How to sort result by field? - pymongo

I have a simple example:
result = db.command({
'findandmodify' : 'Task',
'remove' : True
print result
How to get first inserted element ? ( order by _id )

The find_one method in pymongo should return the first document in the collection:


How to count number of user id in a list without duplicate in sequelize [duplicate]

I am trying to get a distinct count of a particular column using sequelize. My initial attempt is using the 'count' method of my model, however it doesn't look like this is possible.
The DISTINCT feature is needed because I am joining other tables and filtering the rows of the parent based on the related tables.
here's the query I would like:
FROM `Product`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `Vendor` AS `vendor` ON `vendor`.`id` = `Product`.`vendorId`
WHERE (`vendor`.`isEnabled`=true );
using the following query against my Product model:
include: [{model: models.Vendor, as: 'vendor'}],
where: [{ 'vendor.isEnabled' : true }]
Generates the following query:
SELECT COUNT(*) as `count`
FROM `Product`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `Vendor` AS `vendor` ON `vendor`.`id` = `Product`.`vendorId`
WHERE (`vendor`.`isEnabled`=true );
UPDATE: New version
There are now separate distinct and col options. The docs for distinct state:
Apply COUNT(DISTINCT(col)) on primary key or on options.col.
You want something along the lines of:
include: ...,
where: ...,
distinct: true,
col: ''
.then(function(count) {
// count is an integer
Original Post
(As mentioned in the comments, things have changed since my original post, so you probably want to ignore this part.)
After looking at Model.count method in lib/model.js, and tracing some code, I found that when using Model.count, you can just add any kind of aggregate function arguments supported by MYSQL to your options object. The following code will give you the amount of different values in MyModel's someColumn:
MyModel.count({distinct: 'someColumn', where: {...}})
.then(function(count) {
// count is an integer
That code effectively generates a query of this kind: SELECT COUNT(args) FROM MyModel WHERE ..., where args are all properties in the options object that are not reserved (such as DISTINCT, LIMIT and so on).
The Sequelize documentation on count links to a count method that doesn't let you specify which column to get the count of distinct values:
Model.prototype.count = function(options) {
options = Utils._.clone(options || {});
conformOptions(options, this);
Model.$injectScope(this.$scope, options);
var col = '*';
if (options.include) {
col = + '.' + this.primaryKeyField;, options);, options);
Utils.mapOptionFieldNames(options, this);
options.plain = ? false : true;
options.dataType = new DataTypes.INTEGER();
options.includeIgnoreAttributes = false;
options.limit = null;
options.offset = null;
options.order = null;
return this.aggregate(col, 'count', options);
Basically SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(*)) or SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(primaryKey)) if you've got a primary key defined.
To do the Sequelize equivalent of SELECT category, COUNT(DISTINCT(product)) as 'countOfProducts' GROUP BY category, you'd do:
attributes: [
[Sequelize.literal('COUNT(DISTINCT(product))'), 'countOfProducts']
group: 'category'
Looks like this is now supported in Sequelize versions 1.7.0+.
the count and findAndCountAll methods of a model will give you 'real' or 'distinct' count of your parent model.
I was searching for SELECT COUNT(0) query for sequelize, below is the answer for that.
let existingUsers = await Users.count({
where: whereClouser,
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('COUNT', 0), 'count']]
This helped me to get distinct count from another table rows,
attributes: {
include: [[Sequelize.literal("COUNT(DISTINCT(history.data_id))"), "historyModelCount"]]
include: [{
model: historyModel, attributes: []
group: ['']
Ref 1, Ref 2.
With respect to your question in order to get the distinct counts of products based on the id of product
you just need to pass the key 'distinct' with value 'id' to your count object , Here is the example
To generate this sql query as you asked
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`Product`.`id`)) as `count`
FROM `Product`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `Vendor` AS `vendor` ON `vendor`.`id` = `Product`.`vendorId`
WHERE (`vendor`.`isEnabled`=true );
Add 'distinct' key in your Sequelize query
include: [{model: models.Vendor, as: 'vendor'}],
where: [{ 'vendor.isEnabled' : true }],
distinct: 'id' // since count is applied on Product model and distinct is directly passed to its object so will be selected
This way of using 'distinct' key to filter out distinct counts or rows , I tested in Sequelize Version 6.
Hope this will help you or somebody else!

Getting sum complete (without pagination) of particular columns in backpack for laravel

I followed the recommendations I found here
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
jQuery.fn.dataTable.Api.register( 'sum()', function ( ) {
return this.flatten().reduce( function ( a, b ) {
if ( typeof a === 'string' ) {
a = a.replace(/[^\d.-]/g, '') * 1;
if ( typeof b === 'string' ) {
b = b.replace(/[^\d.-]/g, '') * 1;
return a + b;
}, 0 );
} );
$("#crudTable tfoot").css("display", "table-footer-group");
crud.table.on("draw.dt", function ( row, data, start, end, display ) {
total = crud.table.rows( function ( idx, data, node ) {
return data[11].includes('Cancelado') ? false : true;} ).data().pluck(10).sum();
total = "$" + total.toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2});
$("#crudTable tfoot tr th").html(
" <br> "
$("#crudTable tfoot tr").children().eq(10).html(
"Total <br>"+ total
And I added some modifications to get the total of the column by skipping the items that have canceled status, but I have not been able to get the total of the records but without paging. With Datatable I get the records that are being drawn, but I can't find how to intercept the ajax query or modify it to get the full total on that column including filter modifications.
Currently if in the pagination I request "show all records" obviously I get the value I need. But the requirement is that this value is displayed even if the table is visually paginated.
one way to achieve that would be to overwrite the search() function of the ListOperation (it's the table ajax endpoint).
You would need do do the full query without the pagination part to get the full data, and then pass the calculation along with the paginated response for display.

How to remove "id" from json string in ruby on rails?

I have got data without "id" field from database. But when I parse the data to json string and show it on screen, I saw an "id" field on json string. How to remove this "id" field?
Here is my code:
def fetch_data ()
#datalist = #datalist.joins("INNER JOIN `works` ON `work_early_over_times`.`work_id` = `works`.`id`")
#datalist ='`work_early_over_times`.work_id AS 1次協力会社名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_person AS 職種名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_hour AS 作業場所','`work_early_over_times`.at_time_overtime_start AS 作業内容','`works`.`contents`')
#datalist = #datalist.where(work_id: $work_id)
return #datalist
- report_controller.rb
def work_late
report_logic =
#work_late = report_logic.fetch_data()
render action: :work_late
- work_late.json.jbuilder
json.一覧 #work_late
When I show the string I expected the output is:
"作業場所":"0.00 ",
but the actual output is:
"作業場所":"0.00 ",
As your desired output is a JSON, you could try .as_json by excepting the id field as follows:'`work_early_over_times`.work_id AS 1次協力会社名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_person AS 職種名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_hour AS 作業場所','`work_early_over_times`.at_time_overtime_start AS 作業内容','`works`.`contents`').as_json(:except => :id)
Your detailed fetch_data function will be like this:
def fetch_data ()
#datalist = #datalist.joins("INNER JOIN `works` ON `work_early_over_times`.`work_id` = `works`.`id`")
#datalist ='`work_early_over_times`.work_id AS 1次協力会社名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_person AS 職種名','`work_early_over_times`.working_temp_hour AS 作業場所','`work_early_over_times`.at_time_overtime_start AS 作業内容','`works`.`contents`').as_json(:except => :id)
#datalist = #datalist.where(work_id: $work_id)
return #datalist
If id is always null then just ignore all nils:
json.一覧 #work_late
If that's not the case then you have to filter out the id before serializing it. One way would be:
json.一覧 #work_late.serializable_hash.except("id")

How to return a JSON array from sql table with PhalconPHP

I have several tables that have JSON arrays stored within fields.
Using PHP PDO I am able to retrieve this data without issue using:
$query1 = $database->prepare("SELECT * FROM module_settings
WHERE project_token = ? AND module_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
$query1->execute(array($page["project_token"], 2));
$idx = $query1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$idx["settings"] = json_decode($idx["settings"]);
This returns a string like:
Attempting to gather the same data via PhalconPHP
$result = Modulesettings::findFirst( array(
'conditions' => 'project_token = "' . $token . '"' ,
'columns' => 'settings'
) );
Provides a result of
object(Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row)#61 (1) { ["settings"]=> string(167) "{"text":"<\/a>
","class":""}" }
What do I need to do different in Phalcon to return the string as it is stored in the table?
Thank you.
You have 2 approach
First :
Get the settings with this structure :
$settings = $result->settings;
Second :
First get array from resultset, then using the array element :
$res = $result->toArray();
Try it.
You can decode json right in your Modulesettings model declaration:
// handling result
function afterFetch() {
$this->settings = json_decode($this->settings);
// saving. Can use beforeCreate+beforeSave+beforeUpdate
// or write a Json filter.
function beforeValidation() {
$this->settings = json_encode($this->settings);

how to get last inserted id - zend

I'm trying to get latest inserted id from a table using this code:
$id = $tbl->fetchAll (array('public=1'), 'id desc');
but it's always returning "1"
any ideas?
update: I've just discovered toArray();, which retrieves all the data from fetchAll. The problem is, I only need the ID. My current code looks like this:
$rowsetArray = $id->toArray();
$rowCount = 1;
foreach ($rowsetArray as $rowArray) {
foreach ($rowArray as $column => $value) {
if ($column="id") {$myid[$brr] = $value;}
Obviously, I've got the if ($column="id") {$myid[$brr] = $value;} thing wrong.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
An aternative would be to filter ID's from fetchAll. Is that possible?
Think you can use:
$id = $tbl->lastInsertId();
Aren't you trying to get last INSERT id from SELECT query?
Use lastInsertId() or the value returned by insert: $id = $db->insert();
Why are you using fetchAll() to retrieve the last inserted ID? fetchAll() will return a rowset of results (multiple records) as an object (not an array, but can be converted into an array using the toArray() method). However, if you are trying to reuse a rowset you already have, and you know the last record is the first record in the rowset, you can do this:
$select = $table->select()
->where('public = 1')
->order('id DESC');
$rows = $table->fetchAll($select);
$firstRow = $rows->current();
$lastId = $firstRow->id;
If you were to use fetchRow(), it would return a single row, so you wouldn't have to call current() on the result:
$select = $table->select()
->where('public = 1')
->order('id DESC');
$row = $table->fetchRow($select);
$lastId = $row->id;
It sounds like it's returning true rather than the actual value. Check the return value for the function fetchAll