DB2 sql group by/count distinct column values - sql

if I have a table with values like this:
1 1 1
1 2 (null)
2 3 1
2 3 (null)
3 4 1
4 5 1
4 6 (null)
5 7 0
6 8 (null)
7 9 1
and I would like to get all the ID's where 'FLAG' is only set to 1, so in this case the query would return
3 4 1
7 9 1
How can I achieve this?

try this:
SELECT * FROM flags where flag=1
and ID NOT in( SELECT ID FROM flags where flag !=1 OR flag IS NULL)

I don't have a db2 instance to test on but this might work:
select t1.id, t1.subid, t1.flag
from yourtable t1
inner join
select id
from yourtable
group by id
having count(id) = 1
) t2
on t1.id = t2.id
where t1.flag = 1;


SQL: subset data: select id when time_id for id satisfy a condition from another column

I have a data (dt) in SQL like the following:
ID time_id act rd
11 1 1 1
11 2 4 1
11 3 7 0
12 1 8 1
12 2 2 0
12 3 4 1
12 4 3 1
12 5 4 1
13 1 4 1
13 2 1 0
15 1 3 1
16 1 8 0
16 2 8 0
16 3 8 0
16 4 8 0
16 5 8 0
and I want to take the subset of this data such that only ids (and their corresponding time_id, act, rd) that has time_id == 5 is retained. The desired output is the following
ID time_id act rd
12 1 8 1
12 2 2 0
12 3 4 1
12 4 3 1
12 5 4 1
16 1 8 0
16 2 8 0
16 3 8 0
16 4 8 0
16 5 8 0
I know I should use having clause somehow but have not been successful so far (returns me empty outputs). below is my attempt:
Having min(time_id) == 5;
This query:
select id from tablename where time_id = 5
returns all the ids that you want in the results.
Use it with the operator IN:
select *
from tablename
where id in (select id from tablename where time_id = 5)
You can use a correlated subquery with exists:
select t.*
from t
where exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.time_id = 5);
WITH temp AS
SELECT id FROM tab WHERE time_id = 5
SELECT * FROM tab t join temp tp on(t.id=tp.id);
check this query
select * from table t1 join (select distinct ID from table t where time_id = 5) t2 on t1.id =t2.id;

Query to select category ids, in which at least all subcategory ids are present. (SQL Server)

I have two tables, #table1 (subCatId) and #table2 (categoryId, subCatId).
categoryId subCatId
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
3 1
3 2
3 5
3 4
4 1
4 2
4 3
4 4
As at least all subCatId's (1, 2, 3, 4) are present in both categories.
You can use group by and having:
select t2.categoryId
from #table2 t2
group by t2.categoryId
having count(*) = (select count(*) from #table1);
This assumes that there is a proper foreign key relationship between #table2.subCatId and #table1.subCatId and that there are no duplicates.
If these were not the case, the more general solution would be:
select t2.categoryId
from #table2 t2 join
#table1 t1
on t2.subCatId = t1.subCatId -- filter to be sure only matching subCatId are counted
group by t2.categoryId
having count(distinct t2.subCatId) = (select count(*) from #table1);

Select Grouped Column Values Where Have Same Id In SQL Server

I have a table like this.
id Code
1 N188
1 N1Z2
1 N222
2 N189
2 N1Z2
2 N1Z3
3 N188
3 A123
3 B321
4 N188
4 A333
4 B444
I want to select id and code only code has N188.Result should like this:
id Code
1 N188
1 N1Z2
1 N222
3 N188
3 A123
3 B321
4 N188
4 A333
4 B444
How can I write sql for this in SQL Server?
You can use EXISTS for this:
SELECT id, code
FROM table1 t
FROM table1 t2
WHERE t.id = t2.id
AND t2.Code = 'N188'
Condensed SQL Fiddle Demo
FROM tablename A
FROM tablename
WHERE code = 'N188') B
ON a.id = b.id
Here is an alternative method that uses window functions:
select id, code
from (select t.*,
sum(case when code = 'N188' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by id) as cnt_n188
from table t
) t
where cnt_n188 > 0;

Query results with no reverse

Ive got table:
I would like to write query which returns me only rows that has no reverse I mean or example :
for data :
1 2 10
1 3 10
1 5 10
1 6 10
2 6 10
2 5 10
5 1 10
5 2 10
3 1 10
it should return
1 2 10
1 3 10
1 5 10
1 6 10
2 6 10
2 5 10
5 1 10
5 2 10
3 1 10
arent valid because there are already corresponding
1 5 10
2 5 10
3 1 10
thanks for help
This will do what you want
SELECT mt1.UserA, mt1.UserB, mt1.numberOfConnections
FROM MyTable mt1
LEFT OUTER JOIN MyTable mt2 ON mt1.UserA = mt2.UserB
AND mt1.UserB = mt2.UserA
OR mt1.UserA < mt2.UserA
Why not add UserA < UserB in where clause. ?
Use Updated
A- Result No Reverse
Select UserA, UserB, numberOfConnections
From TName
Where ID Not IN(
FROM TName As t1 INNER JOIN TName As t2 ON (t1.UserA = t2.UserB) AND (t1.UserB = t2.UserA))
B- Result Reverse Only Repeted
Select UserA, UserB, numberOfConnections
From TName
Where ID IN(
FROM TName As t1 INNER JOIN TName As t2 ON (t1.UserA = t2.UserB) AND (t1.UserB = t2.UserA))
C- Result Reverse Only Not Repeted
Select UserA, UserB, numberOfConnections
From TName
Where ID IN(
FROM TName As t1 INNER JOIN TName As t2 ON (t1.UserA = t2.UserB) AND (t1.UserB = t2.UserA) and (t1.UserA<t1.UserB))
D- Result No Reverse and Not Repeted Reverse
with t1 as (
select col1 ,col2,
over(partition by case when col1>col2 then col1+col2 else col2+col1 end
order by case when col1>col2 then col1+col2 else col2+col1 end) as rownum
from table_1 )
select * from t1 where rownum =1
if your data type of col1 and col2 are not varchar, just cast them
you can replace the row_number by group by

MySQL - Selecting records based on maximum secondary ID

Here's part of my table:
id team_id log_id
1 12 1
2 12 1
3 12 1
4 12 1
5 1 2
6 1 2
7 1 3
8 1 3
What query would produce this output (so only the records with the highest log_id values are returned that correspond to team_id)?
id team_id log_id
1 12 1
2 12 1
3 12 1
4 12 1
7 1 3
8 1 3
FROM mytable t
WHERE log_id = (SELECT MAX(log_id) FROM mytable WHERE team_id = t.team_id)
SELECT id, team_id, log_id
FROM table1 t2
JOIN (SELECT team_id, MAX(log_id) max_log_id
FROM table1
GROUP BY team_id) t2 ON t1.team_id = t2.team_id
AND t1.log_id = t2.max_log_id