Is there a way to hide/show documents in a pdf portfolio created using adobe flash builder and the portfolio api filtered by the document metadata? - api

I am currently working on a PDF portfolio which essentially lets the user select their language. Depending on their selection, I want a to filter which documents are displayed (by showing on those which have a specified keyword in their metadata).
Currently, I am unsure of 2 things and require assistance on:
Whether a documents metadata (especially a pdf keyword field) can be reached using the portfolio API.
Whether documents inside a PDF portfolio can be hidden from the user.
If anyone has any thoughts around this area please discuss with me. I would greatly appreciate it.

The answers to these two questions can be found here in my related posts:
How can I open an Attachment from a PDF Portfolio?
Using the Flex 4 API, how can I access data from a PDF in an adobe PDF portfolio?


Search keyword in PDF and check if exists

The idea was to be able to, as soon as a receive a mail with a PDF attached, find a way in which the PDF can be downloaded and be searched for a specific keyword (for instance, see if my name is in it) and if my name is on any of the pages of the PDF, then send another mail notifying the user that there’s a pdf in which he has been named.
This is in order to avoid having to check dozens of mails daily and PDFs just to see if your name is in it or not.
I managed to do this using Zapier but I relied on PDFco’s API for the search, and it is payware, so I’m taking a different approach.
My question is more based on what library would make that search inside the PDF and would provide a Boolean value that said if the keyword exists or not.
Thank you!

Multiple fileType for Google Custom Search API during image searching

Currently, I'm using Google Custom Search API, to perform image searching using REST
I was wondering, what is the correct way, to specific multiple file type?
fileType is being mentioned briefly in the API document.
For instance, the following is the GET request, to search only BMP type image.
However, what if I want to search both PNG and BMP image?
At first, I thought
might work as mentioned in
However, if I test using,bmp
JPEG images are being returned.
Seem like my assumption is wrong. Does anyone know how to have multiple fileType for Google Custom Search API during image searching?
p/s Similar question had been raised before few years ago but no concrete answer yet : Multiple file types search using Google Custom Search API,png,AND OTHER TYPES YOU NEED&key=GOOGLE_API_KEY&cx=GOOGLE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID&q=picasso&searchType=image

Windward Document Generation - PDF Copy Protected

In our application, we generate a few reports and documents through Windward. The documents are generated based on specific user conditions and the user is able to download the document.
As part of a new requirement, we would like to enable copy protection of the generated PDF -- basically, users would not be able to Copy the contents of the document.
Is there anyway we can achieve this through Windward? Or do we have to integrate with external third party software like LockLizard or Win2PDF?
We did think of converting the document to an image and recreating the PDF but this is unacceptable as the document formatting became off the mark.
Appreciate any insights or alternate solutions.
Windward does this. If you're using the Java engine use the following calls (javadoc):
For the .NET engine use the following calls (api docs):
Is this what you need?

docusign PDF validation issue, is there documentation available?

We have some code which is generating a data filled PDF (fdf) file from an excel spreadsheet which is then being sent to docusign in our test environment.
Some of these work, and some come back with an error "PDF_VALIDATION_FAILED".
We have narrowed it down to the PDF document itself, and have watered down the original template to contain just four fields. We have watered down our excel spreadsheet to four basic fields using (for example) "a,1,a,2" for one input and "aa,1,a,2" as another, however one will consistently work and one will consistently fail.
Viewing the generated PDF's in a local PDF viewer (Adobe and PDF XChange Editor) the document appears fine, viewing the documents side by side in a hex/diff editor (WinMerge) shows minor differences in the streams being sent (as expected).
Is there any documentation on what validation is being performed on the PDF so we can emulate this locally and make sure our PDF's are valid before sending to the docusign API?
I am able to successfully create an envelope with the Documents you have provided.
See here for the complete CreateEnvelope request that I have used
I have used these documents that you have provided
Working PDF
Non Working PDF

RDFa reference documents

I have to implement a Google Custom Search for a website. The website has different content types. One of them is a "publication". A publication consists of different fields:
Published date
Document type
Document is the URL to a PDF, Text, MS-Word, etc. document. And Document type is, as you can expect, the document type (ie. PDF, DOC, TXT, etc).
I will need this information to be in the Rich Snippet because I have to format the search results differently for each document type (ie. include a different icon, etc).
What schema should I be using for that? I could not find information about how to structure data for that kind of content. Can I use anything from Or should I create my own? Any idea?
Thanks in advance for any input on that.
For customizing results snippets in Google Custom Search, it doesn’t matter which vocabulary you use in your RDFa. You could use an existing one (like, or create your own, or use any combination of multiple vocabularies.
You can see the extracted structured data that can be used for this purpose in the Google Structured Data Testing Tool by clicking at "Custom Search Result Filters" (or by changing the results filter from "All data" to "Custom Search Engine").
You can fetch this structured data and create your own presentation layer.