How to make a queue switches from FIFO mode to priority mode? - oop

I would like to implement a queue capable of operating both in the FIFO mode and in the priority mode. This is a message queue, and the priority is first of all based on the message type: for example, if the messages of A type have higher priority than the messages of the B type, as a consequence all messages of A type are dequeued first, and finally the messages of B type are dequeued.
Priority mode: my idea consists of using multiple queues, one for each type of message; in this way, I can manage a priority based on the message type: just take first the messages from the queue at a higher priority and progressively from lower priority queues.
FIFO mode: how to handle FIFO mode using multiple queues? In other words, the user does not see multiple queues, but it uses the queue as if it were a single queue, so that the messages leave the queue in the order they arrive when the priority mode is disabled. In order to achieve this second goal I have thought to use a further queue to manage the order of arrival of the types of messages: let me explain better with the following code snippet.
int CAPACITY = 50;
Queue[] internalQueues = new Queue[NUMBER_OF_MESSAGE_TYPES];
Queue<int> queueIndexes = new Queue<int>(CAPACITY);
void Enqueue(object message)
int index = ... // the destination queue (ie its index) is chosen according to the type of message.
object Dequeue()
if (fifo_mode_enabled)
// What is the next type that has been enqueued?
int index = queueIndexes.Dequeue();
return internalQueues[index].Dequeue();
if (priority_mode_enabled)
for(int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_MESSAGE_TYPES; i++)
int currentQueueIndex = i;
if (!internalQueues[currentQueueIndex].IsEmpty())
object result = internalQueues[currentQueueIndex].Dequeue();
// The following statement is fundamental to a subsequent switching
// from priority mode to FIFO mode: the messages that have not been
// dequeued (since they had lower priority) remain in the order in
// which they were queued.
return result;
What do you think about this idea?
Are there better or more simple implementations?

Should work. However at a brief glance my thoughts are
a) Not thread safe and a lot of work to make it so.
b) Not exception safe - i.e. an exception en queuing or De-queuing may leave an inconsistent state - maybe not a problem, e.g. if an exception was fatal, but maybe it is.
c) Possibly over complicated and fragile, although I do not know the context it's being used.
Personally unless I had profiled and had shown to have a performance problem, I would have one "container", and the priority mode would walk through the container looking for the next highest priority message - after all it's only 50 messages. I would almost certainly use a linked list. My next optimization would be to have one container with pointers to the first of each message type into that container, and update the pointer on de-queue of message.


STM32F4 UART HAL driver 'save string in variable buffer'

I am in the process of writing software for an STM32F4. The STM32 needs to pull in a string via a UART. This string is variable in length and comes in from a sensor every second. The string is stored in a fixed buffer, so the buffer content changes continuously.
The incoming string looks like this: "A12941;P2507;T2150;C21;E0;"
The settings of the UART:
Baud Rate: 19200
Word lengt: 8Bits
Parity: None
Stop Bids: 1
Over sampling: 16 Samples
Global interrupt: Enabled
No DMA settings
Part of the used code in the main.c function:
uint8_t UART3_rxBuffer[25];
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart3, UART3_rxBuffer, 25); //restart interrupt reception mode
int main(void)
HAL_UART_Receive_IT (&huart3, UART3_rxBuffer,25);
while (1)
Part of the code in stm32f4xx_it.c
void USART3_IRQHandler(void)
It does work to fill the buffer with the variable strings in this way, but because the buffer is constantly being replenished, it is difficult to extract a beginning and an end of the string. For example, the buffer might look like this:
[0]'E' [1]'0' [2]'/n' [3]'A' [4]'1' [5]'2' [6]'9' [7]'4' [8]'1' [9]';' [10]'P' etc....
But I'd like to have a buffer that starts on 'A'.
My question is, how can I process incoming strings on the uart correctly so that I only have the string "A12941;P2507;T2150;C21;E0;"?
Thanks in advance!!
I can see three possibilities:
Do all of your processing in the interrupt. When you get to the end of a variable-length message then do everything that you need to do with the information and then change the location variable to restart filling the buffer from the start.
Use (at least) two buffers in parallel. When you detect the end of the variable-length message in interrupt context then start filling a different buffer from position zero and signal to main context that previous buffer is ready for processing.
Use two buffers in series. Let the interrupt fill a ring buffer in a circular way that takes no notice of when a message ends. In main context scan from the end of the previous message to see if you have a whole message yet. If you do, then copy it out into another buffer in a way that makes it start at the start of the buffer. Record where it finished in the ring-buffer for next time, and then do your processing on the linear buffer.
Option 1 is only suitable if you can do all of your processing in less than the time it takes the transmitter to send the next byte or two. The other two options use a bit more memory and are a bit more complicated to implement. Option 3 could be implemented with circular mode DMA as long as you poll for new messages frequently enough, which avoids the need for interrupts. Option 2 allows to queue up multiple messages if your main context might not poll frequently enough.
I would like to share a sample code related to your issue. However it is not what you are exactly looking for. You can edit this code snippet as you wish. If i am not wrong you can also edit it according to option 3.
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
if (huart->Instance == USART2) {
rxBuffer[pos++] = rData;
if (rData == '\n') {
pos = 0;
Before start, in the main function, before while loop you should enable interrupt for one byte using "HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2,&rData,1);". If your incoming data has limiter like '\n', so you can save whole data which may have different length for each frame.
If you want data frame start with some specific character, then you can wait to save data until you get this character. In this case you can edit this code by changing '\n' as your character, and after you get that character, you should start to save following data to inside the buffer.

Implementing Counting Semaphore using test&set without disabling interrupts

I am trying to implement Counting semaphore using Test&Set.How can I solve the problem of deadlock in this code without disabling interrupts? Is it the case that no other solution is possible?
void wait(semaphore *s){
lock_wait = false;
void signal(semaphore *s)
if(s->val <= 0)
process p = s->queue.dequeue();
lock_signal = false;
Please comment your code. And one more thing what do you got as output while implementing ? Add the output here, also ,bro !
While it is true that turning interrupts off on one processor is insufficient to guarantee atomic memory access in a multiprocessor system (because, as you mention, threads on other processors can still access shared resources), we turn interrupts off for part of the multiprocessor semaphore implementation because we do not want to be descheduled while we are doing a test and set.
If a thread holding the test and set is descheduled, no other threads can do anything with the semaphore (because its count is protected by that test and set) the thread was using while it's asleep (this is not good). In order to guarantee that this doesn't happen we'll turn interrupts on our processor off while using the test and set.

In SPIN/Promela, how to receive a MSG from a channel in the correct way?

I read the spin guide yet there is no answer for the following question:
I have a line in my code as following:
where Ch is a channel and x is channel type (to receive MSG)
What happens if Ch is empty? will it wait for MSG to arrive or not?
Do i need to check first if Ch is not empty?
basically all I want is that if Ch is empty then wait till MSG arrives and when it's arrive continue...
Bottom line: the semantics of Promela guarantee your desired behaviour, namely, that the receive-operation blocks until a message can be received.
From the receive man page
The first and the third form of the statement, written with a single
question mark, are executable if the first message in the channel
matches the pattern from the receive statement.
This tells you when a receive-operation is executable.
The semantics of Promela then tells you why executability matters:
As long as there are executable transitions (corresponding to the
basic statements of Promela), the semantics engine will select one of
them at random and execute it.
Granted, the quote doesn't make it very explicit, but it means that a statement that is currently not executable will block the executing process until it becomes executable.
Here is a small program that demonstrates the behaviour of the receive-operation.
chan ch = [1] of {byte};
/* Must be a buffered channel. A non-buffered, i.e., rendezvous channel,
* won't work, because it won't be possible to execute the atomic block
* around ch ! 0 atomically since sending over a rendezvous channel blocks
* as well.
short n = -1;
proctype sender() {
atomic {
ch ! 0;
n = n + 1;
proctype receiver() {
atomic {
ch ? 0;
n = -n;
init {
atomic {
run sender();
run receiver();
_nr_pr == 1;
assert n == 0;
/* Only true if both processes are executed and if sending happened
* before receiving.
Yes, the current proctype will block until a message arrives on Ch. This behavior is described in the Promela Manual under the receive statement. [Because you are providing a variable x (as in Ch?x) any message in Ch will cause the statement to be executable. That is, the pattern matching aspect of receive does not apply.]

One producer, Two consumers and usage of pthread_cond_signal & pthread_mutex_lock

I am fairly new to pthread programming and am trying to get my head around cond_signal & mutex_lock. I am writing a sample program which has One producer thread and Two consumer threads.
There is a queue between producer and the first consumer and a different queue between producer and the second consumer. My producer is basically a communication interface which reads packets from the network and based on a configured filter delivers the packets to either of the consumers.
I am trying to use pthread_cond_signal & pthread_mutex_lock the following way between producer and consumer.
[At producer]
0) Wait for packets to arrive
1) Lock the mutex pthread_mutex_lock(&cons1Mux)
2) Add the packet to the tail of the consumer queue
3) Signal the Consumer 1 process pthread_cond_signal(&msgForCons1)
4) Unlock the mutex pthread_mutex_lock(&cons1Mux)
5) Go to step 0
[At consumer]
1) Lock the mutex pthread_mutex_lock(&cons1Mux)
2) Wait for signal pthread_cond_wait(&msgForCons1,&cons1Mux)
3) After waking up, read the packet
4) Delete from queue.
5) Unlock the mutex pthread_mutex_unlock(&cons1Mux)
6) Goto Step 1
Are the above steps correct? If a switch happens from the consumer thread exactly after step 5 to the producer thread, then is it possible that the producer may signal a packet is waiting even though the consumer hasn't yet started listening for that signal. Will that cause a "missed signal"?
Are there any other problems with these steps?
Yes, you're correct you could have a problem there: if there are no threads waiting, the pthread_cond_signal is a no-op. It isn't queued up somewhere to trigger a subsequent wait.
What's you're supposed to do is, in the consumer, once you've acquired the mutex, test whether there is any work to do. If there is, well, you have a mutex; take ownership, update state, and do it. You only need to wait if there is nothing to do.
The cannonical example is:
{ pthread_mutex_lock(&count_lock);
while (count == 0)
pthread_cond_wait(&count_nonzero, &count_lock);
count = count - 1;
{ pthread_mutex_lock(&count_lock);
if (count == 0)
count = count + 1;
Note how the "consumer" decrementing thread doesn't wait around if there's something to decrement. The pattern applies equally well to the case where count is replaced by a queue size or the validity of a struct containing a message.

How to implement prioritized lock with only compare_and_swap?

Given only compare and swap, I know how to implement a lock.
However, how do I implement a spin lock
1) multiple threads can block on it while trying to lock
2) and then the threads are un-blocked (and acquire the lock) in the order that they blocked on it?
Is it even possible? If not, what other primitives do I need?
If so, how do I do it?
You are going to need a list for the waiting threads. You need to add and remove items from the list in a thread safe manner. You will need to be able to sleep threads that fail to acquire the lock. You will need to be able to wake 1 thread when the lock becomes available. In linux you can accomplish the sleep and wait thing by having the thread wait on a signal.
Now there is a lazy way to do this, you might not need to care about waking threads. Here is pseudo code for our skiplist. This is what we do to add an item.
cFails = 0
while (1) {
NewState = OldState = State;
if (cFails > 3 || OldState.Lock) {
sleep(); // not too sophisticated, because they cant be awoken
cFails = 0;
Look for item in skiplist
return item if we found it
// to add the item to the list we need to lock it
// ABA lock uses a version number
if (!CAS(&State,OldState, NewState)) {
// if the thread gets preempted right here, the lock is left on, and other threads
// spinning would waste their entire time slice.
// unlock
OldState = NewState;
NewState.Lock = 0;
CAS(&State, OldState,NewState);
We expect the skiplist to usually find the item and only rarely have to add it. We rarely have a race to add, even with a lot of threads. We tested this with a worst case scenario consisting of lots of threads adding and searching for millions of items to a single list. The result is we rarely saw threads fail to get the lock. So the simple approach that is high performance for the expected case works for us. There is one bad thing that can happen - a thread gets preempted holding the lock. Thats when cFails > 3 catches this and sleeps waiting threads so we don't waste their timeslices with a million useless spins. So cFails is set high enough that it detects that the owner of the lock is not active.