Creating a Table with Rows and Columns in iOS - objective-c

I would like to create a table in iOS that have some rows and columns. We also have an option to add amounts to the table. A screenshot of the sample table is posted below:
The cells needs to be editable. Is there a way to implement this using the default UITableView in iOS. Or Is it a good to create it using buttons or textfields etc?

It would not be an easy solution but you can use a rotated (horizontal) UITableView inside each cell of a table view (vertical) just like the Pulse app. Using only labels makes it easy to manage but the "excel" look could be harder if you're planning handling events like selecting rows, sort...
Here's a two part tutorial on how to use horizontal tables ( :
part 1 - part 2

In ios6 you can use a UICollectionView with a UICollectionViewFlowLayout to archive this. A UICollectionView works very similar to a UITableView, but gives you more control over how the cells should be displayed and aligned.

There is an open source solution on GitHub that supports iOS 4.3+ if you are still looking for options. I haven't actually used it, but it looks like works like UICollectionView.

I created a table structure similar to this using tableview and scrollview .Think that could be helpful to you
You could get the sample project here


Google play like slider for ios?

Im trying to create a uiview horizontal touch slider. Similar to how the google page store is designed on android. I was thinking i would just put a bunch of uiviews (as pages) inside a single huge uiview and just drag the uiview along on touchevent. But i also need to detech which is the active view to perform post requests and itd need to loop. Any suggestions? Tutorials?
I think the appropriate answer for your question would be "Horizontal UITableView". Checkout these code shared on GitHub.
Another Example for Horizontal Table View
You can design cells as per your need to show. Also you will get each active cell when you click it in didSelectRow.
Hope it works for you.

Extended NSTableView

I would like to make a table-view with expanding ability.
When you press a row, the row should expand to show options like delete, copy and so on.
I have found an example for iOS, but I didn't get it running on Mac OS X, because NSTableView and UITableView are very different.
Has anyone another template?
Or maybe even get this example running on Mac OS X?
I don't have code to hand you but you can use a view-based NSTableView. Your prototype view can resize itself to include controls if it's selected. All that's a bit complex to condense into a reasonably brief answer but if you use a view-based table view and treat the prototype view like any other that would grow and show extra controls, then wire this behavior to the selection state, it should work.
Note: you will have to write some code for the expansion portion, to handle resizing it, showing the controls, and notifying the table view that one of its rows changed height. Lots of documentation and examples exist out there for each individual component of your problem. Post more specific questions as you run into roadblocks.

Custom Background Image on Grouped UITableView

How would I go about setting a custom background image for a UITableView. The wrench in the works is that the table is a grouped style (rounded top corners for the first cell and rounded bottom corners for the last cell). I would like do this as much in code as possible without relying on images too much.
Ideally, here is the solution, but I have no idea if this will work or not:
Create one custom background image
Apply the same custom background image to every cell
Rounding occurs automatically because it is a Grouped table style
Is this how it works (besides the profit part... I am an app developer, after all)? Do I need to re-think my approach or is this possible? How would do what I described (or another approach) in code specific to iOS 5+?
Just to clarify a bit, the main question I'm asking is: Does the rounding still occur on the top and bottom cells even if you are using a rectangular image?
Well I think what you are saying is ok, but I suggest creating a unique cell layout in a .nib file and apply there the background. Then, with initWithNibName you can manage every cell at the UITableView's methods on the ViewController.

Grid View with UIPageControl in iOS 5?

I know there are plenty of Grid Views out there for iOS and Objective-c, but I couldn't find one that fits me. Currently I use a grid view called UIGridView. It included only two files and was very simple to implement. However it cannot have more cells than it can fit on the screen. I want a dynamic grid view where I can have a UIPageControl to have multiple pages with cells. I like the UITableView but for this project it would be more efficient to have a grid view.
I currently use this grid view:
Is there a simple grid view with page control? Or can I put my current grid view in in a UIPageControl?
Did you try CHGridView at ?
I settled with the MMGridView. It has horizontal page control scrolling. I just modified the cells to my liking. You can find the git source here:
I am currently using AQGridView so surely i recommend that as it is the least buggy and its functions are very similar to UITableView.
Also that If you are trying to do this without XIB it will be little bit difficult for you to handle it but you can create a view controller with Xib file to Create the interface of your choice. Here is the Video of how it can be done in the best possible way by Evadne Wu. And here is the Sample Project
Now for the Paging Control
in AQGridView you just need to set Paging Enabled and it will automatically do the rest. Hope that helps.

Simple slideshow in a UIImageView

I got trouble to add slideshow to my application.
Currently, I have a UIView composed of a segmentedControl.
I made ​​two "views" that I hide or display depending on the selected button.
I'm looking to make a simple slideshow in one of my two views. I made a UIImageView because it is simple to display pictures.
So I'd like to display my pictures one by one and it is possible to move from one image to another by sliding your finger to the right or left (just as in the native app "Photos").
I tried to adapt example codes from the documentation, but without succes.
So I'ml looking for help.
jb crestot
SO, I've actually done this and it's fairly easy. The ingredient that you are missing is a UISCrollView. My implementation did exactly what you describe (allow the user to go back and forth between a set of images).
Basically, add a UIScrollView to your View in interface builder and you will be creating the UIImage views with code (a simple for loop) and setting their images the same way. I did this safely with no memories issues with about 15 images (PNG's). There could be a potential performance issue with this message if you are working with a large number of images (say 40?)
I hope this helps, let me know if you need a code sample to see how this works.
You may consider using a custom class, such as iCarousel, linked below. Each of these views could be your image, and then tapping on them could launch a fullscreen view for example.
Keep us posted!
See apple's page control sample application.