Colorbox doesn't show up - Error $.data(this, colorbox) is undefined - colorbox

I am trying to load the pop image on the category page but I get this error upon clicking on the image.
Timestamp: 10/27/2012 7:15:10 PM
Error: TypeError: $.data(this, colorbox) is undefined
Source File:
Line: 246
The colorbox is working on the products page but not on the category. Can anyone help me with this?

Colorbox adds it's settings object to the elements it's assigned to, using This settings object is being removed from your elements between the time you assign colorbox, and the time you click on a link. This usually happens when copy/replacing elements in the document (using $.html()), which does not copy data stored using $.data, rather than cloning them or appending/prepending the existing elements.
I suggest disabling your scripts that are unrelated to colorbox to determine what script is causing the problems. Also, you may be able to avoid the issue by waiting until the other scripts have executed before assigning colorbox to your elements.


el-select not showing selected label when v-model is manipulated in beforeMount()

el-select is not displaying the label of the selected option but is correctly updating the v-model with el-option :value. It is probably due to the manipulation in beforeMount() as when that is removed, the label correctly displays the option selected.
However, multiple object copies are required for my use case which is to map headers from uploaded files to expected headers where each file can have the same expected header.
Here's a fiddle with my issue:
I submitted a bug report for this here: and a contributor got back to me.
Vue is unable to catch changes to dynamically created properties. Objects need to be written in an immutable manner.
More details on immutable js objects here:

tooltipster.js: Tooltip getting overlayed on one another

Here's the JSFiddle:
As you notice, tooltips are getting changed, but they overlay on one another. Removing 'multiple: true' helps, but my MAC gets overloaded and browser crashes, saying:
Tooltipster: one or more tooltips are already attached to this
element: ignoring. Use the "multiple" option to attach more tooltips.
I only need one tooltipster shown at the time. How can I fix this?
Use the content method to update the content of the tooltip, or destroy it and create a new one.

xpages view picklist custom control

I am using mark t hughes view picklist custom control from open NTF.
Link to control on openNTF
I have set all the paramenters etc, however when I load the page with the control on, I get my custom error page, and the error below in my error logging database
Error on dialog1button5999 null property/event:
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=35: [ReferenceError]
'compositeData' not found
compositeData.picklistButtonClass + " domfindmebutton5999"
This is trying to set the styleClass of a button in the custom control here:
<xp:this.styleClass><![CDATA[#{javascript:compositeData.picklistButtonClass + " domfindmebutton5999"}]]></xp:this.styleClass>
I am also definately passing this parameter is with the default code:
I also followed the video Here to the letter, and still get exactly the same issue.
Has anyone come across this before or have any pointers as to where I should be looking to resolve it? Im not sure where to start, as all the instructions and video's explain how to complete the custom properties of the control, but there is never any mention of a need to actually modify any code WITHIN the custom control....
(as a side note, I am using bootstrap, should this make any difference)
This is because of the theme definition. Look at the Mark Leusink's blog entry here.
If a theme has a "concat" definition, that will be computed at a very early phase. To concat values, it needs to compute the initial value. However, in some cases (e.g. Repeat, Custom control, etc.), the initial value cannot be computed at the page-load section.
For such cases, you can override the theme with a special themeId, as Mark suggested.

sencha touch Cannot read property 'detach' of null comes up that is cause by setActiveItem

I am developing app with sencha touch but facing a problem when activating a tab on a tapPanel
I'm making a tab active by next statement:
Everything works fine and the tab is actually activated, but later on (so not directly after this statement) an error appears in the console.log. When removing this piece of code the error doesn't appear so I am sure it is related to this statement.
The error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'detach' of null
Does anybody has faced this issue and were you able to solve?
First, define "later on." Run your app using sencha-touch-all-debug.js to locate the statement throwing the error.
Second, look at the source. You'll see that 'detach' is sencha-speak for 'remove an element from the DOM:"
detach: function() {
var dom = this.dom;
if (dom && dom.parentNode && dom.tagName !== 'BODY') {
return this;
This is invoked in just a few places: when removing an element directly, or when updating an inner wrapper as a result of view navigation or other view swapping.
In most cases, the affected element has animation applied to it, which implies that the error is a side effect of an attempt to remove an element that has already been animated out of scope. The solution, as hacky as it seems, is to get the layout of the parent container, suppress its animation, remove your element, then reapply animation, like this:
// item removal or view change here;
I was getting the same error when using a form field with name="id"

Selenium Dom values are not updated

I am seeing a problem in Selenium with IE6/8 that is giving me some bad time. The problem is that the DOM window properties are not updated after actions are done and always return the default values.
To give you couple of examples:
Browser is first launched in normal size (document.body.clientHeight = 500px). After I do window maximizing, the property stays 500px!
Scroll top offset (document.body.scrollop) is initially 0, I then do scrolling, when I access the property it is till 0!
Has anyone seen this problem before or might know what is causing it?
To access the Window and document object in Selenium test you need to put this.browserbot.getUserWindow(). It gives you access to the page that Selenium is working on.
int offset = Convert.ToInt32(selenium.GetEval("this.browserbot.getUserWindow().document.body.scrollTop"));