Full SSL security [closed] - ssl

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've installed a SSL certificate on my website http://core-electronics.com.au/eCommerce
When I visit it in Chrome it says there are unsecured items on the site. What have I overlooked?

Open the Chrome developer tools and select the Network tab. Refresh your page, and click the first resource on the list. The right pane will transform into a tabbed view, with the selected tab being "Headers", and the first information displayed, Request URL.
Now, cycle through these until you find resources that were loaded from an http connection instead of https. You can use the down key to select the next resource.
I found 7 of them within a few minutes. You should try it.

You cannot have content links pointing to non-SSL URL's. Everything must point to HTTPS URL's. Images, style sheets, scripts, everything.
If you have any embedded plugins, such as the Twitter tweet button, those should use protocol-less URL's.
Open the Firefox content dialog or Chrome developer tools and review all your links. You should be able to spot the insecure content it pretty easily.


Slack bot without admin access [closed]

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Closed last month.
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Is there a way to build a script / bot (using any language) that can read messages from a slack channel on which I am a user, however I do not have admin access? I’m a user but don’t own the workspace so I can’t add bot integrations or use the API. Maybe I can use selenium or an AppleScript?
The only way to accomplish this is with the Slack API and the [conversations.history][1] endpoint. You can use that endpoint with either the user token or the bot token. But to use the Slack API you have to create and install an app, there's no way around that. Sounds like your Workspace might have Admin Approved Apps enabled which will require your admin to review and approve your app prior to installation.

Can an ecommerce site be moved to PWA gradually or needs to be written from scratch? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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We're looking to migrate our ecommerce site to Progressive Web App (PWA). However, we don't know if it's too risky and even possible to gradually migrate website pages and pieces to PWA or it has to be done starting completely from scratch.
Any advice/resources on how a large scale ecommerce can be moved to PWA?
You can do it. Here is no restrictions. Actually PWA is only manifest.json file and service worker. You can implement those fairly easily.
Challenges you will have (but you can solve them gradually):
If you lunch PWA on mobile phone you will not have browser navigation. So you need to implement navigation by yourself, like native app do.
Cache your files wisely. It easy to implement PWA with SPA because all you application in single file and you need to cache only a few files. If you have legacy code you may need to think twice what you want to cache and when. So, when you add PWA on our mobile phone you will have everything you need for proper app life.
Offline. You should understand that user may launch your app without internet connection. Your app should be ready for this.

Testing site with Google search console without allowing it to be publicly listed [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We are in a process of redesign, and would like to test a way google sees our website, but we would not like it to be indexed it at this point.
We have a separate subdomain for development, but if we disallow scraping in robots.txt, we can't do any tesing, because google crawlers will not scrape any testing pages.
Is there a way to run some tests via google webmasters console without allowing site to be indexed publicly?
Use the noindex tag.
The noindex value of an HTML robots meta tag requests that automated Internet bots avoid indexing a web page. Source
<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">
I didn't try to do it in that way, but I think it should work for you. You can close your domain with HTTP Basic Authentication. And add your login and passwords to URL when you adding your domain to Google Console. Smth like that https://gooduser:secretpassword#www.example.com/

facebook connect ( login and register by facebook) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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i was looking for the right plugin to make register and both login users to my site,
but i've checked facebook connect plugin is no more supported... that's right?
which is the right fb plugin doc link to have registration and login by facebook on our sites?
sincerily i can't find the right link :/
i mean i've found login plugin and registration plugin but which is the one could gives me both fb registration and login actions to my site? some links?
thanks :)
Hey Memento I understand your issue. I was very confused by all of this also and couldn't determine the appropriate way to register the user via Facebook on my site. I suggest actually using the javascript SDK and create your own button based on the user's facebook connection status.
So basically, do the following:
Check if the user is registered via Facebook using FB.getLoginStatus function. If he is, log him into your site. If he's not, then display a button that says Login to Facebook. On click, the button should use the FB.Login function and get the user's permissions. After that, redirect the user to the Facebook Registration form and sign him up. Set the redirect URI of this plugin to the appropriate script in your site which will register him on your site as well.
Let me know if that helps.
This should do....

GUI frontend for cURL for testing an API [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm (manually) testing a RESTful API that makes full use of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE methods. Rather than using cURL on the command line to quickly test different input options, it would be handy if there were a windows GUI application to make this easier. Does anything like that exist?
Use Poster with Firefox.
I know this post is a bit old, but Dev HTTP Client for Chrome is by far the best plugin I've found.
Along with providing a nice UI that pretty formats responses (like JSON and XML), it allows you to save any requests. IMHO, the best feature is the ability to set different "contexts" and set variables. For instance, you can have a "production" and "dev" context, each with a "host" variable. Then your request string could be http://${host}/foo.
Insomnia is a beautiful desktop application for Windows, Mac and Linux for debugging restful APIs (my personal favourite)
Postman is a Chrome extension for API testing and doing custom http requests. You can save requests for later use, setup different environments (staging, deployment) and collaborate and share requests with others on your team.
HttpRequester for Firefox is similar to Postman.
I like RESTclient. It doesn't format HTML, though (I assume Poster does), so if you get a 500 error you get to dredge through the return text yourself.
Found a useful (free) web tool for this that now exists!
Also XHR POSTER with Chrome
I would say has a better UI then Poster.
XHR has been giving me problems. DHC by Restlet for Chrome is pretty nice also.
Fiddler is a very good tool. You can see history of requests, supports all HTTP verbs, completes the request with necessary headers (like Content-Length). The feature you are looking for is called "Request Builder".
In the interest of trying to keep this list up to date, here is an even better, newer Chrome extension: Advanced REST Client
Try gURL: http://code.google.com/p/gurl/
This is a simple HTTP-request generator, based on curl
Out of all the Firefox extensions I tried, HttpRequester is the best tool for me. It is very clear and doesn't lack a feature.
For Chrome, I would recommend Advanced REST client or Postman.
Paw for OS X is pretty nice. $29.99 as of this writing.
I think Hurl is a great candidate for that?