Coypu screenshot - selenium

On the end of a Scenario, I want to take a picture if it has failed. The following code does not work:
public void AfterScenario()
if(ScenarioContext.Current.TestError != null)
I think this may be due to the fact that I start my browser using Coypu (which has selenium wrapped). The driver does not have a 'captureScreenShot' method implemented. So my question is: how can i take a screenshot after a scenario, when i start up my browser using coypu?
The code for starting the browser is the following:
sessionConfiguration.Driver = typeof (SeleniumWebDriver);
sessionConfiguration.Browser = Drivers.Browser.Firefox;

As you say, this is not implemented in Coypu right now. Reason being I have simply never needed to take a screenshot since so far, and no one's asked till now.
To access the native driver (WebDriver in your case) use BrowserSession.Native then you can use WebDriver's GetScreenshot method. This would end up looking something like this (disclaimer: not tested):
var driver = (ITakesScreenshot) coypuBrowserSession.Native;
var screenshot = driver.GetScreenshot();
screenshot.SaveAsFile("c://screenshot.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
I've opened an issue for you on github to have this added to Coypu's BrowserWindow API

This is now natively available in Coypu. You can find the documentation here:


Can't take full page screenshot using applitools in selenium with java

I tried java with selenium to take full page screenshot in applitools and I used below code for full page screenshot but am not able to take full page screenshot , it takes only the current page and stitches.I have just initiated to learn automation testing,so please help me out in detail.
public void checklogin()
Eyes eyes=new Eyes();
eyes.setApiKey("MY API KEY");
eyes.setBatch(new BatchInfo("My Batch"));
eyes.setStitchMode(StitchMode.CSS);, "BasicInfo", "BasicInformation");
Just replace
For details, please visit:
If you are using eyes.setForceFullPageScreenshot(true) than you don't need the stitch mode. Just delete or comment out the eyes.setStitchMode(StitchMode.CSS) line.

To Take Screenshot of a particular page using cucumber and JAVA8

I was trying to take the screenshot of a particular output screen for all the tests.The URL of the page differs for each test depending on the environment (QA,DEV) and also the reference number created.
For example ""
Here the QA can be changed and 123456 is different for each test.I am doing my work in cucumber using JAVA8.I am not using selenium webdriver.I tried with the code below in HOOKS.But it is not working.It is showing error in browser,attach,buffer,base64png .Could someone help me with a better code
return browser.takeScreenshot()
scenario.attach(new Buffer(base64png,'base64'),'image/png');
Try this:
byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
scenario.embed(screenshot, "image/png");

JSONOBject hash not found

I am working on Test Automation Script using JAVA and Selenium WebDriver ,
My test is running on cloud environment (
There is an feature to take snapshots of browser window ,
When I was using RemoteWebDriver this line of code work fine , but need to replace it with WebDriver because reason not bale to get windowHandles.
But I am getting following error now , stating
"The method getSessionId() is undefined for the type WebDriver"
//takeSnapshot method :
public String takeSnapshot(String seleniumTestId) throws UnirestException {
System.out.println("Screen Shots Taken.");
* Takes a snapshot of the screen for the specified test.
* The output of this function can be used as a parameter for setDescription()
HttpResponse<JsonNode> response ="{seleniumTestId}/snapshots")
.basicAuth(username, api_key)
.routeParam("seleniumTestId", seleniumTestId)
// grab out the snapshot "hash" from the response
snapshotHash = (String) response.getBody().getObject().get("hash");
return snapshotHash;
I dont quite understand why you need to use "WebDriver" in place of "RemoteWebDriver" ? "RemoteWebDriver" is the mother of all web driver implementations and it should be good enough to work with any remote grid environment. I dont understand why you need to switch to using "WebDriver" reference which is one of the interfaces that "RemoteWebDriver" implements. getSessionId() is NOT part of any interface specifications but its a direct implementation that RemoteWebDriver provides.
getWindowHandles() is part of WebDriver interface specification and you should still be able to use it.

Condition- assert using Selenium

I want to write a script which can detect this message " System is not responding to your request. Kindly try after sometime." as shown in the screenshot below. When this message comes up then I want verify and send mail to the development team.
Snippet which I wrote for verification purpose but it is not working fine for me, pls suggest some alternative:
String s1 = d1.findElementByXPath(".//*[#id='showSearchResultDiv']").getText();
Remember to be careful when writing code for automation. If the scenario doesn't always show up, you cannot try and find an XPath, because you can't getText() if the object (based on the XPath) doesn't exist first. You probably need a try/catch around your code, and then put the println inside the try. This scenario will occur quite frequently, so you may want to write your own framework on top of WebDriver to handle these use cases.
If that is not the issue. Put a try/catch around the code that is failing to capture what the exception is.
You should try to wait for your element to appear before examining its text:
for (int second = 0;; second++) {
if (second >= 60) fail("timeout");
try { if (d1.findElementByXPath(".//*[#id='showSearchResultDiv']").isDisplayed()) break; } catch (Exception e) {}
String s1 = d1.findElementByXPath(".//*[#id='showSearchResultDiv']").getText();
The exact code may be different, depending on the webpage you're testing (e.g. you should remove the 'fail' line if it's OK for the element not to appear every time.

Cannot read second page scanned via ADF

I have a Brother mutlifunction networked printer/scanner/fax (model MFC-9140CDN). I am trying to use the following code with WIA, to retrieve items scanned in with the document feeder:
const int FEEDER = 1;
var manager=new DeviceManager();
var deviceInfo=manager.DeviceInfos.Cast<DeviceInfo>().First();
var device=deviceInfo.Connect();
device.Properties["Document Handling Select"].set_Value(1);
var morePages=true;
var counter=0;
while (morePages) {
var item=device.Items[1];
item.Properties["Bits Per Pixel"].set_Value(1);
item.Properties["Horizontal Resolution"].set_Value(300);
item.Properties["Vertical Resolution"].set_Value(300);
var img=(WIA.ImageFile)item.Transfer();
var path=String.Format(#"C:\Users\user1\Documents\test_{0}.tiff",counter);
var status=(int)device.Properties["Document Handling Status"].get_Value();
morePages = (status & FEEDER) > 0;
When the Transfer method is reached for the first time, all the pages go through the document feeder. The first page gets saved with img.SaveFile to the passed-in path, but all the subsequent pages are not available - device.Items.Count is 1, and trying device.Items[2] raises an exception.
In the next iteration, calling Transfer raises an exception -- understandably, because there are now no pages in the feeder.
How can I get the subsequent images that have been scanned into the feeder?
(N.B. Iterating through all the device properties, there is an additional unnamed property with the id of 38922. I haven't been able to find any reference to this property.)
I couldn't find a property on the device corresponding to WIA_IPS_SCAN_AHEAD or WIA_DPS_SCAN_AHEAD_PAGES, but that makes sense because this property is optional according to the documentation.
I tried using TWAIN (via the NTwain library, which I highly recommend) with the same problem.
I have recently experienced a similar error with a HP MFC.
It seems that a property was being changed by the driver. The previous developer of the software I'm working on just kept reinitalisating the driver each time in the for loop.
In my case the property was 'Media Type' being set to FLATBED (0x02) even though I was doing a multi-page scan and needed it to be NEXT_PAGE (0x80).
The way I found this was by storing every property before I scanner (both device and item properties) and again after scanning the first page. I then had my application print out any properties that had changed and was able to identify my problem.
This is a networked scanner, and I was using the WSD driver.
Once I installed the manufacturer's driver, the behavior is as expected -- one page goes through the ADF, after which control is returned to the program.
(Even now, when I use WIA's CommonDialog.ShowSelectDevice method, the scanner is available twice, once using the Windows driver and once using the Brother driver; when I choose the WSD driver, I still see the issue.)
This bug did cost me hours...
So thanks a lot Zev.
I also had two scanners shown in the dialog for physically one machine. One driver scans only the first page and then empties the feeder without any chance to intercept. The other one works as expected.
BTW: It is not needed to initialize the scanner for each page. I call my routines for initialization prior to the Transfer() loop. Works just fine.
Another hickup I ran into was to first initialize page sizes, then the feeder. So if you do not get it to work, try switching the sequence how you change the properties for your WIA driver. As mentioned in the MSDN, some properties also influence others, potentially resetting your changes.
So praise to ZEV SPITZ for the answer on Aug. 09, 2015.
You should instantiate and setup device inside the 'while' loop. See:
const int FEEDER = 1;
var morePages=true;
var counter=0;
while (morePages) {
var manager=new DeviceManager();
var deviceInfo=manager.DeviceInfos.Cast<DeviceInfo>().First();
var device=deviceInfo.Connect();
device.Properties["Document Handling Select"].set_Value(1);
var item=device.Items[1];
item.Properties["Bits Per Pixel"].set_Value(1);
item.Properties["Horizontal Resolution"].set_Value(300);
item.Properties["Vertical Resolution"].set_Value(300);
var img=(WIA.ImageFile)item.Transfer();
var path=String.Format(#"C:\Users\user1\Documents\test_{0}.tiff",counter);
var status=(int)device.Properties["Document Handling Status"].get_Value();
morePages = (status & FEEDER) > 0;
I got this looking into this free project, which I believe is able to help you too: