Math.Pow() broken in mono ARM build? - mono

So I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 on a BeagleBone (ARM 700MHz processor), and I just discovered, to my great surprise, that Math.Pow() returns incorrect results on that platform (Mono build
After some searching, I found this poster who indicates that this is a known issue. Almost casually. I'm a little shocked that a) the issue ever came up in the first place, and b) that there is no ETA on fixing what I view as a pretty fundamental bug in a core Math library.
Further searching only turned up a few hits, and nothing mentioning this on (I plan to submit a bug report).
So, admittedly without having gone into the source code yet (although I plan to), can anyone explain to me the difficulties of fixing this, or how it could have been introduced in the first place? I mean, the pow() function in math.h works as expected, so can't Math.Pow() just wrap that? What am I missing here?
I guess I feel like there is something about floating point operations that underlies this that I don't understand, so this is more than just a bug report, I'd like to know what the fundamental problem is, or if it's just a big overlooked problem.
This page summarizes the root of the problem nicely (porting status of armhf in debian):
Punchline: Mono 2.10 is listed as not fixed for the armhf port, but that it's in progress for mono 3.0.

For some more detailed background on the problem:
But as a summary - armhf is not a properly supported ABI for Mono, the ARM port of which was made to the armel ABI. Meaning you end up with caller and callee disagreeing on where floating-point parameters are passed in function calls.
Very few things are "just change 2 lines of code", and those that are generally require substantial effort to track down which two lines are wrong, and what they should be doing instead.


REBOL3 - what is the difference between the different branches?

What are the differences between the different Rebol 3 branches, especially with the new REN branch?
Is it the platforms they'll run on, the feature set, code organization, the C standard compliance?
This is an answer destined to become outdated, hence set to Community Wiki. This information is as of Sep-2015. So if updating this answer after some time has passed, please modify the date as well.
Binary download of Rebol3 from
Last build was 5-Mar-2011 and pre-dates the open source release.
No GUI support, no HTTPS support, no serial port support, no UDP support, no smart console...
No 64-bit builds. Binaries are for Windows x86, OS/X (PPC or x86), Linux (x86 or PPC), FreeBSD x86.
While Rebol2 binaries are archived for many "esoteric" systems (BeOS, AIX, Windows DEC Alpha, QNX, Solaris...) similar binaries were not provided for Rebol3. The only "weird" build is for Amiga, and only an OS4 PowerPC Amiga. No successful builds of Rebol3 for Amiga emulators have been reported.
Open source release of Rebol3 on Github rebol/rebol
Open-sourcing was on 12-Dec-2012.
The binary downloads were not rebuilt as part of this release. However, a community member (#earl here on SO) created a build farm at that follows this GitHub master whenever it updates. Given that GitHub's rebol/rebol master hasn't been updated since March 2014, this dynamism is currently underused.
Building the source at time of release got an executable not distinguishable (?) in functionality from the builds on 5-Mar-2011. This suggests few changes to the source were made besides some cleanup and Apache-licensing edits to prepare for publication.
Minor patches and bugfixes were integrated sporadically, with most PRs sitting idle. Last PR accepted at time of writing was Mar 3, 2014, which is over a year ago.
The most noticeable "breaking" PR that did get approved was to repurpose the FUNCTION name. It was considered to be worth breaking the old arity 3 form to let the word be taken for the much more useful implementation as locals-gathering FUNCT. (This also brought Rebol in alignment with Red, whose FUNCTION is arity 2 and acts similarly.) FUNCT was kept around as-is for legacy code.
The most major non-breaking PR that was taken is probably not requiring blocks around IF, UNLESS, or EITHER bodies. This has been received well among those who know it's there, as fitting the freeform and non-boilerplate philosophy of the language. It allows some code constructs to get "prettier" and gives programmers more choice, while it doesn't seem to cause any more problems than anything else. It's certainly less of a speedbump than if [condition] [...], in fact it seems almost no one knows this feature got added, so it must not be biting anyone. (If anyone can bend ears over at Red to make sure it gets IF and IF/ONLY then that would be ideal.)
RETURN/REDO was removed. Rationale was that it permitted functions to effectively behave with variable arity, and that this was unnecessary and took terra firma away by no longer being able to predict a function's arity from its spec. Perhaps this stance warrants a second Lisp users who are pressuring for the addition of Lisp-style macros seeming aren't worried about that very much. (Here in the StackExchange universe, this provoked a Programmers.SE question Would Rebol (or Red) benefit from Lisp-style Macros?, which hasn't gotten much in the way of answers yet.)
The fork by Saphirion: "Saphir"
Prior to the open-sourcing of Rebol, Saphirion AG had a special relationship with Rebol technologies. They had access to the source and were taking responsibility for most of the development work for Rebol3 GUI features. They also added several other things like HTTPS.
Saphir is available as a binary download from their website, but only provided for 32-bit Windows. There was at one time an experimental .APK for Android from Saphirion.
Some (but not all) of Saphir's source was released after the open-sourcing. Notable omissions were the android build and some Rebol3 code for encapping...a way of injecting compressed scripts and resources into binaries of the interpreter without needing to recompile it.
(Note: Under Apache2 license there is no requirement to release source code for one's derived work.)
"Community" Integration at Rebolsource on GitHub
With the GitHub rebol/rebol being held up on integrations, a fork at rebolsource/r3 was established to be a "community build" where work could be staged.
Rebolsource changes were conservative, seemingly aimed toward showing process for how GitHub's rebol/rebol might adopt changes "in the spirit in which Rebol was conceived" should that repository be delegated to the community. (For that spirit, see this.) Hence it integrated non-controversial bugfixes and tweaks, instead of large third-party cryptography libraries for implementing HTTPS. Also: no allowance for adding build dependencies besides a C compiler (no GNU autotools, for instance).
Binaries for the community build were produced on an as-needed basis for those requesting them who could not build it themselves.
Atronix Engineering's Rebol "3.0" at Github zsx/r3
Atronix is an industrial automation solutions provider that uses Rebol. How they do so is described in a video here by David den Haring, director of Engineering, and their ZOE software is built on their version of Rebol.
After the open sourcing, Atronix partnered with Saphirion to port the GUI to Linux. Atronix publishes their source publicly as it is developed, and David den Haring notes in the video above that they have only one proprietary component they developed (an industrial control driver). Other than that they are happy to share the source for all Rebol development they do.
Atronix integrated the 64-bit patches from Rebolsource, created a Windows 64-bit target, and offer up-to-date binaries of their development branch for Windows and Linux x86/x64, as well as Linux ARMv7.
Besides having the features of Saphir, the Atronix build added support for CALL with /INPUT, /OUTPUT, /ERROR. It also added a Foreign Function Interface, implementing LIBRARY!, ROUTINE! and STRUCT! for communicating with non-Rebol dynamic libraries. It brings in encapping support as well on Windows and Linux.
Rebol's "religion" was at times at odds with expedience, so the Rebol-based build process was replaced when needed by hand-edited makefiles and Visual Studio projects. The FFI library introduced a dependency on GNU autotools to build.
All Atronix builds include the GUI, so there is no "Core" build. And again, only Linux and Windows.
(Bias Note: This fork is the initiative #HostileFork started, knows the most about, and will speak most enthusiastically about.)
Ren-C started as an an extraction of a Core build out of Atronix's codebase. That gave it features like HTTPS, the enhanced CALL, and Foreign Function Interface to essentially all the platforms that Rebolsource was able to build for. Updates Jul/Sep-2015 Ren/C supports line continuations in the console, user infix functions, several bugfixes...
Ren-C makes large-scale changes and fixes fundamental issues in R3-Alpha, which are tracked on a Trello that provides more information. There is a new FAQ as a GitHub wiki. Critical issues like definitionally-scoped returns have been solved, with continuous work on other outstanding problems.
Though Atronix's R3/View required some additional dependencies, Ren/C pushed back to being able to be built with nothing besides a C compiler, and eliminated all handmade makefiles/projects.
Beyond Windows, Linux and Mac in both 32-bit and 64-bit variants, Ren/C has also been built for smaller players like HaikuOS and yes, even Syllable. This is interesting more for the demonstration of how broadly turnkey builds of the C89 code work (simply as make -f makefile.boot) as opposed to there being a particularly large userbase of those particular OSes!
From the point of view of language rigor, Ren/C is pushing on modern techniques. Although it can still build as C89, it can be built as C99 and C11 as well. It has also been verified to build as C++98 through C++14, and with some strategic modifications under #ifdef __cplusplus it can take advantage of modern C++ as a kind of static analysis tool over the C code. Warnings are raised, type errors all fixed up, and it's "const correct". The necessary changes were carefully considered to make Rebol's baseline C code not just more correct but cleaner and clearer source across the board.
From a point of view of C developers, Ren/C should be stable, organized, and commented enough for anyone who knows C to "modify with confidence" and try new features. That means being able to implement definitionally scoped returns (actually written, but not pushed), or try developing features like NewPath.
From a point of view of architecture, Ren/C is intended to not have an executable at all...but to be a library for embedding a Rebol interpreter into other programs. It is now the basis for Ren/C++, which was designed to anticipate working with Red as well.
From a point of view of testing, Ren/C intends to whip everything into shape for engineering rigor and zero bug tolerance. This means avoiding practices like zero-filling memory to obscure uninitialized memory accesses, using Address Sanitizer, Valgrind, and a test suite that can pass the highest settings on both.
While enabling all the extra functionality has made Ren/C's executable nearly twice the size of Rebolsource's, there's not yet been any audit to see how this can be brought down. It has been confirmed that there are duplicate copies of Zlib and PNG encoding/decoding--for instance (Saphirion included LodePNG, likely to work around a bug in the existing PNG because it was easier than fixing it...yet did not mothball the previous code). Also, being able to do a build which selectively integrates only the codecs you want to use is on the agenda.
Ren/C currently has the stakeholders from Atronix and Rebolsource participating in its development and direction, which strengthens the likelihood that it may evolve into "the" Rebol Core. It is now being linked in as the code backing Ren Garden, and using a similar approach it may be set up as the library used by Atronix's R3/View...then Rebolsource...and perhaps ultimately rebol/rebol itself.
The fork by Oldes
(Bias Note: this edit is added 28-Feb-2019 by Oldes himself)
Forked from the community branch. Main focus on keeping the code close to the original Carl's release without blindly taking everything from Atronix/Saphirion but still trying to pick-up the good things from these branches slowly.
Not like Ren-C, this version is not trying to introduce new syntax, but rather be closer to the original Rebol2 and new Red language

Cocos2d Lua Latest Version

I am going through a major crisis here and i would like to ask for advices.
I have been developing a game the last couple of months which is entirely based on lua scripting. The project is a cocos2d based project with the inclusion of the mclua library (more about mcLua can be found here
Now i am nearly at the end of the implementation of the project and i just found out that apparently the version of lua that i use which is 5.1.4 does not have a goto statement which is of great importance to this project. The latest version of lua 5.2 however supports now goto statements.
My problem is that when i tried to add the lua version 5.2 to my project the library mclua throws a bunch of errors and it seems that this library doesn’t work with any other version of lua other than 5.1.4.
What can i do about this now? I was supposed to be nearly at completion of the project. Does this mean i am completely screwed now ?
Then you have a choice to make. You may:
Stop doing whatever makse goto "of great importance to this project". I've used Lua for a while and I've never needed goto that badly. Whatever you're doing can be done in some other way.
Modify this "mclua" library to fix the "bunch of errors" you get when you try to link it against Lua 5.2. Since you didn't explain what these errors are, we can't really help you in solving them.
Note that Lua's minor version numbers are not intended to guarantee backwards compatibile with prior versions. While the changes are generally relatively small, that doesn't mean that effort was extended to make code work in both without modification.

Building Cross Platform app - recommendation

I need to build a fairly simple app but it needs to work on both PC and Mac.
It also needs to be redistributable on a disc or usb drive as a standalone desktop app.
Initially I thought AIR would be perfect for this (it ticks all the API requirements), but the difficulty is making it distributable, as the app would require the AIR runtime to be installed to run.
I came across Shu Player as an option as it seems to be able to package the AIR runtime with the app and do a (silent?) install.
However this seems to break the T&C from Adobe (as outlined here) so I'm not sure about the legality.
Another option could be Zinc but I haven't tested it so I'm not sure how well it'll fit the bill.
What would you recommend or suggest I check out?
Any suggestion much appreciated
There's a few more discussions on mono usage (though no real conclusion):
Here and Here
Titanium could also fit the bill maybe, will check it out.
Any more comments from anyone?
EDIT3 (one year on): It's actually been almost a year since I posted that question but it seems some people still come across it every now and then, and even contribute an answer, even a year later.
Thought I'd update the question a bit. I did not get around to try the tcl/tk option at the end, time constraint and the uncertainty of the compatibility to different os versions led me to discard that as an option.
I did try Titanium for a bit but though the first impressions were ok, they really are pushing the mobile platform more than anything, and imho, the desktop implementation suffers a bit from that lack of attention. There are also some report of problems with some visual studio runtime on some OSs (can't remember the details now though).. So discarded that too.
I ended up going with XULRunner. The two major appeals were:
Firefox seems to work out of the box on most OS version, so I took it as good faith that a XULRunner app would likely be compatible with most system. Saved me a lot of testing and it turned out that it did run really well on all platforms, there hasn't been a single report of not being able to start the app
It's Javascript baby! Language learning curve was minimal. The main thing to work out is what the additional xpcom interfaces are and how to query them.
On the down side:
I thought troubleshooting errors was a sometimes difficult task, the venkman debugger is kinda clunky, ended up using the console more than anything.
The sqlite interface is a great asset for a desktop app but I often struggled to find relevant error infos when something didn't work - maybe i was doing it wrong.
It took a little while to work out how to package the app as a standalone app for both PC and Mac. The final approach was to have a "shell" mac app and a shell pc app and a couple of "compile" script that would copy the shells and add the custom source code onto it in the correct location.
One last potential issue for some, due to the nature of xulrunner apps, your source code will be deployed with the app, you can use obfuscation if you want but that's something to keep in mind if you want to protect your intellectual property
All in all, great platform for a cross-platform app. I'd highly recommend it.
Tcl/Tk has one of the best packaging solutions out there. You can easily wrap a cross-platform application (implemented in a fully working virtual filesystem) with a platform-specific binary to get a single file executable for just about any modern desktop system. Search google for the terms starkit, starpack and tclkit. Such wrapped binaries are tiny in comparison to many executables these days.
Many deride Tk as being "old" or "immature" but it's one of the oldest, most stable toolkits out there. It uses native widgets when such widgets exist.
One significant drawback of Tcl/Tk, however, is that it lacks any sort of printing support. If your application needs to print you'll have to be a bit creative. There are platform-specific solutions, and the ability to generate postscript documents, and libraries to create pdfs, but it takes a little extra effort.
Java is probably your best bet, although not all Windows PCs will necessarily have Java (most should). JavaFX is new enough you can't count on it - you'll probably find a lot of machines running Java 1.5 or (shudder) 1.4. I believe recent Mac OS still ships with 1.5 (latest version may have changed to 1.6).
Consider JavaFX
It would run everywhere with a modern JRE ..!
AIR could be an option, but only if you don't mind distributing two different files (the offline runtime installer and your app), and expecting the user to run one and then the other. You do have to submit an online form at Adobe's site saying you agree to distribute the offline installer as-is, rather than digging out individual DLLs or whatever, before they give you the installer.
Unfortunately there's currently no way to get both an AIR app and the runtime to install from one file though. I'm not sure what the deal with Shu is, or whether it's doing anything that isn't kosher.
i would recommended zink. it has all the functionalities you require for desktop. however, the las time i used it it was a bit glitchy.
i was hung up by trying to write a 6M file to the disk. thought it trough and changed the code to write 512K chunks at a time (3min work, fast).
probably it still has some little annoying glitches like making you think on root lvl but the ease of use and the features are just way too sweet to ignore.

Dojo: Will Shrinksafe work together with the Google Closure Compiler?

i read about the Google Closure Compiler and i will try to use it to make my web application better. But i think it is doing the same things like the dojo shrinksafe.
Has anyone tried to use the Google Closure Compiler for a complex dojo project?
Yes, Google Closure Compiler works fine with Dojo projects. Because Closure is derived from Dojo, it has similar concepts (modules, loaders, the build, and so on) so it is potentially possible to use some advanced features of Closure Compiler with Dojo, which go beyond simple minification.
We (Dojo) will evaluate what we can reuse and leverage from Closure and how we can improve interoperability. Obviously it will include all tooling too.
Closure will probably work with any valid javascript code. I fed it an extremely packed, obfuscated version of a complex Prototype project of mine and it spit out a perfectly working version. So even if your code has already been shrinked by Dojo, you can probably use Closure on top of it. You should, however, choose one of the two.
As of Dojo 1.4 (not yet released, but the code is in the subversion trunk of Dojo), you can now use Closure Compiler as an option for the Dojo build process. It takes a bit of setting up. Instructions on how to use Closure Compiler with the Dojo build system.
Dojo 1.6 is compatible (after some minor modifications) with Closure Compiler in Advanced mode.
I happen to have a 12,000 (26,000 if you include dojox/dijit imports) line dojo 1.3.2 application I am about to release.
Well I used the standard dojo build system to throw it all into one lovely big one megabyte file. Then I introduced it to the google closure compiler, the compilation went very well reducing the package down to 350 kb, 100kb less than yahoo ui, and 150kb less than shrinkwrap. I, of course, did it all in advanced mode like a man.
So far so good, then it was time to load it up! The results were mixed. The site did seem to work, but I did get quite a few pesky errors telling me that various things behind the dojo prefix could not be found. I wasn't able to work out exactly what was going on as I didn't have closure addon for firebug ready, but I didn't notice issues the actual operation of the site - though I posit if I looked hard enough I would have found them.
So I thought to myself it appears the closure compiler is renaming dojo name space in my compiled.js to make them inconsistent with dojo.js. It seemed like an ideal solution was to combine dojo.js.uncompressed.js with my blob.js.uncompressed.js using the closure compiler. This resulted in a 51kb reduction in the size of the dojo library so far so good! Bad idea dojo didn't much like this at all and refused to load! It just downloaded then just sat there in protest of google's world domination.
I have done some further research into this matter, from what I read dojo 1.4.0 does support closure in 'simple' mode, but this is rather pointless because as I read closure simple mode provides a similar amount of compression to yui.
Anyway, those are my thoughts, I have looked at closure a little, it looks like a very nice library. The css layout looks drastically simpler than dijit's, this is something I am very fond of, I've often found it easier to rewrite dijits than try and theme them correctly. It seems to be missing some elements of the dojo library I am rather fond of such as dijit._Widget, dijit. _container/contained and of course the famous dojo.declare(). I suppose I could rebuild these, but why should I?
Oh it also appears to be lacking a good RPC, cometed framework, and publish/subscriber framework. Unless I am mistaken. Don't get me wrong I want to like closure, I'm not a dojo apologist by any stretch of the imagination, I just like these parts of dojo. The addition of require and provide does make this a serious contender from my perspective. The lack of a meaningful system of this nature drove me away from jquery.

Other than Xcode, are there any full functioned IDEs for Objective-C? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I know and have Xcode, but I was wondering if there were any other complete development environments that support Objective-C? I'm not looking for solutions with vim or emacs, nor editors like BBEdit that support syntax highlighting, but a full fledged IDE with:
code completion
Extra points for being cross platform, supporting vi key bindings and supporting other languages.
I've updated and accepted my answer below as Jetbrains has released Early Access for AppCode, their new Objective-C IDE. Since this has been a fairly popular question, I thought it worthwhile to update the information.
I recently learned that Jetbrains the make of my favorite IDE (Idea) may support Objective-C (though it is unclear how much it will work for iPhone/iPad development). See the thread here for early discussion on this.
In the last year or two, they have started adding additional language support both in their flagship IDE as well as specialized IDEs (for Ruby, Python, PHP). I guess this is just another step in the process. I for one would love to have another option other than XCode and I couldn't think of one that I'd love more.
This is obviously vaporware at the moment, but I think it is something to keep an eye on.
This is now a real product, albeit still in Early Access. See here for a the blog on this new product, which will give you pointers to check out the EAP.
UPDATE: AppCode has now been released and offers a true alternative to using Xcode for Objective-C and iPhone/iPad/Mac development. It does still rely on Interface Builder for layout and wiring of GUI components and uses the iOS simulator, but all coding, including a slew of refactorings, smart templating and static analysis, is available through App Code.
Textmate is an editor like BBEdit but it has the ability to run commands such as compilation, debugging, refactoring (though it will do so via XCode). It also has code completion.
In addition, you can write your own commands for Textmate that you can then run.
I have been searching for something like this that does NOT run on mac for quite a few months now. Unfortunately I think that due to the relative obscurity of the Objective-C language that nobody has ever bothered producing such a full featured IDE for it. Until now, and we only have Xcode.
Using JBuilder I fell in love with the auto-completion and displaying the function 'hints' on the screen while I type. I am that sort of person who remembers the 'ideas' better than the actual syntax and really benefits from knowing right then and there that the code I typed was correct, not having to find out a minute later at compile time. And then to have to try and figure out if I just misspelled something, or if I truly made a conceptual error due to a misunderstanding of proper use of the language. Code completion and hints have always saved time on this for me.
I know some people may look down on this and say the feature is unnecessary if you know what you're doing, but I never claimed to be better than anyone else.
I may have to just give up and try and get OS X running on my PC. Which doesnt bother me in the least, just the rebooting to go back and forth to windows. I've tried to run it virtualized under VMWare but XCode kept crashing :( That reminds me I am going to google 'leopard vmware' and see if any progress has been made in that area.
Another problem in designing a full code-completion system with objective C is that the syntax is a little more forgiving, I dont know the exact technical term (strongly typed?) it is much harder to say exactly what sort of object belongs in a certain parameter and ANY object can be sent ANY message whether it implements that function or not. So you can spell a function name wrong, but it doesnt necessarily mean you made a syntax error... maybe you mean to call a function of that OTHER name and you just want nothing to be done if the function is not implemented by your object.
That's what I would really like to see for Objective-C, is an IDE that once it notices you are sending a message to an object, it displays a list of methods and function definitions that the object is known to accept, and walks you through filling in the parameters.
I think you would waste less time by sticking with Xcode rather than looking for another IDE if you want to develop for the Mac (or iPhone).
Apple made a lot of effort to kill any competitor in that area to make sure any developer wanting to develop for the Mac platform use Xcode and only Xcode.
It might not be the best IDE but it does work well and it is the IDE developers at Apple are using. Somehow it does its job. The frameworks and the documentation are very well integrated.
I use TextMate a lot and also SubEthaEdit but they are not full IDE as you’ve described above.
Best Regards.
Check out JetBrains' new IDE called "App Code". It's still in the Early Access Program, but even with the Early Access bugs it is hands-down better than xcode 4. I've been using it for commercial iPhone and iPad development.
I would like to second Troy's answer and note that JetBrains has AppCode in early access, so you can try it for free. It has the familiar UI of their other products, and yes, it supports vi! So far it has been very good. I have run into a few issues, and a few vi-isms that don't work quite right, but it is still better than suffering with Xcode. I do text editing with syntax completion in AppCode, but switch back to XCode to get into the GUI builder which is actually quite good in Xcode.
If you are an old vi-guy like myself, it is invaluable.
The short answer is: No. There are thousands of IDEs but Xcode is the only one which you seriously can name IDE. I suggest you have a look at the tries of GNUStep (in form of Projectcenter, Gorm) and then you can imagine the state of affairs.
I believe KDevelop is the only full IDE that supports Obj-C, but I'm not even sure how fully it supports it, having never used it myself. Worth a shot, maybe.
There are a few programmers text editors that support Objective-C, but I like Editra, mainly because I also write Python on Windows\Nix and it has great features. Editra runs well on all platforms and has a nice plug-in that supports Mercurial, GIT, and Subversion if you need them. Another nice thing, its written in Python. Editra Home
Found another, though it sounds less than ideal:
ActiveDeveloper - doesn't appear to have active support (last update was in 2006). Mac only.
KDevelop sounds like it only supports Objective-C syntax and only through its C support. I'm going to check it out anyway.
Textmate has a couple screencasts for Objective-C (here and here). It is Mac only, but otherwise looks pretty good. It is hard to tell from the screencast how strong the integrated support is as it seems to just have a lot of scripts to handle the code. Also, I can't tell if it does true code completion or just expansion for snippets.
So it doesn't look like there is anything out there that hits everything. I'll probably do most of my development on Mac, so I'm thinking I'll try out TextMate with XCode to see if it is any better than straight XCode. I'll take a quick look at KDevelop.