How to get the name of the variable the pointer is pointing to in LLVM - variables

I have a pointer to an array or to a variable. I want to get the name of that array or variable. How to get this in LLVM?
I am trying to instrument a function to which an array or variable is passed through pointer. I want to get the name of that array or variable argument. I am instrumenting my functions using LLVM.

You need to use debug information for that, because otherwise names from the original C code do not get represented in LLVM IR, in the general case. See the debug info document. In particular, look in the sections about "#llvm.dbg.declare" and "Global Value Descriptors"


ASSIGN fails with variable from debugger path

I am trying to assign the value of this stucture path to a fieldsymbol, but this path does not work because it has a table in it's path.
But with in the debugger this value of this path is shown correctly.
Is there a way to dynamically assign a component of a table line to a fieldsymbol, by passing one path?
If not then I will just read the table line and then use the path to get the wanted value.
ls_struct (Struct)
ASSIGN (i_component_path) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lg_value>).
IF <lg_value> IS NOT ASSIGNED.
<lg_value> won't be assigned
Solution by Sandra Rossi
The debugger has its own syntax and own logic, it doesn't apply the ASSIGN algorithm at all. With ABAP source code, you have to use ASSIGN twice, the first one to reach the internal table, then you select the first line, and the second one to reach the component of the line.
The debugger works completely differently, the debugger code works only in debug mode, you can't call the code from the debugger (i.e. if you call it, the kernel code used by the debugger will fail). No, there's no "abappath". There are the XSL transformation objects (xpath), but it's slow for what you ask.
Thank you very much
This seems to be a rather unexpected limitation of the ASSIGN statement. Probably worth a ticket to SAP's ABAP language group to clarify whether it's even a bug.
While this works:
ASSIGN data-some_table[ 1 ]-some_field TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_source>).
the same expressed as a string doesn't:
ASSIGN (`data-some_table[ 1 ]-some_field`) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_source>).
Alternative 1 for (name) of the ABAP keyword documentation for the ASSIGN statement says that "[t]he name in name is structured in the same way as if specified directly".
However, this declaration is immediately followed by "the content of name must be the name of a data object which may contain offsets and lengths, structure component selectors, and component selectors for assigning structured data objects and attributes in classes or objects", a list that does not include the table expressions we would need here.

Obiective-C, find global variable at Runtime?

I am curious to know if there is any way to find a global variable at runtime, much like NSClassFromString. The variable, a BOOL, is defined in a static library and I found the name by using "nm" which gave this output: "0001924d b _gStartSessionCalled". When debugging in XCode I can add an expression "gStartSessionCalled" and see the value change as the app is running.
What I want to do is find the value of gStartSessionCalled and also change the value. I know it's kind of weird to do this but please disregard the reason why.
The lowercase letter "b" in the nm output
0001924d b _gStartSessionCalled
indicates that gStartSessionCalled is a local (non-external) symbol. It could for example be defined as
static BOOL gStartSessionCalled;
in your library. As far as I know, you cannot access local symbols from outside the object file in which it they are defined.
The debugger can use the symbol table to find the address and display the variable, but the linker refuses to link against a local symbol from a different object file.
A global variable is not an Objective-C specific construct. It is plain C and you can access every global variable when knowing its name by declaring it like
extern <type> <name>;
e.g. in your case
extern BOOL gStartSessionCalled;
gStartSessionCalled = YES;
If you do not know the name of the variable at compile time, you still may find the symbols address at runtime using something like dlsym. I don't know if it is the same on MacOS as on Linux, but there will be something similar.

How to access a constant using a String holding its name

I have a .h file that defines a few hundred constants. Let's assume this to be one of them:
#define KDSomeItem 1
I know that the Objective-C runtime API can be used to retrieve a list of instance variable names: like detailed in this question: How do I list all fields of an object in Objective-C?
I also know that the getter [object valueForKey:theName] can be used to access the ivars as found in an earlier question of mine: How to access a property/variable using a String holding its name
My question is can something simmilar be done with constants? That is can I:
a) get a list of all constants programmatically
b) access a constant if I have a string holding its name
e.g. if I had a String like this NSString * theName = #"KDSomeItem"; could I evaluate my constant using this string?
You would not be able to do this: unlike instance variables, #define-d constants do not leave a trace after the preprocessor is done with them. They leave no metadata behind - all instances of KDSomeItem in the body of your program will be replaced with 1 even before the Objective C compiler proper gets to analyze your code.
If you need the constant names to be available at run time, you would need to build all the necessary metadata yourself. In order to do that, you may want to look into "stringizing" operator of the preprocessor:
#define STR(X) #X
This macro can be applied to a preprocessor constant, and produce a C string literal with its name:
const char *nameOfKDSomeItem = STR(KDSomeItem); // same as "KDSomeItem"
Nope. Your constant is a preprocessor macro. It is textually substituted into your source code where you use it.

How to initiate global variable in Squeak

I don't mean a class variable. I want a variable that can be used everywhere. How should I initiate it?
I know one way is Smalltalk at: #variableName put: theValue. but I don't want to give it value as soon as I create it.
This should do the trick:
Smalltalk at: #VariableName put: nil
When you create a global variable in the Smalltalk dictionary, you are creating an Association which has a key and a value, so you can't get away without providing some sort of value.
You can come back later and change the value with:
Smalltalk at: #VariableName put: newValue
Any compiled code that references the global variable will see the new value, because the compiled code references the Association.

How are method names stored in run-time memory?

Out of interest, how are method names stored in memory in compiled Objective-C? The main reason of interest is understanding dynamic typing better.
Thanks in advance!
The source for the runtime is available, btw, if you really want to go deep.
In short; method names -- their selectors -- are stored as C strings in the mach-o of the binary. I.e. if you have a method -(void)foo:(int)a bar:(int)b;, there will be a selector foo:bar: string in the mach-o.
Type encoding information is also stored in a different segment of the mach-o file. That type information -- for which there is API in the runtime to retrieve it -- describes the type of the return value and arguments to the method.
Note that the type information is incomplete. Note also that using the type information to figure out how to generically encode/decode the arguments to and return value from a method is a downright pain.