Automatic Documentation of ColdFusion code [closed] - documentation

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have inherited over 600 files of ColdFusion source code running a internal web site for my company. One of my tasks is to "document" it. The code base represents about 5 years of development and there is no technical specification of what it does.
The developers have maintained a change log of each file and there is a consistent header.
My thought is that I can build a dependency map of the various modules and referenced stored procedures to facilitate this documentation by scanning the source files. I have used Doxygen in the past for c++ source code and am wondering if a tool like this exists for ColdFusion.
One output I am investigating is the ability to create a xmind file as means of visualizing the cross dependencies in module inter-relationships.
Thanks in advance,

The ColdFusion server has built in introspection that outputs javadoc like documentation for any CFC class.
See: http://YourColdfusionServer/CFIDE/componentutils/componentdoc.cfm
However, it requires an RDS login/password for your server. For delivery to third parties, I set up a recursive script that does a cfhttp fetch against the docs for each cfc file, and then compiles the pages to PDF with cfdocument.

You could start with ColdDoc
Also, heres a UML 2 CFC generator.
I guess what you really need is something to reverse engineer the coldfusion code into uml class diagrams. I don't know of anything off the top of my head.
MagicDraw, Objecteering don't seem to do it yet.

After trying to find an answer to this question myself I ended up writing this solution:
Maybe it is too late for you now but I am just spreading the word.

Sounds to me like creating your own Xmind or XMI file is the way to go. The XMI file may be more portable between tools, but the last time I looked at doing that the XMI file formats were a bit daunting for the time I had available to work on the solution. If the formatting of the headers consistent is enough to read with ReFind or Find I'd build a script that uses cfdirectory and cffile to walk the code tree and output the file(s).


Working example Coldfusion and Linkedin API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Has anyone managed to get the LinkedIn API working from within a coldfusion application?
There are some threads in the Linkedin Developer's community, but any actual working examples or complete code are missing.
In the end I'm looking for a solution to import LinkedIn profiles to our recruitment solution - and also fetch updated profiles regularly - ofcourse after the user gives us access to his/her profile.
Any help appreciated, especially with some kind of working setup (even if only basic)
Since ColdFusion can create and use Java objects, the easiest solution is to use a Java API to access LinkedIn. One option is linkedin-j.
I haven't found any evidence of a CF-based wrapper so unfortunately you're going to have to figure this part out.
You don't need to really know how Java works to use Java objects in ColdFusion; you just have to know what the classes are in the API in question and then create the necessary objects and then call the relevant functions. I assume linkedin-j offers some kind of .jar file. You need to add that to your classpath; there are plenty of resources on line on how to do this (if that link breaks, just search for coldfusion jar classpath). Then, figure out which object you need, create an instance of that object you need using CreateObject.
The getting started page talks about a LinkedInApiClientFactory object. You'd create this in ColdFusion by doing something like
<cfset factory = CreateObject('').newInstance(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue)>
<cfset client = factory.createLinkedInApiClient(accessTokenValue, tokenSecretValue)>
At which point you can use all of the functions available to the LinkedInApiClient, such as getProfileByUrl.
Use the documentation available at the linkedin-j site to find out about the functions you can call on the LinkedInApiClient, and work from there.

Wysywig literate programming (or viewing generated documentation on-the-fly) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I use a lot of illustrations, diagrams and equations to document C++ and python codes, and a way to do this is to inline them with doxygen. The problem is that, when coding, they are not directly available in the code (unless I use ascii-art for this purpose).
Is there an automatic, quick and fast way to, while coding, view the generated documentation? E.g., I could have a separate Eclipse tab with the rendered documented code (HTML), while coding in another tab... and the documentation rendering tab would be updating automatically as I change the code and the documentation.
Is this possible? Is there a tool, plug-in for Eclipse or add-on for Visual Studio enabling this?
Frankly, I use a second monitor (or second computer) to view such documentation just to keep them out of the way - I want to see them alongside my Visual Studio screen not taking up space that could be occupied by code.
I publish the generated Doxygen documentation to an internal web server so if you have an HTML viewer plugin you could just point it to that. (I usually have a browser open alongside).
You could setup your Doxygen project to be generating directly into the web server directory so there's no copying time to get it renewed.
One tip, if you have a large code base and Doxygen takes an annoyingly long time is to have a special setup file just pointing at the code you're working on, to quickly regenerate the relevant couple of pages. You could have a python script observing the directory and re-running Doxygen if files change.
Try my LP tool - - it supports OpenOffice/LibreOffice, so you can write LP programs in WYSIWYG manner. By the way, if you decide to use markup language instead of OpenOffice, NanoLP supports several of them.

Specification Documentation that you can really reference [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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At the moment I am using Visual Source Safe (yeah yeah!) to store my Technical Specification documentation.
The actual docs are written in MS word.
If find that having the spec written in word format to be a big burden, for specs to be truly used there shouldn't be any barrier to usage and more importantly access.
If I can't quickly scan a document, hyperlink to other dependant documents or sections, what use is all this anyway?
So with that as a background:
what software exists to create truly accessable documentation? i.e. hyperlinks to other pages/sections etc? Or even queryable so I can view all documents that are dependant on module 4.5.3
Is it basically just a Wiki? Anything else?
Wikis are great for creating and maintaining specs. However, it is difficult to generate a big ol' paper document that makes a satisfying "thud" when you drop it on peoples' desks.
I've gotten by with Word. Just learn to take advantage of all the automation it has for cross-referencing, indexes, tables, pagination, etc.
I think of specs as having two audiences: decision-makers and developers. The Word documents are for the decision makers. The developers will come up with something useful later when it is time to implement the specs.
I believe Word supports the idea of sub-documents (links to other documents), however I'm not sure how well it works without VSS, much less with VSS. But it's something to look into.
A wiki is, however, pretty much what you are looking for.
Java has API docs generated by javadoc, Python has API docs generated by tools like epydoc.
What language are you working in? Have you looked for tools like javadoc or epydoc for your language?
We just started using Confluence for technical docs and notes:
It's a full-featured browser-based wiki that just works out-of-the-box, though you can tweak it to your heart's content. It features everything you'd expect from a professional wiki, including security, rich text, hyperlinks, and attachemts; and it's intuitive enough that even our non-technical people (with 3-letter titles starting with 'C') use it.
If you visit Atlassian's web site (see link above), you can play with their online demo ... and they eat their own dogfood to provide community support.

Creating MP4/M4A files with Chapter marks [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I am trying to join together several audio files into one mp4/m4a file containing chapter metadata.
I am currently using QTKit to do this but unfortunately when QTKit exports to m4a format the metadata is all stripped out (this has been confirmed as a bug by Apple) see sample code. I think this rules QTKit out for this job, but would be happy to be proven wrong as it is a really neat API for it if it worked.
So, I am looking for a way to concatenate audio files (input format does not really matter as I can do conversion) into an m4a file with chapters metadata.
As an alternative to code, I am open to the idea of using an existing command line tool to accomplish this as long as it is redistributable as part of another application.
Any ideas?
Audiobook Maker does something like this, and I believe it uses ffmpeg under the hood. It's open source, so maybe its worth a look?
commandline tool mp4chaps does the work. It is from mp4v2-utils package if you use Ubuntu. Remember to specify qt format for quicktime, because Nero format chapter marks seems to be used less nowadays.
I discovered these guys: sensoryresearch who license an API for writing chapter/text/link tracks to MP4s (which is what an M4A is).
Depending on where the bug is, you could try going straight to the QuickTime C APIs to write the movie file. You might also try adding the chapters track using the C APIs.
Any word on when Apple will fix the bug? I am planning to create enhanced podcasts with QTKit, and need this to work.

Does anyone know of a good MAML editor [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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At work we use Sandcastle for creation of help files. I have been using SandCastleGUI for some time and I'm looking for a way to create additional pages in the help file.
These pages are written in XML format called MAML.
The only problem is that I couldn't find any decent editor for these file format.
I'm looking for a WYSIWYG editor to create & edit additional documentation pages.
You could use a generic XML editor with WYSIWYG support like Oxygen or Serna. You would need a Xml Schema or DTD for MAML, I assume there is one somewhere in an SDK or such. Probably the harder part is that you would need a stylesheet that renders the XML to an display format that can be used by the editor to provide a WYSIWYG view of the document.
It works rather well for standard XML formats such as Docbook, but I don't know how easy it is to find/create the needed stylesheets for MAML. But generally there is no reason why it couldn't be done.
Finally I found a solution the good people of SandCastle Help File Builder have included an HTML to MAML converter.
There are many good HTML editorsout there - and now I can use one of them and then convert the result to MAML
Don't know if you are still looking for a solution to this, but I've been looking at help editors and ran across a codeproject article that might be useful. The article can be found at It features an editor that might be just what you need.