Hacking computer hardware to do experiment control - hardware

I am a physicist, and I had a revelation a few weeks ago about how I might be able to use my personal computer to get much finer control over laboratory experiments than is typically the case. Before I ran off to try this out though, I wanted to check the feasibility with people who have more expertise than myself in such matters.
The idea is to use the i/o ports---VGA, ethernet, speaker jacks, etc.---on the computer to talk directly to the sensors and actuators in the experimental setup. E.g. cut open one side of an ethernet cable (with the other end attached to the computer) and send each line to a different device. I knew a postdoc who did something very similar using a BeagleBone. He wrote some assembly code that let him sync everything with the internal clock and used the GPIO pins to effectively give him a hybrid signal generator/scope that was completely programmable. It seems like the same thing should be possible with a laptop, and this would have the additional benefit that you can do data analysis from the same device.
The main potential difficulty that I foresee is that the hardware on a BeagleBone is designed with this sort of i/o in mind, whereas I expect the hardware on a laptop will probably be harder to control directly. I know for example (from some preliminary investigation, http://ask.metafilter.com/125812/Simple-USB-control-how-to-blink-an-LED-via-code) that USB ports will be difficult to access this way, and VGA is (according to VGA 15 pin port data read and write using Matlab) impossible. I haven't found anything about using other ports like ethernet or speaker jacks, though.
So the main question is: will this idea be feasible (without investing many months for each new variation of the hardware), and if so what type of i/o (ethernet, speaker jacks, etc.) is likely to be the best bet?
Auxiliary questions are:
Where can I find material to learn how I might go about executing this plan? I'm not even sure what keywords to plug in on Google.
Will the ease with which I can do this depend strongly on operating system or hardware brand?

The only cable I can think of for a pc that can get close to this would be a parallel printer cable which is pretty much gone away. It's a 25 wire cable that data is spread across so that it can send more data at the same time. I'm just not sure if you can target a specific line or if it's more of a left to right fill as data is sent.
To use one on a laptop today would definitely be difficult. You won't find any laptops with parallel ports. There are usb to parallel cables and serial to parallel cables but I would guess that the only control you would have it to the usb or serial interface and not the parallel.
As for Ethernet, you have 4 twisted pair with only 2 pair in use and 2 pair that are extra.
There's some hardware that available called Zwave that you might want to look into. Zwave will allow you to build a network of devices that communicate in a mesh. I'm not sure what kind of response time you need.
I actually just thought of something that might be a good solution. Check out security equipment. There's a lot of equipment available for pc's that monitor doors, windows, sensors, etc. That industry might what your looking for.

I think the easiest way would be to use the USB port as a Human Interface Device (HID) and using a custom built PIC program and a PIC that includes the USB functionality to encode the data to be sent to the computer and in that way be able to program it independently from the OS due to the fact that all mayor OS have the HID USB functionality.
Anyways if you used your MIC/VGA/HDMI whatever other port you still need a device to encode the data or transmit it, and another program inside the computer to decode that data being sent.
And remember that different hardware has different software (drivers) that might decode the raw data in other odd ways rendering your IO hardware dependent.
Hope this helps, but thats why the USB was invented in the first place to make it hardware and os independent.


Details on USB- no luck so far

I've been looking for a detailed description for how USB protocol and cabling works for a long time with no luck. I am looking for a detailed yet not overcomplicated explanation of how things work on the software and hardware side of USB. Links and explanations would be appreciated. I've really run out of ideas, so it would be great if you can help me out.
This is what I do know:
USB hardware carries 4 lines- 5V power, ground, and 2 full duplex lines.
When connecting, the device can ask for a specified amount of current.
The transfer speeds for USB are quite fast compared to traditional serial connections.
When connecting, a device will output descriptors to the host describing itself. These descriptors will also be used for data.
What I don't know:
How does a program in C/C++ write directly to a USB port? Does it write to an address in the port?
How do some devices describe themselves as HID?
How do drivers work?
Everything else...
Thank you!
Every device has a (unique) Vendor and Product ID. These are provided (sold) by usb.org to identify a device. You can use a library like libusbx to enumerate all connected devices and select the one with the Vendor and Product ID you are looking for.
HID Descriptors
The point of HID descriptors is actually to do away with drivers. HID descriptors are a universal way of describing your device so you don't need to waste time on a driver for every system/architecture/etc/. (Same concept as the JVM.)
You will use either the input, output, or feature reports to read or write to your device. You send a stream to your device on the input or feature report. This is typically 8 bytes I believe. Only one of which is a single character you wish to write. The HID descriptor contains all the information you need to put together a report. Although I'm struggling to find a related link to clarify this.
Potential Libraries
In an effort to be open-minded here are all the libraries I am familiar with and some info about them.
First off is libusb-0.1. This used to be the go to and was built in to many Linux kernels and Windows I believe. It is very easy to use and there is a lot of documentation. However, the owner never updated and it wasn't edited for many years. It supports only synchronous transfers. (If an error occurs, the program can wait infinitely while it expects a transfer.)
Next is libusbx. This is what most people would suggest today and I agree. It was published by those frustrated by the owner of libusb-0.1. The code is much more lightweight, up-to-date, and importantly does not require root privileges like libusb-0.1 and libusb-1.0 (Discussed in a second). It supports synchronous or asynchronous transfers.
Then there is libusb-1.0. This was the first update to libusb-0.1 in some number of years. It is not compatible with libusb-0.1. This was published the same day as libusbx as a retaliation (I assume) and an attempt to rectify the lack of updated content and conserve a user-base. It supports synchronous or asynchronous transfers.
Finally, there is the hid library. This was built on top of libusb as another layer of abstraction. But honestly, I think it's just really confusing and it just adds more overhead than necessary.
Some Good Resources
Understanding HID Descriptors
Control Message Transfer Documentation (Very Good Link IMO)
Rolling Your Own HID Descriptor
Good Visual of HID Reports for Transfers
Great List of bmRequestType constants (You will need this or similar)
A simple terminal app for speaking with DigiSpark using libusbx and libusb-0.1
I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, but maybe it will get you started!
This website has a general overview of how USB devices work:
Particular sections give answers to things from the list of things you don't know yet about USB.
E.g. to find out how USB devices identify themselves, read about USB descriptors:
To learn how a C/C++ program can talk to a USB device, see examples on using the libusb library:
To learn how USB drivers work, see a tutorial from Bootlin:

Programmable usb host to host controller

Further to this question, I'm looking for a device that will allow me to connect two USB hosts, while still being fully programmable. I would like something that can do the following:
Masquerade as an arbitrary USB device
Take input from a PC and do nothing but pass it on to the other host.
I've been looking for a microcontroller (preferably pre-assembled) that will allow me to do this, but have so far come up blank. Does anyone know of a controller (preferably cheap) that will allow me to do this?
Take input from a PC and do nothing but pass it on to the other host.
This is non-sensical from a USB perspective. USB is a host-based protocol: a device will never send data unless a host requests it first. Keep in mind here, 'host' and 'device' have specific meanings here within the protocol itself; you can think of a 'host' as the master and the 'device' as the slave. These roles are baked into a USB controller. There is no way to convince a standard USB controller in any given PC or peripheral to swap roles. There are add-in cards for PCs that are USB device controllers (making your PC act as a device), but 'cheap' is not a word I would use to describe them.
What you really are trying to do is create something that is a USB device to device bridge. So, alright, you need to have two USB(2.0) device controllers (maybe not that expensive, some micros already have to on-the-go controllers). Then you have to get them to pass something meaningful to each other. That's really hard because, as I mentioned above, hosts must tell a device to send data, and can send data to a device whenever it wants. Assuming a game controller shows up as a HID device (assuming the console doesn't listen for some weird, custom descriptor, and use some weird, custom protocol), interrupt pipes will be used to transfer data. This pipe is guaranteed to be polled at some minimum rate. So you have the console requesting data at some rate, which is not fixed, and a host-as-gamepad sending data at some rate. It's going to impossible for the two to sync up, so you'll need some kind of decent sized buffer on the gadget you're trying to create, which adds more $$ and more complexity.
USB is also pretty fast. In high-speed (USB2.0), frames are 125 microseconds long. That means you have to be completing requests at around 8KHz, which seems slow compared to the clock speed of a microcontoller, but keep in mind you have to be doing everything else at once. I'm not sure if there's a hobbyist-level microcontroller that's going to have everything you need, especially one for which you don't need to roll your own USB stack.
Try this chip -> FTDI 232 they are protocols chips, it will translate the data to i2c, spi, serial, whatever u want. nice, easy and cheap :) . FTDI firm, have even better ones (vinculum), with otg and everything u need but I would start with the FTDI232. U just need to use your favorite uC to do the work u want. ... on the other hand, u have to do a little board, maybe some soldering, :). good luck!
You will need $$$$ in equipment and $$$$$ in development work to achieve things the way you imagine. You should better tell us what do you want to emulate, and take a look here if someone has already done it for you. If not then use LUFA library with some bigger USB AVR that can behave as USB host and connect two of them (one as USB guest and the other as USB host) via some other protocol (I2C/SPI/UART).
In the meantime there is a great solution for this Problem. Using the FaceDancer Library together with one of the boards supported by this great piece of software (i.E. GreatFET One) you get exactly what you want:
The GreatFET One has two USB connectors: the first one is used to simulate ANY kind of USB Device, while the second one is used to forward all requests/responses received/send via the first connector.
Of course this tool requires that you know the USB protocol of the device you want to simulate. Although there are some code samples you still have to know what you are doing as soon as you customize them.

How to find an embedded platform?

I am new to the locating hardware side of embedded programming and so after being completely overwhelmed with all the choices out there (pc104, custom boards, a zillion option for each board, volume discounts, devel kits, ahhh!!) I am asking here for some direction.
Basically, I must find a new motherboard and (most likely) re-implement the program logic. Rewriting this in C/C++/Java/C#/Pascal/BASIC is not a problem for me. so my real problem is finding the hardware. This motherboard will have several other devices attached to it. Here is a summary of what I need to do:
2 RS232 serial ports (one used all the time for primary UI, the second one not continuous)
1 modem (9600+ baud ok) [Modem will be in simultaneous use with only one of the serial port devices, so interrupt sharing with one serial port is OK, but not both]
Minimum permanent/long term storage: Whatever O/S requires + 1 MB (executable) + 512 KB (Data files)
RAM: Minimal, whatever the O/S requires plus maybe 1MB for executable.
Nice to have:
USB port(s)
Ethernet network port
Wireless network
Implementation languages (any O/S I will adapt to):
First choice Java/C# (Mono ok)
Second choice is C/Pascal
Third is BASIC
Ok, given all this, I am having a lot of trouble finding hardware that will support this that is low in cost. Every manufacturer site I visit has a lot of options, and it's difficult to see if their offering will even satisfy my must-have requirements (for example they sometimes list 3 "serial ports", but it appears that only one of the three is RS232, for example, and don't mention what the other two are). The #1 constraint is cost, #2 is size.
Can anyone help me with this? This little task has left me thinking I should have gone for EE and not CS :-).
EDIT: A bit of background: This is a system currently in production, but the original programmer passed away, and the current hardware manufacturer cannot find hardware to run the (currently) DOS system, so I need to reimplement this in a modern platform. I can only change the programming and the motherboard hardware.
I suggest buying a cheap Atom Mini-ITX board, some of which come with multi - 4+ RS232 ports.
But with Serial->USB converters, this isn't really an issue. Just get an Atom. And if you have code, port your software to Linux.
Here is a link to a Jetway Mini-Itx board, and a link to a 4 port RS232 expansion module for it. ~$170 total, some extra for memory, a disk, and a case and PSU. $250-$300 total.
Now here is an Intel Atom Board at $69 to which you could add flash storage instead of drives, and USB-serial converters for any data collection you need to do.
PC104 has a lot of value in maximizing the space used in 19" or 23" rackmount configurations - if you're not in that space, PC104 is a waste of your time and money, IMHO.
The BeagleBoard should have everything you need for $200 or so - it can run Linux so use whatever programming language you like.
A 'modern' system will run DOS so long as it is x86, I suggest that you look at an industrial PC board from a supplier such as Advantech, your existing system may well run unchanged if it adheres to PC/DOS/BIOS standards.
That said if your original system runs on DOS, the chances are that you do not need the horsepower of a modern x86 system, and can save money by using a microcontroller board using something fairly ubiquitous such as an ARM. Also if DOS was the OS, then you most likely do not need an OS at all, and could develop the system "bare-metal". The resources necessary just to support Linux are probably far greater than your existing application and OS together, and for little or no benefit unless you intend on extending the capability of the system considerably.
There are a number of resources available (free and commercial) for implementing a file system and USB on a bare-metal system or a system using a simple real-time kernel such as FreeRTOS or eCOS which have far smaller footprints than Linux.
The Windows embedded site ( http://www.microsoft.com/windowsembedded/en-us/default.mspx )
has a lot of resources and links to hardware partners, distributors and development kits. There's even a "Spark" incubation project ( http://www.microsoft.com/windowsembedded/en-us/community/spark/default.mspx )
What's also really nice about using windows ce is that it now supports Silverlight as a development environment.
I've used the jetway boards / daughter cards that Chris mentioned with success for various projects from embedded control, my home router, my HTPC front end.
You didn't mention what the actual application was but if you need something more industrial due to temperature or moisture constraints i've found http://www.logicsupply.com/ to be a good resource for mini-itx systems that can take a beating.
A tip for these board is that given your minimal storage requirements, don't use a hard drive. Use an IDE adapter for a compact flash card as the system storage or an SD card. No moving parts is usually a big plus in these applications. They also usually offer models with DC power input so you can use a laptop like or wall wart external supply which minimizes its final size.
This http://www.fit-pc.com/web/ is another option in the very small atom PC market, you'd likely need to use some USB converters to get to your desired connectivity.
The beagle board Paul mentioned is also a good choice, there are daughter cards for that as well that will add whatever ports you need and it has an on board SD card reader for whatever storage you need. This is also a substantially lower power option vs the atom systems.
There are a ton of single board computers that would fit your needs. When searching you'll normally find that they don't keep many interface connectors on the processor board itself but rather you need to look at the stackable daughter cards they offer which would provide whatever connections you need (RS-232, etc.). This is often why you see just "serial port" in the description as the final physical layer for the serial port will be defined on the daughter card.
There are a ton of arm based development boards you could also use, to many to list, these are similar to the beagle board. Googling for "System on module" is a good way to find many options. These again are usually a module with the processor/ram/flash on 1 card and then offer various carrier boards which the module plugs into which will provide the various forms of connectivity you need.
In terms of development, the atom boards will likely be the easiest if your more familiar with x86 development. ARM is strongly supported under linux though so there is little difficulty in getting these up and running.
Personally i would avoid windows for a headless design like your discussing, i rarely see a windows based embedded device that isn't just bad.
Take at look at one of the boards in the Arduino line, in particular the Arduino Mega. Very flexible boards at a low cost, and the Mega has enough I/O ports to do what you need it to do. There is no on-chip modem, but you can connect to something like a Phillips PCD3312C over the I2C connector or you can find an Arduino add-on board (called a "shield") to give you modem functionality (or Bluetooth, ethernet, etc etc). Also, these are very easy to connect to an external memory device (like a flash drive or an SD card) so you should have plenty of storage space.
For something more PC-like, look for an existing device that is powered by a VIA EPIA board. There are lot of devices out there that use these (set-top boxes, edge routers, network security devices etc) that you can buy and re-program. For example, I found a device that was supposed to be a network security device. It came with the EPIA board, RAM, a hard drive, and a power supply. All I had to do was format the hard drive, install Linux (Debian had all necessary drivers already included), and I had a complete mini-computer ready to go. It only cost me around $45 too (bought brand new, unopened on ebay).
Update: The particular device I found was an EdgeSecure i10 from Ingrian Networks.

Is hardware impossible to debug without software?

Disclaimer: I am (mostly) hardware ignorant. This is probably my problem. However I find it hard to accept that it is not possible to debug hardware so therefore I just wanted to get some second opinions.
We have an issue. Where certain actions (swapping Usb devices in and out at run-time) can blow either the Usb hub or chip on our Usb board (it's custom hardware). It's a fuzzy problem (it appears that the degree of "blownness" can vary a bit) and the problem manifests itself in intermittent fashions with various symptoms that are very difficult to reliably reproduce (typically random corruption of packets).
This results in difficulty in ascertaining if a newly reported problem is due to this hardware fault or is actually a bug in the software. We have since implemented protection on these devices but if an unprotected device is used with a protected device it has a possibility of then tainting the (now protected) device. One of the ports is also not protected meaning that someone could still "kill off" a unit that should be safe by accidentally using the wrong port.
The upshot of this is that it is impossible to tell which of our devices suffer this issue without completely replacing ALL the hardware (we've bitten the bullet for most of our production hardware but there is still a lot of dev and QA hardware out there with this issue).
I would imagine that it could be possible, given a piece of hardware that one could use some kind of hardware diagnostics tools to determine whether the kit is faulty or not. Am I living in a dream world? My hardware department tell me that the only tests that can prove the fault would be software tests... but as I have stated the symptoms are very difficult to reproduce. As I'm not that experienced with hardware I don't know if this is the only answer or not. I therefore ask the world.
Built In Test Equipment is used for performing a Built In Test
(No bytes involved.)
It is completely, utterly normal for military/aerospace equipment to have extra hardware to test itself with.
The original IBM PC hard a surprising quantity of test hardware built in.
In the case of your equipment, a test device and some statistical analysis would do the trick.
This could be done in hardware in a dongle, but frankly would be easier to with some software.
Use two back-to-back USB to RS232 serial converters to make a USB loopback device.
Send lots of data , checksum packets and measure error rates.
I'm assuming your errors occur on the in->out as well as the out-<in side.
Really, your hardware guys need to look at some application notes; USB IS hotplug-safe IF done according to the book.
There is a cool example out on the net of opto-coupling a USB chip's connection to the board it's onto prevent this sort of thing. The USB chip is connected to the host, powered from the host, and the interface to the USB chip is SPI, which is opto-coupled back to the rest of the board.
As for you, the chips are failing partially. Injured devices may work fine for months then die. An electro-static discharge ("a static zap") can do the same thing that you describe. A device can be injured by shocks too small for you to feel.
The wires and features in semiconductors are microscopic, and easily damaged by stray electricity.
If the hardware design is mostly right probably the liekly cause of the problems you've been experiancing is ESD when the devices are handled to plug/unplug. Your devie has it's own power supply and it's ground voltage floats relative to the other end of the USB cable, until it is connected.
Hope this helps.
No it's not.
A lot of hardware manufacturers begin with hardware testing. Inputs and outputs (IO) is just a matter of evaluating where circuit flow is going. Consider the abstraction that both software and hardware deal in boolean operations.
Hardware is just a little less human readable!
When it comes down to it, hardware's line of communication is (at its most basic) HIGH and LOW through various pins.
I have a brother (in the automobile tech industry) who has used and electrometer to measure voltage on pins to isolate where the problem is (I'm not really smart enough in that field to go into more detail on how he does it).
Your problem is that the only known symptom is so hard to detect (packet corruption in USB stream), that you're going to need software (at some level) to detect it.
If you can work out why packets are getting corrupted (bad voltages?) then maybe you could detect that with hardware?
Otherwise you need some kind of robust testing kit, and software to send/receive lots of packets to look for corruption?
No. That's what oscilloscopes and logic analyzers are for. Also there is more specialized equipment such as USB testers.
The simpler the hardware is, and the more access you have to the signals, the more likely you are to be able to diagnose it in a 'purely hardware' kind of way. For example if you had a simple parallel port card plugged into a PCI slot, it would be relatively straightforward to put a bus analyzer on the PCI bus, and the adapter's output, and see if the outputs did the right thing when the card was addressed. But note you'd still need to attempt to access that card from the PCI bus, which would mean either (A) some kind of PCI bus simulation, which would be one heck of a big pile of test hardware, or (B) a cheap off-the-shelf PC with a few lines of test code.
But then at the other end of the spectrum, suppose you're dealing with a large FPGA. You can get one heck of a lot of logic into an FPGA, and you won't necessarily have access to all the test points you'd like. I've personally encountered a bug with a serial port embedded in an FPGA, where a race condition with the shift register preload register would occasionally corrupt a byte. Hypothetically the VHDL could have been reworked to bring out test points, and a pile of scopes and analyzers gathered, but from a management standpoint it was much more cost effective to try to tease the problem out with software. Under normal usage, the bug in question would have turned up once every blue moon. We iterated through speculation about the conditions that would elicit the bug, and refining the test code, until we had test software that could reproduce the bug 2-3 times a minute. At that point we could actually provide clues to the VHDL guys that helped them fix the problem quickly.
Long story short, inside of a week a hardware bug was smoked out via software, whereas starting with the same information and going 'hardware only' would likely have not been any faster, and would have required a lot of expensive test equipment. So, yeah, you probably can do it without software, but as usual it's a trade-off, and you have to find the right balance point between the amount of software vs hardware for the job.

Accurate Timings with Oscilloscopes on PC

In the world of embedded software (firmware) it is fairly common to observe the order of events, take timings and optimise a program by getting it to waggle PIO lines and capturing their behavior on an oscilloscope.
In days gone by it was possible to toggle pins on the serial and parallel ports to achieve much the same thing on PC-based software. This made it possible to capture host PC-based software events and firmware events on the same trace and examine host software/firmware interactions.
Now, my new laptop ... no serial or parallel ports! This is increasingly the case.
So, does anyone have any suggestions as to go about emitting accurate timing signals off a "modern" PC? It strikes me that we don't have any immediately programmable, lag-free output pins left.
The solution needs to run off a laptop, so using add-on cards that only plug into desktops are not permitted.
Laptop with a docking station and old-skool parallel port. An alternate is to use a "smart" box connected via USB that handles the timing for you and simply reports the results over USB.
You may want to look into some of the USB logic analyzers like the Saleae Logic kit.
You can get USB dongles that create serial and parallel ports. Make sure you do your homework though, as you want to be sure that you can get all the Pins and all their data, some of the cheaper units don't do everything you need.
I've got a PCMCIA parallel port from Quatech - model SPP-100. It is a "real" parallel port - not a USB-Parallel port one. It is "real" enough to allow me to use a parallel port dongle with Windows 7 x64 on my laptop which doesn't have a parallel port.
How about using the audio line-out port? That should at least have consistent latency since audio applications care about that. That's the only modern computer output I can think of that isn't packet-based or dedicated to other purposes. It only has two channels (though external USB audio devices could expand that, and hopefully also have consistent latency through whatever the protocol does), and there might be a DC filter, but you could at least produce reliably timed pulses.
USB logic analyzers exist, some are even chip. But keep in minds #xtofl's comment about timing.
The Bus Pirate