I am a beginner in iOS development.We are trying to develop an application in xcode using objective c.We have imported the codes and libraries and builded it successfully.Now the issue is to generate header doc from generated code.For that we navigated to the generated code folder using terminal and gave the following commands:
headerdoc2html –o GeneratedDocDir GeneratedCodeDir
gatherheaderdoc GeneratedDocDir
But it generated 3 zerobytes file only.
Can anyone please help us to solve this problem?
Without knowing your code/configuration, it is guessing only, but you should check
existence of HeaderDoc comments / tags
your configuration in /$HOME/Library/Preferences/com.apple.headerDoc2HTML.config
I am trying to make dynamic image cropper. I came across this package which seems to be working absolutely as I want.
I am trying to add this in my application. I followed the steps as specified in document
install react-Native-perspective-image-cropper and react-native-svg and link them
Download opencv framework and add that in ios project
but I keep getting the error
"opencv2/opencv.hpp' file not found"
Anyone came across same kind of error and can help?
You may need to add the following to your settings.gradle:
include ':openCVLibrary310'
project(':openCVLibrary310').projectDir =
new File(rootProject.projectDir,
See instructions here
I've been refactoring an existing app so that some of the objective-c can be re-used in a new app by creating a static library. I've never done this before so I followed the raywenderlich tutorial here
It all works OK except I don't get any header files in the products folder (as per the tutorial) This means that when I link the projects the compiler complains that the header files aren't found. My built project and the output folder are shown in the screen shot below:
I'm sure its something simple but I can't work out what I'm missing - any ideas would be appreciated
Can you point me to a tutorial which shows how to link to a dynamic library.
I created a dynamic library. Now I've got no clue how to include it into your project.
What I tried is
1.I copied the dylib and header folder into my project.
2. I gave library search path as $(PROJECT_DIR)
3. I gave header search path as $(PROJECT_DIR)/include.
Now it builds and links just fine. But when I run it, it gives me this error
.yld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/test_dynamic_lib.dylib
Now i read in documentation that you have to install the library in that path. How to do that?
or you can manipulate runpaths. I didnt get a clue what it says. I'm actually a beginner in cocoa development.
Can you explain how to do that? Or point to a tutorial. I couldn't find any.
I found the answer.
I wrote a build script on my target.
export DYLIB=myLibrary.dylib
mkdir "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$TARGET_NAME.bundle/Contents/Frameworks"
cp -f "$SRCROOT/$DYLIB "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$TARGET_NAME.bundle/Contents/Frameworks"
install_name_tool -change #executable_path/$DYLIB #loader_path/../Frameworks/$DYLIB"$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$TARGET_NAME.bundle/Contents/MacOS/$PRODUCT_NAM
And yes thnx The Paramagnetic Croissant for poiting me in the right direction.
I'am a newcomer to cocoa developement and i have not yet got used to.
When use eclipse for java development, we can see all the added jars source file if we attached the source files.
But in xcode, we add a framework such as "Cocoa.framework",there is only one Cocoa.h file we can see.
I clone the 'Sonora' source code from github for study.
there is one line
#import "SNRFileCopyManager.h"
exist in SNRFileImportOperation.h file
Both the SNRFileImportOperation.h and SNRFileCopyManager.h can be found in Sonora/Classes directory.
But, i can see the SNRFileImportOperation.h file in xcode project only and they get work fine together, Why this non third party header file not display in it's own project?
I know something about the dependency setting adn header search paths.
Any one give me a guidance or some references of the code management|organization?
Thanks a lot.
The file SNRFileCopyManager.h is found because it is in one of the include search paths. If you select a header file in Xcode and look at the info panel on the right side you can see that it doesn't actually belong to any target, they are shown more or less regardless. Though, building a framework you can select header files to be included into the framework when building. So, you can just pull in your header files into Xcode.
does anybody know, how i could create automatically a UML class diagram from an already existent iphone project. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can use Doxygen:
Install Doxygen (with MacPorts: sudo port install doxygen).
Get a script like this and change the first lines to match your configuration.
Download these files and edit the Doxygen file so it says HAVE_DOT=YES and UML_LOOK=YES.
It will then generate and install a docset that you can read from the documentation browser, or just right click and show contents from Finder.
Or, if you want a graph of dependencies check: https://github.com/nst/objc_dep It uses graphviz.
See also OmniGraffle of all things. If you open an Xcode project with it, it will generate a full class diagram. It can be fairly overwhelming for a large project.