Why there are no stubs for interfaces in Microsoft.Fakes - microsoft-fakes

I'm about to use Microsoft.Fakes in my unit tests. I read a tutorial where Microsoft.Fakes creates a stub for an interface (implementred inside the solution), but in my solution stubs are available only for classes.
Can you tell me what should I do to get stubs also for all the intercaes. Both interfaces and classes are defined as public.

Fakes generates stubs for both classes and interfaces by default. You may have bumped into one of the current limitations, which is causing Fakes to skip your interface. To troubleshoot,
open the .Fakes file and set Verbosity attribute of the Fakes element to "Verbose"
open TOOLS -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run and change MSBuild output verbosity to "Detailed"
build the project that contains the .Fakes file
open the Output window and search for the GenerateFakes task; review its output for information that explains why a particular interface was not stubbed.
In the upcoming Quarterly Update 1 of Visual Studio 2012, this information reported as warnings in the Error List window, regardless of the logging settings, which should make troubleshooting much easier.

You may also not have drilled down to the proper namespace. The Fakes are generated in the same namespace as the interfaces are in in your assembly under test. So, for example, if you're testing MyApp.Validators.IRequestValidator, in your unit test, you'll have to use new MyApp.Validators.Fakes.StubIRequestValidator() as opposed to new MyApp.Fakes.StubIRequestValidator().


Kotlin internal members not accessible from alternative test source set in Gradle

Following https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_testing.html#sec:configuring_java_integration_tests and https://www.michael-bull.com/blog/2016/06/04/separating-integration-and-unit-tests-with-gradle we are attempting to separate our integration tests from plain unit tests.
The problem we have is internal members in Kotlin are not accessible from such tests. As per Kotlin doco there is a visibility exception for test source sets.
The internal visibility modifier means that the member is visible
within the same module. More specifically, a module is a set of Kotlin
files compiled together:
an IntelliJ IDEA module;
a Maven project;
a Gradle source set (with the exception that the test source set can access the internal declarations of main);
a set of files compiled with one invocation of the Ant task.
Is there a way around it other than not trying to access them? That would call for a major refactoring of hundreds of tests and potentialy the whole codebase.
I was able to get a custom test sourceSet to access internal classes by adding the following code to my custom Gradle plugin.
NamedDomainObjectContainer<KotlinWithJavaCompilation<KotlinJvmOptions>> compilations = project
I looked at the kotlin-gradle-plugin source code and found the following:
With change, the tests in my custom source set run just fine, but IntellIJ still shows compilation errors. I'll look further to see if I can make IntelliJ happy as well

Customizing msbuild for .NET Core with something like CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets

For a long time, I have been very successful at non-invasively customizing many .NET Framework builds by setting CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets and CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets as environment variables in a command-line shell that corresponds to a given development/build workspace.
I would set these environment variables to point to custom msbuild targets files that would then be automatically imported (before and after respectively) the import of the standard Microsoft provided targets files. This has worked great for a long time, but now .NET Core comes along and I find no mechanism quite like that.
I am aware of Directory.Build.props and that does not appear to be equivalent. For one, it is invasive requiring me to add a file to a source tree that I don't want to necessarily touch in order to customize its build (maybe its an open source project and I don't want to be injecting new files into it). For two, it doesn't provide the dual Before/After import hooks which are very important (if this duality weren't important Microsoft would never have provided it).
I also don't like dropping magic files in magic global locations as my build policies/customizations are themselves versioned source code which can vary from one developer workspace to another (even on the very same machine for the very same developer).
It seems odd that Microsoft would fail to retain such a long-standing and fundamentally useful msbuild customization capability in .NET Core. Am I missing an equivalently powerful, easy to use and non-invasive mechanism? Is it there and I just haven't found it?
CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets and CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets are still part of MSBuild 15 which is included in VS 2017 and the .NET Core SDK.
Setting them as global variables will still import them and override the default locations used if not set. Use the /bl argument to generate a binary build log and the MSBuild structured log viewer to diagnose issues you may have with it.

Get importlib directives from type library

How can one programmatically determine which type libraries (GUID and version) a given native, VB6-generated DLL/OCX depends on?
For background: The VB6 IDE chokes when opening a project where one of the referenced type libraries can't load one of its dependencies, but it's not so helpful as to say which dependency can't be met--or even which reference has the dependency that can't be met. This is a common occurrence out my company, so I'm trying to supplement the VB6 IDE's poor troubleshooting information.
Relevant details/attempts:
I do have the VB source code. That tells me the GUIDs and versions as of a particular revision in the repo, but when analyzing a DLL/OCX/TLB file I don't know which version of the repo (if any--could be from a branch or might never have been committed to a branch) a given DLL/OCX corresponds to.
I've tried using tlbinf32.dll, but it doesn't appear to be able to list imports.
I don't know much about PE, but I popped open one of the DLLs in a PE viewer and it only shows MSVBVM60.dll in the imports section. This appears to be a special quirk of VB6-produced type libraries: they link only to MSVBVM60 but have some sort of delay-loading mechanism for the rest of the dependencies.
Even most of the existing tools I've tried don't give the information--e.g., depends.exe only finds MSVBVM60.dll.
However: OLEView, a utility that used to ship with Visual Studio, somehow produces an IDL file, which includes the importlib directives. Given that VB doesn't use IDL files, it's clearly generating the information somehow. So it's possible--I just have no idea how.
Really, if OLEView didn't do it I'd have given it up by now as impossible. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this?
It turns out that I was conflating basic DLL functionality and COM. (Not all DLLs are COM DLLs.)
For basic DLLs, the Portable Executable format includes a section describing its imports. The Optional Header's directory 1 is about the DLL's imports. Its structure is given by IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR. This is a starting point for learning about that.
COM DLLs don't seem to have an equivalent as such, but you can discover which other COM components its public interface needs: for each exposed interface, list out the types of their properties and their method arguments, and then use the Registry to look up where those types come from. tlbinf32.dll provides some of the basic functionality for listing members, etc. Here's and intro to that.

AspectJ - compile time - Weave types int JDK classes

I need to add fields into JDK Classes. e.g java.lang.String
First I tried:
declare parents: ( * && !java.lang.Object ) implements VistaInt;
public String[] VistaInt.abc;
this however doesn't work.
It throws a warning
this affected type is not exposed to the weaver:
org.aspectj.lang.Signature [Xlint:typeNotExposedToWeaver]
So I researched it on internet and find out, that it is harder as it seems to be and
AspectJ doesn't support intrumenting JDK classes directly says here:
But there is proposed something callse FERRARI framework, tool for AspectJ that should allow injecting JDK classes.
So I kept searching for it and get here:
But none of these links work and I was not able to find any other source, or tool or anything that would help me.
Do you have any idea, where to find this library, or how to inject java JDK types??
Thank you!
First you need to locate the rt.jar that your Eclipse project is using. This is most likely the default for your machine but to check you can right-click on the JRE system library icon in your project, click on Properties and Installed JREs. The rt.jar file is under lib.
Once you have it you will need to weave it from the command line (you might need to download separate ajc compiler). Say you want to weave MyAspect.aj you would run
ajc -inpath rt.jar MyAspect.aj -outjar newrt.jar
You then need to make sure that your code uses this library by putting newrt.jar on the bootclasspath ahead of rt.jar. Running from the command line you do this
java -Xbootclasspath/<path to newrt.jar> MyApplication
In Eclsipse you add -Xbootclasspath/<path to newrt.jar> to the Run configuration.
However, I would not recommend modifying java.lang.String as JVMs often treat this class specially. But you can give it a go if you want :)
I believe that the FERRARI framework that you refer to is for LTW (Load Time Weaving) and this discussion has been for a CTW (Compile Time Weaving) solution. If you want to do LTW then you're going to have difficulties as custom class loaders can't load java.* classes so you can't weave these at load time. Your link suggests that people have attempted a workaround but I don't know anything about this.

How to do post-build modifications in an Eclipse builder

I'm currently working an Eclipse plug-in to provide iPOJO manipulation support.
The principle of iPOJO is to modify the .class files generated by the Java compiler to inject some methods and to add/update an entry to the Manifest.mf file.
Currently, my plug-in provides a project Nature and adds a Builder, added at the end of a project builder list, that calls the iPOJO Manipulator.
I use it on PDE projects.
The complete process works but I have a problem :
When my builder has finished its job (and the building process), the whole building process restarts, erasing the output folder and calling my builder again.
If I don't add a safety trick, it makes the building process loop over and over.
As I work on IResource, an IResourceDeltaEvent must be sent at the end of the building process, so I think the best way to avoid that kind of problem is to hide the fact that the resource has changed.
To be clear, I'm looking for a way to modify the class files after a PDE build, without inducing a new build, and without disabling the workspace auto-build property.
Thanks for answers.
I am a little unclear as to what you are describing.
You mention that you want this to work for PDE builds, but PDE builds happen largely outside of the workspace using ant scripts. They do not use IResource, Builder, or IResourceDeltaEvent.
I am guessing that you don't really mean PDE builds, but rather the building of plugin projects inside of the workspace.
In general, Eclipse (JDT in particular) expects that it has complete control over the output folders. However, there is an option in Preferences -> Java -> Building -> Output Folder called "Rebuild class files generated by others". Ensure that this is disabled. Eclipse should not try to rebuild class files that you touch. If your builder only touches class files then it will not trigger other builds after it changes the class files. The only thing is that you need to be careful not to compile things twice (and I think this is the problem that you are describing).
Alternatively, it may be easier for you to implement a CompilationParticipant (and the org.eclipse.jdt.core.compilationParticipant extension point). This will allow you to know exactly when JDT calls a compilation and exactly what it compiles.
Additionally, you will be notified of reconcile operations (ie- changes in working copies that have not been saved). This may be useful for you if you wanted to manipulate files as-you-type.