How to localize the display name of an app for the Windows Store? - windows-8

I registered a German and an English name for my Windows 8 app in the Windows Store Dashboard.
Afterwards I created two files in my solution:
Strings/de/Resources.resw with name "AppName" and value "German Title"
Strings/en/Resources.resw with name "AppName" and value "English Title"
Then I clicked on Edit App Manifest. In the display name field I entered "ms-resource:/AppName" but when I want to build my app I get an error which says that "NamedResource" cannot be found.
What am I doing wrong?
The documentation only writes: "Display Name: Specifies the friendly name for the app that is displayed to users. This string is localizable". But I have only one field (called Display name) in my app manifest to indicate my app name.

Ok. I've found it! For the "Display name" in "Package.appxmanifest" I have to enter "ms-resource:AppName". One should also enter "ms-resource:AppName" for the "Package display name" field (in tab Packaging).

I'd like to add an addendum to Benny Neugebauer's answer. If your .resw file happens to be stored in another assembly (as mine was), you might have to give it the fully qualified path to your resource name.
For example, if your AppName string was in a project named OtherProject, and a file named AppResources, and had a key of AppName, you would use the following syntax:


Safari Extension - How to edit the "from" info within the Preferences-Extensions page?

Let say my extension name is "foo". In the Preferences-Extensions page, the title of my extension is "foo [version] from foo".
How can I edit the second foo (the green one) to be my real company name and not the product name?
screenshot of Preferences-Extensions page
Thanks in advance.
I've tried to change it in some different places which totally changed my product name.

How to Personalize window behavior in odoo 8 livechat

How to Personalize window behavior in Odoo 8
Goals for now are:
add fields asking visitors Name, Email and Concern, As you can see at first image "A" the customer name is "Visitor"
change visitors name base on his/her Name input
change the design (background color, font, etc)
I already search on odoo documentation but no tutorials for Live Chat customization.
The appearance and the behaviour of the live_chat window is defined in the files addons/im_chat/static/src/js/im_chat.js, addons/im_chat/static/src/xml/im_chat.xml and addons/im_livechat/static/src/js/im_livechat.js
Depending on your needs your will have to modify these files. For the needs you have outlined in your question you have to:
1) add fields asking visitors Name, Email and Concern, As you can see
at first image "A" the customer name is "Visitor"
You have to modify the send_welcome_message function on the im_livechat.js in order for you to send a custom initial message and you have to change the im_chat.Conversation_message_bubble template in order to give each "text bubble" a different look (for example to insert a textbox asking for user's info)
2) change visitors name base on his/her Name input
When you collect your data, the user's name is saved in the variable defaultUsername in im_livechat.js, you will have to set it there
3) change the design (background color, font, etc)
All of this can happen from changing the template with the name = im_chat.Conversation_message_bubble from the im_chat.xml file accordingly.

prestashop mail customisation, and module translation

i have two question
1 - i installed referral program module , and i would like to customise the referralprogram-invitation.html mail template
so i putted the new template under : prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/mails/referralprogram-invitation.html
but i doesn't work !
2 - i would like to add some extra text to the program page of referral program module
so i copied the file already included with the module under
prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/translations/fr.php and I added the new text translation in this form
$_MODULE['<{referralprogram}prestashop>program_MD5'] = 'new text';
and it does not work?!!
You only forgot the language folder. Your mail templates must not be in :
but in
If you want to add text to the program page, you must:
First, make a copy of the file : prestashop_root/modules/referralprogram/views/templates/front/program.tpl to prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/views/templates/front/program.tpl
Then, you need to modify this file and add the text you want, where you want. To be translatable, your text must be added like this {l s='new text' mod='referralprogram'}.
Finally, you need to translate this text via the Localization > Traductions page of your BO and not directly in the fr.php file.
Do not hesitate if you need more information,

OpenCart: Renaming the tabs on the welcome module

I'm using the "Welcome" module to insert custom html within different sections of my website. Is it possible to rename the tabs so I can find my modules easier?
Right now, when I view my welcome module, the content is organized as "Module 1", "Module 2", "Module 3", etc. I'd like to give these tabs custom name so I can find my content faster. Something like "Homepage Facebook Announcement", "Product Shipping Information", etc.
Version used: v1.5.5.1
it won't be easy, currently these names are not stored in database, this module 1 , module 2 names come from welcome.tpl file, there is a variable $module_row which increments foreach module like $module_row++ and the name is just shown like echo $tab_module . ' ' . $module_row;
if you really want it, you can add a new column in setting table and store your module name there, but then you will have to edit your getSetting() function too....
its kind of complex and not advisable if you don't what you are doing ...

Shopify Get resourse_type at first when redirected to my application

My application is complete and work perfectly for Products.
Like i have an "application link" in the Products tab.On clicking, i get the SHOP name and ID of that product.Then i can successfully call the API because
GET /admin/products/#{id}/XXXX.json
by default i had use the "products" in path resolution.
Now the question is, at first I only got the ID with query parameter but don't know from which resource_type this belongs? i.e pages,themes etc.
Answer to this problem is that "you can append parameters to your query string" in Application Links.