Add constants issues Xcode 4.5 - objective-c

I've got a class for storing constants.
So, there are two files that call Constant.h and Constant.m
This is what I have in .h file:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
enum kParams {
kFirstName = 0,
kLastName = 1
extern NSString * const kNotificationUpdateMainMenu;
This is what I have in .m file:
#import "Constants.h"
NSString * const kNotificationUpdateMainMenu = #"kNotificationUpdateMainMenu";
For first time it works good, but when I try to add some other const (kNotificationFbLoginSuccsess for example) other classes don't see it.
This is a message that shows me which problem I have. But I don't understand how my other constants work without this issue (just new constant that I add get this error).
/Users/developer/Documents/Projects/Test/Test/Test/AppDelegate.m:121:64: Use of undeclared identifier 'kNotificationFbLoginSuccsess'
I found some way how to fix it:
Open organizer
Clear derived data
Delete project.xcworkspace file and xcuserdata
Close Project
Relaunch Xcode
but as I think is too much operations that I can add one constant. How come?

Your "global" constant is not actually external (separately compiled and later linked together). Take the easy way out and place NSString * const kNotificationUpdateMainMenu = #"kNotificationUpdateMainMenu"; into the header file. The method file needs nothing.
I would use #define kNotificationUpdateMainMenu #"kNotificationUpdateMainMenu" to perform the spell checking. The compiler will create one shared instance of the constant string for the entire compilation.


Unit testing the value of a static constant using XCTest?

Simple question: I’m trying to use XCTest to assert the value of some static constants – my QA engineer has asked me to do this just in case another engineer goes in and manually changes them.
To my surprise, I’m writing a super simple assert to ensure the value is the hardcoded value I set it to be, in this case 768.0f, but the test’s failing, and seeing it as zero.
In the .h file:
static CGFloat const BLABannerViewExpectedWidthPad;
In the .m file:
static CGFloat const BLABannerViewExpectedWidthPad = 768.0f
These are outside the #interface and #implementation blocks, as normal for declaring them in Objective-C.
- (void)test_constants {
XCTAssertEqual(BLABannerViewExpectedWidthPad, 768.0f);
This fails, 0 is not equal to 768.
Very strange, am I doing something stupid, or can we not unit test this?
Constants need to be defined as extern in the header, and not static in either file.
extern CGFloat const BLABannerViewExpectedWidthPad;
CGFloat const BLABannerViewExpectedWidthPad = 786.0;
The way this works is that extern tells the current compilation unit (the file which imported the header) that there is a variable somewhere with the given definition. The compiler takes your word for it and leaves reconciliation to the linker.
The linker finds an actual storage definition with the given symbol (in the *.m), and fixes up addresses in all the users to refer to that same storage.
When you define a global variable as static, you are limiting its scope to the current compilation unit (*.m). This hides the symbol from the list of global symbols the linker sees. When this is done in a header file which is included into many compilation units (*.m), each unit gets its own private symbol with the same name. Since only one *.m actually initializes the variable, only that copy has a value.

Equivalent of public static final variables

I understand that placing the word extern before a variable declaration in a header file declares the existence of a global static variable without initialising it. I also understand that if I import the file containing the extern variables, I can reference them without a class/file name. But where does one define them and their values?
What I am trying to do is create a class of constants with global constants that I want to use throughout an iOS application's code.
Does one put them inside the interface like this?
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Constraints : NSObject
extern NSString * const PREFS_NAME;
Or does one put then outside of the interface like this
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
extern NSString * const PREFS_NAME;
#interface Constraints : NSObject
Then in the implementation .m file how would one initialise the extern values?
Inside the implementation area like this?
#import "Constraints.h"
#implementation Constraints
/**PRefecences name for the application**/
const NSString * PREFS_NAME = #"MyApp_Prefs";
Or do initialise them outside of the implementation area like this:
#import "Constraints.h"
/**PRefecences name for the application**/
const NSString * PREFS_NAME = #"MyApp_Prefs";
#implementation Constraints
Or do I provide them their initial values in a constructor? or some arbitrary a static style method with + in front of it i.e. +(void) setAppConstraints;
I have tried several combinations, but always run into errors, such as "Redefinition of 'xVariable' with a different type". Or a something about "extern does not have an initialise interface" (or something like that, I forget). So I want to know how to declaire and initialise them properly to form the same role as public static final variables in Java.
Also what are the limits of the extern command? I know I can extern an NSInteger or NSString, but what about NSArray?
I am asking this question because there seems to be to much misleading, or incomplete, information regarding the use of extern in Objective-C. Many of the answers seem speculatory. My hope is for this question to be a good resource not only for me, but to limit further similar questions about the basics of extern.
You define it's value in the file inside which it's declared, which in your case is Example.m; You can still re-assign this variable, so the declaration in Example.h would look like this:
extern NSString * PREFS_NAME;
This way every file that imports Example.h has access to this variable. The equivalent of public static final in Objective-C is const. If you also want it to be public you should make it be a class instance variable, but in this case you don't need it because it's already accessible everywhere. So in this case it would be:
// .m file
NSString* const PREFS_NAME = #"MyApp_Prefs";
// .h file
extern NSString* const PREFS_NAME;
Also notice that const NSString* is different from NSString* const. The latter is a const pointer to NSString. The former hasn't sense even if it's a correct syntax. In Objective-C the const qualifier doesn't affect objects, instead there are mutable and immutable classes. It would have sense in C++ meaning that you can use just const methods on the instance.
extern is used to signal the compiler that you will be using a variable or a function that is defined in another compilation unit.
When you say extern const NSString *PREFS_NAME, you're saying "Replace all references in this compilation unit to PREFS_NAME to the variable PREFS_NAME as it is defined in another file." So when you try to assign PREFS_NAME in your .m, all you're doing is trying to assign a variable that, though it has a name, it doesn't exist. Declaring a variable extern is only a declaration of a variable or function, not a definition of that variable or function. It lets the compiler know that the name is in use, and that the linker will take care of what to do with it, but even if you provide a type here, it doesn't actually set aside space for the variable, it's expecting the space to be set aside in the compilation unit that's actually defining the variable.
You compile three or four different source code files together, three of them may declare:
extern int buffer[];
And one may declare
int buffer[BUFSIZE];
In its global scope, and the linker's job is to resolve the three declared references to extern buffer to the fourth's actual definition of the buffer.
extern is to C variables and functions much as #class is to Objective-C classes, it's a forward declaration, a promise to the compiler that you don't have to freak out when you see a name that's undefined here, because the linker will answer whatever lingering questions you may have.

objective c - static variables puzzling behavior

In an .h file I have the following line (outside of any #interface block):
static NSMutableDictionary *dictLookup;
In the corresponding .m file I try to initialize that static in the init method of the class:
dictLookup = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dictLookup setValue:#"Hello?" forKey:#"Goodbye"];
However, when I insert breakpoints and do checks, dictLookup never becomes anything other than nil.
Also, I get a bizarre warning "Unused variable dictLookup" at compile time. Bizarre because if I delete the static declaration, then I get an "Undeclared identifier" compiler error at the lines in the init method.
I've since discovered there are better ways of doing what I want. But what was going on here? (1) Why can't I set dictLookup to anything?
Some sources seem to say that in C a static variable can only be used in the file in which it is declared. (2) If so, then why doesn't compiler fail with an error in the .m file? Given (1) that would seem to be the logical thing to design the compiler to do.
And (3) When I designed a new 'test' project from scratch, with a new .h/.m file combo like the one described, I WAS able to set dictLookup and insert keys. Why could accoutn for this difference?
When you put a declaration of a static variable in a .h file, it gets re-defined in every .m file from which the header is included. A brand-new variable will be created in each file, with the same name.
This is not an error in the .m file: the variable is local to that file, and invisible to the linker, so there are no "multiple definitions" error.
That's because your test project used a single .m file.
Some sources seem to say that in C a static variable can only be used in the file in which it is declared.
That is absolutely correct: a static variable is very much like a file-scoped global variable, it should be defined in the .m file. If you want to share a variable, it needs to be a global then. Declare it in the header with the extern keyword, like this
extern NSMutableDictionary *dictLookup;
and then define it in one of the .m files like this:
NSMutableDictionary *dictLookup;

I am having all the time this issue after running my app

I don't know why, but after a while working without problems I added some buttons, then I launched my app and this error appeared:
ld: duplicate symbol _x in
for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit
code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Whenever I have duplicate symbol errors, it is almost always because I have a circular #import in my headers. The solution is quite simple, use forward declarations where possible, and #import .h files from .m files instead.
There are just two cases where you need to #import one .h from another:
if you are extending the class in the #import
you are implementing a protocol in the #import
Specifically, you do not need to import files just to use a class name or protocol in your signatures; instead use forward declarations.
For example, this (in Bar.h):
#import "Foo.h"
might become this (Bar.h):
#class Foo;
#protocol FooDelegate;
and bar.m:
#import "Foo.h"
Here is a link to the documentation on forward declarations.
The "duplicate symbol" message means that you're declaring some name (in this case, _x) twice in the same scope. Say you had code like this:
int _x = 1;
int _x = 2;
You'd expect to get an error then, right? You can use the same name for two things at the same time.
The error you're getting is essentially the same. You're declaring _x somewhere, and from the compiler's point of view you're doing it twice. There are a few ways to deal with this, depending on what _x represents.
chrahey's answer explains about forward class declarations. I won't cover that again here except to say that a forward declaration helps you resolve circular references, where the definition of class A depends on class B and vice versa.
If _x is a variable, it's likely that you're trying to declare it in a header file. The compiler basically copies the contents of each header file that you import into the source file, so if you declare a variable in a header file and then import that header into two or more implementation files, you'll end up with multiple declarations of that variable. To get around that, use the extern keyword to tell the compiler "this name will be declared somewhere else" and then put the real declaration in an implementation file:
extern int _x;
int _x;
Pretty much the same thing goes for functions. It doesn't appear that _x is a function, but if it were, and if you were silly enough to put the function definition in a header file, then you'd again get an error if that file were imported into more than one implementation file. This is why header files contain prototypes, not definitions:
int foo(int a);
int foo(int a)
return a + 10;

Global Variables in Cocoa/Objective-C?

According to Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, 3rd Edition, on page 202 (chapter 13):
You will be registering, reading, and
setting defaults in several classes in
your application. To make sure that
you always use the same name, you
should declare those strings in a
single file and then simply #import
that file into any file in which you
use the names. There are several ways
to do this. For example, you could use
the C preprocessor’s #define command,
but most Cocoa programmers use global
variables for this purpose.
Is this really the correct best practice? Global variables? That seems insane to me – counter to everything I’ve ever been taught.
Would a better design be a simple Singleton class with these defined? Or is it really the correct best practice to go global? Is there a better pattern than either, given that many people consider Singletons to be globals in a pretty dress?
Just to be clear, the recommendation is to create immutable global variables instead of in-line string constants (hard to refactor and no compile-time checking) or #defines (no compile-time checking). Here's how you might do so...
in MyConstants.h:
extern NSString * const MyStringConstant;
in MyConstants.m:
NSString * const MyStringConstant = #"MyString";
then in any other .m file:
#import "MyConstants.h"
[someObject someMethodTakingAString:MyStringConstant];
This way, you gain compile-time checking that you haven't mis-spelled a string constant, you can check for pointer equality rather than string equality[1] in comparing your constants, and debugging is easier, since the constants have a run-time string value.
[1] In this use, you are essentially using the pointer values as the constants. It just so happens that those particular integers also point to strings that can be used in the debugger
Global variables or a singleton will accomplish the same thing here. Both can be used to turn 'key' names in Cocoa that won't throw a compiler error if it's misspelled into a compiler error. That's the main purpose. Global variables are a bit easier though seeing as it requires less typing.
Instead of doing this:
[myArray setObject:theObject forKey:MyGlobalVariableKeyName];
You'd have to do something along the lines of:
[myArray setObject:theObject
forKey:[[MySingletonVariableClass getInstance] myVariableKeyName];
Global variables are essentially less typing for the same effect.
Calling it a global variable is technically correct but misleading.
It is a global constant -- global in scope but constant and therefore not bad in the sense that global variables are bad.
To show how global constants are common, safe and numerous, consider these examples of global constants:
Every class in your program
Every #define
Every enum
Almost every name declared by Cocoa (excluding rare global variables like NSApp).
The only time you should worry about global constants is when their names are too generic (they may pollute the global namespace). So don't use names that are likely to conflict with anything (always use a prefix and always make the name task-specific like NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew).
Constant globals that are set at compile time and never change are acceptable to me. If you hard code a string, it's the same thing, just hidden by the compiler. I'll avoid mutable globals like the plague.
Remember, Apple itself uses the same technique. Many of the constants I expected to be defines are actually constants. You'll get link errors if the headers are reachable but the framework is not.
building on #Barry Wark's and #Matt Gallagher's excellent answers, and my initial response (see end of this answer) there is a third approach, and that is to use a macro/include combination that ensures you only type the variable name once, and therefore it is included in both the .h and .m files simultaneously.
< EDIT >
"there is always another way..."
After thinking about how to make it even simpler, without involving an additional header file, here is a more concise approach using nested macros.
in .h file
#define defineKeysIn_h_File(key) extern NSString * const key;
#define defineKeysIn_m_File(key) NSString * const key = ##key;
#define myKeyDefineKeys(defineKey) \
/**start of key list*/\
/*end of key list*/
in .m file
implementation note
You can use this more than once in multiple headers, however you need to change the
name of "myKeyDefineKeys" to be unique, I suggest giving it the same prefix as the keys you are defining - for the sake of an example I have used "myKey" throughout.
In another file I might use "myOtherKeyDefineKeys".
Also don't mess with the defineKeysIn_h_File and defineKeysIn_m_File macros or you will get a warning the definition has changed.
First, make a vanilla.h file and remove the default #ifdef etc,and enter your keys as below:
(This is a cut and paste from a category I wrote to extend AVAudioPlayer)
// playFromConsts.h
Then in your normal.h file (where your #interface, #protocol etc is declared) place these 3 lines (substituting your header file of course)
#define define_key(x) extern NSString * const x;
#include "playFromConsts.h"
#undef define_key
finally in your .m file, that is paired with your "#interface .h" file, place these 3 lines:
#define define_key(x) NSString * const x = ##x;
#include "playFromConsts.h"
#undef define_key
note the "#include" and not "#import" - we actually do want to include this file more than once.
this will do all the dirty work, and ensure the keys are NSString * const.
the trailing ; is optional, as it's included in the macro, however i personally prefer it.
So after all. I came up with 3 files.
#define def_key(name) extern NSString *const name
#define def_int(name, value) extern int const name
#define def_type(type, name, value) extern type const name
#include "ConstantsDefs.h"
#import "Constants.h"
#undef def_key
#define def_key(name) NSString *const name = ##name
#undef def_int
#define def_int(name, value) int const name = value
#undef def_type
#define def_type(type, name, value) type const name = value
#include "ConstantsDefs.h"
def_int(kIntConstant, 313373);
def_type(float, kFloatConstant, 313373.0f);
It depends on the design of your software. Suppose you have a job management software and one of your "defaults" is a list of directories in which various items can be saved.
For each Job you can have a storagefile member that is a singleton that load up the user preferred locations at startup.
Or you could have a Storagefile member of a global variable called User Preferences. Still could be a singleton but doesn't really matter in this case.
For me complex defaults (dozens of different types of classes) should reside in their own "space" accessible to model.
However there may be preferences that are important to how a Job is setup so those preference need to be stored in the Job Object so when you open it in another user's application it works as intended.
Again it depends on your design.