Savon and SoapUI - ruby-on-rails-3

I always use SoapUI before moving on with Savon to see if my URL is correct. Now this time I was given a URL that (probably from a project developed and hosted on a Windows machine), let's say it is this one:
Now when I try this, I get this:
Error loading []: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: error: Unexpected character encountered (lex state 3): '&'
SoapUI will also do HTTP requests right? not only SOAP (or am I confusing something here?)
Why do I get this error?

The problem is not with HTTP request (although SoapUI really performs it to get WSDL file in your case). Error message says that there is problem with parsing of the response -- it is not a well-formed XML document. Download WSDL of your service manually and check it with XML Validator. If it shows that XML is correct then it still may be related to some temporary problem (connections limit, resources shortage) that leads an ASP-based service to reply with error page that doesn't pass validation when this problem occurs.


401 unauthorized error while creating object in back4app via Temboo

I am creating an object in parse (using back4app parse server for this).
I get the following error when I run the choreo in temboo.
A HTTP Error has occurred: The remote server responded with a status
code of 401. Typically this indicates that an authorization error
occurred while attempting to access the remote resource. The data
returned from the remote server was: {"error":"unauthorized"} . The
error occurred in the HTTPSend (Parse) step.
That 401 error might indicate that the Id or Keys are not correct. Maybe it could be a good idea to double check them.
Also, what is the host and path for the API Request that you're doing with Temboo (I'm not acquainted with it)? If you're not using the correct ones it might cause problems too.
Make sure you're reaching something like this:

Display custom error message in wcf invalid method in route table

I have implemented a RESTful API using wcf and I use System.Web.Routing.RouteTable.Routes.Add(...) to map the methods to URLs. If a user types an invalid url (i.e. a url that does not map to a method), say myapiurl/geeet/ instead of myapiurl/get/ then currently a standard error message like "Method not allowed" is displayed.
How do I customize this error message?
I have tried Application_Error in Global.asax, but it does not catch the exception.
I have also implemented a IErrorHandler, IServiceBehavior, but it also does not catch this error.
Neither does the WebHttpBehavior I have implemented.
The "Method not allowed" (HTTP status code 405) message means the server is receiving a request from a client using an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) that is not allowed by the server (IIS). For example the client is submitting a PUT request and IIS is not configured to accept PUT. I think by default, IIS only supports GET and POST.
A bad URI, as you describe in your question, generally results in a HTTP status code of 404 resource not found. Sound like your IIS configuration may be causing your issue since you can't trap the exception at either the ASP.NET or WCF layer.

How to properly handle Axis2 generated exceptions with a REST client

I am using Axis2 v1.6.1 and Resty as a rest client. If I purposely send a malformed request that Axis2 cannot parse, for example, sending "p=0.0" where p is an Integer, then Axis2 will generate 500 HTTP Response and log an error in it's log saying something to the effect of:
[ERROR] Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method createUpdateOrganization
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Invalid value "0.0" for element poStart
This is great but I need to be able to capture this exception information in order to act upon it as part of our exception management framework.
It seems to be throwing an AxisFault exception but this is before it reaches my service so I'm not sure what I need to configure in order to get this information.
Any ideas?
I found the following article:
Which explains exactly what I need to do. The answer is to create a custom handler for the InFaultFlow phase. :) I hope this helps somebody else!

WCF Server Error. The content type text/html of the response message does not match the content type of the binding

I've got a WCF Service, which calls a webservice, running on my development IIS server (IIS 7). I've added it as a service reference to a C# Website Project and it adds fine.
However, when I try to call any of the service contracts, I get the following error:
The content type text/html
of the response message does not match
the content type of the binding
(text/xml; charset=utf-8). If using a
custom encoder, be sure that the
IsContentTypeSupported method is
implemented properly. The first 1024
bytes of the response were:
'Blocked Web
thanks in advance
The error message says it clearly: you're getting back an HTML page instead of your service response. Looking at the fragment of that page listed in the error message, you're probably not authroized to use that service.
Try to connect to the service URL in a browser - you should probably see a page explaining that you're not allowed to access the page. Most likely, this is a permissions issue.
You need to configure WCF Tracing and find out what's happening on the server side.

The remote server returned an error : 400 badrequest in WCF

In our project, we are calling the .svc file directly from web page and I receive the error "The remoter server returned an error:(400) bad request.
Our project architecture is, we are using .svc file in our web application and the .cs file for the svc in writter in another class library project. From aspx, we are calling the WCF service directly without adding reference or anything. I cannot change the concept, because it is our standard. I'm able to add service reference and call those methods, but I wanted to call the method directly from .svc url.
I'm pissed off for 2 days and could not resolve the error. We are using HttpWebRequest to get the response from the service. Basically, the service will take Data Transfer Object(DTO) as input and returns the same(DTO) as output with only one value.
Check the following code:
HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpHelper.PostXmlRequestValue(requestXMLInput,
Request.ServerVariable["HTTP_HOST"], Request.ApplicationPath);
The same code works in one machine but not in the other. I have checked the configuration and everything is same, but still I receive the same error.
When I use the .svc url in my machine, it works, but gives a message "Method not allowed". When I checked the same url in the working machine, I got the same message.. I believe there is some simple thing I'm missing out. I couldn't find, as I'm new to WCF.
When using HttpWebRequest the "Method not allowed" error is for example that you are sending a Http GET, when the service expects a Http POST.
HttpWebRequest is a REST based configuration, this limits the complexity of the DTO's that you can send.