Name strOld as strNew not working - vba

I have a macro that renames a file at the end to change a .zip extension back to a .docx extension using the Name command:
Name strOldZip as strNewDocX
If I run this in debug mode, it works. However, whenever I run the macro full speed, it doesn't work quite right. The .docx file gets created, but the .zip file icon remains on the desktop. The Word icon and filename don't appear. So I have an empty icon of the .zip file on my desktop, and a .docx file that I've confirmed isn't hidden, but doesn't appear unless I search for it. (Once I find it in the search, I can drag it into a new folder and then back to get it to show up.)
I've tried making the macro sleep for a while after the name command, but that doesn't work either. I think the hiccup might be in the time Windows needs to change the Desktop icons and display the new name, which is why it works in debug mode. Am I right? And if so, how do I get around this?

Posting as answer from #GSerg's comment above:
"Try making it sleep before, not after."
Worked like a charm. Thanks, GSerg!


Excel on Mac. Cannot open IQY file in Data/Get External Data/Run Web Query

I am running Excel version 16.45 on Mac.
I have created a .iqy and saved it in the Queries directory alongside certain templates which were already there.
I go to Data/Get External Data/Run Web Queries. While the templates are accessible, my file is visible but greyed out (same thing happens if I save the file in a different directory).
Would anyone be able to help?
According to your information, I would like to confirm whether the issue occurs when you follow the steps as below:
1.Create a Word file, paste the web URL.
2.Save the Word as .iqy with .txt format.
3.Choose MS-DOS as coding.
4.Create an Excel file and click "Data >Get External Data >Run Web Query (Or Run Saved Query) " of the Bar
I was able to address the issue as follows.
When navigating to the relevant directory with Finder, the '.iqy' file appears to be appropriately named (as per Image 1).
In fact, if you reach the file in Terminal, the file is saved as '.iqy.txt'.
So all I had to do is rename the file, simply removing the '.txt' string at the end.
Screen you see when navigating in Finder

Print button didn't save the PDF file at a shared path, and no error logged

I have an Excel macro that uses SAP for printing data in pdf format.
it access the SAP transaction which provides a table with the necessary information
it press Print button (from the Menu Bar of SAP)
then Print window appears (from here it is selected Microsoft Print To PDF option and then it is pressed OK button)
Save As window appears (complete the path and filename: \S\BC....\outputName)
then Save button it is pressed
then no error happens
But if I access the path folder "\S\BC....", nothing happen, there is no file saved. BUT, if we look in "Date modified" property of the folder, it is modified in accordance with the last saving time.
Also, I mention that if I'm trying to write the pdf file on local folders, not network shared folders (example: a desktop folder: C:\Users\mariah\Test), macro works.
Also, I mention that user can Read&Write at the shared path \S\BC....\
Please help me to find the cause of this issue.
A VBA macro only does what you are allowed to do manually. Can you manually save the file in the shared path without the macro?
Is the common path really \S\BC...\ or \ \S\BC...\ ?
Solution proposed by the OP in this comment:
IT WORKS if I save the file on "C:\Users\UserName" and then cut it to shared path "S\BC...". So I've implemented code that saves the file in a path and then copy it to another path and then I deleted it from the first path (such that user never knows that I copy the file in other destination than desired destination).

Excel 2016 vba editor, cannot open ThisWorkbook module

I have an Excel 2016 file (.xlsm). After few weeks working on this file, now I'm facing with one small but weird problem - cannot open ThisWorkbook module. As you can seen in the picture, trying to open this module, window just simply freezes on the screen, any mouse's single or double-clicks on it have no effect.
Maybe somebody also had the same issue? What might cause it and how to resolve it?
this might have only worked for me but is worth a try
clear the office cache (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\OfficeFileCache\0)
open the file on a different computer and name it something random.
open the file on the first computer and resave file.
As pointed out in Han's comment, it's possible that the module is corrupted. You may be able to salvage it by right clicking the module and using 'Export File...' to save it as a class file.
If this succeeds you can attempt to recover your code by:
Importing the saved file, this will add 'ThisWorkbook' as a class file that can be opened like other modules.
If this doesn't work, try opening the saved file in Notepad. This should reveal your code in plain text.
I literally have this probablem every day or so. There is no answer, I have to save multiple files everytime I make any changes to the workbook. Its incredibly frustrating when all the macros disapear from the list and you can't open a single module

VB.Net Run.exe with Form button

I'm pretty new to VB so I need a bit of help with some coding.
I made a program that should download a certain file to what ever directory the user wants, but now i want my program to run that certain file but i don't know how to do it since the user used his/her own directory.
Like i want the program to run that certain file no matter where its saved, how do i do that?
I do know this code:
but this doesnt really work since i have to put in a directory before i use the program.
You can get the path of the SFD by using filename.
Dim Path as String
Path = SaveFileDialog.FileName
Then run the file.
Found another way of doing it,
I just used:
And made it take the text forom the the other textbox the user browsed the file to

VBA: set txt to be printed in Portrait mode

this time I'm fighting against a .txt file which doesn't want to be (programmatically) set to be printed in Portrait-mode instead of Landscape-mode (which is the default apparently).
Thing is I know how to do that with application like Word or Excel, but sadly enough I'm working on a device that has no Office at all.
I'm not providing any code at all since my problem is pretty straightforward, and I think I need a simple command in order to solve it. What I basically (programmatically) do in my subroutine is:
Open the file as #1 (I know this appears so '80, but I don't want to modify an up-and-running system, potentially having errors show up)
Write text to the file
Close #1
Save the file
Call text editor shell to show the file to the user
How can I then automatically set the print format to Portrait?
P.s.= I do not have the possibility to insert a userform or an object to print the txt file in "special ways", the user has to print the file from txt editor itself (wordpad just in case)
First to state the obvious: there are no print settings stored in text files (or indeed anything else except for the text). Print settings would be controlled within whatever you are using to print - in this case Notepad or Wordpad.
There are only very limited command line switches for Notepad and Wordpad, which unfortunately don't include page setup. In theory you may be able to automate setting portrait using SendKeys (see here and here) but if it is possible at all it's likely to be difficult and unreliable (focus and timing are two issues).
I can't see a good way round this within the parameters of your question. Adding an object within your application would probably have been the best solution. You might try looking for an alternative text editor you could install that is easier to automate. The only other alternative might be to set defaults within the printer drivers and hope that those stick when the user opens Notepad.