The remote server returned an error : 400 badrequest in WCF - wcf

In our project, we are calling the .svc file directly from web page and I receive the error "The remoter server returned an error:(400) bad request.
Our project architecture is, we are using .svc file in our web application and the .cs file for the svc in writter in another class library project. From aspx, we are calling the WCF service directly without adding reference or anything. I cannot change the concept, because it is our standard. I'm able to add service reference and call those methods, but I wanted to call the method directly from .svc url.
I'm pissed off for 2 days and could not resolve the error. We are using HttpWebRequest to get the response from the service. Basically, the service will take Data Transfer Object(DTO) as input and returns the same(DTO) as output with only one value.
Check the following code:
HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpHelper.PostXmlRequestValue(requestXMLInput,
Request.ServerVariable["HTTP_HOST"], Request.ApplicationPath);
The same code works in one machine but not in the other. I have checked the configuration and everything is same, but still I receive the same error.
When I use the .svc url in my machine, it works, but gives a message "Method not allowed". When I checked the same url in the working machine, I got the same message.. I believe there is some simple thing I'm missing out. I couldn't find, as I'm new to WCF.

When using HttpWebRequest the "Method not allowed" error is for example that you are sending a Http GET, when the service expects a Http POST.
HttpWebRequest is a REST based configuration, this limits the complexity of the DTO's that you can send.


Error on adding a service reference to use web-centric WCF service?

I am trying to follow a textbook learning how to create a web-sentric WCF service project. I created the service, and see the corresponding folder under Default Web Site on IIS. I can even browse the folder (localhost/EmployeeService/) and see the contents in the browser. Now I want to make a client, i.e. a simple Console application. When I am trying to add a Service Reference, after I enter the address, I get an error:
There was an error downloading 'http://localhost/EmployeeService/$metadata'.
The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'http://localhost/EmployeeService/'.
The remote server returned an unexpected response: (405) Method Not Allowed.
The remote server returned an error: (405) Method Not Allowed.
Could you please explain? I saw some questions about the same error, but could not find a solution for myself.
In order to invoke the service, you must point at the service file. Otherwise the web server doesn't know what you're trying to do.
Add the .svc file to your URL to do that, so http://localhost/EmployeeService/YourService.svc.
You can also have it fileless, see How can I host a WCF service without an SVC file in IIS.

Display custom error message in wcf invalid method in route table

I have implemented a RESTful API using wcf and I use System.Web.Routing.RouteTable.Routes.Add(...) to map the methods to URLs. If a user types an invalid url (i.e. a url that does not map to a method), say myapiurl/geeet/ instead of myapiurl/get/ then currently a standard error message like "Method not allowed" is displayed.
How do I customize this error message?
I have tried Application_Error in Global.asax, but it does not catch the exception.
I have also implemented a IErrorHandler, IServiceBehavior, but it also does not catch this error.
Neither does the WebHttpBehavior I have implemented.
The "Method not allowed" (HTTP status code 405) message means the server is receiving a request from a client using an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) that is not allowed by the server (IIS). For example the client is submitting a PUT request and IIS is not configured to accept PUT. I think by default, IIS only supports GET and POST.
A bad URI, as you describe in your question, generally results in a HTTP status code of 404 resource not found. Sound like your IIS configuration may be causing your issue since you can't trap the exception at either the ASP.NET or WCF layer.

Savon and SoapUI

I always use SoapUI before moving on with Savon to see if my URL is correct. Now this time I was given a URL that (probably from a project developed and hosted on a Windows machine), let's say it is this one:
Now when I try this, I get this:
Error loading []: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: error: Unexpected character encountered (lex state 3): '&'
SoapUI will also do HTTP requests right? not only SOAP (or am I confusing something here?)
Why do I get this error?
The problem is not with HTTP request (although SoapUI really performs it to get WSDL file in your case). Error message says that there is problem with parsing of the response -- it is not a well-formed XML document. Download WSDL of your service manually and check it with XML Validator. If it shows that XML is correct then it still may be related to some temporary problem (connections limit, resources shortage) that leads an ASP-based service to reply with error page that doesn't pass validation when this problem occurs.

WCF POST method doesn't get called

I've created a WCF REST service and initially used .Net Framework version 4. The service has two methods, one returns a plain string with the service status. The second allows a file to be uploaded. Both methods were working fine.
I was asked to see if the project could be moved back to only depend on .Net Framework 3.5 instead of version 4. I changed some references, and it built ok, and when I use the existing C++ client I can use the GetStatus method fine. However, now when a file gets uploaded, the client sees successful return codes to all methods, but, when I set a breakpoint at the start of WCF service's FileUpload method, it never gets executed. The file doesn't gets uploaded, it just disappears into the ether.
internal interface IMyWebService
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/Status", BodyStyle=WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare)]
Stream GetStatus();
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "/FileUpload/{fileName}")]
Stream FileUpload(string fileName, Stream fileStream);
I've tried to use the WFetch tool as an alternative client. When I call the FileUpload method, I get this log:
started....WWWConnect::Close("localhost","80")\nclosed source port: 15800\r\n
WWWConnect::Connect("localhost","80")\nIP = "[::1]:80"\nsource port: 15866\r\n
REQUEST: **************\nPOST http://myMachine/MyService/FileUpload/hello.txt HTTP/1.1\r\n
Host: localhost\r\n
Accept: */*\r\n
hello thereRESPONSE: **************\nHTTP/1.1 415 Missing Content Type\r\n
Content-Length: 0\r\n
Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0\r\n
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 13:26:09 GMT\r\n
Could anybody give me any pointers for how I can diagnose this issue? I'm having trouble seeing where to start because no breakpoints get hit, and there are no error codes to investigate.
The WCF service must be doing something, because if I stop it, the client then fails to upload files, I just can't understand why execution never gets to the method that implements the POST operation.
Hmm, when using WFetch, even if I misspell the name of the method, it still seems to succeed with no error.
I'd start troubleshooting with the original 4.0 version of the service and a C# WCF-based test client to verify the service code will actually upload a file successfully. You could use the code in this Technet article for developing the test client.
Next, use your C++ client against the 4.0 service to verify your client will successfully send a file. Lastly, set the service back to 3.5 and see if it still works. To log messages the service is receiving for troubleshooting, look at this MSDN post to configure the built-WCF message logging capability.

WCF Server Error. The content type text/html of the response message does not match the content type of the binding

I've got a WCF Service, which calls a webservice, running on my development IIS server (IIS 7). I've added it as a service reference to a C# Website Project and it adds fine.
However, when I try to call any of the service contracts, I get the following error:
The content type text/html
of the response message does not match
the content type of the binding
(text/xml; charset=utf-8). If using a
custom encoder, be sure that the
IsContentTypeSupported method is
implemented properly. The first 1024
bytes of the response were:
'Blocked Web
thanks in advance
The error message says it clearly: you're getting back an HTML page instead of your service response. Looking at the fragment of that page listed in the error message, you're probably not authroized to use that service.
Try to connect to the service URL in a browser - you should probably see a page explaining that you're not allowed to access the page. Most likely, this is a permissions issue.
You need to configure WCF Tracing and find out what's happening on the server side.