Fluent NHibernate API documentation [closed] - fluent-nhibernate

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Closed 5 years ago.
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My biggest obstacle to getting the hang of Fluent NHibernate so far has been finding the namespaces for the classes that I need to work through samples I find (blog posts, SO questions, etc.). I have looked around for a CHM or MSDN-like site that would make it easier to find things, but I have come up empty. I can find NHibernate API docs, but not Fluent NHibernate API docs.
Can anyone either confirm that I need to generate my own after building the source or point me to somewhere I have missed?
I have been using Reflector to find things and it works, but it is not ideal.

i would advice to use some kind of IDE which is capable of autoresolve the namespaces (Visual Studio, Sharpdevelop, ...) then you only need to copy paste the samples and use that.
useful resources
Getting Started
Example project showing Automapping
namespace | used for
.Cfg | fluently configuring the NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration object
.Mapping | contains classes used to create Fluent Mappings
.Automapping | all you need to automaticly create mappings for classes
.Conventions | Interfaces to define Conventions used for Auto and Fluent mappings


Where to find reference for PyGObject [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on a Python based source code editor. I've created a clean layout with a Gtk.Notebook. Creating a main layout was easy with Glade, but right after I imported gi.repository, everything got hard. It's very hard to find documentation. From pydoc I can 't get anything, only method signatures, which are usually *args, **kwargs. I often need to check what a method returns or takes in, and I haven't really started signals and other stuff yet.
Is there a complete/almost-complete documentation, especially for GtkSource? GtkSource is especially undocumented.
You should probably read my answer to a similar SO question: PyGObject GTK+ 3 Documentation. In short, you should refer to the GtkSourceView API Reference for C. Don't worry, it's not hard. When you see "GtkSourceView" in the C docs you know it's "GtkSource.View" in Python. When you see "gtk_source_view_new" in C docs you know it's the constructor in Python "GtkSouce.View()". You can set any GTK+ property in the constructor and there is usually get_foo/set_foo style methods for each property.
Therefore, you can do things like:
view = GtkSouce.View(indent_width=4, show_line_numbers=True)
view.get_buffer().set_text("Hello World!")
Remember, GTK+ widgets are objects so you need to pay attention to the hierarchy to find all the methods and properties for a widget.

Working example Coldfusion and Linkedin API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Has anyone managed to get the LinkedIn API working from within a coldfusion application?
There are some threads in the Linkedin Developer's community, but any actual working examples or complete code are missing.
In the end I'm looking for a solution to import LinkedIn profiles to our recruitment solution - and also fetch updated profiles regularly - ofcourse after the user gives us access to his/her profile.
Any help appreciated, especially with some kind of working setup (even if only basic)
Since ColdFusion can create and use Java objects, the easiest solution is to use a Java API to access LinkedIn. One option is linkedin-j.
I haven't found any evidence of a CF-based wrapper so unfortunately you're going to have to figure this part out.
You don't need to really know how Java works to use Java objects in ColdFusion; you just have to know what the classes are in the API in question and then create the necessary objects and then call the relevant functions. I assume linkedin-j offers some kind of .jar file. You need to add that to your classpath; there are plenty of resources on line on how to do this (if that link breaks, just search for coldfusion jar classpath). Then, figure out which object you need, create an instance of that object you need using CreateObject.
The getting started page talks about a LinkedInApiClientFactory object. You'd create this in ColdFusion by doing something like
<cfset factory = CreateObject('com.google.code.linkedinapi.client.LinkedInApiClient').newInstance(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue)>
<cfset client = factory.createLinkedInApiClient(accessTokenValue, tokenSecretValue)>
At which point you can use all of the functions available to the LinkedInApiClient, such as getProfileByUrl.
Use the documentation available at the linkedin-j site to find out about the functions you can call on the LinkedInApiClient, and work from there.

Platform Independent Tool for Creating API Documentation / Proposal [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What tools exist for developing platform indepedent API Documentation?
I'm in the process of designing a proposed API, and want to write documentation in a structured and easily editable way. A lot of the answers I've seen have basically been "Use built in language specific documentation tools", but since I'm designing the API from a 'top-level', rather than implementing it, this isn't so useful. I'm looking for a CMS for API Documentation
I've seen a few suggestions to use PBWiki or Confluence, but I'm not convinced that a plain wiki is the best option, though the version control aspects are nice.
In theory, a Drupal build with CCK for API calls and Views for reading the API, but that's a bit of heavy lifting for what I'm looking for.
Is there a API Documentation Management System out there? What are the best options for writing and managing platform-independent documentation for APIs?
I've seen the related questions for this, but there has yet to be a satisfactory answer.
Any structured text language will do. I'd use latex, and troff is old school.
But you may have missed the point of the suggestion to use doxygen or whatever. If you do that, then writing the documentation is also laying down the scaffold for the eventual implementation. Better still, the example documentation will be in the same format as the eventual real documentation and, you will--of course---use source control on it, won't you? So you'll have a potted history of changes to the spec.

Documentation for implementors of COM interfaces [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm in the process of doing some COM interop from a C# application and I can't seem to find the answer to this.
I was wondering where I could find in the Win32 documentation which concreate implementions that exists of a COM interface. For example I know (thanks to goodgle) that IShellLinkW is implemented by a class that's identified by CLSID_ShellLink, that IObjectArray is implemented by CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection and so on.
However how am I supposed to know? I have the Windows SDK (latest) version installed and I can't seem to wrap my head around how I was supposed to figure that out based on the information in the docs?
Why do you need to know? The import utilities like tlbimp.exe are figuring out the necessary details from the exe or dll type info and creating wrappers that cover this for you.
Look at the TlbImp example at COM Interop Part 1: C# Client Tutorial:
I dont think what you want is possible without loading every COM object in the system and asking it for a list of classes it has and what Interfaces they implement. This information as far as I am aware is not stored in the Registry (the place all external COM info is stored).
If you could give a concrete example of what you are trying to achieve their may be an alternative way. If you simply want to know what interfaces are implemented by a particular class or .dll you can do that with a viewer such as oleview
most of standard COM objects IIDs and CLSIDs are listed in uuid.lib, included in Windows SDK. So you may write a simple app printing them for you.
Also, you can open regedit, go to HKCR\Interface and analyze records there.

Automatic Documentation of ColdFusion code [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have inherited over 600 files of ColdFusion source code running a internal web site for my company. One of my tasks is to "document" it. The code base represents about 5 years of development and there is no technical specification of what it does.
The developers have maintained a change log of each file and there is a consistent header.
My thought is that I can build a dependency map of the various modules and referenced stored procedures to facilitate this documentation by scanning the source files. I have used Doxygen in the past for c++ source code and am wondering if a tool like this exists for ColdFusion.
One output I am investigating is the ability to create a xmind file as means of visualizing the cross dependencies in module inter-relationships.
Thanks in advance,
The ColdFusion server has built in introspection that outputs javadoc like documentation for any CFC class.
See: http://YourColdfusionServer/CFIDE/componentutils/componentdoc.cfm
However, it requires an RDS login/password for your server. For delivery to third parties, I set up a recursive script that does a cfhttp fetch against the docs for each cfc file, and then compiles the pages to PDF with cfdocument.
You could start with ColdDoc
Also, heres a UML 2 CFC generator.
I guess what you really need is something to reverse engineer the coldfusion code into uml class diagrams. I don't know of anything off the top of my head.
MagicDraw, Objecteering don't seem to do it yet.
After trying to find an answer to this question myself I ended up writing this solution:
Maybe it is too late for you now but I am just spreading the word.
Sounds to me like creating your own Xmind or XMI file is the way to go. The XMI file may be more portable between tools, but the last time I looked at doing that the XMI file formats were a bit daunting for the time I had available to work on the solution. If the formatting of the headers consistent is enough to read with ReFind or Find I'd build a script that uses cfdirectory and cffile to walk the code tree and output the file(s).