect two USB hosts, while still being fully programmable. I would like something that can do the following:
Masquerade as an arbitrary USB device
Take input from a PC and do nothing but pass it on to the other host.
I've been looking for a microcontroller (preferably pre-assembled) that will allow me to do this, but have so far come up blank. Does anyone know of a controller (preferably cheap) that will allow me to do this?
Take input from a PC and do nothing but pass it on to the other host.
This is non-sensical from a USB perspective. USB is a host-based protocol: a device will never send data unless a host requests it first. Keep in mind here, 'host' and 'device' have specific meanings here within the protocol itself; you can think of a 'host' as the master and the 'device' as the slave. These roles are baked into a USB controller. There is no way to convince a standard USB controller in any given PC or peripheral to swap roles. There are add-in cards for PCs that are USB device controllers (making your PC act as a device), but 'cheap' is not a word I would use to describe them.
What you really are trying to do is create something that is a USB device to device bridge. So, alright, you need to have two USB(2.0) device controllers (maybe not that expensive, some micros already have to on-the-go controllers). Then you have to get them to pass something meaningful to each other. That's really hard because, as I mentioned above, hosts must tell a device to send data, and can send data to a device whenever it wants. Assuming a game controller shows up as a HID device (assuming the console doesn't listen for some weird, custom descriptor, and use some weird, custom protocol), interrupt pipes will be used to transfer data. This pipe is guaranteed to be polled at some minimum rate. So you have the console requesting data at some rate, which is not fixed, and a host-as-gamepad sending data at some rate. It's going to impossible for the two to sync up, so you'll need some kind of decent sized buffer on the gadget you're trying to create, which adds more $$ and more complexity.
USB is also pretty fast. In high-speed (USB2.0), frames are 125 microseconds long. That means you have to be completing requests at around 8KHz, which seems slow compared to the clock speed of a microcontoller, but keep in mind you have to be doing everything else at once. I'm not sure if there's a hobbyist-level microcontroller that's going to have everything you need, especially one for which you don't need to roll your own USB stack.
Try this chip -> FTDI 232 they are protocols chips, it will translate the data to i2c, spi, serial, whatever u want. nice, easy and cheap :) . FTDI firm, have even better ones (vinculum), with otg and everything u need but I would start with the FTDI232. U just need to use your favorite uC to do the work u want. ... on the other hand, u have to do a little board, maybe some soldering, :). good luck!
You will need $$$$ in equipment and $$$$$ in development work to achieve things the way you imagine. You should better tell us what do you want to emulate, and take a look here if someone has already done it for you. If not then use LUFA library with some bigger USB AVR that can behave as USB host and connect two of them (one as USB guest and the other as USB host) via some other protocol (I2C/SPI/UART).
In the meantime there is a great solution for this Problem. Using the FaceDancer Library together with one of the boards supported by this great piece of software (i.E. GreatFET One) you get exactly what you want:
The GreatFET One has two USB connectors: the first one is used to simulate ANY kind of USB Device, while the second one is used to forward all requests/responses received/send via the first connector.
Of course this tool requires that you know the USB protocol of the device you want to simulate. Although there are some code samples you still have to know what you are doing as soon as you customize them.

Controlling simple relay switch via USB

I'm looking to control a mains powered light from a simple relay switch connected via USB to the computer.
The relay switch isn't even a USB device, it's just a simple switch that requires the USB voltage to turn it on. When the voltage drops below a threshold, the switch will turn the light off.
My problem is that I can't control the power output of a USB port. I'm happy to do it using any language on Windows or Linux (but preferably Java because I'm used to it).
Unfortunately, in most cases you cannot control the power supply to the USB port. The power supply is usually hardwired through, and not switchable in software. You can send a reset to a USB device, but that won't work in your case.
There are a number of projects on instructables that do similar to what you describe, but unfortunately they seem to either be quite complicated or require expensive parts.
EDIT: There is actually a product currently in the news which would do want you want, but it doesn't appear to be shipping yet: http://www.pwrusb.com/
EDIT (again): Apparently you can do this with some usb hubs. This post sugggests the Linksys USB2HUB4 is one that works.
EDIT (and again): Apparently there are a number of similar questions, but there don't seem to be any more useful answers:
Power off an USB device in software on Windows
Is there software or code to alter USB power output
Can I write a program that swiches USB on/off
Most of the USB to Serial or USB to RS232 $10 converters support hardware handshaking. Use one of those as a single channel digital io.
Connect your transistor that will drive the relay to DTR on the converter board and command DTR ON/OFF with the converters driver.
A 2N7002 is a good transistor to use (FET actually) since it will work from 3V and doesnt need any resistors anywhere.
Here is a complete solution.
It uses an Arduino board, with a USB connection, (and Uno for example) to control the relay and combines this with pfod (Protocol for Operation Discovery) www.pfod.com.au which will let you control the board/relay from either the Arduino IDE SerialMonitor, or a terminal window (TeraTerm) or a Java program. The message protocol encloses commands in { }, think simplified html for micros, and provides numerous screens, menus, sliders, text and numeric inputs, etc. A detailed protocol spec is available
See Garage Door Remote for a detailed example, with full Arduino code and an example of controlling the relay from TeraTerm as well as the Arduino IDE SerialMonitor.
There is also an Android app, pfodApp, which will do general purpose control via bluetooth, or wifi/internet with 128 bit security. The pfodApp does all the Android stuff, you only need to code some simple strings in your Arduino code to get any menu system you want. See www.pfod.com.au for numerous examples.
You need a USB-GPIO microcontroller:
Adafruit FT232H (about $15)
Arduino Nano ATmega328 (about $7)
See this answer
I would suggest placing a separate Raspberry Pi unit with a wake-on-lan feature activated so you can ping it off and on.
You could do it by combining these two products from Pololu, for about $25:
Micro Maestro (assembled)
Basic SPDT Relay Carrier with 5VDC Relay (Assembled)
The Maestro is mainly a servo controller but you can set any of its channels to be simple digital outputs instead. The output can be controlled from the Maestro Control Center software or you can write your own software. A digital output from a Maestro is suitable to turn on the relay on the relay carrier. The relay could be powered from USB through the Maestro; I think it draws about 100 mA of current so that probably will not be a problem for most USB ports, though it would not be USB-compliant because the total current drawn by the Maestro and the relay would be over 100 mA. You could supply your own power source for the relay if you are worried about that.