Install all modules at once in OpenERP? - odoo

How to install all modules in OpenERP at once? At single click it install all modules.

If you use a 7.0 then a good news for you.
-> Go to setting ,click on modules and go to list view of modules.
->Search module that are Not Installed by click on search box.
->click on limit on top right (1-80 of 156) and select unlimited.
->check top left check box that can check all the check box of all module in list view.
-> Now click on more button and then click Module Immediate installed.
-> be Patience this will take some time to installed all module but it surly installed all modules.

Well Pinakin,
Their can be may ways that you can prefer rather being ironic, You have one option as Heroic or you can also use some external shell script which will one go run.
The code can look like this. Save this is Shell script under server folder.
#line to drop some existing db if we have any, You can skip this.
psql -l | grep somedb_name |cut -d \| -f1 | xargs -n1 dropdb
# Create new Db
createdb somedb_name --encoding=Unicode
# install base module. and Stop the server
./openerp-server --addons-path=../../addons/trunk,../../web/trunk/addons/ -d somedb_name --stop-after-init -i base
#Now trigger sql and marke all module to install with demo true.
psql somedb_name -c "UPDATE ir_module_module SET state = 'to install', demo = true ;"
#againstart Server and let all module get insalled and then server will keep running foreve you want.
./openerp-server --addons-path=../../addons/trunk,../../web/trunk/addons/ -u base -d somedb_name
You may Need to chage the some path depending on your code managment on dir.

While starting the server you can add parameter in the server path like
./openerp-server --addons ../addons/,
../openerp-web/addons/ -i <list of modules> -d <database name>
give list of module name separated by comma, it will install in the module in the given database.


zsh alias not recognizing : command not found

Hellor everybody, i wanted to add an alias in my .zshrc file but please have a look at this i really don't understand
[23:29:36] charvet:~ $ expressvpn
expressvpn - ExpressVPN command line interface
expressvpn command [arguments...]
1.1.0 (e822d60)
activate Activate account
connect Connect to VPN
disconnect Disconnect from VPN
status Display service information
list, ls List VPN locations
autoconnect Enable / disable auto-connect
protocol Display / change preferred protocol
refresh Refresh VPN clusters
reset Reset VPN account
diagnostics Display connection diagnostics
preferences List user preferences
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Then i wrote in my file .zshrc
alias expressvpn=vpn
Then in zsh :
[23:29:46] charvet:~ $ source .zshrc
ls='ls --color=tty'
[23:29:52] charvet:~ $ vpn
zsh: command not found: vpn
[23:29:55] charvet:~ $
I am completely lost, i don't understand. People talk about the white space around the "=" but i haven't any.
Try alias vpn=expressvpn?
Try help alias for help with alias syntax.
You have to say in your profile
alias expressvpn= 'vpn'
that's how it works

How to perform a reverse command history search in redis-cli

How do I do a reverse search on command history in redis-cli?
Typing the starting letters and pressing the up arrow doesn't work.
Neither does bash style 'ctrl+r'. Please help.
Is there a file where redis saves the command history.
How do I do a reverse search on command history in redis-cli?
redis-cli uses linenoise which does not support (yet) reverse search within the history:
/* linenoise.c */
History search like Ctrl+r in readline?
Is there a file where redis saves the command history?
That being said Redis saves the commands history under ~/.rediscli_history which can be obtained with up arrow key.
Also, it supports command auto-completion via the tab key.
You can use repl and rlwrap to enable reverse-i-search on your redis-cli history via CTRL-r. On Max OS X, I just installed both of these via brew:
brew install repl
brew install rlwrap
repl expects your history file to be named ~/.{command}_history. For redis-cli it expects ~/.redis-cli_history, but on my Mac OS X installation, the history file was named ~/.rediscli_history, so I had to symlink it like so:
ln -s ~/.rediscli_history ~/.redis-cli_history
You can now start the redis-cli by using repl redis-cli and reverse-i-search will be enabled. You might want to add an alias to to make it more convenient to run this in the future by doing something like
alias rcli='repl redis-cli'

How to start a Rails server with an .sh script in a directory of choice

I've been developing with rails for a year now, and although rails is pretty well automated, I'd like to take it one step further.
Every time i start working on a project, i open the terminal, cd to a project folder, than new tab in the terminal, then start the server with "rails s" then back to the first tab to run "sublime ." so that i load the folder in my text editor, Sublime Text.
What i would like is to create a .sh script that would do all that for me, but so far i haven't been able to make it start the server.
So, how to start rails server with a .sh script in a directory of choice?
#Manolo gave me an idea, so I've come up with this:
I modified my .bashrc as the following answer illustrates:
Basically i added
eval "$BASH_POST_RC"
At the end of my .bashrc so i could run arbitrary commands after it was executed.
Next, i made a following script:
firefox -P "development";
sublime . &;
gnome-terminal \
--tab --title="Server" -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"rails s\";exec bash"' \
--tab -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"git s\"; exec bash"';
That launches my development profile on firefox, my editor with a project root, and terminal window with two tabs - one that runs a WEBrick server, and another one which runs git status for me.
I made a desktop shortcut to the script so i have my own custom IDE of sorts :)
Try this:
cd your_project_folder
nohup rails s > /tmp/rails_server.log 2>&1 &
sublime .
you can see the ouput of your rails server at the /tmp/rails_server.log file

how to set up the psql command in cygwin?

I have a local dev site on my machine with Apache server and PostgreSQL 9.1 database. As I'm using Windows, I also installed Cygwin. I want to access to database and make some queries via Cygwin insead of pgAdmin III, but it tells me that psql command not found. How should I set up the psql command in cygwin?
As of today, you just have to install postgresql-client package in cygwin:
Run your cygwin setup.exe file (this can be run multiple times to
add more packages).
Type postgresql into the search box, select postgresql-client and
press "next" to install.
Now you can open Cygwin terminal and type psql to run!
The best combo for Cygwin on Windows, I've found, is the normal Windows Postgres installation combined with Cygwin psql.
Cygwin psql (and other command-line tools) can be compiled from source fairly easily. Here's the steps for 9.2.4:
$ wget
$ tar xjf postgresql-9.2.4.tar.bz2
$ cd postgresql-9.2.4/
$ ./configure
$ cd src/bin/psql
$ make
This creates a psql.exe binary that works well with Cygwin. However, by default, it tries to connect to the local instance using a Unix socket instead of TCP. So use -h to specify the hostname and force TCP, for example:
$ ./psql -h localhost -U postgres
Move this psql.exe to someplace on your path (e.g. ~/bin) and possibly wrap in a script to add '-h localhost' for convenience when no other arguments supplied.
The source could be modified to change the default, but that takes actual work ;)
If I understand your question correctly you are running cygwin because you want to run queries against PostgreSQL via bash and psql on Windows, right?
Cygwin can run Windows binaries from bash, so install the native Windows builds and make sure psql.exe is in the PATH You should be able to copy the executable if necessary.
There is no need to install a native Cygwin build of PostgreSQL. Just use the existing psql tool, and make sure you can access the Windows-native psql.exe.

Oracle SQL Developer: sharing configuration via Dropbox

I would like to share my Oracle SQL Developer configuration across my several computers that use Dropbox.
How can I do this?
In case anyone comes here looking for the location of user configured options like me, they are hiding here:
%appdata%\SQL Developer\
This is useful to know when copying your preferences to a new computer. If you are looking for the connection settings, search for connections.xml in that directory. There are also some other configuration files here that you may need:
sqldeveloper.conf – <sqldeveloper dir>\sqldeveloper\bin\
ide.conf – <sqldeveloper dir>\ide\bin\
This is for Oracle SQL Developer 3.
Here's what I did.
# share sqldeveloper config via dropbox
# this is for sqldeveloper 1.5.4, change your paths as necessary
# strace or dtruss sqldeveloper to see what config files are accessed
INST=~/Library/Application\ Support/SQL\ Developer/system1.
DROP=~/Dropbox/Library/SQL\ Developer/system1.
# note, you can zap your configuration if you are not careful.
# remove these exit lines when you're sure you understand what's
# going on.
# copy from real folder to dropbox
for i in $ITEMS; do
echo uncomment to do this once to bootstrap your dropbox
#mkdir -p "`dirname "$DROP/$i":`"
#cp -p "$INST/$i" "$DROP/$i"
# link from dropbox to real folder
for i in $ITEMS; do
rm "$INST/$i"
ln -s "$DROP/$i" "$INST/$i"
Simple sharing SQLDeveloper config on Dropbox, the easiest way on MACOSX is to
cd ~/Dropbox
mkdir -p Library/SQLDeveloper
cp -rp ~/.sqldeveloper/* Library/SQLDeveloper/
mv ~/.sqldeveloper ~/remove_when_sure_sqldeveloper
ln -sf $PWD/Library/SQLDeveloper ~/.sqldeveloper
Do this on your most important machine and on the machine on which to share only do
cd ~/Dropbox
mv ~/.sqldeveloper ~/remove_when_sure_sqldeveloper
ln -sf $PWD/Library/SQLDeveloper ~/.sqldeveloper
This works like a charm.