Turn off logging for a Mac OSX application [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am working on an Mac OS X application, and I would like to know a few things:
What are log files that will be updated when an application is run? and their paths? Would it be possible to turn off logging (programmatically)? If so, would it be possible to do that for a particular application? I want my app to run covertly. so, any other ideas?

There isn't any standard "Here's every application that was ever launched" log on the system, nor do applications automatically log anything in particular upon launch. For GUI apps, the "Recent Applications" preference will be updated. But any number of things could be updated in response to something your application does, and there's not any finite list of these things or where they might be located (e.g. I could write a custom script that watches for program launches and writes the name of the program and the file handles it holds to ~/Documents/InnocuousFile.tbz).
Basically, as long as you don't log anything yourself, you're doing about as much as you reasonably can do on this front. But this doesn't really make your app covert in any meaningful way, as there are many ways to notice a program's presence other than logs, and I wouldn't even think logs are a big one.


FTP Upload in a Cocoa application? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
i have made a Mac OS application, that i was wanting to add a feature to. The user adds data to a NSTableView, then the data is compiled into a .xml file. What i want to do is upload that .xml file to a server, and overwrite the existing file named that. How would i do this? I have hear of Apple's Version, but it is for iPhone and looks a bit confusing. I am only 16, and was wanting to know if there is an easier way of uploading a file to a remote server. Thanks!
There are at least a couple built-in ways to do ftp'ing from an OSX application.
Apple has a useful article available here which shows how to do uploading. I'm not certain (it may be dependent on server implementation) if an upload overwrites a previous file or throws an error if a file already exists.
There's also a commercial Objective C library found here ($300) that might have everything you need available. There may be other hints available on related Stack Overflow questions as well.

Any passbook design tool for designer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to know if there are any tool to design a layout of passbook.
I didn't find any in xcode. Experienced designer can read and write a simple json but it is much better if there are any tool help to speed up this design process.
The Pass Designer is available at http://create.passkit.com
You can use it for free to easily design and create Passes that appear in the web interface exactly as they appear in Passbook.
And with a Developer Account you can quickly build your own income stream! Details to be announced soon.
You need to understand the Passbook app, as you are limited to what you can change from Apple.
There is a Session Video called
Session 301 - Introducing Passbook, Part 1
you can see it in a web browser as well.
This will explain you the model and what can you change as types, colors, texts.
If you're only trying to find a PhotoShop file to "play around", give Takahashi Alex it's own Passbook GUI PSD a go.
I'm one of the creator of Passdock, that is exactly what you are looking for. It's a web design tool that let you create a Pass without knowing anything of the JSON structure. It's free and you can also use it to delivery the passes to the devices.
I'll be happy to help you if you have any question.
You can make passbook file via http://passsource.com .
In this site, you can test customization of passbook.

Full featured example application written in Cocoa (Mac desktop) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there a fully featured cocoa sample application you can recommend I look at?
I've seen the sample's on the developer.apple.com website, but they are usually focused on a single feature.
Looking for something that is not so simple, and is written with clean code etc.
There are tons of them out there, but they are definitely hard to find. Here's a list of ones I can think of off the top of my head. Although do note that these will probably look very overwhelming if you're just starting with OS X development (sorry but I don't have enough reputation to make these all actual links).
QuickSilver is a very complicated application launcher that has recently started being under active development again.
nvALT is a note taking application that syncs with SimpleNote
QuickCursor is a small menu bar utility for opening copied text in different editors.
Kod which is an unfinished programmers text editor. Even being only half way completed (it is no longer under active development) it's still a great app.
Colloquy which is a IRC application.
Chuck is a very minimal application launcher.
Adium (as mentioned by Rob) is an IM application with a ridiculous amount of features.
http://cocoadev.com/wiki/CocoaOpen has a list, of which at least Adium and MacHg look decent.

Is there any Very sleepy profiler tutorial? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've created a simple program printing "Hello world" 1000 times in C. Now I want to test very sleepy profiler, but it doesn't see the running program among processes.
I run the application in the debug mode, visual studio 2010.
Alternatively you can also launch the profiler first, then run your program via File/Launch...
Shameless plug: You can use the modified version of 'Very sleepy' that allows you to start the profiling target w/ profiling paused, and with an API that allows you to start/stop profiling programmatically here: http://hoffesommer.com/weblog/2011/06/17/very-sleepy-0_7_2-cpp-profiler-now-with-api/
If you're using Vista or Windows 7, you may need to run Very Sleepy as an Administrator so it can see (and list) the process.
I would suggest you to use process explorer. Launch it before you launch your program, and you will see it appearing on the list, and know its identifier, and even its threads if you wish it, by going to properties.
So when you launch sleepy, you will exactly now the PID and TID you are looking for.

(Apache) Error log beautifier [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Anyone knows of a good error log beautifier? (should be able to handle apache error logs).
Should be open source / free, preferably with a web interface
I use http://www.librelogiciel.com/software/ScanErrLog/action_Presentation It runs through the error log producing a summary webpage, or some other formats. While it's best run from a regular cron-job (and it will keep a record of what it's parsed before to save effort), it can also be run as a CGI (though the demo appears to be broken).
You can see a sample report generated using Analog and Report Magic at this address: http://www.reportmagic.org/sample/index.html. The Failure Report is simple, but is a starting point.
I use Webalizer to process my website's logs. Its web-interface might be a bit dated but it's very powerful, reliable and can handle very large logs. It's also quite easy to set up which a big plus in my book as you don't want to be worrying about the software, you just want to visualise the data.
Apache Chainsaw