joining scalar valued function to a table taking that column generated by SVF as in input - sql

i have scalar valued function which is called and it gives a new column values in the table, now I want to join this new column value to a column of new table which I have added as derived table in sql server 2005.

You can certainly use that function in a JOIN, something like this:
SELECT {fieldlist}
FROM {tablename} a
JOIN {tablename} b ON b.{fieldname} = dbo.{functionname}({parameters})
But, as Joe stated, a code sample would make this a bit less theoretical and more useful for the rest of the community.


Joining table A and table B, both having column1 as common

I have 2 tables - TableA and TableB. Both have column1 as common column.
But in TableA data in column1 is numeric like 201 and in TableB data in column1 is in words like two hundred one.
None of the other columns is common.
How can I join these tables? Can I use to_char(todate(column1,'j'),jsp) for TableA?
In Oracle it is possible using this to_char function, but in SQL you will need to write a function for this conversion and then pass this function in your query. One such example is number_to_string function found on this post.
Converting Numbers to Words in MYSQL result! Using Query
Using this function you can write a condition like
number_to_string(TableA.numValue) = TableB.stringValue in your JOIN to obtain the desired results.
First, it would be appropriate to have some function which convert integer to words, and then you can use standard join clause.
This link can help you
this link

using scalar function output in an update

Suppose I have a 2 column table with columns (arg, value) and a user-defined function foo.
Is there a way to have an update query that goes through the table and calls foo with argument arg and sticks the results in column value for every row in the table?
Assuming SQL Server the syntax is
Update YourTable
SET value =
It is often more efficient to not use scalar UDFs for Row by Row processing however. What is the scalar UDF doing?

integer Max value constants in SQL Server T-SQL?

Are there any constants in T-SQL like there are in some other languages that provide the max and min values ranges of data types such as int?
I have a code table where each row has an upper and lower range column, and I need an entry that represents a range where the upper range is the maximum value an int can hold(sort of like a hackish infinity). I would prefer not to hard code it and instead use something like SET UpperRange = int.Max
There are two options:
user-defined scalar function
properties table
In Oracle, you can do it within Packages - the closest SQL Server has is Assemblies...
I don't think there are any defined constants but you could define them yourself by storing the values in a table or by using a scalar valued function.
Setup a table that has three columns: TypeName, Max and Min. That way you only have to populate them once.
Scalar Valued Function
Alternatively you could use scalar valued functions GetMaxInt() for example (see this StackOverflow answer for a real example.
You can find all the max/min values here:
Avoid Scalar-Functions like the plague:
Scalar UDF Performance Problem
That being said, I wouldn't use the 3-Column table another person suggested.
This would cause implicit conversions just about everywhere you'd use it.
You'd also have to join to the table multiple times if you needed to use it for more than one type.
Instead have a column for each Min and Max of each Data Type (defined using it's own data type) and call those directly to compare to.
FROM SomeTable as ST
CROSS JOIN TypeRange as TR

How can I turn a column name into a result value in SQL Server?

I have a table which has essentially boolean values in a legacy database. The column names are stored as string values in another table so I need to match the column names of one table to a string value in another table. I know there has to be a way to do this directly with SQL in SQL Server but it is beyond me.
My initial thought was to use PIVOT but it is not enabled by default and enabling it would likely be a difficult process with pushing that change to the Production database. I would prefer to use what is enabled by default.
I am considering using COALESCE to translate the boolean value to the string that value that I need. This will be a manual process.
I think I will also use a table variable to insert the results of the first query into that variable and use those results to do the second query. I still have the problem that the columns are on a single row so I wish I could easily pivot the values to put the column names in the result set as strings. But if I could easily do that I could easily write the query with a sub-select.
Any tips are welcome.
Checkout Sysobjects and SysColumns in SQL Server. They are 2 SQL tables that gives you the names of the tables in your DB and the names of the columns that go with that table.
The system view INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS will also give you what you want.
You can build a SQL string and then execute that string as a query. Not the prettiest by any means but I think it would work the way you want it to. You would just use a cursor or while loop to build the string.
If you're comfortable with .Net you could just write your own stored proc in your language of choice and manipulate the data in code instead.
Heres a link to get started
CLR Stored Procedures
I'm not quite sure I understand how your design is currently put together (could you post an example?), but the information_schema.columns view will give you a table containing all the column names as string values. If you join your second table against that I think you'll probably get what you need.
For Example, i have a table STATEtbl having 3 columns and i want to get all the column names of this table as ROW values... i use the below query
Select as Columns from Syscolumns SC
Join Sysobjects SO On = SO.Id
where Object_name(SO.Id) = 'STATEtbl'
Result of the query:

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in ms access

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in msaccess ?
You can use sub queries
SELECT a,b,c INTO NewTable
FROM TheTable
WHERE a Is Null)
Like so:
INTO NewTable
FROM OldTable
First, create a table with the required keys, constraints, domain checking, references, etc. Then use an INSERT INTO..SELECT construct to populate it.
Do not be tempted by SELECT..INTO..FROM constructs. The resulting table will have no keys, therefore will not actually be a table at all. Better to start with a proper table then add the data e.g. it will be easier to trap bad data.
For an example of how things can go wrong with an SELECT..INTO clause: it can result in a column that includes the NULL value and while after the event you can change the column to NOT NULL the engine will not replace the NULLs, therefore you will end up with a NOT NULL column containing NULLs!
Also consider creating a 'viewed' table e.g. using CREATE VIEW SQL DDL rather than a base table.
If you want to do it through the user interface, you can also:
A) Create and test the select query. Save it.
B) Create a make table query. When asked what tables to show, select the query tab and your saved query.
C) Tell it the name of the table you want to create.
D) Go make coffee (depending on taste and size of table)
Select *
Into newtable
From somequery