static and dynamic code analysis - code-analysis

I found several questions about this topic, and all of them with lot of references, but still I don't have a clear idea about that, because most of the references speak about concrete tools and not about the concept in general of the analysis. Thus I have some questions:
About Static analysis:
1. I would like to have a reference, or a summary of which techniques are successful and have more relevance nowadays.
2. What really can they do about discovering bugs, can we make a summary or it is depending of the tool?
About symbolic execution:
1. Where could be enclose symbolic execution? I guess depending of the approach,
I would like to know if they are dynamic analysis, or mix of static and dynamic analysis if it is possible to determine.
I found problems to differentiated the two different techniques in the tools, even I think I know the theoretical difference.
I'm actually working with C
Thanks in advance

I'm trying to give a short answer:
Static analysis looks at the syntactical structure of code and draws conclusions about the program behavior. These conclusions must not always be correct.
A typical example of static analysis is data flow analysis, where you compute sets like used, read, write for every statement. This will help to find e.g. uninitialized values.
You can also analyze the code regarding code-patterns. This way, these tools can be used to check if you are complying to a specific coding standard. A prominent coding standard example is MISRA. This coding standard is used for safety critical systems and avoids problematic constructs in C. This way you can already say a lot about the robustness of your applications against memory leaks, dangling pointers, etc.
Dynamic analysis is not looking at the syntax only, but takes state information into account. In symbolic execution, you are adding assumptions about the possible values of all variables to the statements.
The most expensive and powerful method of dynamic analysis is model checking, where you really look at all possible execution states of the system. You can think of a model checked system as a system that is tested with 100% coverage - but there are of course a lot of practical problems that prevent real systems to be checked that way.
These methods are very powerful, and you can gain a lot from the static code analysis tools especially when combined with a good coding standard.
A feature my software team found really impressive is e.g. that it will tell you in C++ when a class with virtual methods does not have a virtual destructor. Easy to check in fact, but really helpful.
The commercial tools are very expensive, but worth the money, once you learned how to use them. A typical problem in the beginning is that you will get a lot of false alarms, and don't know where to look for the real problem.
Note that nowadays g++ has some of this stuff already built-in, and that you can use something like pclint which is free.
Sorry - this is already getting quite long...hope it's interesting.

The term "static analysis" means that the analysis does not actually run a code. On the other hand, "dynamic analysis" runs a code and also requires some kinds of real test inputs. That is the definition. Nothing more.
Static analysis employs various formal methods such as abstract interpretation, model checking, and symbolic execution. In general, abstract interpretation or model checking is suitable for software verification. Symbolic execution is more appropriate for the purpose of bug finding.
Symbolic execution is categorized into static analysis. However, there is a hybrid method called concolic execution which uses both symbolic execution and dynamic testing.
Added for Zane's comment:
Maybe my explanation was little confusing.
The difference between software verification and bug finding is whether the analysis is sound or not. For example, when we say the buffer overrun analyzer is sound, it means that the analyzer must report all possible buffer overruns. If the analyzer reports nothing, it proves the absence of buffer overruns in the target program. Because model checking is the method that guarantees soundness, it is mostly used for software verification.
On the other hands, symbolic execution which is actively used by today's most commercial static analyzers does not guarantee soundness since sound analysis inherently issues lots, lots of false positives. For the purpose of bug finding, it is more important to reduce false positives even if some true positives are also lost.
In summary,
soundness: there are no false negatives
completeness: there are no false positives
software verification: soundness is more important than completeness
bug finding: completeness is more important than soundness


Analyzing the speed-up of Oracle's HotSpot versus other compilation techniques

I'm currently working on a project that must involve research of JIT techniques. I'm a complete beginner when it comes to anything related to compilers but I did some research and learned about Java's Hotspot VM. I was hoping to do an analysis on the benefits (or downsides) of using Hotspot versus traditional compilers (for example, g++).
My initial idea was to create some sort of simple program that can be run through both compilers in order to compare compilation times but this brought up a number of questions:
From my understanding, Java source code is initially turned into bytecode by the javac compiler (creating .class files) and then, in turn, this bytecode can be run through HotSpot at runtime to execute the program. Given this, would it even be relevant to compare results with a traditional compiler that converts sources directly to machine code?
Another concern I'm facing is that the programs would be in different languages (ex. C++ vs Java). Although the functionality would be identical, could this skew results when attempting to compare?
Moving on, if the above two points are not a problem, my main questions is:
How can I actually go about benchmarking the speed-up in one method versus the other?
I did some brief research about this but all I was able to find were ways to measure the efficiency of the program itself, not the compilation technique used to run it. Is what I'm trying to do possible? Are there methods to actually analyze the speed up of one compiler over another?
Any help is appreciated!
How can I actually go about benchmarking the speed-up in one method versus the other?
You first need to consider what you actually intend to measure. In other words, saying "the speed-up" is not sufficiently rigorous.
Are we talking about CPU cycles spent compiling? Or walltime from source code to running program? Or peak performance of a few critical methods in a micro benchmark? Overall steady-state program performance? Speed of program initialization? ...
In the end you're comparing two systems that made quite different trade-offs. You can find a few roughly comparable benchmarks already mentioned in the comments but in the end they mostly represent a specific type of throughput-bound tasks and not large applications. It's not like you can find an application such as firefox written both in C and Java with identical feature sets and comparable code quality. So any comparison you do will be incomplete because you'll have to use some limited proxy measurement of how comparable two code-bases are when you compare them.

Does "DO-178B level A" prohibits optimizing compilers?

There is an "DO-178B" level A and level B certification for airborne systems. Does it prohibit using of optimizating compilers?
E.g. Some compilers will reorder instructions to get more performance. Does DO-178B lev.A or lev.B prohibits this reordering?
Most modern CPU have such reordering builtin in the hardware. Are they allowed to be used within DO-178B lev.A softare/hardware systems?
First, and critically: For this type of question, if the answer matters, you need to get a formal professional opinion from someone who is competent to provide it, or discuss this with your certification authority. Any reply you will get here should not be relied on.
With that said, I will assume you are asking from a point of curiousity and will not be relying on the answer in any meaningful way, and I will attempt to answer in that vein. I am not a professional, and this is not professional advice.
The most on-point documentation I could find online with a quick search was this FAA guideline paper about a related topic: This paper describes the conditions under which one must do verification of the generated object code rather than the source code. In particular, it gives a number of examples that will occur even in non-optimized code -- automatic variable initialization and exception handling are a couple of examples. On compiler optimization, it notes:
Compiler optimization is another area addressed under section 4.4.2a of DO-178B/ED-12B. This involves the analytical determination that the optimization features do not compromise the ability of the test cases to demonstrate requirements-based testing and structural coverage consistent with the software level. This is a separate issue from the traceability and additional verifications issues addressed by Section 4.4.2b. This is outside the scope of this paper.
I do not have a copy of DO-178B handy to read section 4.4.2a, but I would note that (a) there are procedures for handling other cases where the object code does not correspond to the source code in a one-to-one manner, and (b) this pretty strongly implies that compiler optimization is discussed rather than outright prohibited.
It's also pretty clear from a number of the discussions in that paper that the answer to "we can't trace things between the source code and the object code" is to validate the object code in some manner -- in other words, there is a solution other than prohibiting such things.
Thus, I would conclude that at least some compiler optimizations must be permitted.
In particular, the sort of reordering that you describe is quite traceable, and it seems almost certain to me that it would be permitted.
DO-178B is not absolute and is open to interpretation. If you switch off optimisation there is no questions and nothing to explain. By sticking to the most obvious interpretation you avoid having to sell your interpretation to certification authorities later on and opening your self up to questions about how you did things.
When you optimise your code it is hard to do the source to instruction traceability that is required for level A. In addition if you are using Do-178B getting that extra 5% out of your software is not your greatest concern. The ease of completing all the required certification steps should be your primary concern since that is what is going to be sucking up all your time.
The hardware part of your question is interesting. For software optimisation code is not just reordered it is changed as well. But for hardware the code is not changed to get higher speed only the execution order. I have to ask around to get more info on what the thinking is on this.
I have only superficial knowledge of DO-178B (I do not work day-to-day with it, but I build tools for people who do).
The standard takes traceability very seriously. High-level requirements are declined into low-level requirements, which are implemented by the source code, which is compiled by the compiler. At each of these steps, one must be able to justify what was done in terms of the specifications produced by the previous step.
For the compiler, this means that one must be able to read the assembly and trace one particular instruction to the source code statement that caused this instruction to be generated.
So, in short, yes, I think this prohibits most optimizations.
Concerning the hardware this software is run on, it is verified differently (but I guess just as stringently). The relevant standard is then DO-254, and I do not know anything about it.
With optimization, you need to verify the generated code at the object assembly language level. There are compiler suites and libraries for embedded real-time multitasking that have been previously verified in other projects, giving you a comfort level that they can be verified again - but you still need to verify the code used in your application.
To avoid delays and having to explain things just turn off optimizations and cache. This makes the code deterministic. Also try not to use GCC if possible and go for a qualified compiler such as IAR or DDCI or Irvine Compilers or something. Instead of trying bang the screw with a fancy hammer get a screw driver that works for the screw. Because when that plane crashes with 200 people on board, with mothers, fathers and children and they find out that the compiler reordered code and that caused the failure you will wish that you only had the right screw driver.

decompilation resources and theory

There must be a million of books and papers on the theory and techniques of building compilers. Are there any resources on doing the reverse? Im not interested in any particular HW platform. Looking for good books/research papers that examine the subject and difficulties in depth.
I've worked on an AS3 and Java decompiler and I can assure you that everything I've learned in regards to decompilation is straight from compiler theory. Intermediate representations, data flow analysis, term rewriting, and other related concepts can all be found in the dragon book.
I've written about decompilers for dynamic languages here and for Python specifically.
Note though this is for dynamic languages with custom (high-level) VMs.
Decompilation is really a misnomer. Decompilers compile object code into a source representation. In many ways they are easier to write than traditional compilers - the 'source' code is already syntax checked and usually very precisely formatted.
They build up a symbol table (of addresses) and construct a target language representation of the application. The usual difficulty is that the original compiler has to a greater or lesser degree optimised the original application by removing common sub-expressions, hoisting constant code out of loops and many other similar techniques. These are often not possible to represent in the target language.
In cases where the source is for a well defined VM, then often this optimisation is left to the JIT compiler and the resulting decompiled code is very readable - in many cases almost identical to the original. Compilers of this type often leave some or all of the symbols in the object code allowing these to be recovered. Others include line numbers to help with debugging and troubleshooting. These all help to recover the original code.
As a counter, there are code obfuscators that deliberately perform transformations to the code that prevent simple restoration of the original source by scrambling names, change the sequence code is generated (without changing its resulting meaning) and introducing constructs for which there is no source language equivalent.

How do modern optimizing compilers determine when to optimize?

How do modern optimizing compilers determine when to apply certain optimizations such as loop unrolling and code inlining?
Since both of these affect caching, naively inlining functions with less than X lines, or whatever other simple heuristic, is likely to generate worse performing code. So, how do modern compilers deal with this?
I'm having a hard time finding information on this (especially information thats reasonably easy to understand..), about the best I could find is the wikipedia article. Any details, links to books/articles/papers are greatly appreciated!
EDIT: Since answers are talking mainly about the two optimizations I mentioned (inlining and loop unrolling) I just wanted to clarify that I'm interested in all and any compiler optimizations, not just those two. I'm also more interested in the optimizations which can be performed during ahead-of-time compilation, though JIT optimization is of interest too (though to a slightly lesser extent).
Usually by being that naive anyway and hope it is an improvement.
This is why just-in-time compilation is such a winning strategy. Collect statistics then optimize for the common case.
GCC supports Profile Guided Optimization
And of course the Sun hotspot JVM
You can look a the Spiral project.
On top of that, optimizing is a tough thing to do generically. This is, in part, why there are so many options to the gcc compiler. If you know something about cache and pages you can do some things by hand and request that others be done through the compiler but no two machines are the same so the approach must be adhoc.
For short: Better than we!
You can have a look at this:
Good question. You are asking about so called speculative optimizations.
Dynamic compilers use both static heuristics and profile information. Static compilers employs heuristics and (off-line) profile information. The last is often referenced as PGO (Profile Guided Optimizations).
There is a lot of articles on inlining policies. The most comprehensive one is
An Empirical Study of Method Inlining for a Java Just-In-Time Compiler
It also contains references to related work and sharp criticism on some of the considered articles (justified).
In general, state-of-the-art compilers try to use impact analysis to estimate potential effect of speculative optimizations before applying them.
P.S. Loop unrolling is old classic stuff which helps only for some tight loops that performs only number crunchng ops (no calls and so on). Method inlining is much more important optimization in the modern compilers.

Benefits of static code analysis

What are the benefits of doing static code analysis on your source code? I was playing around with FxCop and I was wondering if there any benefits beyond making sure you are following the coding standards.
There are all kinds of benefits:
If there are anti-patterns in your code, you can be warned about it.
There are certain metrics (such as McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity)
that tell useful things about source code.
You can also get great stuff like call-graphs, and class diagrams
from static analysis. Those are wonderful if you are attacking a
new code base.
Take a look at SourceMonitor
Many classes of memory leaks and common logic errors can be caught statically as well. You can also look at cyclomatic complexity and such, which may be part of the "coding standards" you mentioned, but may be a separate metric you use to evaluate the algorithmic "cleanliness" of your code.
In any case, only a judicious combination of profiling (dynamic or run-time analysis) and static analysis/linting will ensure a consistent, reliable code base. Oh, that, and a little luck ;-)
It's a trade-off. For an individual developer who wants to improve his understanding of the framework and guidelines, I would definitely encourage it. FxCop generates a lot of noise / false positives, but I've also found the following benefits:
it detects bugs (e.g. a warning about an unused argument may indicate you used the wrong argument in the method body).
understanding the guidelines FxCop is following helps you to become a better developer.
However with a mixed-ability team, FxCop may well generate too many false positives to be useful. Junior developers will have difficulty appreciating whether some of the more esoteric violations thrown up by FxCop should concern them or are just noise.
Bottom line:
If you're developing reusable class libraries, such as an in-house framework, make sure you have good developers and use FxCop.
For everyday application development with mixed-ability teams, it will probably not be practicable.
actually, fxcop doesn't particularly help you follow a coding standard. What it does help you with is designing a well-thought out framework/API. It's true that parts of the coding standard (such as casing of public members) will be caught by FxCop, but coding standards isn't the focus.
coding standards can be checked with stylecop, which checks the source code instead of the MSIL like fxcop does.
It can catch actual bugs, like forgetting to Dispose IDisposables.
Depends on the rules, but many subtle defects can be avoided, code can be cleaned, potential performance problems can be detected etc.
Put it one way...if it's cheap or free (in both time and financial costs) and doesn't break anything, why not use it?
There is a list of all warnings in FxCop. You can see that there are warnings from the following areas:
Design Warnings
Warnings that support proper library
design as specified by the .NET
Framework Design Guidelines.
Globalization Warnings
Warnings that support world-ready
libraries and applications.
Interoperability Warnings
Warnings that support interacting with
COM clients.
Naming Warnings
Warnings that support adherence to the
naming conventions of the .NET
Framework Design Guidelines.
Performance Warnings
Warnings that support high performance
libraries and applications.
Security Warnings
Warnings that support safer libraries
and applications.
Depending on your application some of those areas might not be very interesting, but if you e.g. need COM interoperability, the tests can really help you to avoid the pitfalls.
Other tools
Other static checking tools can help you to detect bugs like not disposing an IDisposable, memory leaks and other subtle bugs. For a extreme case see the not-yet-released NStatic tool.
NStatic is used to track things such as redundant parameters, expressions that evaluate to constants, infinite loops and many other metrics.
The benefits are that you can automatically find and quantify technical debt within your software application.
I find static code analysis tools indispensable on large enterprise application development where many developers and testers come and go over the life of an application but the code quality still needs to be kept high and the technical debt managed properly.
What are the benefits of doing static code analysis on your source code?
The benefits depend on the type of static code analysis that is performed. Static code analysis can range from simple to sophisticated techniques. For example, generating metrics about your source code to identify error prone code is one technique. Other techniques actively attempt to find bugs in your code. Sophisticated techniques use formal methods to prove that your code is free of bugs.
Therefore the benefit depends on the type of static code analysis being used. If the technique produces metrics (such as code complexity etc.), then a benefit is that these metrics could be used during code review to identify error prone code. If the technique detects bugs, then the benefit is that the developer can identify bugs before unit test. If formal methods based techniques are used to prove that the code does not contain bugs, then the benefit is that this information could be used to prove to the QA department (or certification authorities) that the code is free of certain types of bugs.
A more detailed description of the techniques and benefits can also be found on this page:
I'll try to describe the main ones:
Static code analysis identifies detects in the program at early stage, resulting decrease in cost to fix them.
It can detect flaws in the program's inputs and outputs that cannot be seen through dynamic testing.
It automatically scans uncompiled codes and identifies vulnerabilities.
Of what I know from dealing with checkmarx is that static code analysis fixes multiple vulnerabilities at a single point, which saves a lot of time for the developer.